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Forum Functionality: Provide Feedback Here!

theriverissinging March 31st, 2022

Hello, everyone!

As you might be aware, there are some on-going forum changes taking place. You can use this thread to provide any feedback, suggestions on forum functionality (functions, features, utility, any technical aspects only) or bugs that you encounter.

This is mainly being done to help keep things organized as it can be hard to gather it from various places/people and ease up the process for everyone to pass on feedback further to the 7 Cups team.

We encourage everyone to use this thread for its purpose anytime and use it for only that. Kindly review this post for any other feedback/behavior reports that don't involve forum functionality.

AffyAvo March 6th, 2023

@CheeryMango is there any info about the posting glitch? I have heard about this in 1-1s too, not everyone experiencing it is posting here.

AffyAvo March 7th, 2023

The forum editing glitch seems to be pretty bad again, takes many refreshes before I can edit at times.

AffyAvo March 7th, 2023

I've heard the check in thread button does have functionality in the app even though it does not on the browser.

The changeover appears for slow when I try to change the check in thread on browser. Does the change go through on the app before I can see it on the browser on my end? Does it work to set it on the browser at all or has someone else been changing it for me?

HealingTalk March 9th, 2023

I can't post a check-in. I tried many times and always get the same error "Something went wrong".


Editing has also become increasingly difficult, with some functions, like font size and color, having weird behaviors.

I have been trying for an hour, also copied the content, pasted into a new post, posted, and got the same result.

I also tried deleting the image and posting pure text. The taglist has been used before.

I checked whether it had actually been posted. Sometimes it gets errors, it keeps me within the posting form, but the thread is posted.

By the way, the "New Featured Thread" notifications are still not working.

HealingTalk March 10th, 2023

I finally could post the check-in thread (after much trial and error)

1st I posted a "Dummy Thread" almost empty. Pure ASCII also works. But no tags, nor any formatting, pics, links, etc. This empty thread serves as a placeholder.

2nd I edited this empty thread, including all the content but not tags. Tags cause the error and no posting.

3rd I posted as a separate post the taglist with the thread name

4th I deleted this last post.

But, this check-in thread makes the Android app crash on my phone, which is a good one with Android 9.

So I guess the Check-in can't be viewed nor answered from the phone app. A large proportion of members (might be the majority) use only the phone app. Most members refer to 7 Cups as "this app".

I have found that our previous DS Check-in crashes the app too, as well as other threads.

Should we stop posting check-ins until this bug is fixed? I have the sense we are working mostly in vain, as most members can't enter the check-in. The same goes for Event posts.

Also, titles (and other texts) with font formatting can't be seen on the phone app. So it's not clear what the post is about. This happens too to many (maybe all) posts that don't crash.

MistyMagic March 13th, 2023

Is it possible to take away the limit on replies to a post? This seems to be one of the causes of replies being made in the middle of the thread and so hard to find and impossible to find on the app. It is making moderation extremely hard as on some of the long threads with dozens or hundreds of pages the new post gets lost?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

RarelyCharlie March 13th, 2023

@MistyMagic It seems to me that replies getting lost in the middle is simply a consequence of the design (which places a reply after the post it is replying to). It would be possible to provide a chronological view with the most recent post at the end (but this would make it difficult to follow discussions within a complex thread). A button could be provided to switch between the two views, but this is not the only possible solution.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 13th, 2023



The limit for replies actually doesn't make much sense any way, since the replies aren't being "limited"-limited because of it or anything, if at all, it is kinda troublesome to scroll and find a "reply" button to reply to someone, I feel, so it definitely sounds better without the limit!😮

HealingTalk March 19th, 2023

This pure-text Event post crashes my phone app. It has no images and no fancy formatting. Just larger font size for titles, some words in bold, and links.

I might try later deleting the links and some of this minimal formatting.

Many Forums posts crash my phone app. All our recent check-ins crash. I don't see a pattern.

