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Forum Functionality: Provide Feedback Here!

theriverissinging March 31st, 2022

Hello, everyone!

As you might be aware, there are some on-going forum changes taking place. You can use this thread to provide any feedback, suggestions on forum functionality (functions, features, utility, any technical aspects only) or bugs that you encounter.

This is mainly being done to help keep things organized as it can be hard to gather it from various places/people and ease up the process for everyone to pass on feedback further to the 7 Cups team.

We encourage everyone to use this thread for its purpose anytime and use it for only that. Kindly review this post for any other feedback/behavior reports that don't involve forum functionality.

mytwistedsoul December 14th, 2022

@IsayUncle Yay! This is awesome! Hip hop hooray for the tech team! 😄


RarelyCharlie December 13th, 2022

If you go to the Community Home page and choose (say) the Recent tab, you can see that the page URL gets #new on the end. Now refresh the page. What's meant to happen is that it sees #new on the end and goes to Recent, the same tab you were on before. But this doesn't work.

The code to make it work actually exists, but there's a timing error. It tries to click the Recent tab before the tab has been set up. (This, in turn might be a problem with Bootstrap, the toolkit 7 Cups uses to create the tabs.) Anyway, a small delay before switching tabs would cure it. Then we could bookmark the URL with #new on the end and go straight to Recent whenever we want.


RarelyCharlie December 13th, 2022

If I go to a thread I'm subscribed to, I see a solid grey unsubscribe button. If I go to a thread I'm not subscribed to, the subscribe button looks exactly the same!

A better design would be to see a solid green button if I'm subscribed, and a grey outline if I'm not subscribed. Then I'd be able to see at a glance whether I'm subscribed or not.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 13th, 2022

I think this was how the subscribed threads (with the greenish bookmark? icon) looked like prior to the forum restructure. I agree, it's a great way to distinguish between subscribed threads from the others. @RarelyCharlie

I sometimes am unable to unsubscribe from threads too, it doesn't feel as convenient as it was prior to the restructure. :o

CheeryMango December 13th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @mytwistedsoul @IsayUncle @RarelyCharlie @MistyMagic @AffyAvo the duplicate bug has been corrected!

Also, we have fixed the forum search page option that allows you to view your own threads + subscribed threads in the community. The 'My Threads' and overall forum search appears from the most recent threads to the earlier threads. In the URL (for example) you can replace your username with any username in the community and it will display all of their forums posts

RarelyCharlie December 13th, 2022

@CheeryMango Progress! Now the My Forum Threads menu item just needs to be fixed so it does the correct search.

Previously, we saw the thread with the most recent replies at the top. Now I think we're seeing the most recently created thread at the top, which is logical but not as useful (it seems to me). I wonder what other people think about this.

It would also be good to have a collapse/expand button like in other forum views.

By the way, I understand that when you wrote "all of their forums posts", of course you meant threads. We don't have a way to search posts yet.


MistyMagic December 14th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie I am still testing this as I do my forum work. So far I agree, we need to see the most recent post at the top, not the most recent thread.

When moderating the forums it is making it so we have to go into every thread to find the new posts and check them. This takes a lot more time. If new *posts* were the search criteria and not the threads, (as a thread would come up in the search when it was new anyway) then this would be much more useful. At the moment we seem to have a mix and match that is confusing and burying new posts.

@CheeryMango I was so pleased to see what you said here "URL (for example) you can replace your username with any username in the community and it will display all of their forums posts"

But I feel now it may be a little misleading, I used it this morning to try and find all of a user's posts, I substituted your name for the user I needed to search and yayyy up came lots of results. But, looking in more detail they appeared to be only the forum *threads* they had started which were from some time ago, I knew this was wrong so I went looking and realised that the search had showed up none of the recent forum *posts*- their replies to threads?

Maybe someone else can verify this for me please?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

AffyAvo December 14th, 2022

@MistyMagic Totally agree with you. It appears listing the threads by a user is just for the OP. Similar to how that's all what we had for ourselves before the upgrade (subscribed often included our posts, but not always).

