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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

mimameid December 29th, 2015


Hi Jasmin! I'm glad you decided to come and visit here. i can totally relate to the whole anxiety dealing with health issues thing. I used to have it really bad to where just looking at a poster/brochure about a particular health issue could send me into a frenzy. Good that you're getting some help for that and I really hope it helps!

There is also a forum specifically for health anxiety here on 7cups and I hope you find it beneficial to you as well. :) We're here for you.

Kaylee December 24th, 2015


3hauna December 24th, 2015

I'm new here, I struggle a lot with anxiety, agoraphobia and depression(of some sorts) at the moment I'm going through one of the worst "episodes" I've been through in a while. I'm kind of just at such a loss and it would mean so much to talk to a fellow human who struggles with this.

CaringJoy December 27th, 2015

Hi @3hauna, I'm CaringJoy... a Listener at 7 Cups.

I can relate and would be delighted to talk. I'm on Eastern Standard Time. You can check out my Profile and let me know what's a good day & time for you to talk...
I hope you feel better. Thank you & Make it a great day!


Jim2772 December 29th, 2015

My name is Jim and I have suffered from depression and anxiety all of my life. It's been a long struggle and I am finding some peace after years of suffering. Experiencing horrible anxiety in the morning followed by some relief and then the headaches start. It's been my pattern for as long as I can remember. Trying to come to grips with this has been my challenge. I also self-medicated; abusing alcohol and prescription medication....anything to shut down the anxiety. I would like to explore why my anxiety is so bad instead of trying to escape it. I know it has some biological components, but something tells me it's some repressed memory of abuse and repressed feelings/memories going way back. The peace comes when I cry about it, gives me relief for a time and lightening the burden.Then I have to face the rising of another sun and the return of crippling anxiety. I try to keep in my mind that life is a miracle and try to have courage. I don't have all of the answers but I'm willing to take the journey to find understanding.

Brian737 December 29th, 2015


Hello Jim, I'm Brian and I can relate to your post. Anxiety is debilitating, I deal with that and panic attacks and Depression, although I kind of think they're all related(in my case)

ive thought about childhood trauma too, I can remember some incident vaguely when I was very young, I believe some guy that was drunk fell across my stroller and I remember feeling crushed and not being able to breathe, sounds kinda stupid.....but I'm trying to think of anything that would be a trigger, cause it's been a life long thing with me. Have you had any luck in finding a childhood cause? I've even thought of hypnotic regression if I could find someone. Anyway, just thought I'd say hello and wish you well in your recovery.


Jim2772 December 31st, 2015


Thank you for responding! I've been there with the panic attacks but there has been some improvement with it. Learning to know the duration of how long they last and trying to observe myself. It's a really challenging dealing with the powerful. I feel I'm going to get swept away at times.I don't really know how it relates to memories, but one thing comes to mind is drowning.

Brian737 December 31st, 2015


i think that a drowning experience would definitely be a factor in having panic attacks Jim.

it may be worth a try. Since I last messaged you I found a hypnotherapist near where I live and e-mailed him, he's going to call me in January to set up an appointment, I briefly explained my situation and symptoms in the e-mail and he believes he can help. At this point anythings worth a try. I'm glad your symptoms have lessened, however I'd still suggest getting help, my attacks reduced for years then a major stressor would send them through the roof.


wrthliving December 31st, 2015

How do you get into the chat, or meeting, rooms? I've seen things on the calendar I want to attend, and either nobody isn there, or I'm not in the room...?

starwarscatlady December 31st, 2015

Hey! My name is Taylor. When I get anxious I get angry and sad. I'll sometimes say bad things about myself or say something mean to someone I care about. It doesn't feel good. I care a lot about a lot of things, which can be stressful sometimes. When I was young my sister had more issues than I did and my parents paid more attention to her and kinda taught me that I wasn't as important as other people, because I don't have it as bad. To this day I feel anxious talking about myself and I often feel like I'm bothering people by just existing. (I don't blame my parents, it's not their fault, but it still affected me.)

