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Forum Functionality: Provide Feedback Here!

theriverissinging March 31st, 2022

Hello, everyone!

As you might be aware, there are some on-going forum changes taking place. You can use this thread to provide any feedback, suggestions on forum functionality (functions, features, utility, any technical aspects only) or bugs that you encounter.

This is mainly being done to help keep things organized as it can be hard to gather it from various places/people and ease up the process for everyone to pass on feedback further to the 7 Cups team.

We encourage everyone to use this thread for its purpose anytime and use it for only that. Kindly review this post for any other feedback/behavior reports that don't involve forum functionality.

CheeryMango May 23rd, 2023


Thank you so much for your kind words! It's great to hear that the "Featured Thread" notifications are working well. We're doing our best, so your feedback is highly appreciated.

HealingTalk May 24th, 2023


Oh, I am just happy and grateful that a feature I deem so important is finally working well.

And it brings hope that issues sooner or later end up being fixed.

My feeling now is that we have to be patient, and all will turn out well in due time.

All the best!


AffyAvo May 23rd, 2023


2 issues were brought up here.

I don't have the needs reply issue, maybe it's on the app? I have see more and can see more than the 1st set of threads, they could not.

2nd issue- I suspect is related to image censor. When making a new thread the thread is created partially deleted. It appears in all of the various thread lists as if the thread was made ie. New threads, needs reply but clicking the link just shows item removed so forum mods cannot even delete them.

CheeryMango May 23rd, 2023


It is the app that is having that issue where only 10 posts are being seen at a time. For the second issue, I have passed it onto @Jon7cups for him to look at and provide us with some more insight on it.

Optimisticempath May 23rd, 2023


I found a new issue only today.. the green tags take me to where I am tagged usually but today they only take me to original post or first page of thread 😅

mytwistedsoul May 24th, 2023

@Optimisticempath same 😐 it's getting very frustrating trying to navigate around here

Chetan1408 May 24th, 2023


same... It is happening with me also... At first I thought it is only me... I checked the API calls... Switched browser. Switched network. But nothing works... I hope this will be resolved soon.

Thanks & Regards

CheeryMango May 24th, 2023


Thank you for reporting Empath. I have passed it on for review.

calmMango9611 June 3rd, 2023

@CheeryMango The link for the chatrooms, does not work for some reason. Did it change at all, with the new updates? The current link I have is It used to work but is not working, it now redirects people, which it never used to do. Please help, thanks Mango. I did a test, and it redirects me, to a screen that says Redirect, instead of the chatroom lists, as before. I am still able to get into the chatrooms, however. But the link used to bring up all the chatrooms, and it used to have a blue icon, to click on, when you used that link. Also, if it did change, could you provide me with the updated link,please. Every, so often I share the chatroom link, as I am rs for the newbie hub for other members to have, so they can browse to see, what other chatrooms we have, here at 7cups. So, I would like to have the correct information, in this case the chatroom link.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 6th, 2023


Hi Calm, the link you shared here takes me to a page full of chatrooms, it works fine for me! :o

Jaeteuk May 24th, 2023

Why is it sometimes the "Reply" button is missing? I was replying to someone on a post, and after a few times, on the person's post, the "Reply" button is gone and I was no longer able to keep replying to them. I tried updating my browser, logging in again, and that button is still not showing.


AffyAvo May 25th, 2023

@Jaeteuk it was changed with an update a while ago where a reply to a reply can only be done in a series of 5.

Many people can reply to you via the post I'm replying to, but if someone replies to me and another person replies to them, that type of series ends at 5.

Jaeteuk May 25th, 2023

I see, thank you for the clarification. So, I'll have to reply through another person's post if I want to continue on from mine?


AffyAvo May 25th, 2023

@Jaeteuk Yes, or post to thread which is always an option.

AffyAvo May 25th, 2023

I believe all of the general member forums(with the exception of TOZ which doesn't include all members) are public, correct?