Being able to find all the posts by 1 user would be incredibly helpful for moderation, issues we had about a month ago illustrate how seeing them all with a search (and perhaps a mass delete option) would help.

AffyAvo December 14th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie Ideal would be sorting options, similar to how we sort the forums when not searching.

Most relevant when using a keyword could be part of that.

CheeryMango December 15th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie Yes, I meant threads. Sorry about the mixup.

Just sent over your suggestions to the tech team for reviewal. I'll update once I hear back from them on the possibility of implementing them.

AffyAvo December 13th, 2022

@CheeryMango Awesome thanks!

IsayUncle December 13th, 2022


Thank You So Very Much! A wonderful job you did of it too!😃
_1670970120.image.png I'm on cloud 9. LOL

RarelyCharlie December 13th, 2022

This is trivial but also very easy to fix. Go to any community page and you see an expand / collapse icon at the top right of the forum threads.

Now go to the main Community Home page. The icon there works but it doesn't change its appearance the way it's intended to. I think this might simply be because someone wrote i.fas instead of i.fa-solid in the line of code that should switch the appearance.

It would also be good to have titles on the icon saying "Expand threads" or "Collapse threads" as appropriate. This is also easy, but not quite as easy.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 15th, 2022

A new one!

I noticed some threads show up in the Needs Reply Queue despite having a reply or two! 👀

MistyMagic December 15th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou hahaha! I have also noticed the opposite! Some show up as having replies but have none 😳 I presume because we have removed the reply or something but it doesn't update immediately ( if at all)?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

RarelyCharlie December 15th, 2022

@MistyMagic It must update eventually!

Typically, searches that are used often but don't need to be right up to date are cached and only updated every so often. This improves response times and reduces server costs. For example, right now the most recent thread that I see in Needs Reply is 3 hours old, so the search must have been cached since around that time.

But there's a good argument to be made that Needs Reply always has to be right up to date, because otherwise it wastes the time of the people 7 Cups relies on to ensure members get replies. Waiting a little longer for the page to load would probably be acceptable, I imagine.


MistyMagic December 15th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie Good points, but also I have noticed that the front page ( dash page) takes a long time and seems to hold an image far longer so when I remove things the forums update faster than that feed leading to bad things staying on view far longer?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

RarelyCharlie December 15th, 2022

@MistyMagic I don't actually use the dash, but from what I've seen it seems to be doing something complicated that I don't understand. I agree with you that when you have to remove something you definitely want it to disappear from everyone's dash immediately!


MistyMagic December 15th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie @CheeryMango

So over 2 hours ago I made a post in Hobby Zone to my Hobby Journal. It finally showed on the Feed on the main 7 Cups dash just now but won't show up in the HZ 'recent' filter, in fact I cannot see it showing up at all when in Hobby Zone unless I go directly to that thread and look! When I search 'Hobby Zone Journals' and recent nothing comes up at all, not even old posts that would in theory be the most recent? I am not the only one experiencing this as I am getting complaints all over and this is leading to users starting more and more new threads as they don't 'see' the ones they have made.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

CheeryMango December 15th, 2022


The Hobby Journals are still visible if you go to Hobby Zone and filter by the 'Hobby Journals' topic. As for the search engine, results are not going to be 100% accurate since the team is still trying to fix the kinks in it. For now, I can only see the Hobby Journals master post that you have created.

AffyAvo December 15th, 2022

@CheeryMango When I tested it out there was about a 3-4 minute delay before the thread showed up there.

CheeryMango December 15th, 2022


Passed the bug along to the team for review!

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 15th, 2022

The recent changes have been very difficult for me. My issues with my memory losses etc., have created a whole new set of problems for me and I use this site , specifically my threads to try and get some semblance of myself back. I forget who I am, what I’m doing etc etc,.

The way my threads were listed before actually listed last person who posted to it and when . I think it also did it by most recently posted to on top. This setup made it as simple as it could be to navigate through while I am so confused without straying too far from information regarding me.