My phone runs Android 9 and has plenty of memory and processing power. Samsung brand. I have high-speed WiFi internet access.

It's a good standard phone, so I am afraid many other people might experience the same and can't read our Checkins and Event posts, as well as other Forum posts.

Could you please give me the instructions for how to write a post that won't crash?

Thank you in advance!

PD: The Featured Thread notifications fail to direct to the corresponding page.

CheeryMango March 21st, 2023


Thanks for flagging this. I have passed it on to the team for review and will update you once I hear back from them. Are you able to view the posts on the site with ease or are you experiencing the same issue too?

HealingTalk March 21st, 2023


Hello, Mango!

Thank you for answering my post.

I don't have any problem when reading posts with a PC browser, only with the Android app.

Some posts crash the app, but others don't, and I can't see any pattern. For example, Emma's Event Masterpost has an image, links, and some text formatting, but doesn't crash my 7Cups App, while my Event post does.

Thank you again for your support!

FrostFeather March 21st, 2023

I am having a hard time with 7Cups lately. I’m not sure what revamp happened in the past year, but the forum is really difficult to navigate now. It’s really hard to find topics/communities because most of them don’t show up the list. Community thread lists’ default order is “popular” instead of “recent” like most other forum sites do. “My forum threads” is mostly useless because default is all threads? instead of just mine? And mine are in random order?

Sorry, but I’m just really frustrated. I don’t get how the site works now. It was fine before.

RarelyCharlie March 21st, 2023

@FrostFeather I agree. The changes make the forum more difficult to use. I've written some modifications that can help, in a project I call Tea & Cake.

To help with finding topics, Tea & Cake provides a topic search in the main Community page.

To help with the default order, Tea & Cake makes the setting sticky, so if you set it to Recent it stays that way.

My Forum Threads works if you check the My Threads box and search again. In fact, you can change the name in the URL and search for anyone's threads.

The impression I have is that the site is better optimized for transient users, who now tend to see a few very active threads and get the impression that 7 Cups is a very active site. This is better for 7 Cups than having them go to Recent only to find that no one has posted anything other than clickbait for the last two hours 😱


MistyMagic March 23rd, 2023

Needs Reply filter is still showing duplicate threads that were deleted from Hobby Zone?


Listening - One Step At A Time!

MistyMagic March 24th, 2023

The App
Notifications don't go straight to the post like they do in the forum, and it is sometimes impossible to find the new post as a lot of popular threads are dozens of pages or posts, this makes modding very hard and easy to miss things.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

AffyAvo March 28th, 2023

Somehow I managed to post deleted threads. That's a new one to me!

API error came up a fair bit, can't share an image, will have to try something else with that.

Editing isn't working well again. Tried 5x on a post that just said test, no images or weird formatting.

MistyMagic March 28th, 2023

@AffyAvo You were posting in the twilight zone 😳🙀 it has happened in Hobby Zone too

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 28th, 2023

It's so difficult keeping track of changes, I don't know if it's something I'm remembering right or no lol, anyway, worth a try!

Was the shape of profile pictures different for member and listener accounts in the forums earlier? I think so? Circle for listener account and a square/ rectangle for member account? :o

It made moderation a bit easier, specially for threads where listeners are seeking personal support using the listener account. (As that's not allowed, and they must be reminded to use the member account) 😮

RarelyCharlie March 28th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Profile images for member accounts were always square with rounded corners, and they still are on the main website. On the beta website and in the app they are now circles, the same as listeners.

This might be a bug. If it were deliberate then I'd expect all the images to have the same class now, but in fact they still have different classes for members and listeners.


RarelyCharlie March 28th, 2023

Well, the main website seems to have updated and now the bug has spread here ☹️

I wrote a line of code to restore the rounded squares, and put it in the Tea & Cake script.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 28th, 2023

@RarelyCharlie ooh yes, bugs make more sense always xD

Dang, I'm seeing it on the mobile browser currently! It's the same for chatrooms, Pesonal messages, General requests also, noticed this a couple of days ago, earlier the same difference as in forums, was in chatrooms as well, now it's round shaped profile picture for everyone, and certainly feels less convenient!

