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A Bittersweet Goodbye

Kate March 22nd, 2019

Dearest 7 Cups Community,

Its with mixed feelings that I am officially announcing that my time as Community Manager here at 7 Cups will be ending. I was offered an exciting new role with another organization and have accepted. My last day here as Community Manager will be next Friday, March 29th.

My time here over the past year and a half has been exciting, challenging and extremely rewarding. Ive learned so much from all of you and have valued leading the group support rooms and teen community. The one constant with 7 Cups is that things are constantly changing and evolving. Change can be hard to deal with and its ok to be scared or unsure. I am leaving you in good hands with @Laura, @Jill7Cups and @Heather225 (and Tuna).

Here is my advice and (unsolicited) wisdom:

- Approach change with an open mind and remember that nothing is set in stone and everyones feelings are valid, even when you may disagree.

- Be nice to everyone. You never know what someone is going through on the other side of the computer or phone screen.

- Be patient with the Community Managers. They see you and they care about you even if they dont answer your PM as fast as they would like to.

- Its ok to take time for self-care. I mean it. Go outside. Your roles will be here when you come back.

- No Cupsing in class.

Even after next Friday, I will still have access to this account so please stop by and say hi sometimes, send me a silly cat photo or a llama-related item you happen to come across.


- Kate/LovelyLlama

Update from Jill: here is the compilation of going away messages that I shared in the surprise hug parties, if you didn't get a chance to add yours you can add it as a comment below.

lovelyWhisper66 March 23rd, 2019

@Kate Oh my gosh, as shocking as this is, congrats on your new role! Thank you so much for all your support and dedication. It was a pleasure getting to know you. Best of luck with your future endeavors! ❀️

HopieRemi March 25th, 2019

I am happy you found an opportunity that is good for you. @Kate

RumpleSteeleSkin March 26th, 2019

@Kate aawww Hun😭

I so enjoyed you here and our talks. I love the warmth and energy you brought with you. I know your passionate on mental health so I know where your going to bring them awesome saucelove you hun


RideaRainbow March 27th, 2019


All the best Kate. Will remember our initial association with great fondness and then you got too busy....

HealingSinthia March 29th, 2019


Hey, we never really interacted personally, but i felt happy to have you here for your Wonderful efforts. You might not recieve the appreciation posts a lot, but still i would let you know that 7cups community loves you for your dedication and infinite efforts here. I dont wish you a goodbye, rather i wish u a better start. May you grow each day. Lots of loving vibes!!!

Healing hugs πŸ€—πŸ€—

ReallyRuth March 29th, 2019


Sorry to see you go. Congratulations and thank you.

AbbyHarris1976 March 29th, 2019


(I hope I didnt get to this too late 😱)

I dont think weve posted together much but its likely youve seen my forum and feed posts all over 7 Cups! πŸ˜€ Thank you for making 7 Cups what its been for me - an online supportive family! πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

krispykitty12 March 29th, 2019

@Kate omg! This is so shocking! I have super enjoyed working with you and wish you all the best!!!! Your awesome

- Brooke <3

RexyStewart March 30th, 2019


I don't know you personally, or much at all cause I just joined, but I hope you do good at your new job. You seem to be loved here from what I see people saying in the replies, so good luck to you, hope you enjoy it (you probably will), and yeah. Thanks for being a nice person here for all these people who need someone to be there for them.

TheLady17 March 30th, 2019

@Kate Congratulations!! I haven't been here very long but, I'll miss you

delightful95 March 31st, 2019

@Kate thank u for being a part of this community. Good bye😊

Laura March 22nd, 2019


Thank you so much for your incredible contributions to our community. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you and we will all miss you greatly. It has been fun to grow alongside you on the incredible journey that is 7 Cups. You will always have a home here with us and I wish you the best of luck on your new step!

Thank you!

Power March 22nd, 2019

Thank you for all you have done to make the community better.

Kate OP March 23rd, 2019

@Power Back at you Batman.

Tazzie March 22nd, 2019

Thank you Kate for your remarkable and valuable contributions! It was an honor to have you as our Community Manager.

TheSnow March 22nd, 2019


Thanks for everything that you have done for us and the community what You have done we all really appreciate you and hope that you have a good path ahead and best of luck.

AffyAvo March 22nd, 2019

It's been great having you here Kate. Best of luck with the new organization!

