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CPTSD, possible tw*

User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 November 30th, 2022

I'm in the middle of a bad CPTSD episode. It's like a fog that hijacks the brain. It creates suicidall ideation thoughts out of nowhere. I'm tired. I'm sad. I feel alone. Distractions don't work. I've been doing this way too long. Triggers come from unexpected places. I hate those former friends who are gossipping untruths about me. I guess they are perfect with no trauma. Wish I was perfect like them * sarcasm.

Is it possible to ever get well and get past some seriously cr*ppy trauma inflicted on me as a child and then as an adult. I feel defective and stupid. How did I get here?


User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul December 1st, 2022

@amiableBlackberry92 I don't think you're defective or stupid at all but I know we can feel that way. Being abused as a child steals more then just our childhood away from us because it affects so much of adulthood. It is like a fog. It seeps and covers our brains and takes over. We can't see anything beyond it

Triggers are so hard to navigate because as you said they can come from unexpected places. Some times they even pop up in places we've been before and never had a problem with before

I'm sorry your former friends are gossiping about you. It's painful when people who were once friends lose any compassion or understanding for what we went through. It makes you feel even more alone

Is there anything that helps when it's like this? Does talking about it help? Is there a space you could make into a safe space for yourself? A sort of sanctuary? Or maybe you could make a comfort box?

* offers safe gentle hugs* ❤️

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 23rd, 2023

How to support people that matter to me when I'm like I am . When I'm in situations that I should be supportive and advise I stumble and get triggered. I need to be a good mom good friend good sister but I am not what they need me to be. I'm a broken person. Trying to be better but I'm not good at this. I just want to fit in ,I want to connect , I want to be there. I want to be the kind of person people want to be around. I want to be funny to be liked. I'm sorry to anyone I've not been able to support or be what they need.

I hate who I am sometimes. My past haunts . It's not made me someone people like to be around. I've always from a real young age felt defective. I don't know how to change this.


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User Profile: neonMelon7186
neonMelon7186 December 1st, 2022

Thanks for sharing this.

I can relate to these feeling and my fogginess has been very thick lately.

sending hope that may clear some for us all.

User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP December 1st, 2022

Thank you both for the encouragement and support. It helps me so much. It helps to know I'm not alone . 💜

User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul December 14th, 2022

@amiableBlackberry92 Hey :) I wanted to pop in and see how you were. I'm sorry - I know there's another thread I usually use but for the life of me I can't remember the title and with the changes they keep making - ugh

Have things eased for you at all? I understand if they didn't. This is a hard time of the year for many of us

*leaves safe gentle hugs* ❤️

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP December 14th, 2022

Thank you @mytwistedsoul for your undying encouragement. Hugs always accepted.

I hate to do it but I need to increase my meds so I don't end up over the edge. Seriously don't want to leave my kids if I'm going over that edge. I don't want to be the trauma that changes them. They are successful and they always tell me they had the best childhood and that makes me feel better. I gave them what I didn't get. Love.

I appreciate you connecting here with me it gives me hope to keep hanging on. I hope your well .


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul December 15th, 2022

@amiableBlackberry92 It can be frustrating when we have to increase those meds - it sometimes feels like we're taking a step backwards but its really not. I'd rather you increase them then - well - as you said be the trauma that changes your kids

Its a wonderful and beautiful thing you did for your kids. Giving them that childhood that you didn't have. You gave them love then and you love them now. That's something to be proud of! In that sense you broke the cycle. It doesn't make It any easier to carry though

Is there anything we can do to help make things easier - I know it's all online here but if you think of something - please - don't be afraid to ask ok?

* sending you strength and hope* and a couple extra hugs ❤️

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User Profile: Iamwhoiamwhoami
Iamwhoiamwhoami December 14th, 2022


I struggle with so many issues myself, I shave no answers or no confidence in myself to say “the right thing “. I just wanted to chime in and say you are not alone.

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP December 14th, 2022


Just your response is the right thing. I appreciate you thinking about me enough to post here .

It helps alot to know I'm not alone in all this that is life.


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul January 3rd, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 Hey :) Happy belated New year! How are you?