Now I am really getting frustrated when I am trying to renavigate everything. I am not a tech savvy person, I just would like ease of use for the basics like I described. Thank you.

AffyAvo December 15th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami My THreads/Subscribed without a key word are working again 😊

IsayUncle December 19th, 2022

I noticed the notificaton (WHEN someone clicks the suppor heart) STAYs there as a notification. I LIKE THAT, it's a tool I use as a reminder. But it doesn't stay there for a new post so if the heart is not clicked the notification will go away after viewing the post.

I still like it staying there from the support click. Thanks to the tech team.

PatienceImpatiens December 20th, 2022

Hi! I love this website and not sure if someone has already said something about this in the 9 pages.

Photo upload is possible from browser but not phone.

Big love and thanks to whoever is working on all these details!

mytwistedsoul December 21st, 2022

Me again 😅 It's nice being able to search - would there be some way to narrow it down alittle more? Maybe by month? And maybe not have it go the whole way back to the top if the thread you clicked isn't the one you want?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 21st, 2022


Me again too xD

Agreeeeeeed Soul. ❤

The current search is very haywired, takes ages to find something specific.

Honestly, I don't rely on it, unless I'm looking for a subscribed thread or one of my own. The manual going to the sub community, searching through the topics actually feels more convenient, personally. (It isnt convenient in the least either lol, just comparatively; it is rather time consuming if I'm absolutely clueless of where might a thread be)

It would be really awesome to have the search tool having more filters specific to time and sub communities too (being able to select a couple of sub communities, we want to search the thread within)

Least of all, something to console with, it'll be nice enough to have an organized search results, in terms of the time it was last updated (new comments) or posted originally.

Currently it's bizarre with a thread from 2016 then some other year and another, finding something close takes many many clicks and lots of time. :')

mytwistedsoul December 22nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I had tried using the search before and it never worked for me. So I was excited when they said it was fixed. Lol I'm allways clueless where the thread I want might be. Lol More filters might help to narrow it down

I agree - even with my own threads the way they're organized is weird. It used to be the last one used was at the top and the oldest was last on the list. Now it's all mixed up

New question 😁 what's your heart situation like? I can't seem to heart things today 😕

mytwistedsoul December 22nd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul And another question. Why would a thread that was accessible by me as a member before now deny me access?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 22nd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Perhaps it was shifted to another forum that isn't publically accessible? 😮 Which thread is it, Soul? I can try checking!

mytwistedsoul December 22nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou You could be right and it might have been shifted to the listener side. It had to do with forum post deletion and something else. The title disappeared from my list - sorry 😬

RarelyCharlie December 22nd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul The thread "Feedback on post deletion and 7 Cups site structure in relation to mental health and integration" by @CalmRosebud (if that's the one you mean), doesn't seem to be available to listeners either.

This morning I found two of my posts in that thread had been hearted, but when I clicked on either of the notifications I just got an Access denied message. Ironically, one of those posts had been censored several times as I was trying to post it. I don't see any explanation in the "Communicating Forum Post Deletions" thread.


RarelyCharlie December 22nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Oh! That thread has just reappeared! I haven't checked to see whether it's intact.


mytwistedsoul December 22nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou The post I couldn't access before? I can access it again *smh*

So they must be working on some things 👍

mytwistedsoul December 22nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou It was the one Charlie mentioned and now its back and I can access it again lol

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 22nd, 2022


Haha I'm glad you're able to access it again anyway! XD

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 22nd, 2022


I'm unable to point out why (because it seems the same at the first glance) I would still try the previous search tool "occasionally", the new one is comparatively even more haywired. xD

I get the clueless feeling. 😅 More filters and advance search options could definitely help us more. ❤

You mean hearting posts here? It's been working alright today for me. :O but sometimes it doesn't xD probably another "comes and goes"~ kinda bug.

mytwistedsoul December 22nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *gets the bug spray out* it happens on the thread that someone made of their Christmas tree dedication to 7cups. They posted pictures and I hearted a few and they stayed but farther down the thread the heart pops up for a second and then disappears