Heather225 March 22nd, 2019


Working alongside you has been an honor. Your guidance has helped me more than you may even know. Youre a radiant human being whose impact on Cups has been nothing short of inspirational. Thank you for everything.

fluffyUnicorns84 March 22nd, 2019

Wow what a journey it has been, you have achieved so much in your time here and its been a pleasure to work with you and you have allowed me to grow so much with your guidance, you are my kate and no one will be able to replace you. I cannot say that I am happy to hear this news and will miss you lots and lots ! Though exciting times for the journey ahead and i know you will rock your next role - they better realise who they are employing though and treat you as the Queen LLama you are . Don't be a stranger !

Hope March 22nd, 2019

@Kate it is indeed a bittersweet good-bye. I understand that there comes a time when one must move on but for some reason we never really expect that to actually happen. It saddens me to see you leave your role because you did a really group job at it! I guess thats one way you know how well you did? Its not just the fact that you did a great job, its also the reality that you are a great person to be around, very approachable and proactive. Wherever you move next, they are lucky to have you and they will soon find out! I am glad that we have a way to reach you in case there is urgent illama gif to share. Thank you for your work, your kindness, all the love and all the good times!

March 22nd, 2019

@Kate the journey you have taken our community on over your time as Community Manager has been one that has touched so many lives and grown our community in ways that would have never been possible without you. Youre right, change is constant. Its is through your leadership that we have been able to adjust to many of the changes our community has seen over the last while.
You have been an incredible leader and role model to so many of us. You have taught us that work can be fun. That change is okay and positive. That tough times dont last and that through teamwork we can achieve anything. You have taught us to value every effort and contribution and that we all have something of value to share.
While hearing this news is hard I am extremely excited for your next adventure and they are very lucky to have you. This may be a hard time but if you have taught us anything it is that nothing is impossible. You have set us up for success and for that we are all extremely grateful.
Working with you has been an amazing experience. You have given me skills and experience I will take with me wherever I go. Thank you for motivating and inspiring me to always do the best I can and take care of myself while I do it. Thank you for being so dedicated and passionate about a community we all love.
Im so glad to hear youre still be around yay!
Goodluck with this next chapter and I hope it brings you nothing but happiness heart

MonBon March 22nd, 2019


Kaaaate! I, of course, am shooketh to see that you are stepping away from CM, but I would be remiss if I didn't stop by and say how proud of you I am!

You came into 7 cups and changed it for the better. You are a wonderful CM and an overall wonderful person. Your speedy response time is a force to be reckoned with!

But change is not always bad. It's okay to be amazing in one place and decide you want to move on to another. Just as 7 cups has immensely benefited from your presence, I know this and all future organizations will be equally blessed to have you. And, lucky for us, you are not leaving entirely <3 just changing forms.

It will always be a pleasure to see you around the site, and I will for sure sneak into your pms every once in a while.

Above all else, remember:

Erato March 22nd, 2019

@Kate I didn't see this coming. I'm speechless. I don't want to be sad because you're gonna be venturing in a new role in another organization and that just means that you're exploring things and extending yourself to others who may need your helping hand. This just shows how dedicated you are to spreading mental health awareness.

I cannot thank you enough for the guidance, mentoring, patience, understanding and tolerance of me. I truly appreciate you for that. Your quick replies still never fail to amaze me. In fact, I might PM you after posting this haha just remember that you're Katellama and you're irreplaceable. The things you've done for our community especially in the teen community and group support community have left a great impact to the teens and group support room regulars here on 7cups.

SoulfullyAButterfly March 22nd, 2019

@Kate A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Thank you for your exemplary contributions to the 7 Cups Community - they will serve as excellent inspiration to all of us, forever.

Wishing you the best in your upcoming journey, and know that we shall always keep you in mind when GIF-ing

Your wings already exist, all you need to do is fly!

summertimeSamness March 22nd, 2019


I'm feeling sappy (sad & happy)

I'm happy that you get to follow your dreams and move on to a new adventure that you are super passionate about! I'm happy that your new place gets to see how wonderful you are too! I'm happy that you were a CM on 7cups for the time you were here because without it I don't think I would be here either! You've helped me through lots of struggles and growth moments.

I'm sad because you will be missed on 7cups in your roles and it's just always sad to see someone say good bye even though I know you will still have your account up

I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do on 7cups and all the work you do in other spaces to bring mental health awareness! Thank you for always leading by positive example and encouraging me to grow through every situation.

You know the concept of ecological footprint? The one where people are concious of the environmental impact they leave behind and how it trickles down and impacts every system below it? I see your mental health awareness footprint like that! How you always try to leave behind a legacy of zero judgment, tolerance, kindness, and compassion for everyone. I know sometimes i fail but I will try to do the same in all my actions as well.