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP January 3rd, 2023


Happy new year, I hope it's a good year. I'm hanging in. I don't like this season but I'm hanging on. Looking for a good book to read. A fun book not a , Hey how do I fix myself book.

I don't think I'm fixable I'm just going to have to accept my brokenness.

I hope your finding some peace. How are you?


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul January 3rd, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 Thank you :) I'm hanging in there I guess. Oh gosh yeah - I keep thinking about taking a break from all the fix yourself books and/or videos and then I find something else and think maybe that one will be the one. It's hard to accept that brokenness. It's been so long since I've read a book for fun. I struggle with my focus and comprehension sometimes. What kind of books do you enjoy?

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP January 3rd, 2023


Yes my PTSD doesn't make concentration and comprehension easy to come by. I usually like teen books lol. They are light and sometimes funny. I like horse stories or dog stories lol.

I do read D. Miguel Ruiz books for self help purposes. He writes positively and that helps me.

Today I feel like all I can handle 😃 is staring at the wall 😂. Or at the rain.

I hope for peace to come to me and to you.

Thx for caring I appreciate your messages always. It helps to not feel so alone. Connection is so difficult for me , of course that's all I really want - connection.... It makes me vulnerable to bad ppl though. I'm a magnet for narcissists.


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul January 3rd, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 I read alot of those too :) They're usually not as long either. Have you read Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children? I really like that book. I think the author has a couple of books. I just can't remember them right now. My memory is horrible along with everything else

I watched the ceiling fan for awhile lol. It's rainy here too

Aww you're very welcome ❤️ I know what you mean about those connections. I've gotten to the point where I'm scared to keep trying to make any connections because I just end up getting hurt. I keep to myself more and more these days. Feels lonely sometimes but safer

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 10th, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 Hey you :) you popped into my thoughts so I popped on to your thread. The one I could find anyway - the search feature here - is Idk - works if you remember titles lol

How are you?

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 10th, 2023


It's so nice to hear from you. I'm feeling some hope that we are on the back end of winter . I can hear birds chirping in my garden trees. I definitely have my ups and downs but the sun's shining today and that helps me .

How are you doing these days? I've seen your supportive posts around the forum.


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 10th, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 Oh gosh the end of winter sounds wonderful! It's been a weird winter here. Not as cold or as much snow. Not that I'm complaining but some of the birds are a month early!

Those ups and downs can be so exhausting. The sun does make things seem alittle better :)

Tbh - I've been stuck in a pretty down spot. The pit of misery I call it. I'm struggling to get out of it. Thank you for asking 💙

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 10th, 2023


I'm so sorry about your feeling of being in the pit. I too have experienced the dark pit. That can be a scary place. I don't like to admit it but I take medication to stay out of the dark pit. When I go there I know I am in danger. Because of my PTSD I can slide down the hill real fast.

I have siblings with similar problems to mine because we all grew up the same terrible way. Sometimes I get really angry about it. It's so unfair because my past set me up to be victim to other predatory people. I swear they sniff me out. I don't like to admit it but I avoid people, I just don't trust them. My sibs aren't able to trust either. It's a very alone place to live .

My circle is so small. I sometimes find myself jealous of those lucky people who have huge circles of friends and family.


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 12th, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 Its hard to catch yourself when the slide starts. I'm sorry you know that pit too. It's not something anyone should deal with. I'm glad medication has been helping :)

Anger is understandable. Not just because it set you up for horrible things but anger at how much was lost. Where would we be if we hadn't gone through the things we did? How different would our world be?

Trust is hard enough under normal circumstances. Predatory people seem to know how to set things up to gain trust. If you're friendly or helpful or generous. Even being honest and compassionate can draw them. It is a very alone way to live and unfortunately or fortunately depending on how its looked at being alone feels safer

*hugs to you if it's ok* 💙 Take good care of you ok?

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 12th, 2023


I agree on all points my friend.

I just talked to my youngest sibling and we commiserated over our unfortunate childhood. He like me is trying his hardest to give his kids everything we never had. He's managed to create a wealthy existence and can afford to put his kids in more educated situations and more fun experiences to expand their independence.