I hope the bug can be resolved soon! :')

Hey hey @Jon7cups are you aware of this one yet? :o

CheeryMango March 28th, 2023


I've just updated Jon on the issue and they are working to get it fixed!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 28th, 2023

Thankyouuu @CheeryMango 🥭

AffyAvo March 29th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thanks for bringing this up here! I'm glad it's back to normal 😊

FrostFeather March 29th, 2023

How do I unsubscribe from a thread? I can't seem to find the option anywhere.

CheeryMango March 29th, 2023


In the screenshot button, I have circled the button that allows you to unsubscribe from a thread. When you hover over it with your mouse, the button will turn green and the words: Unsubscribe from thread notifications will appear. Clicking on the button/ribbon will unsubscribe you from the thread so you won't receive notifications any more. To resubscribe, you can follow the same procedure.


RarelyCharlie March 29th, 2023

@CheeryMango That's only on the website using a device that is capable of hover.

Using a touch screen without hover, long press the button to see the message.

In the app, click the three dots at the top right of the screen. A panel appears at the bottom of the screen—not where you clicked. In the panel you can control whether you are subscribed to the thread or not.


BlueRivercares March 29th, 2023

just confused with the topic filter now. Some threads which are pinned now are showing on all topics.

Without filter :


with filter :


just want to know if they are special types of pins which will show in every topic. the first 3 threads are showing in all topics.

EmotionsListener April 8th, 2023

I have a concern regarding deleted posts in the forums that are still showing up in recent list after deletion. Yes if you try to open the link it won't work, but the 'see more' option in the preview will show you the entire message including content such as offsite contact information that lead to the post being removed. Which seems to defeat the purpose of quickly deleting a post with that type of content.

Jaeteuk April 12th, 2023

I have a quick question. With the new updates of the Student Support Subcommunity, I see that the Career part was removed. Just wondering why it's no longer Student & Career anymore. As probably many students studying in College/University, are aiming to work in a career of their interest/is working part-time along with their studies to pay for their own tuition, and it would make more sense to talk about it in the current Student Support. So, are students there still allowed to post and ask about Career questions? Or should they now be posted in the Work & Career Support instead?


CheeryMango April 29th, 2023

Hello @Jaeteuk!

Career was removed from the name to avoid any confusion between Student Support & Work and Career communities. Any posts relating to careers from students can still be posted in Student Support.

mytwistedsoul April 29th, 2023

Me again lol

Notices aren't working for me again

CheeryMango April 29th, 2023


Are you referring to the notifications or tags?

mytwistedsoul April 29th, 2023

@CheeryMango Sorry! Yes tags :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 21st, 2023

Me after a while! :p

Are the sub topics (previously sub forums) in the process of getting their own/ direct links/ hyperlinks still? 😮

This was mentioned a couple of months back (5-6?), hoping for an update on it soon!😃

BlueRivercares May 23rd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou sunnie i am not sure if they are putting it back...i am just guessing links to subtopics were taking extra space in cups and probably slowed down the site. Idk actually let's wait for the experts to answer :p

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 23rd, 2023


Aww well I hope they do put those links back! (': They served a purpose! *-*

CheeryMango May 23rd, 2023


Yes, they are! It's currently being tested to point out any bugs before we update it here on the site.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 24th, 2023


yay soo happy the hyperlinks are back!🥳

Thankyouu, team!

HealingTalk May 23rd, 2023

Congratulations and thank you that the "Featured Thread" notifications are finally working consistently well (click landing on the originating post).

They have been working well for at least a month I guess.

Very important and valuable for communicating with members of our subcommunities.

Highly appreciated.