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Bon voyage, feed! The feed is retiring today

Jill7Cups November 4th, 2019

A few months ago we announced we would no longer be spending time on the feed and the bugs associated. The day has come where we retire the feed for good and remove it from the platform. We know some love the feature and will be sad to see it go and we get that. Thank you for being understanding and realizing that sometimes we have to make tough decisions for the greater good of the site.

BeautifulBreeze November 5th, 2019

Retirement/discontinuation is inevitable for any type of feature(s) on any Web sites. Now hopefully, let's continue to improve the safety and security + protection of the 7 cups community as a whole, which is paramount here. smileyyes

lyricalAngel70 November 5th, 2019


This is not a good news for me either but I hope something better is on it's way!!!

TheZu November 5th, 2019


i am sincerely looking forward to how ye guise will compensate the takedown of the feed feature for this so-called 'the greater good of the site'.

DarkCoffee November 5th, 2019

I can't express how disappointed i am. If it is known that this decision would affect a lot of members and listeners in a negative way, I highly doubt anyone cares about us. Every since I joined this site- 4 years ago- I really enjoyed the feed, it has been a way of expressing ourselves in our little space where friends could read and heart our posts. It was a good way to make and keep friends. So sad.....

I know there is forum where we can write, but feed was something where we could post things that only our followers could see...

Not sure how complicated solving whatever was wrong with the feed would have been, but is extremely discouraging for some of us to keep using this site. I just feel like every little nice thing on this site is slowly taken away from us and we can;t do anything.

I don't want to be told that this decision is going good on the long run etc beacause I doubt. 7 cups is not the same without the feed, how are we going to communicate or support or followers/friends, if we can;t even tag them on our feed, nor can we PM other members?

I used to love 7 cups, but I am so disappointed by such decisions. I hope you do realize that you are slowly pushing people away from the site, some of them forever, if our opinion doesn;t matter....sadindecisionsadsadsad

OrchidMelody November 5th, 2019

@DarkCoffee Thank you dearly for voicing my own thoughts in such an expressive way. I have never used the forum in four years because it feels very vulnerable for me. But, the feeds I enjoyed so much, because they helped me with the healing magnetism of connecting with the people I knew could understand me. Specific words in people's feeds actually created conversations that have lasted for years and healed me for years. It is so powerful to feel this kind of nurturing when it can be shared in more nuanced ways, either to bring people to a point of feeling safe to reach out, or for conveying vulnerability with respect. The removal of the feed is the one thing that has forced me to post in the forum, and I am deeply grateful to you for sharing your thoughts.

RarelyCharlie November 5th, 2019

@DarkCoffee Solving it would not have been complicated. We were told the problem with the feed was the cost of running it and maintaining it. In the five months since we were told that, a cheaper replacement could easily have been put in place. Why this didn't happen is a mystery.

But note that your feed was never private. It's not true that only your followers could see it. Anyone on the Internet could see it.

In future you can communicate with followers and friends in a diary thread in the forum. Make sure you act quickly to copy your list of followers and paste it somewhere you can save it. Then you can tag them all when you create your diary.


Dawn04 November 5th, 2019

@RarelyCharlie The big issue I see is I do know some about web design.....the feed maybe cost them a little while they were maintaining it, but it literally wouldn't cost them anything afterwards. So there's literally zero reason to remove it besides it seems some of the PTB simply don't like it.

RarelyCharlie November 5th, 2019

@Dawn04 Hmmm, that depends. The website moved fairly recently to Amazon Web Services (AWS). What if the feed uses a kind of database that AWS doesn't support. That could mean it has to be hosted more expensively somewhere else, and it would also be expensive to re-engineer it to use a different database. I'm just guessing here, because I don't know anything about the architecture, but I can imagine something like that happening.

But in another sense I do agree with you. If there are cost issues then the community deserves to have them explained in a realistic way.


DarkCoffee November 5th, 2019

Hey @RarelyCharlie,

I am aware that the feed hasn't been entirely private, but at least we had some control if we chose the option to manually apprrove people to follow felt more private than writing on forum where all could see in real time etc.

Thanks, but I don't think i will write diary etc on forum, i will find another place for that.

Thanks to all who have been making efforts to keep the feed alive

indigoCup1959 November 6th, 2019


How do you create a diary thread in a forum? Sadly I didnt find this post until today so I cant save my following/followers. It is depressing

RarelyCharlie November 6th, 2019

@indigoCup1959 Just go to Diary Entries and Connections and press the Create New Thread button. In your first post in your diary, tag any of your followers you happen to remember. After you create the thread, you can make a link to it in your profile so that other people who want to follow you can find it easily.


tluper6491 November 5th, 2019

But I made possibly the most important friend in my entire life and I can't talk to her anymore. This is all I have.