We both agree that we still struggle so much . Childhood trauma never leaves you. It's stamped onto your soul and it's just so sad that you cannot no matter how hard we try get out from under it. I can feel this dark cloud hanging around me , its a shadow of my past. It will always be there.

Sorry I'm so dark today , forgive me .

ABB 💜🤗

Hugs are always welcome thank you

User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 13th, 2023
@amiableBlackberry92 There's nothing to be sorry for 💙 we all have those dark moments. Come as you are ok? I do hope today was a brighter day

I agree it is stamped on our souls. It affects everything. Literally everything. How we act. How we think. How we interact with others. We spend hours upon hours in therapies asking questions that have no answers or the answers make no sense. Imagine my surprise when I realized that healing doesn't mean its gone and we can forget and move on. The wounds remain they've only scarred over but the tenderness remains. Like chronic bruising I guess. We just learn to avoid touching those sore spots

I think the fact that you and your brother broke the cycle is amazing and something to feel good about. The fact that you both choose to give your children a life and love that you never had growing up says so much about you💙

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 13th, 2023


You put that so eloquently, it is like a tender scar and triggers come out of no where and then it hurts.

Thanks, yes we did break the cycle. His are still young at home but mine are all grown up and living their lives. I feel like it's the one thing I did right. I gave them the gift of love, still do.

Sometimes I'd like to be well enough to do something to help people. Maybe eventually I will be but I'm not betting on it. I have so many awful traumas to get past. I have two older siblings that barely function. I feel so sad for them.

Right now I'm trying to just hold on to spring on the way so I can breath in fresh flowers and listen to birds. Simple but peaceful.

What keeps you going? I like to hear how others get on with life.


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 14th, 2023
@amiableBlackberry92 Love - that is the best gift there is and it's one they'll pass on to their families. It couldn't have been easy for you though. To struggle and fight with your past while raising a family. Was your husband supportive? If you don't mind my asking of course

I've found it helps me heal alittle by trying to help people here. It's not much really I know but reminding them that they're not alone - reminds me that I'm not either. They help me feel - human. Even if it is just online

Spring isn't too far off. Soon we'll both be able to enjoy the flowers and birds. I'm so ready for warm temps

What keeps me going. A couple of things really. The animals that are here. The commitment made to them when they were brought home. The main one is spite. My family would love to see me quit. Then they wouldn't have to worry about how they look to anyone. They would lose that accountability that I've been holding them to. But there are days though - that if I'm honest - I'm stupid to keep trying

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 15th, 2023


Thank you, yes this whole existence is about love and giving it as a gift. It was too challenging- I was in denial and blocked it out- and I did have good support from my spouse. He came from a different traumatic background but had the same goal. - make sure our kids knew they were loved, cared for and revered.

I agree it helps alot to help others here know they are not alone. It definitely helps me to get so much support here. I really like the no judgement zone that's here.

I absolutely love animals, they are the one thing that always loves you no matter how messed up you are on any given day. I love watching wildlife too. Springs 🌼early because all I'm hearing are chirping birds . I'm thrilled.

That fight that keeps you going, show them they don't have you beat....truth.


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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 15th, 2023

Oops correction

* It wasn't too challenging


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 16th, 2023
@amiableBlackberry92 I'm so glad he was supportive! And that you both worked together to make sure your kids had the love and safety you didn't growing up. They probably kept you pretty busy too I bet! Which is a good thing but yet when it comes to trauma it can be a coping mechanism so we don't think about things. I do this alot tbh

The no judgement here is awesome. It's nice for people to have a place that they can talk about what ever is on their minds

I'd be lost probably without the animals. Before long the deer here will have their fawns in the field and they play together. The bluebirds showed up and the geese have been coming back. So yeah come on spring!

Thank you! I'm trying

*hugs* I hope today is being kind to you 💙

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 16th, 2023


Today was busy stuff. But like you say it's a coping mechanism. I did that my whole life. So busy I couldn't think lol. Which was why I did it.

I did get some herb plants for my kitchen and repotted them. I like gardening but it's still too wintery here with snow on the ground. But as soon as it's warm enough I'll put them outdoors.

Your lucky to be seeing deer and bluebirds in your area. That's great. I love wildlife too. We will get bluebirds here over summer which I love to watch.

