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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

Wooooozy April 7th, 2016

@Eman1980 thank you so much for your feedback I really appreciate that. It's so hard for me to stay positive these days the attacks are weighing me down but I'm trying my best to hang in there . I don't want the demons to win. :(

Chellero28 April 7th, 2016

@Wooooozyim going thru the same thing...nervous all damn day

teagenlee April 7th, 2016

Hi, I'm Teagen. I'm 17 years old and I've had general anxiety disorder and clinical depression for 8 years. I'm on my second round of experimental antidepressants and second round of antianxiety medication. I've been to three doctors this month about getting me in to see a therapist and there has been no call. I'm really trying to get better since I've been pushing it off for years. I just got kicked out of school because of how much school I've missed. My anxiety and depression make it so hard to get out of bed. I self-harmed for 4 years and am now 2 years clean. Its starting to feel hopeless and I'm tired. I just moved out of my moms house and there is so much going on right noe its so hard to focus on what's important. Im exhausted. I just needed to feel not alone so I'm hoping this helps.

KLM3278 April 7th, 2016

@teagenlee Hi Tegan. You for sure are not alone!! I think you sound stronger than you might even realize. You keep fighting and you want to get better. I'm so sorry about having to leave school. Sometimes things like that turn out to be a blessing. You can rest and heal and then when you're ready you can go back to studies! :) Do you think you can try seeing a new counselor? Are your parents supportive? If not, there's options out there. I understand this battle, it sucks! I just want to encourage you and let you know you're not alone. God has great plans for you, and you have so many good and wonderful things ahead. Stay strong and don't quit fighting!! You're loved!!! I'll be praying for you and cheering you on!! :)

Justbreathe33 April 7th, 2016

Hi everyone!

I have PTSD and medical issues. I really don't want to talk yet but I'm working on getting my anxiety under control.

Fairybee April 7th, 2016

Hi everyone! I've had anxiety for just over 15 years now and had my first panic attacks a year or so ago, not fun! My brother has a disability & I help care for him. I love him to bits but it's always been tough & I was bullied at school because of his disability. To add to things, my Dad died of cancer 4 1/2 years ago. He was my absolute rock so that hit me pretty hard. I always feel like people are judging me because my life is different & I get really anxious in social situations as a result. I have got a bit better over time but hit bit of a wall recently. I'm hoping chatting on here will help. Thanks for reading :)

ZoMoney April 8th, 2016

Trying my best to be supportive

Chellero28 April 8th, 2016

I noticed something today....when i don't think about anxiety i don't feel it...I feel normal...but when I think about it.... It strikes!

safeandsoundta April 15th, 2016

@Chellero28 Focus on the things you can control in the present and take small steps to change or fix them. It's easier said than done, but be aware of your anxious thoughts, try not to dwell on the negatives, and try not to dwell on things that are out of your control.

houdini16409 April 23rd, 2016

@Chellero28 Me too but it is so hard to get off my mind. Today we were going to go out and have a fun relaxing day, but since I haven't been feeling well I'm worried about leaving the house in case I feel ill later this afternoon. What is wrong? I should be excited to go out and have fun

Erii April 15th, 2016

I'm Erii and I have suffered from anxiety and depression for... Well, I'm really sure how long. I was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder and ADD when I was 11 and went through years of what call "mental health hell" because I had horrible doctors who were less interested in talking to me and more interested in pushing pills. After about 5 years and a few docs later, I had enough and quit cold turkey on my meds (not something I reccomend doing, by the way). I spoke out to my counselor about it and she, plus my psychiatrist, agreed that I was possibly misdiagnosed and that as long as I agreed to continue therapy, the would support my decision. I did and it helped me more than any medication. Sadly, my parents who were financially supporting me got screwed by the economy and lost their jobs, thus losing the insurance I was on in the process. So, I've been coping alone for a while and things were pretty great until about 3 years ago when I was raped by my ex-partner. I'm out of that situation now but my anxiety and depression has reached an all time low and it is getting harder to pick myself back up.

indigoWater8024 April 18th, 2016

Hi all, I'm Jemma. I suffer from GAD and depression as well as a tad of OCD. I think I've been an anxious person ever since I was a kid but depression struck when I was about 13 just starting high school. I took the plunge and went to my dr about 1 1/2 years ago and I am now on antidepressants and I area psychologist once a month. I've found that the more I'm open about my anxiety the more I realise how many other ppl too suffer with it. I use to be ashamed of it (and at times I still am) but I'm learning how to live with it. It's been an interesting journey so far.