Suggestion - Make 1 community (journal and diaries would be a good one) that is badge locked, so that members can have 1 area that's not shareable to those without an account. Possible badge requirement would be Hand Shake (members) and Affirmative (listeners).

CheeryMango June 5th, 2023

Hey @AffyAvo. That is correct all member forums are public with the exception of TOZ which is only accessible by teens and those with the ATL badge. The suggestion has been shared with Jon and will update you on it.

Jaeteuk May 27th, 2023


I was wondering, with the Notifications that is viewed in browser (on a computer), our posts that shows they have been "voted up", is there a way to see who gave us the "heart" for the post? As a reply to someone, I often assume it's the OP that clicked on the "heart", but at other times, there are other members who agree to my posts and will click on it to show support. I realize that I only see who had "voted up" my response on my phone's built-in notification, but not in the 7 Cups app itself.

Is there are way to change this? It would be nice to even see who had "voted up" on our posts when we hover on the "💙".

Thank you, in advance!~

CheeryMango June 5th, 2023

Hello @Jaeteuk. Thank you for sharing here. I have made a note of your feedback and passed it on.

Jaeteuk June 5th, 2023

Thank you, Mango.


HealingTalk June 1st, 2023

I made a post that lost the "Reply" button as well as the "Edit" buttons (it's in the community where I am a community mentor).

Also, I can't "heart" a member's post in that thread, nor edit it.

The member's post doesn't have a "Reply" button either, nor I can edit it.

I can edit all other posts I checked in the same Community and all have "reply" buttons.

This is happening at 6 PM ET June 1st

The post seemed ok when I created it.

This is the thread:

AffyAvo June 2nd, 2023

@HealingTalk Weird, haven't seen that before, but i can confirm things like edit aren't there for me either.

AffyAvo June 2nd, 2023

This is happening elsewhere now too.

HealingTalk June 2nd, 2023


Yes, weird!

Let's hope the missing "Reply" issue, in particular, doesn't spread.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 2nd, 2023

@AffyAvo @HealingTalk

I only see two replies (one from HealingTalk and another from 7motivation), three actually including Affy's "test" reply that I deleted because I was able to.

I upvoted the replies, and do see the edit and remove moderation tools for all the replies as well as original post/thread. (In this thread atleast) 😮

I do remember similar experience earlier when a couple of previously deleted threads where showing up in the needs reply queue, because of a bug too, and all these threads didn't have moderation tools, or reply buttons or the upvotes! (Talking about a couple of months ago) But doesn't make sense for happening the same with this thread currently, unless some bugs, ofcourse. *-*

There's a limit set on the number of hearts/ upvotes we can give per person/ per day (similar to how hearting messages in PMs or chatrooms is limited on the app to a certain number). It probably is this reason for being unable to not upvote posts after a certain count.

I do think with the hearts/ upvotes, it's a bug of kind also, that doesn't allow the heart to register, after we click on it, the number goes back to what it was initially and turns grey again, even if we haven't upvoted/ hearted any other posts from the same person on that particular day!^^

@cheerymango could you confirm about the hearts and the limit, also about the bug issue?😮

AffyAvo June 2nd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou This and another thread that I saw earlier now appear normal. For a bit, the only option near the bottom of a post was a heart, which didn't work. There was no flag, no delete, no edit, etc. for individual posts, only the thread.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 2nd, 2023


Ooh then maybe it was resolved till the time I saw it? 😮

Glad it appears okay now though!

HealingTalk June 2nd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @AffyAvo

Thank you, Sun!

Yes, it's working well now. I wrote the date and time it wasn't in case a programmer wishes to check this issue.

Let's hope these malfunctions stay short-lived.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 3rd, 2023


Noting the time was thoughtful, Marcelo. I'm glad it's working well now and yes Haha, we don't like these malfunctions! *-*

CheeryMango June 5th, 2023

@AffyAvo @HealingTalk @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

There is a daily limit to the number of hearts you can give to another user on posts. It was implemented to prevent spamming or gaming the system for more hearts. I don't have the exact number of hearts readily available though.