Last night I had a PTSD episode, I tried to fight it but it's almost impossible to do. They just hit you out of no where just not something you can stop. Nothing really works it's like an illness that needs to run its course .

Are you doing ok, are you able to find a little joy today. ?


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 18th, 2023
@amiableBlackberry92 Yesterday it 50+ degrees out and now it's 19 and there might be snow showers *smh* this winter has just been so weird. The crocus are blooming and the daffodils have buds on them. I covered as much as I could so hopefully the cold won't hurt them too much

I can't wait to see the hummingbirds again and butterflies. I'm really craving spring and summer

I haven't grown many herbs. I grow some garlic and mint but nothing else. The deer are great but I have to keep everything fenced or they eat it

I'm sorry to hear you had an episode. They do seem to hit out of no where. It makes it hard to figure out what set it off. And you just have to ride it out. They usually leave me shaky for hours or sometimes days afterwards. I hope you can have a peaceful weekend

Unfortunately today wasn't a very good day but it could have been worse 💙

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 18th, 2023


That's great you have crocus coming up ! Yes protect those sweet little flowers .I can't wait to see mine I have some purple and white ones. I really should plant more because they are the first and make me smile when I see them .

Yesterday I decided to stay busy doing spring cleaning. Wow my house has a lot of dust. I have to say depression can really hinder my motivation for cleaning. I use a light box for artificial sun and with meds it can help somewhat.

I stumbled over some old toys I kept from when my kids were little. It made me miss them as young kids and of course I started crying because I was in a happy denial when they were young. Now I'm in awareness and they are adults. It's so difficult this ... .

I hope you have a day of some joy in watching your flowers unfold.


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 20th, 2023
@amiableBlackberry92 The crocus seem to have made it through the cold snap. It's nice to see them. I hope it warms up in your part of the world soon so yours come up soon

I think that's the hardest part - the lack of motivation for anything. I've been trying to get more organized but its like I'm fighting a losing battle. I can stick with a routine for somethings but other things its like meh - who cares? Cleaning could be done better but I do it at a minimum but then I get upset with myself because I feel like I'm just being lazy

It seems bitter sweet. With them being little they were a buffer between you and the pain of the past. Then they grow into adults and the buffer if gone. That awareness - sucks. It sounds blunt but it does. I think I was better before all these memories made themselves known


To brighten your day too 💙

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 20th, 2023


Your crocus are so pretty 😍. I won't see mine for awhile yet. Looking forward to planting things. 💜

I had a rough morning, PTSD episode. I cried it out and managed to bring myself out of it. PTSD has no predictable schedule. Fortunately the sun came out which helps me a lot.

I couldn't read all of your post part of it's covered by the photo but I got the gyst. Memories are just not something we can delete unfortunately.

Sometimes my spouse is triggering for me and I probably am for him too as he's got trauma too . Just different type. Somehow we manage, some days are better than others.

I'm really glad we connected here on 7 cups, I feel fortunate this forum has helped me over the last few years.


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 22nd, 2023
@amiableBlackberry92 Its hard to believe that things are blooming here allready. It still February! I worry that we'll have a cold snap that will harm the fruit trees. That happened last year

I'm glad you were able to get yourself out of the episode you had. I know it's not the easiest thing to do. The sun has a way of helping to ease things. Darkness is so much harder to handle in those bad times. The anxiety gets worse and the depression heavier for me at night

I have to say you and your husband must be a pretty good team together. With you both having different trauma's it would be hard navigating triggers. I'm glad you have each other

I'm glad we connected here too. It doesn't feel as lonely knowing that you and others know and understand what we're going though

I'm sorry that picture messed up the message. Tbh I wondered if I should post it because the site has been glitchy for me lately

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 22nd, 2023


Thx yes it was tricky for us to navigate our messed up backgrounds. It's still a challenge. This relationship is far from perfect. I can be over sensitive sometimes because of my low self esteem and his no filture comments don't always land on me very well.

His parenting style was the opposite of mine . I'm glad we didn't mess up our kids terribly. We did the best we could and they are managing independence and have good lives so far. Nothing's storybook but I'm happy when they are happy.