But! I'm in love with movies, writing, and buying stuff that involves my fandoms.

huggerofcats March 27th, 2016

@starwarscatlady Hi, I get angry when I'm anxious, too. The two like to go hand in hand, which makes sense with the phrase "fight or flight." The person I'm closest to always has to take the blows when I'm angry, and all the emotions that are built up from past experiences seem to be let out on him. It's messing with our relationship, and it's definitely something I'm working on.

I also feel like I'm bothering people by existing, leaving me with constant overwhelming shame. It's a horrible feeling, and I'm so sorry you have to deal with it.

Hope you can finally get the help that you need! Wish you the best of luck.

TobyLinden December 31st, 2015

I have been to two psychologists but don't think they are very helpful. I like this site because it is free and lets me talk to others. I have been diagnosed with low level chronic depression and social anxiety. I am an introvert and perfectionist and have an OCD personality (not OCD disorder). I hate my life and feel like an underachiever. I have had a bad church experience (over controlling). My main disappointment in life is my lack of career succes despite having a college degree.

KazzieKat January 2nd, 2016

Hallo, I'm Kaz. I'm currently dealing with anxiety in pretty much every part of life. I'm totally overwhelmed by being the major breadwinner in a job and with a commute I hate. I can't switch to something I would enjoy because I need to earn enough to pay the bills and my partner can't work more as he has fibromyalgia. This means he can't/won't help much with household stuff so pretty much all the chores are down to me too. I also have a couple of health problems myself to manage. My relationship is not where I want to me, but I feel stuck as he tried to kill himself when I tried to leave before. I have parents who express their disapproval if I do anything they consider to be slightly odd. I'm such a disappointment to my father that he can't even bring himself to look at me! U don't have anyone to talk to, my friends are busy with their own problems and off if I try to talk; my family don't answer my messages. I don't know what I did to make them cut me off. My panic is starting to rise at having to go back to work on Monday. I'm sick of palpitations, feeling dizzy, migraines. I can barely get out of bed most days, I can't go sick as I won't get paid, which will make things worse. Just panicking, drowning, picking at my fingers to make them bleed. Think I might be falling apart.

Exist56 January 2nd, 2016

Hey all,

I've been dealing with anxiety for most of my life, but it's been really bad off and on since maybe 14/15. I'm 34 now and going through a MAJOR phase of anxiety as I'm trying to find a new job and dealing with a bit of a nightmare of a job that's left me feeling doubtful of myself, so lonely, exhausted, and constantly afraid that I'm going to be fired.

I've got serious social anxiety and while I've been able to cope in different ways (or at least 'get by' in the worst times) my old ways of coping aren't working at my age or stage of life. It's become a BIG hindrance to my life. I'm very lonely and afraid most of the time, for the past couple years especially. Family and friends seem to be moving on in their lives and I'm kind of stuck in a rut.

Things got extraordinarly terrible when my department was closed in my last job (graphic design) and I had to move back home with family at 33. After small jobs I had to take a job that is giving me more skills but it's not enough money to live on my own (especially after student loans, car payments, other bills), a long commute, long days, cold atmosphere, anxious environment. But I feel grateful to be working, I'm terrified of losing this job and the time it could take to secure something new (let alone something that pays well enough to . I want to move on in my career in my own terms and not let this bad situation/people break me. I feel so trapped.

Feels like I've missed a bus that everyone else knew was coming and I didn't have the notice or foresight.

I find myself ruminating over the past and future, because it's so very uncomfortable to be in the present. I'm afraid of missing what people say is the 'prime' of life due to this anxiety.

Tumb13weed January 3rd, 2016

@Exist56 I work in graphic design too! I'm much younger though. I relate to some of your issues. I occasionally find myself seeking comfort in the past of certainty in the future as well.

Do you freelance? Freelancing helps me a lot, both in terms of finance/reputation and distraction.

Exist56 January 3rd, 2016

@Tumb13weed Thanks for the reply!

What kinds/areea of graphic do you do work in?

I don't freelance, right now I don't have time, except on weekends.

I was doing mostly illustration for years with a little design here and there, but until my current job, I never was a full time designer, really. So I'm not so confident in my skills.