Clouder April 23rd, 2016

@indigoWater8024 Hi Jemma, welcome to 7 Cups of Tea. It's great that you've started your journey towards healing and I hope you find our community helpful :)

houdini16409 April 23rd, 2016

hi! My name is Leanne, totally new to the community and I am loving it so far! Right now I'm dealing with a lot of health anxiety. Ive had many health issues and every time I feel a pain I start to panic and have really bad attacks. This stinks! I hate feeling bad like this :-(

Clouder April 23rd, 2016

@houdini16409 Hi Leanne, welcome to 7 Cups of Tea. I'm glad to hear you're loving it so far. Panic attacks are awful. Please know that you're not alone here. Many of us in the anxiety support community have experienced panic attacks and we're all here to help one another :) I hope you continue to find 7 Cups of Tea helpful on your path to recovery.

houdini16409 April 23rd, 2016

@Clouder Thank you. I really feel just not like a normal person, and it gets so frustrating!

Clouder April 24th, 2016

@houdini16409 I hear you. It's okay to be frustrated and even disheartened. Try not to be too hard on yourself though, eh? :)

houdini16409 April 26th, 2016

@Clouder I try! I like to challenge myself, sometimes too much! I blame my crafts and creativity lol

garnet2019 April 29th, 2016

@houdini16409 Hey Leanne! Welcome.

safeandsoundta May 9th, 2016

@houdini16409 Hello Leanne,

As @Clouder said, many of us in this community have dealt with panic attacks. We know how you feel! My only advice to you is to find coping methods that work and remember, it's okay to reach out for help! Don't overdo it if you know you may face an anxiety or panic attack. Prevention is good for your health! I wish you the best of luck with your journey here! :) You're gonna be okay.

carrottoes April 23rd, 2016

Hello friends. As far as I can remember, I've always been an anxious child. I've forgotten what it's like to be calm. I feel like I'm stuck in a spider web, the more I struggle, the more stuck I become.

houdini16409 April 23rd, 2016

@carrottoes I totally understand. I feel really stuck too, and sometimes I just don't know where to turn. I feel like I'm fighting this battle on my own

carrottoes April 25th, 2016

@houdini16409 as cliché as it is, you're not alone in this. It is easy to let ignorance stay, but it is easier to banish it.

Clouder April 24th, 2016

@carrottoes Welcome to the anxiety support community here at 7 Cups of Tea. I think your analogy captures the experience of anxiety really well... For me at least, half the battle is knowing what to struggle against and what to accept. I hope you'll find our community supportive and helpful :)

carrottoes April 25th, 2016

@Clouder likewise. Thank you :)

safeandsoundta May 9th, 2016

@carrottoes Hello there,

I know how you feel. It stinks how anxiety can control you/your life like that! I wish you the best of luck in your journey. You will find ways to cope and control your anxiety so it is not totally debilating to your daily life. Remember you are not alone and hope is within reach! :)

KayleeNicole April 26th, 2016

Hi. Im Kaylee and I'm new. When I was a child I was always "shy" but as I've gotten older this "shy" child has grown into more of a social anxious teenager. I find it quite horrifying to interact with people actually, and it's sorta embracing at times how much it affects my life. It feels like a million pounds on my back sometimes but I'm working to get though it.