Today I'm doing a spa like self care appt which is a special gift to myself because my birthday is coming up. Although I wish I was younger than I am . I wasted so much time in a trauma state of mind--decades really. Makes it difficult to celebrate.

I see snow in my future ugh. I hope it's quick and melts quicker. I'm going to try to prepare more plants inside for when the weather warms up .

I guess I'm desperate for sun and warmth.

I've had glitchy things here too.

Tell me about your hobbies....I'm always looking for ideas to stay busy. I can't work because my PTSD gets in the way.

I hope you have sun where you are today.

ABB 💜🤗

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 23rd, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 I doubt any relationship is perfect. It is hard being sensitive to things and someone who doesn't filter what they say - I can understand why it would hit hard. The fact that you're together though despite those things really says a lot about working though things

Maybe your different styles of parenting kind of complimented each other? Like two sides to things? But like you said the kids are happy. They grew up to be good people
How did your spa go? I hope it was nice! I've thought so many times about getting a massage but being touched by a stranger like that - idk - it would probably make me more tense
Happy Birthday! Im early but I hope you have an awesome birthday!
Oh no snow! It's warm here today. Yesterday was cold and rainy. I think its supposed to be cold tomorrow too. So I'm happy it's nice out today
Hmm ... Hobbies. I do woodwork or I did. I haven't worked on anything in a long time. I paint a little - I enjoy origami - I build book nooks. Gardening too of course. I used to read more but it's been hard to concentrate on anything I read. I play a lot of video games too lol

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 23rd, 2023


Thx ☺️ yay a birthday not as fun as they once were.

I would like to try wood burning art. I do paint and garden too. Reading can be difficult with depression because it's hard to concentrate but I use audiobooks and that helps a lot. It usually puts me to sleep at night. I used to play some video games with our kids a long time ago ....maybe I should try that again.

Spa day was hair , it went good then met my friend for a chat.

Today was rough because it's difficult for me to support people in my circle that need it. When they are upset it's triggering for me. I had one person last evening and a different person today. Alot of stress for me. I wish I was better for them, stronger but this PTSD haunts.

I feel alone a lot. Different from lonely .

Rough times


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User Profile: beautyofexistence
beautyofexistence February 11th, 2023


The advice I’d give to somebody that’s silently struggling is, you don’t have to live that way. You don’t have to struggle in silence. You can be un-silent. You can live well with a mental health condition, as long as you open up to somebody about it, because it’s really important you share your experience with people so that you can get the help that you need

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 11th, 2023


Thank you very much for your encouraging thoughts. I love 7cups because of all the beautiful people here. I do share with my therapist and my sister knows my story. But part of my trauma was involving a grooming situation and alot of people don't understand about trauma bonding. The society we live in is very unforgiving and very judgemental especially of women who fall prey to these situations. People without childhood trauma don't understand that the horrors of childhood trauma can set a person onto another trauma's difficult.

I've learned a lot in therapy about myself and why the things that happened to me affected me so badly. I learned that it wasn't my fault and that I'm not a bad person .

I still have a lot of PTSD episodes but they are not as many as before, then it was one big PTSD episode all day long and the pain was excruciating.

Thank you beauty for caring and responding.


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User Profile: beautyofexistence
beautyofexistence February 12th, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92oh dear amiable! I went through your msg firstly "thank you for those kind words too" and yes, grooming-hmm same happened with me sigh. Anyhow, Right now i'm on a break from listening but I so badly want to talk to you. I hope we can be friends :) .. I have my high school final exams so you know how hectic this is but anyways, I want to keep in touch with you until it gets over (5th april).. You can always dm/pm me <3 we can have light convo whenver i'm available. Love you loadssss XD

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 13th, 2023


What a sweet invitation!!

Im sending positive vibes for your success in school.