Tumb13weed January 4th, 2016


Regular graphic design and illustration, DTP, web frontend, the usual. I understand why you are wary of freelancing (I was pretty wary myself), but as long as you have some experience and do not mess up deadlines, you'll quickly build a good reputation for yourself. Clients don't care whether you're a full time designer or a fifteen-year-old tinkering in Photoshop as long as their work is done.

Exist56 January 5th, 2016

@Tumb13weed Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it. I'm currently working on getting into web design/front-end work. Do you haveadvivce on moving from print work to digital work?

I've been getting major anxiety attacks when I sit down to try to work. So I try to watch lectures, tutorials if I can't sit myself down. So the anxiety feeds this procrastination. It's difficult to present myself like a professional when I'm shaking inside (and sometimes physically).

You know how brutal other designers and art directors can be, it's like you're a complete moron if you make any mistakes.

Tumb13weed January 7th, 2016

@Exist56 I'm trying to make the same transition. Print to web. You'll need some knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS. w3schools has free tutorials (good ones!) of them all. That's a start.

And yes. Sometimes they don't appreciate what you do just because what you made just didn't click with them. But as long as you like what you're doing, what others think shouldn't always matter. There is no dearth of demand for designers. Make sure you know some things really, really well, and focus on them. Present more of such stuff in your portfolio. This friend of mine is an average designer but a brilliant illustrator, her portfolio contains more art than design. Point being, if it's your area of expertise, others cannot unsettle you, because you clearly know what you're doing.

theawkwardwallflower97 January 3rd, 2016

Hello, I am "The Awkward Wallflower". And I struggle with depression & Social Anxiety. Due to my childhood I have had a lot of anxiety about certain things. It's hard to discuss but I feel like I have this weight on me and I carry it around everywhere I go. When you see me , you see me as this Carefree, No Worries, Life-Loving girl. But when I'm alone all I feel is deep sadness, hurt , and confusion. People say "get a boyfriend, why don't you have a boyfriend". No one wants a Sociopath. I wonder why people say "don't worry things will get better, but I have been not worrying for years now and nothing has gotten better. I mean at first it seems like things are getting better but they alwaysngo back to the same way leaving my broken. I really like this app because It seems like it is very helpful and is free of judgment. Anyways I'm "The Awkward Wallflower" and this is part of my story.

(p.s. I'm not trying to sound cliché. Lol)

theawkwardwallflower97 January 3rd, 2016

Sorry for the words I may have misspelled.

Tumb13weed January 4th, 2016

@theawkwardwallflower97 Hey. That was nicely written. Thank you for sharing your story. I understand why you feel like you're carrying a weight. I personally believe it's mainly because the roots of your anxiety haven't been addressed.

And, things do get better over time. Be patient with yourself. Take care!

StonedHobbit January 4th, 2016

I started therapy about two and a half year ago when I was just 13 years old. Before I started with therapy I already fought more than one year with depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts. It has been very hard for me. After one year in therapy I took heart and to my therapist about my suicide tries. After the talk I was disappointed cause the therapist send me to the psychiatry where I had to stay for almost 3 months. I hated it there. Now I'm in therapy again but with a new therapist that I can't talk with about the real things that make me self harm and suicidal. That's why I'm here now.

StonedHobbit January 4th, 2016

I started therapy about two and a half year ago when I was just 13 years old. Before I started with therapy I already fought more than one year with depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts. It has been very hard for me. After one year in therapy I took heart and to my therapist about my suicide tries. After the talk I was disappointed cause the therapist send me to the psychiatry where I had to stay for almost 3 months. I hated it there. Now I'm in therapy again but with a new therapist that I can't talk with about the real things that make me self harm and suicidal. That's why I'm here now.