Thanks for being part of my recovery story and time here on 7cups! Your community leadership and mentorship will be missed but your impact will not be forgotten <3<3<3

My fortune cookie from Panda Express yesterday :P I think maybe it was trying to tell me something was coming XD

SupportSloth March 22nd, 2019

I... I'm so shocked, I can barely think of words, but here it goes....

You are literally one of the most incredible people I know. You gave me hope when I didn't have any, you gave me a reason to stay here when I felt unwanted, you supported me when I had no-one else to turn to. You went above and beyond what you were ever expected to do for anyone.

When I felt most lost on here, you were there, you took me under your wing and guided me into a community, you supported me and gave me opportunities I would never have expected, your support literally gave me a new path on here, a purpose. When I decided that that path wasn't right, you accepted it, you supported me with creating my own path, a new path where I could focus on my passion. Whilst anyone else would have been frustrated with me, you supported me so much, you stood by me and it has honestly felt like you have been cheering me on from the side, giving me more and more drive.

As much as I want you here, need you here, I feel so incredibly proud of you. You had an amazing journey before Cups, you have impacted so many lives and made such a difference here on Cups, and I am sure whatever your next adventure is you will do amazingly, you deserve so much happiness and joy in life, and I hope everything that happens in your future brings that for you. Keep following your dreams and your passion, anyone you bump into in life is extremely lucky to have met you.

I think a massive relief was seeing that you will still have your account, and I sincerely hope that we will still see you around, even just once in a while.

I can't thank you enough, and I am struggling to say the things I want to say, but please know you mean literally everything to me, and I will remember you, and everything you have done for me forever.

Anyway, now I've fought back the tears whilst writing it, i'mma go cry :')

Thankyou, and best of luck for the future

-- Spectrum

Kate OP March 23rd, 2019

@SpectrumForHope I have indeed been cheering you on from the sidelines and will continue to do so!

SupportSloth March 23rd, 2019


*massive hugs*

AnyaS March 22nd, 2019

@Kate, Its taken me as long as it has to reply to this, because I simply could not find the words that would completely do you justice in this goodbye. I still dont believe that I have been able to find all the words even now, but nevertheless Im going to try as hard as I can to get as close as possible.

From the moment you became part of our community, you radiated like a bright sunshine. I still remember, like it was yesterday, my first message to you. I cant even explain to you how exciting it was to think that you would be the Teen Community Manager here. What pleasantly surprised me the most, was your absolute willingness to learn from every single member of the community and to make sure that we all knew how valuable we are in this community. You truly encompass all the wonderful qualities that creates an amazing leader.

From then on, time has felt like a blur. I have learned an incredible amount of things from you, from being a true advocate for mental health, to the importance of prioritising yourself, to recognizing the power I have within me, to embracing life and braving through everything that is thrown my way, and much more. There are countless things that you have taught me in your time at 7 Cups, and I could never even get close to naming them all, but they will forever remain wonderful lessons and sweet memories to look back on and to remember.

However, the one thing that I cannot afford to let slide by without mentioning, is the biggest lesson that I have learned in my life by far, thanks to you. This has shaped me into the person I am today, it has become my life my motto; what I live by every single day. This truly gives me the strength that I need to continue waking up every day and do my best, no matter what Im facing. And that is to Be Brave. Two words that you spoke to me during one of the hardest times in my life, which have an incredible amount of meaning behind them of which their significance could never be properly explained in words. All I know, is that these two words are what are giving me the strength to even write this reply, one that has felt so incredibly impossible. These two words have given me so much courage in my recovery and through my own mental health journey, and I cant thank you enough for supporting me through that every step of the way. Thank you for showing me how brave I am, even when I could not see it myself. Thank you for showing me the amount of strength that I have within me to own my recovery journey and to make the best of my life regardless of the cards that I have been dealt.

I feel like I have become the leader that I am today because of your continuous guidance and support. You have helped me grow in so many ways that I could never forget, and have taught me so many lessons about being a leader along the way, not only on 7 Cups, but also in my own life. You have showed me the true meaning of kindness, patience, caring and true understanding. Every day has been a blessing to have someone like you in my life. You have showed me that there is hope in this world, that we can truly change the world for the better, one day at a time. I will carry all these things with my throughout the rest of my life, for they are essential in building a kinder world.

While writing this reply has not come without tears and sadness, I know that you are moving on to a wonderful opportunity in your career, and your future colleagues are so incredibly lucky to have someone as hardworking, committed and inspiring by their side. I know for certain that you will continue to move others and inspire them in your future journeys as you have with me, and the field of mental health will forever be marked by the huge positive impact that you continue to make through your advocacy.

