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Bon voyage, feed! The feed is retiring today

Jill7Cups November 4th, 2019

A few months ago we announced we would no longer be spending time on the feed and the bugs associated. The day has come where we retire the feed for good and remove it from the platform. We know some love the feature and will be sad to see it go and we get that. Thank you for being understanding and realizing that sometimes we have to make tough decisions for the greater good of the site.

Dawn04 November 4th, 2019

@fantasticPineapple39 As for the past two years, I have seen not one single change that has enhanced the site - only stuff that has made the site either harder to use or made it worse.

windingfeather2 November 4th, 2019


some changes seem to be made without taking into consideration the site users.. people come here seeking for motivation, support and positivity.. many here have problems with changes, and some really were counting on the feed posts as a coping mechanism.. I feel depressed in the mornings and for me seeing positive posts from the people i follow was very comforting.. I think those changes are insensitive... I feel resistant to let cups because I met so many good people here, and I care about the people I talk to.. I worry with them and because of cups anonymous nature I have no other ways to keep in touch but being here.. for the people who already have a painful heart, things like this just add more pain to it..

Dawn04 November 5th, 2019

@LavenderHugs And you are one of my most faithful readers of my feed....and I am deeply sad that I won't be able to post anything to it any more. There should have at least been a vote within the community instead of the powers-that-be essentially saying "deal with it!"

amethystfeather0207 November 5th, 2019


thank you for always reaching out, Dawn💜

Dawn04 November 5th, 2019

@Lavendersubmarine It's always been my pleasure!

Dawn04 November 4th, 2019

@fantasticPineapple39 True enough. I personally stay out of the forums for the most part since the site refused to do anything about a stalker that was bothering me and people I consider my friends here. My feed was the last and only sanctuary.

Dawn04 November 4th, 2019

@fantasticPineapple39 The feed was the perfect thing for a pop of positivity, especially when people are waiting for Listeners to come online or waiting in the queue. Sadly no one is listening to (what I feel is the majority) the people who want it kept and honestly as they stopped fixing bugs and glitches, there's zero reason to delete it as it's not harming anyone.

SnailPurple November 4th, 2019


I'm sad to see the feed go, but I know you made the right decision. Thank you for making these tough choices. I know its not easy, but we need people like you to help make places like 7Cups the best it can be :)

lovelyWhisper66 November 4th, 2019

@Jill7Cups Awww, so sad to hear! Thanks for the update; the feed will be forever in our hearts.

fluffyUnicorns84 November 4th, 2019

Awww I remember the day it was announced we were getting it and how much people did not like the idea and here we are now saying goodbye, having a little place in our heart for it. "Farewell feed thank you for all you have provided us in the time of having you"

MonBon November 5th, 2019


Right? To be fair, I didn't understand the feed would be something you post to. I thought it was going to be an activity tracker ex: MonBon posted in this thread at this time, MonBon entered this room at this time.

It's ended up being a useful tool and I'm looking forward to the next iteration.

HelloWorld29 November 4th, 2019

Sad news indeed. Wish that this sacrifice brings a lot of positives to the website. That's how this should be justified, in my opinion. So, keeping my fingers crossed.

MonBon November 5th, 2019


I don't know all of the details, but I do know that they are working on improvements to the site. I see this as officially setting aside the feed so they can fully focus on future improvements.



I am sorry, you mean the "feed" each Listener and Member has on its Profile page? Or what?

List of Brave Acts Slightly smiling

Tazzie November 4th, 2019

Yes ("My Feed")

sparklesinthewater November 4th, 2019


So when are good things going to happen?🙄 Or are we constatly to ecpect and get bad news?🙄 what was this time destroying the "feed" as a good thing?

MonBon November 5th, 2019

@sparklesinthewater @Dawn04

Please remember to be respectful and constructive while posting in the forums. You can read the full guideline on this here.

sparklesinthewater November 5th, 2019


Both @Dawn04 and me were respectful. As per "constructive", there must be a difference between brainwashed puppet and expressing a free oppinion. The fact that we don't agree with the action of 7cups does not make our actions "unconstructive". After all we not the ones who removed smth so who in fact is not being "constructive".

Thank you for putting us in line MonBon (someday you would remember that "Bon" means "good")

None of us were disrespectful in anything we said but it doesn't mean we should shut up...

For my part I appologise sincerely for whatever you considered I have done wrong on this thread.