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 24th, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 I replied down here. I don't like that they limited the number of replies for posts *smh*

You're right they're not as much fun as they were. Well tbh birthdays were never really celebrated when I was growing up. I was sixteen before I had a birthday cake

I've tried audiobooks but I still have trouble concentrating on what they're saying. It's like the words go in and fall right back out

They say video games can help with anxiety and relaxing. There's a lot to choose from too. They help get me out of my head sometimes by making me focus on something else

It is difficult when people are upset and we want to be there for them but it's triggering. I talk with someone who lashes out and gets passive aggressive sometimes. It's triggering and I feel bad because I don't handle it well. I'm always told not to take it personally but I do - I'm not sure how not to. I end up retreating and keeping to myself more

Feeling alone is hard. Even when people say they understand - idk. They don't know what goes on in our heads. The things we experience - I mean they might have an idea but they can't fully know and it can be so hard to explain

I hope today is better for you and you can find something to help you de-stress

*Hugs* 💙

4 replies
User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 24th, 2023


Yes and yes.

I really want to have friends in my real life. I have so many great people here at 7 cups and people in real life are so difficult for me. I have one person but she works and has no trauma . I feel very lucky to have her. I think I can be overwhelming for her sometimes. I don't have family relationships like she does, she's got a lot of sibs and her mom , aunt's , coworkers etc. It's easy for her to make connections.

I don't have any close aunts or sibs etc. My spouse's family is all gone so I don't have any on his side either. The way I grew up we weren't allowed to have relationships with anyone or each other ( sibs). I didn't learn the important relational teachings. Plus we sibs are triggering for each other because of our shared past.

I'm so thankful to have you and the other people here. It helps to be able to chat here and it's safe.

Maybe I need a dog lol.....

ABB 💜🤗

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 27th, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 Tbh I've tried with people but I end up messing something up and failing. Plus I seem to be a magnet for toxic people. Turns out some of us end up in relationships like that because they're familiar to childhood. Just what we don't need

I'm not close with family either. I'm an only child who wasn't allowed to have friends. I'm finding that being here on cups is slowly helping me to learn and enforce my boundaries - very very slowly lol. I'm good with others people's boundaries - all though in the beginning I might forget something
It would be hard having siblings that suffered trauma similar to your own - I can totally see how that would be triggering for everyone
Pets are awesome lol. And dogs are the best. They can help with a lot of things. Just having a warm body to hug and interact with - someone to talk to. There's a reason they make such great emotional support animals
I'm glad you found 7cups. It can be a great place. Tbh it's been a while since I've felt safe here though - not to scare you off or anything - I just find the wrong kinds of people sometimes. I'm hoping that quits happening since I'm practicing the boundaries lol 💙

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP February 27th, 2023


I understand being a magnet for the wrong people. I too met people here in the beginning of my first chats here that were the wrong people. Being super vulnerable with soft boundaries or no boundaries they gravitate to me . I'm way more cautious now. Trauma doesn't help me see to speak.

I cut out old toxic contacts from my old workplace too. I said too much, was too easy to trust because I was in a lot of pain and needed comfort. No more of that.

It's really sad about my sibs. I never could figure out why we weren't close until I got into therapy. Therapy is like taking a class on your life's story and explains a lot....I'm not stupid like I thought I was I'm just in a lot of trauma .

I've considered a dog but it's a big responsibility and painful when they pass. My kids both have one and I dogsit for them pretty regularly. I love these 2 dogs and I can handle one at a time. If I had one also it might be more difficult to dogsit.

The weather here has a lot to be desired ugh. I feel like a hermit. Lol.

I'm meeting up with a friend while the sun's out today. Nothing heavy but I'm steps .

Look at me being brave leaving my sanctuary lol.


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 28th, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 I hear you on the soft or nonexistent boundaries. I make excuses for how people act towards me sometimes - oh they're having a bad day or I did something to upset them. It's sad that even in Cups we still have to be cautious of what we say to who we say it to

It really sucks when we share things with people and then they use what we've said against us or judge us for it. I'm glad you were able to cut out the toxic people - it's not easy. I guess maybe because deep down we still want to think of them as good people?
That's a really good way of explaining therapy - I like that! You're totally right - it is like a class on your life. We find all these secrets that explain some of the why's of things in our lives. Tbh - I feel stupid alot
The loss of a pet is horrible. I lost a dog almost three years ago and I'm still grieving her. I still have one dog left but she's really up in age now and I know that one day I'll have to say good bye to her too. They are my family. There for me when no one else was. But you're right it's a big responsibility and it's harder on days when depression has you laying on the floor with no energy or motivation and they need to go out for a walk. I have to admit though that after going outside with them I do feel better
I hear you on the weather. It was almost 70 one day last week and then yesterday we had snow again!
I hope meeting up with your friend went well. Those baby steps need to be celebrated too! And it does take bravery to go out into the world because you never know what you might encounter 💙
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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul April 1st, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 Hey you :) once again I pop into an entirely different thread then before because I can't find the other one - ugh! How are you? Are the days getting warmer in your part of the world?

