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Weekly Prompt #11: Do you think there are certain personality types that are more prone to feeling misunderstood or dismissed?

ASilentObserver June 21st, 2023

Hello everyone, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week.

Before we start this week's discussion, thank you, and congratulations to everyone!! Anxiety Community grew up and now we have 60,028 friends. Having 60K friends reflects how we are all not alone in experiencing anxiety and we all having a harder time. Let's continue working together, sharing and empowering each other to get better at tackling anxiety. Thank you everyone for joining Anxiety Support.

Last week we discussed: Have you ever felt like your anxiety was misunderstood or dismissed by someone close to you? Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you.

It was a great discussion and it made me think to discuss it a bit further this week as well.

This week's prompt: Do you think there are certain personality types that are more prone to feeling misunderstood or dismissed?

I believe we all experienced dismissal or being understood at one or another point in life. But, I wonder if there is a specific personality that seems to be experiencing it more than others and what is the reason or cause that makes one experience it? Please remember that you're not alone. Let's discuss our emotions and experiences and support each other. Anxiety can be really challenging but I am glad we are trying to talk about it.

Join us in the Anxiety Support Chat every Monday and Tuesday!


akay06 June 21st, 2023

No, I don’t believe in the personality types. It’s a massive, massive oversimplification and just a false label for people.

Clio9876 June 21st, 2023


I agree, to a degree. I think personality types can be useful but should be treated with caution. I've read some research where the behaviours used to define a personality for me don't match the label. For example something a researcher might label as assertive, seems to me to be aggressive or bullying behaviour.

However, I do believe that there are some sections of society who might struggle with anxiety being dismissed more than others. Cultures where young men are expected to be tough, for example. Children who are supposed to have no cares in the world. The rich or famous.

akay06 June 21st, 2023

Sections of society like men or wealth are not personality types and this is exactly what I mean: complete oversimplification.

ASilentObserver OP June 24th, 2023

@Clio9876 I hear personality types can be complex. What feelings come up for you around this subject? Thank you for bringing up some great points for discussion. It is helpful.

toughBlueberry September 12th, 2023


Assertive can be when you can stand up to someone powerful and get back what's yours. Bullying can be you don't have the courage to stand up to someone powerful but can easily assert power over someone weak.

ASilentObserver OP June 24th, 2023

@akay06 I hear you have strong feelings about personality types. What makes you feel so strongly this way? Could you please share more of your thoughts on this?

akay06 August 12th, 2023

Because there is no such thing as personality types. You cannot label someone personality.

Barltik2065 June 21st, 2023


I tend to agree with @Akay06 that it is generalized, but I don't think it was intended to be anything more than that.

Whilst that, I do think there is a difference ....

As in example: Would an anxiety from a extrovert versus introvert. Now there might be a level of misunderstanding

ASilentObserver OP June 24th, 2023

@Barltik2065 I understand there seem to be different perspectives in the discussion. You made some really good points and I hear you on the misunderstanding part.

Lilac4Roses June 30th, 2023

I think that introverts and anxiety are misunderstood. I know I have a harder time expressing myself.

ASilentObserver OP July 4th, 2023

@Lilac4Roses I can relate with you roses. That can make connecting with others challenging. What impacts does this have on your day to day life?

RainbowRosie June 30th, 2023


Do you think there are certain personality types that are more prone to feeling misunderstood or dismissed?

I feel that those with a more introverted personality may lean towards feeling misunderstood or dismissed. It’s difficult to be sure as it’s just my point of view of course. It’s interesting to read what others think on the subject.

ASilentObserver OP July 4th, 2023

@RainbowRosie It's understandable that introverted personalities may feel misunderstood at times. What makes you reflect on this subject?

RainbowRosie July 4th, 2023


I myself have been made to feel ‘not as good as..’ because I have a more introverted personality. This can sometimes work against me as I quietly get in with things. Thanks for asking.

RainbowRosie July 5th, 2023


get on with things*

reservedCup8473 July 1st, 2023

Yes, some people are more happy go lucky otherd are more prone to worry.

ASilentObserver OP July 4th, 2023

@reservedCup8473 That's understandable. What feelings come up for you as you reflect on this?

purpleTree4652 July 4th, 2023


Hi, ASO,

I have no idea.

Supernova880 July 4th, 2023


I think that certain personality types are misunderstood and dismissed. I've been the person who is always outgoing and making people laugh and smile. Me being depressed or having sad feelings is dismissed and I'm expected to only be my happy self around others. This is the reason why I find to share my feelings with others or express my other hidden emotions.

ASilentObserver OP July 5th, 2023

@Supernova880 It's difficult when others dismiss or overlook parts of who you are. What feelings arise for you when you think about sharing more of yourself with others? You have a right to feel however you feel. I hear the desire to be seen and understood more fully.

Supernova880 July 5th, 2023


Thanks for responding with your kind and wise words!!

I generally find it hard to open up to others, the anxiety always comes up that I won't be understood or I'd be judged. But then this might be the case for everyone of us but for me it is even for the simplest of things. Ik weird 😁

Btw nice username, ik them observers are the insightful kind

ASilentObserver OP September 11th, 2023

@Supernova880 I hear you, Nova. It's understandable to feel anxiety about opening up to others or feeling judged. Your feelings are valid. Please know you're not alone in experiencing vulnerability - connecting with others often involves risks, but also opportunities for deeper understanding.