EvelyneRose November 5th, 2019


This part "Or are we constantly to expect and get bad news?" paired with the emoji is probably what makes it come off as such, even if not intended. Just answering your question. I don't think she's asking for people to not share opinions, just keeping it constructive thats all :)

sparklesinthewater November 5th, 2019


I understand but in receiving distressful mews some people like me do not have the power on the moment to phrase their opinions beautifully. If smth is distressing it is what it is and we express it with feelings, how we feel at the moment.. we are not machines, we are not perfect Noni's to say: "hey, bad news, yeey, let's be constructive!". It is only naturally human to feel distressed when faced with bad news and added to that, people like me, members came here because they are emotionally challanged so it is more than normal to react that way. My words were nothing untrue and my emojis represent my emotions so if that is not allowed I would need a lobotomy please.

I appologise again for my offending choise of expression and my use of sad emojis😔😔😔...(bad, bad dog of me, very unconstructive...)

RarelyCharlie November 5th, 2019

@sparklesinthewater I agree. That personal rebuke "remember to be respectful and constructive" came across to me as unsupportive content, which is not allowed in our forums, in theory. Your remarks and the emoji came across to me as expressions of your distress, which I find easy to understand in the circumstances. I am disappointed that the discussion has been driven so far off track by the reaction your choice of words and emoji.

Anyone who has additional opinions on this is welcome to PM me so as to avoid further derailing this important thread.


Tazzie November 5th, 2019


I am sorry to hear that you found a general reminder of the forum guidelines to be unsupportive. MonBon is a volunteer leader and they meant well and were only being polite in their response. Thank you!

EvelyneRose November 6th, 2019


I understand. It's definitely big news and many people will miss the feed, and I agree it's been very helpful interacting in that fashion. I hope whatever new feature comes is just as loved by the community.

Dawn04 November 5th, 2019

@MonBon I feel that the PTB (powers that be) here have been disrespectful to all members of this site - but especially the UNPAID VOLUNTEERS who are essentially running this site for them by refusing to give us any say or even allow our opinion on anything. If we voice it, we get called out as bad are we in a dictatorship here? If so, then you have accomplished the complete opposite of what this site was intended for - to help people.

sparklesinthewater November 6th, 2019


Please accept my humble appologies MonBon, I was out of line to act like I did and you acted corectly...You are a great asset to 7cups.


@Tazzie @Jill7Cups

Is therefore disappearing as well the "Follow" other Members/Listeners feature?

List of Brave Acts Slightly smiling

stressBear November 4th, 2019

@ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp @Tazzie @Jill7Cups I have the same question -- what does "follow" mean without a feed? (I can speculate, but I'd rather just ask the people who know.)

Dawn04 November 4th, 2019

@stressBear It basically will mean nothing now. :( Sad since the forums aren't an option while the site refuses to do anything about a stalker who has targeted at least a dozen or more people.

Jill7Cups OP November 4th, 2019

@stressBear yes the following feature will retire along with the feed. I know it feels like a bummer, it was always fun to see people's posts!

sparklesinthewater November 4th, 2019


Thank you...

sparklesinthewater November 4th, 2019


Well, remember the phoenix bird, noone can destroy a good thing no matter how hard they try. 7cups will come back in a form or other...I guess these are the torments of life with menaces and changes. I am a taurus by the zodiac so I like stability and calm and change makes me uneasy and one of my principles is "if it works, don't fix it..."...I value continuity and stability...but if life messes everything up so be it...I don't understand anything anymore anyway...😔😔😔

windingfeather2 November 4th, 2019




willpower finds its ways..

hugs ..

sad ..

sparklesinthewater November 4th, 2019


Hugsiez back🤗😔😔😔...

Dawn04 November 5th, 2019

@sparklesinthewater New account name, same person - I know it's you.

Dawn04 November 5th, 2019

@sparklesinthewater I cannot ban you.

sparklesinthewater November 5th, 2019


No, but you can submit a request for that if my presence on the site bothers you.

Tazzie November 4th, 2019

Thank you for the update! It is undoubtedly a tough decision. I enjoyed using the Feed. Looking forward to new updates!

amethystfeather0207 November 4th, 2019

This makes me sad... but no one who decided for it cares about my feelings anyways..

Tazzie November 4th, 2019


I am really sorry to hear that. I understand that the feed was special and carried a lot of value for you and many members and listeners. Your feelings matter and the community team cares. However, for the larger good (the entire community and our site), some tough changes need to be made. The changes aren't made with the intent to negatively affect anyone. We are here to support everyone by keeping the best interests in mind ❤️

azureLand2236 November 5th, 2019

@Tazzie umm, would you mind telling us how this site actually becomes better by removing the feeds? I really don't get the point.