Whatever happens, I know that we can always look down at our necklaces and I will remember all the wonderful memories that we have created and all the empowering lessons that you have taught me. Perhaps if its meant to be, one day our paths shall cross again as we both continue to advocate in the field of mental health. This world truly is a better place with you in it <3

Be Brave,

Your Anyallama heart


Tam33 March 22nd, 2019


Just wanted to say thank you for your hard work you did, and all the countless hours you spent on this community! May the lord bless you in ways that you can never imagine.

CranberryPineapples March 23rd, 2019


I don't really have words for how sad this makes me. I will say that I feel like your last point was mainly directed to me as I cups in class the most. I will be good about not cupsing in class even after you've left. I hope you still continue to drink 7 cups of tea a day (microwave tea doesn't count. Please invest in a kettle). I will continue to drink 7 cups a day in your honor. Thank you for everything you have done for me personally and for the community as a whole. 7 cups and especially the teen side won't be the same without you. I hope you do amazing at your new job. I can't thank you enough for answering all my obscure questions all the time including the weekend. I will always say hi and check on your tea drinking anytime I see you around the site. My one request that I hope you can fulfill is that you try to be online October 22nd for my aging up. You're forcing me to grow up so I want you to be there for it. You've been such a huge part of my journey here on cups and I'm sure you've been a part of everyone's journey in some way. Thank you thank you thank you for making 7 cups what it is today. You will be missed so much. 7 cups will always be your home heart

Kate OP March 23rd, 2019

@CranberryPineapples 7 cups a day. No more. No less.

CranberryPineapples March 23rd, 2019


You can never have too much tea, but 7 is the minimum. Real tea though not microwave tea

ChloeW10 March 23rd, 2019

Dear, @Kate

I would like to begin by thanking you from the deepest depths of my heart for not only all of the incredible and hard work that you have done for the 7 Cups of Tea community, but also for helping me to grow as a Listener and always finding time to answer my never-ending questions - and I know, I asked a lot haha.

I would also like to say that, even with our many other, very talented and very lovely 7 Cups administration, nobody will be able to compare with the unique level of compassion, care and friendliness you so much possess. You have been an amazing Community Manager and an amazing Listener.

I hereby wish you all of the best for the future and hope to see you around from time-to-time.

Best Regards,


ItsJoel March 23rd, 2019


I took a really long break and came back to see you going. While it is bittersweet, I am so happy to see you moving on in your future and just doing what is good for you! Thank you for all the laughs and listening to all the tears when we felt like we were never going to be good enough. I remember when I aged from a teen to an adult I was scared to death, but you were right there, supporting me and many others. You are going to do some of the most amazing things in your future, I can feel it. I am just glad I got to be a tiny spec of that <3

With Much Love,

ItsJoel/Mother Joel

LeetheUnicorn March 23rd, 2019


I wasn't going to reply because I didn't know what to say but I think I do now.

I am very happy that you found a great opportunity for you, I hope your new job goes well for you!

I have a many good memories with you, like leading the self harm discussion with you when you were here with NAMI for the launch of the subcommunity. It was such a great conversation and I had such a great time doing that discussion.

You have always been so supportive of me, even with all the subcommunity changes I have had and role changes. Your kindness and supportive personality never goes unnoticed and will never be forgotten! Thanks for everything that you've done. Thanks for being such a great admin. Thanks for being part of such a wonderful community thats mission is to break stigma. Thanks for wanting the same thing we all want here, a world with no stigma! Stay awesome and remember that you always will have a community admin or not that cares about you and will be here for you as well! πŸ’•

ASilentObserver March 23rd, 2019

@Kate Thank you for all you have done for this community. We appreciate you and going to miss you. It was a piece of unexpected news this morning. Wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.

It was a great pleasure working with you. Thank you for all your support and guidance.

Rose March 23rd, 2019

@Kate I have to say it saddens me to see you leave this role. As many others have said, you were an amazing support to all of us in our roles, including myself, and I will never be able to thank you enough for that.
It has been an absolute pleasure working with you.

I am extremely grateful for all you have done and I wish you the very best in the next chapter of your life. ❀

All the best,

~ Rosegoat 🐐

Imogene March 23rd, 2019


I'm so sorry to hear that you're leaving, but wish you the best of luck in your new role! Thank you so much for being an amazing CM and for everything you've done for us <3

peppermintlove March 23rd, 2019


Oh my goodness. I have to thank you immensely for the extreme hard-work that you have put in during the last year and a half on 7 Cups. You have made significantly meaningful contributions to our community and brought kindness, positivity and the best cats in the world to us. I admire your dedication and willingness to support every individual here.

I wish you all the best of luck for your future. You will do amazingly in your new role, and I hope that you enjoy it very much. You deserve this.

7 Cups will always be here for you ❀️