Clouder April 26th, 2016

Hi @KayleeNicole, welcome to 7 Cups of Tea. Social anxiety can feel like a heavy load to bare, but you don't have to go through it alone. We have some really caring and supportive teen listeners here, so I hope you get to connect with someone who can help :)

safeandsoundta May 9th, 2016

@KayleeNicole Hi Kaylee. Welcome to the Anxiety Support Community! Remember we are here for you and have faced similar issues. You will get rid of that burden resting on your back and learn to have better control over the social anxiety you face. Just be patient and diligent. :)

MadamR3d April 26th, 2016

I'm a 24 year old. Social anxiety and worried. College student.

Clouder April 26th, 2016

Hi @MadamR3d, welcome to 7 Cups of Tea. College can be pretty stressful, so it often brings issues like social anxiety to the fore. You're certainly not alone here! I hope your college has some good student support services and that you'll find 7 Cups of Tea helpful as well :)

safeandsoundta May 9th, 2016

@MadamR3d Hello there,

College can definitely be stressful and increase your anxiety levels. As a college sophomore (soon-to-be junior), I've experienced tons of anxiety. I feel your pain and understand your worries. However, don't hesitate to reach out on here through listeners, group chats, and forums in this Anxiety Support Community!

Robin74 April 26th, 2016


I have severe depression and recently lost my job and in the process of losing some who is my rock.

It feels like it is the end of the world any everyone is judging you but it gets better, I've been told, haven't gotten there myself yet but I know its there.

Clouder April 26th, 2016

Hi @Robin74, welcome to 7 Cups of Tea. Sorry to hear about your job and the prospect of losing someone close to you, those are two pretty major challenges for life to throw your way. Even when it feels as if everyone is judging you, I hope you'll find 7 Cups of Tea to be a place of acceptance and support. We want this to be a kind and caring, judgment-free place :)

AnimationGirl April 26th, 2016

Hi I'm Nikki, 25, and diagnosed with mild depression, anxiety/OCD.

I had my first panic attack at 21, and it's been steadily getting worse. I was not "officially" diagnosed with OCD, because the symptoms get "lost" because of other chronic medical conditions.

Kinda sucks when you want help because you hurt yourself due to a compulsion and your doctor says it's because of another condition...especially since the compulsion is new and you've dealt with the other condition since early childhood. I'm still seaking another opinion but it's an interesting ride...

I'm also an artist! I like to draw and read as well.

I'm liking 7 cups so far...glad to know I'm not crazy about my own mental health.

sammyb122 April 26th, 2016

Hi guys!:)

My names Sam and my anxiety has been going through the roof recently, im 17 and although some people say i seem out going i really struggle, for example i always feel like im being looked at, and if no one replies i feel like the world has turned against me :( this seems like a cool place so hopefully it'll get better!!!!:)

Clouder April 28th, 2016


Hi Sam, welcome to 7 Cups of Tea. You're right, it's a cool place :) It's possible to be extroverted and to have social anxiety, so perhaps you really are outgoing, despite the anxiety. Regardless of what people say, in the end it's your choice or journey to discover who you are, or decide how you want to be. I hope you find 7 Cups of Tea can help you along the way.

KLM3278 April 27th, 2016

Horrible anxiety this past week and today was real bad! I saw my counselor and couldn't stop fidgeting and crying. He was nice as usual and says its normal. I hate it though. I wish it would just go away already.

Banshi April 27th, 2016

Hi, I'm new here.

I hope I won't make too many mistakes in my posts, but I'm not English so I'm sorry.

I don't know when this anxiety started, but years ago I had my first panic attack and every year, on spring, I relieve that awful moments.

I fear anything beside my routine, I'm scared of dying if I do something new and I realise it's silly, but I can't help myself.

I'm trying to win against this anxiety, I force myself to do things even when all I can think about is fear, but I feel alone in this battle against myself, I know I can't count on myself right now and all I wanna do is cry.

I'm searching for a place where I can find support, I hope I found it here.

Semloh April 28th, 2016

Hi I'm Bailey, I struggle with anxiety.. Especially socially and in school. Has kinda progressed into self loathing and negativity these past few weeks and just wanted to get to know some people who can relate and get advice.

Thanks :)