MonBon November 5th, 2019


You can make a thread in our diary entries & connections subforum with your friend

Dawn04 November 5th, 2019

@MonBon Forums are far less private....and as one of many people who have dealt with a stalker, not a solution.

tluper6491 November 6th, 2019


Exactly. I don't feel comfortable having open public discussions with my friend. That's how we became such close friends, I could talk to her comfortably about anything and in confidence my privacy (as well as her's) would be respected. I didn't even feel comfortable using the feed to talk to her because it felt too public. We can't send private messages to non-listeners, her listener account doesn't exist anymore, so now without even the feed to talk to her, our friendship is effectively just over now because we have absolutely no way to contact each other. And again, this was probably the most important friend I could ever have. I'm NEVER going to find anyone I can relate to as much. I can't become a listener myself so we can talk because I'm a worthless idiot who can't take care of himself much less listen to other people's problems and I can't just make an account just to talk to her and ignore anyone else who wants to talk to me.

So in other words I've lost the only person on the planet I can truly talk to now. I have nobody. Talking to her on the forum isn't an option because anybody can read it. So by removing the feed my only real friend is now completely gone and I have no way to directly contact her without the entire world seeing it.

tluper6491 November 6th, 2019


Now I can't even see who I'm following, even if I wanted to make a public thread how am I supposed to tag her if I don't have her screen name? I can't even do that.

jennysunrise8 November 6th, 2019


how much of her screen name do you remember i could try to find her rarelycharlie has a search tool for members i think it would work with just knowing most of her screen name but you can pm me if youd like to and i could try to help

MonBon November 7th, 2019


The forums are actually more private than posting to your feed, just an FYI. I know it's not a 1-1 solution, I was just trying to provide an alternative.

Dawn04 November 7th, 2019

@MonBon I can block people from contacting me and what was my feed - I can't do the same in forums.

[Edited by Anomalia for unsupportive content]

MonBon November 7th, 2019


They could see everything you posted, so what you posted was not private. That is what I mean. It is much harder to find someone's forum posts than it is to visit their profile and read all of their feed posts.

tluper6491 November 6th, 2019


How am I supposed to do that if I can't find her account?

tluper6491 November 7th, 2019


I made a thread and it got deleted. What else can I do? This friend means the world to me and I have nobody else.

MonBon November 7th, 2019


hey there! Can you pm me? I can restore deleted thread but I need more information.

LittleLotte November 5th, 2019

As soon as the feed stopped working, I used the site less. Now there is no feed at all I don't see any point in using it at all. Such a sad day.

DarkCoffee November 5th, 2019

Hugs @LittleLotte heartsmiley

Rainbow701 November 5th, 2019


With the feed, with the "support network" retire as well?

I'm wondering because this is where I have a lovely list of friends and supporters that I could use to tag in forum posts.

Thanks a bunch <3

MonBon November 5th, 2019


It's your list of followers and who you're following on the feed

MonBon November 5th, 2019


It is on your feed when you click "support network"

MonBon November 5th, 2019


I recommend copying that list and storing it elsewhere for now. The follow feature will be removed which likely means your list of followers and following will be removed as well.

00Nyx00 November 5th, 2019


I'm really sorry to hear that, feed was one of my favourite features on here. I just hope this update brings us more good <3

RumpleSteeleSkin November 5th, 2019


not cool......nocryingcryingcrying

Rainbow701 November 5th, 2019


*hugs Rumple*

Mentalgirl November 5th, 2019

@Jill7Cups When will this all occur?

neverendingwaves November 5th, 2019

Sad, angry in a sense but I guess nothing I feel will stop it from disappearingsad.

Feed was like a calm breeze whenever I felt plagued with lot of thoughts in my head.going to miss lot of people associated with feeds.feed friends😭😭😭😭

Greater good ????but I guess my heart wants to think selfish and whine😭😂.

amiablePeace77 November 5th, 2019


Thanks for letting us know Jill. With all the issues it makes sense.

PetiteSouris November 5th, 2019


Image result for tears gif

Daisy7cups November 5th, 2019

Feed you will be missed 💞. Thanks for motivating me everyday, brightening my days and giving me a space to write. Hugs, u are loved and will be missed.