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User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP April 1st, 2023


So nice to hear from you. It is warming slowly still a bit of snow here and there but I see improvements.

I'm ok today. I have my days.

How are you? hows the weather in your world.?

I noticed you posted on tinys post -incredible her art huh? Shes a special person here.

I feel lucky when people reach out to me here like you do. I do have some friends LOL.


4 replies
User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul April 1st, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 I'm glad to hear that you're ok today. I know how quickly it can change. I started calling them moments and we cherish those good moments. I wish they lasted longer

Hopefully it's warm there soon and the flowers start to bloom. It's been warmer here but rainy alot of times. Too many rainy days add to the depression
Tiny is such an amazing and talented person. I admire her strength so much
You do have friends here and we do care about you *hugs* ❤️
3 replies
User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP April 2nd, 2023


Thank you for being my friend here it means so much to me. I am so grateful for finding this site and being able to connect with so many supportive ppl here. Maybe this is my best option for connections because of my past trauma. It feels safe to me here. I like trying to support other hurting souls here too. this helps me.

How are you and how is your gardening going? I like watching the birds ......

Last week was a rough week for me. PTSD moments just show up when ever they feel like. Plus I have 100s of triggers. I try so hard to control my reactions but its so difficult. My childhood abuser still has a hold on me from the grave. My sibs too. The damage is so profound and I see it so clearly now because I've become aware. I am not in denial anymore-I liked it there.

Still waiting for warmth but I see its on its way. Snow is mostly gone here finally. Little piles here and there. I put my outdoor furniture out-trying to push warmer weather in my own weird way. LOL.


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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul April 3rd, 2023

@amiableBlackberry92 This can be a really nice place to make some connections. They're limited of course because it's strictly on site. I find it works for me because I have control with who I interact with and how often. There are times I still feel very afraid of people

I've been struggling with a few things the past few months but I try to keep busy.

Started some vegetable seeds in the house and they started to come up. Some of the strawberry plants in the green house are starting to get new growth. I love watching the birds and listening to them sing. They sound so happy some mornings.

I'm sorry last week was rough for you. I hope this week is better for you. You're right about the damage. There isn't one fraction of an inch that hasn't been affected in some way. I don't think we ever truly leave it behind. It follows almost like a shadow. I definitely get what you mean about denial. I liked it there too. Once you become aware of it there's no going backwards. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that lol

Lol maybe nature will get the hint now that you put your outdoor furniture out! Hopefully it brings warm weather soon. It will be nice being outside and not have to be all bundled up ❤️
1 reply
User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 OP April 3rd, 2023


I'm sorry your struggling too. I get it though, like your said it follows like a shadow. Staying busy helps if you can focus. I have trouble with that. LOL.

I love you have a greenhouse. And strawberries growing that is the best. Berries are a superfood. I was allergic to them as a kid ( allergies were another torment I dealt with as a kid ) I still have some pretty severe allergies but I can eat berries as an adult. Yay!

Currently Im trying to put together herbs in house so I can have a mini herb garden this summer. I love Rosemary and Lavender. They smell so nice. I actually went out and got some things Ill need for my flower garden. I want to be prepared as soon as the weather cooperates. It is still so cold argh.

I have a battle with slugs. They eat all the petals off my echanacea (sp) every summer. Well I am prepared to do battle this year lol. I didn't focus on my garden so much in the past due to work and then dealing with my emotional state but I feel ready to delve into it somewhat this year.

I really enjoy the lilacs in my yard so much . I think the yellow ones are my favorite. I have quite a few in different colors that I planted years ago. I just wish they flowered all summer lol. I'm so demanding huh?

Whats your favorite flowers?


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