It is strange for the 'Edit' and 'Reply' to not be visible under these threads, especially if the limit has not been met and the edit button shouldn't have any issues at all.

So the bugs being experienced at:

  • Edit/Flag/Reply/Delete button not visible on posts
  • Delay of hearts/upvotes

Besides @HealingTalk's thread and the thread @AffyAvo mentioned, is this seen anywhere else in the community?

I'll add it to the other bug reports for review.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 5th, 2023


I haven't personally come across the issue with missing moderation tools anywhere yet!

Just the issue with hearts/ upvotes at times (quite often actually) even if it's sometimes the first time I'm upvoting someone's post in a day/ within a span of 24 hours!😮

Thankyou for reporting the bug(s), Mango! This heart one is a prominent one lately, that I've heard from some other people experiencing also!

AffyAvo June 5th, 2023

@CheeryMango It seemed limited and only lasted for a day. If it happens again I'll let you know.

IsayUncle June 1st, 2023

I really like how you all organized the topics below all together under the Motivation and Accountability forum and attached the Health and Well Being catagory. Before Goals and Accomplishments was in the FUN topic. (trying to be upbeat I think but not fun sometimes). I like the idea of like minded members being attracted to this group of topics. Thank you. Great grouping!

Filter by Topic

Accountability and Wellness

Exercise Motivation

Goals & Accomplishments

Inspiration & Motivation

Tips and Activities

P.S. I haven't been able to change my icon picture for about a week now. I select one from a file on my computer but it doesn't upload.😕

Thanks for all your hard work and improvements!💚😊

CheeryMango June 5th, 2023


Glad to hear that you are liking the grouping! Thank you for your feedback.

Sventek June 2nd, 2023


Good Afternoon,

I'd like to point out a major issue with the forums, as an early ***. When I'm attempting to *** and then, noticed that the site tends to *** only when the *** shows *** then I'm locked out or rather it logs me out, until I'm ***. I've used different browsers such as ***, ***, *** and ***. However, the issue still persists. I've worked through troubleshooting steps, including ***, ***, ***, and even ***.

Overall, I'm just looking for answer to my issue. Please assist me with ***.

Thank you for all the work that you do!

CheeryMango June 5th, 2023

Hello @Sventek. I'm having trouble understanding the issue you are experiencing with the forums because there are a lot of asterisks that indicate what you are trying to explain was censored in the system. Can you reply here or send me a private message so we can discuss the issue further and come up with a solution?

HealingTalk June 4th, 2023

I keep getting stuck with and error message when making a post with many tags.

The error messages var. Some mention an "API Error". The last one says "Something went wrong".

I get stuck, pressing "Post again" doesn't work, but the post gets posted.

So I think maybe it's about processing the tags and some of the people tagged don't receive the notifications. This is a guess.

This is from right now, Sunday 4 at 4:30 pm ET:


By the way, the Forums new image compression functionality is terrible for complex images.

Beautiful images get ruined. This wasn't the case in the past. Nor when we could link from imgbb, etc.

I propose getting back to the previous system as this one gets very poor results.

IsayUncle June 4th, 2023

Hello, I was wonderng why I cannot upload a new profile image to my account. It all acts normal all the wat through selecting an image from my folder and seems like it is going to work fine..... but it never upoads? 😕

I've tried several times for the past week with no luck.

As always, thanks to all who work hard to keep this site running. 😊

CheeryMango June 5th, 2023

Hello @IsayUncle. The issue you are experiencing may be tech related. You can file a ticket through the help desk here: but I'll also tag @Jon7Cups who is the Product Head to be informed as well.

IsayUncle June 5th, 2023


Thank you Cheery. Thanks for the direction and the extra reach-out. Good to see you again and i hope you have a great day! 😊

mytwistedsoul June 6th, 2023

Some subscribed threads still just go to the first page when clicked on instead of the actual new post