BorderlineAwesome August 11th, 2023

When I hear personality type I think “DSM-5” personality types- paranoid, schizoid, antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, avoidant, dependent, and obsessive compulsive.

That being said I feel they are all equally misunderstood. These personality types have a negative connotation therefore it’s difficult for most people to enter a relationship without some form of judgement.

As an individual with BPD I personally feel that my own loved ones don’t understand me at times. I was not formally diagnosed until the age of 30 and up til that point I was the “eccentric, overly sensitive, manipulative girl with a rollercoaster of emotions”.

It was not until I was diagnosed that I began to understand why I do the things I do. All and all it boils down to genetics and survival. I have ADHD as well…so my brain is wired a little different.

Point being:

I was not taught how to regulate my emotions or maintain relationships. I was not taught how to navigate problems. I did not understand myself…so how was anyone else supposed to understand me.

Without knowing and understanding the disorder and how if shows up for an individual it’s hard to remain free of judgement and criticism, even to oneself.


ASilentObserver OP September 11th, 2023

@BorderlineAwesome Thank you for sharing your experience, Awesome. It sounds like not understanding yourself for so long created much difficulty in relationships. I can understand how challenging it must have been to feel misunderstood. Beyond labels, what have you learned about yourself that has helped you navigate relationships in a kinder way?

You're right that understanding each other fully takes effort, but also compassion. I'm glad you're continuing to learn about yourself.

WinterRose9 August 11th, 2023

@ASilentObserver I believe that there are certainly personality types that do often misunderstand a lot and those with INFJ-T tend to dig deeper into things and fully grasp at things then most other personalities do. Which is why INFJ-T's are usually the most outcasted personality do to being too intuitive, and causes majority of people to flee.

ASilentObserver OP September 11th, 2023

@PhoenixButterfly97 Thank you for opening up, butterfly. It sounds like feeling out of place bothers you deeply. What's it like for you when others don't understand your perspective?

WinterRose9 September 11th, 2023

Actually it empowers me more because standing in place amongst the crowd is boring, why play matching when you be the crazy sock person everyday😂. Sometimes, it can be alittle irritating because I become flustered but then I remind myself that everyone thinks at different rates

ASilentObserver OP September 11th, 2023

@PhoenixButterfly97 That's good to hear. It sounds like being your unique self and standing out from the crowd in your own way empowers you. What matters most is that you feel comfortable being who you are. You are self-aware that different people have different paces - it's admirable that you are able to remind yourself of that.

V0idwalk3r August 12th, 2023

@ASilentObserver I believe that the more that you understand about the world, the more misunderstood that you are by the general public. I don't think that it has much to do with personality type, although I'm sure some personality types are more curious than others. The outsider is the person who has considered everyone else's path and still chose to forge their own. It is a lonely and isolated endeavor, but someone must be brave enough to scout the unknown.

ASilentObserver OP September 11th, 2023

@V0idwalk3r It sounds like exploring the unknown and forging your own path is meaningful to you. What insights have you gained through choosing this path less traveled?

V0idwalk3r September 14th, 2023

@ASilentObserver Yes, I choose to forge my own path because I do not see much point in following those who have already been explored. To each their own though.

My personal insights have been those of a spiritual nature. Radical acceptance -- seeing everyone as different parts of myself and removing labels accordingly. Labels create separation, and separation is the opposite of love. I choose love over everything else.

ASilentObserver OP September 14th, 2023

@V0idwalk3r Thank you for sharing your insights. It seems you have given much thought to how we can move through this world with more compassion. Your view on removing labels and seeing our shared humanity resonates with me. <3

mish3l August 12th, 2023

Hi! I don't know about personality types but I think HSPs are prone to get misunderstood. It happens to me too often that people don't understand why I react this way and they usually think it's too much.

And when you tell them you're a sensitive person, some of them throw "Well I'm sensitive too and I'm not XYZ " back at you, sometimes they add a face-palm or an eyes rolling.

ASilentObserver OP September 11th, 2023

@mish3l It sounds like being highly sensitive can sometimes lead to feelings of misunderstanding. You mentioned people sometimes react by saying they are sensitive too without the same experience - it comes across that truly being heard and validated is important to you. You are not alone in your experiences. How does it make you feel when others are not as understanding of your sensitivity?

AutiBoy September 9th, 2023

Short answer No

No, I think even in personality types everyone everyone is different. Everyone is so different so not one particular group will be more likely. Also, I believe it depends on the people you are around. It's those around you that should try to understand.

ASilentObserver OP September 11th, 2023

@AutiBoy Thank you for sharing your perspective. It sounds like you feel people are complex and unique individuals, not defined by groups. How does this outlook affect you?

AutiBoy September 13th, 2023

I believe I am very accepting and understanding because of the way look at people as all different. It's also made me less tolerant of those who see people as not normal and boxing/labelling people.

ASilentObserver OP September 14th, 2023

@AutiBoy It seems being accepting and understanding of differences is important to you. You seem focused on valuing each person.

OnlyDarkness September 10th, 2023

@ASilentObserver Absolutely SilentObserver 100% Guaranteed or your money Back🤑🤗.

ASilentObserver OP September 11th, 2023

@OnlyDarkness Lol, thank you darkness. What were your experiences? I look forward to listening to them.