Tumb13weed January 4th, 2016

@StonedHobbit Hey. I'm sorry you've had to go through so much. I understand how you feel about being clear to your therapist. I do hope this site helps you. I'm sure you'll be fine over time. Hang in there, and take care. :-)

CaringBrit January 27th, 2016

@StonedHobbit hey welcome to 7 cups, glad you chose to join us here and i really hope this site helps you like it has many others including myself , im really sorry to hear you went through all that we are here for you :)

JumpingJade January 4th, 2016

I have been struggling with anxiety all my life. There were few moments in my life where I felt at ease and happy, which was accompanied by an almost constant worry, paranoia, and hectic lifestyle. All this led me to become physically very ill, from which I am trying ot recover. It's been 2 months of this debilitating illness. I never knew that a mental problem like anxiety could physically hurt me.

panthergirl7 January 27th, 2016

All I can say @JumpingJade is never give in to it, it doesn't own you, you own it.

I've been in the battle for 30 some years, yes it's hard, but it's worth fighting, I promise!

CaringBrit January 27th, 2016

@JumpingJade that must have been very tough im sorry to hear that , we are glad you are here on 7cups and we are here for you :)

MidnightKittyStar January 4th, 2016

indecision hi, I am not sure how to do this nor how to approach therapy or counseling in person due to my social anxiety so I have kept avoiding it. I know I am feeling lost and my specialist in college as well as my primary Doctor have told me to not quit therapy and to speak to someone but I still struggle with doing so even after I have started attending a mental health clinic which has prescribed me medication for both my anxiety and depression. I have dealt with anxiety and depression since childhood starting at age 5 and only actually started treatment recently about less than a year ago; I am now 28. So I guess since I haven't seen anyone for a good (long) while now for help I decided to try again on here.

Exist56 January 6th, 2016

@MidnightKittyStar Hi! I hear you. It's really hard to put yourself out there to a therapist/counselor, plus the time and money it takes to find a person you click with.
Hope you find what you need here!

CaringBrit January 27th, 2016

@MidnightKittyStar that mustnt have been very easy with the way you have social anxiety and sorry to hear that but im really glad you chose 7 cups , its a great site and we are here for you

thank you for sharing that as even speaking out and reaching out isnt easy either :)

Tallulahblue January 5th, 2016

Hey! I was diagnosed with anxiety and a couple other things about 6 years ago while I was in college. Being in the real world hasn't helped much. I've mostly been avoiding things. My seasonal depression makes things harder. I have a tendency to run away from things and kind of shut down because I'm on edge all the time. I'm trying really hard to be more consistent and put together. Here's hoping things get better this year.

CaringBrit January 27th, 2016

@Tallulahblue that cant be easy to live with im sorry to hear that and i really hope things improve for you

thanks for sharing and we are here for you :)

CaringJoy January 8th, 2016

Been there and done that so I can relate. If you need anxiety support you can view my profile and message me...


TobyLinden January 18th, 2016

I feel that the world is set up to favor only certain personalities, and obviously not mine- introverted, shy, perfectionist, socially anxious. I have a college degree but have only had low-level, menial jobs, mostly part-time for the past 30 years. I have low confidence and self-esteem. Of course, interviews are terrible. But I also need a specific marketable skill that is compatible with my personality. I feel hopeless, and don't know what course of study or action to pursue. I haven't been good in the past at making career decisions, and don't totally trust my own judgment.

CaringBrit January 27th, 2016

@TobyLinden im sorry to hear that , defiently not easy when you are socially anxious especially when it comes to looking for work

have you tried self employment that deals with people a lil less than working for someone else

thanks for sharing and we are defiently hee for you at 7 cups

CaringBrit January 27th, 2016

@TobyLinden im sorry to hear that , defiently not easy when you are socially anxious especially when it comes to looking for work

have you tried self employment that deals with people a lil less than working for someone else

thanks for sharing and we are defiently hee for you at 7 cups

CaringBrit January 27th, 2016

@TobyLinden im sorry to hear that , defiently not easy when you are socially anxious especially when it comes to looking for work

have you tried self employment that deals with people a lil less than working for someone else

thanks for sharing and we are defiently hee for you at 7 cups

huggerofcats March 27th, 2016

@TobyLinden It does seriously feel like the world is built for a certain type of person, and those who fall out of that ideal are more likely to struggle and be judged.

Best of luck to you!