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No longer fixing bugs with the Feed

Ece7Cups May 29th, 2019

Hi everyone! Ece from the 7 Cups Product team here with a tough announcement to make. Here goes:

As of this week, we will no longer be fixing bugs with the feed.

This was a tough decision & not one we made lightly so I want to share with you the full reasoning that went into it:

1) The feed is hard for us to fix: The code that powers the feed is now some of the oldest on our site, which means the engineering effort it would take to fix the update bugs, hashtag bugs & other feed inconsistencies being reported is really high

2) It is hard for us to keep fixed: Because it's so old, the feed content actually lives on totally different servers than the rest of the site. Some of the bugs are due to this separate server set-up & it takes ongoing maintenance & additional time to keep them from regressing

3) It is expensive: That separate server set up is more expensive than all the rest of our servers. There have been months where server costs for the feed are as high as 1/3rd of our total server cost for the entire product!

4) Most people arent using it: Over the past 6 months, less than 2.5% of active users on the site have engaged with their feed (posting, following, hearting, etc). Even if we look at only engaged Members & Listeners, that number is still just 10%.

We're a small team with limited resources & in considering all of this we came to the conclusion that we just can not afford the engineering time it would take to fix the feed when it does not benefit > 90% of our engaged Members & Listeners.

Next steps:

We know some of you really like & regularly use the feed and it's frustrating to be hit with the no updates bug or have hashtags not work. We want to take this opportunity to gather feedback from you directly as we think about how to proceed in the future.

Comment below with your thoughts:

- If you use the feed, what do you value about it? How would you complete the sentence "The feed lets me.....?"

- If you don't use the feed, why not? What about this feature didnt work for you?

Thanks so much for your understanding & your feedback!

RarelyCharlie May 30th, 2019

@7CupsCommunity This is very reassuring, and it might be worth mentioning in the original post at the top of this thread.

I'm hopeful that it will be an easy thing to do, because forum threads already seem to have the building blocks that could be put together in a different way to make a thing that works pretty much the way feeds work, and then there would be no need for that costly special server setup.


MonBon May 30th, 2019


I'm hopeful too!

7CupsCommunity May 30th, 2019


Thank you for the feedback!

Karrot May 30th, 2019

@7CupsCommunity - Thanks for saying that gives a bit of reasurance that there is something new out of the situation that is at hand

7CupsCommunity May 30th, 2019


Thank you for the feedback!

AffyAvo May 29th, 2019

@Ece7Cups - is it possible to get automated tag lists where people choose to subscribe/unscribe with a click of a button that doesn't require a team to manually update the information?

That could take care of some of the 'following' options for informing people, but I don't know if it would have some of the same coding issues that the feed currently has.

RarelyCharlie May 30th, 2019

@AffyAvo It is certainly possible, technically, to use a forum thread to manage a taglist automatically. I implemented this last year, and although my version is messy it basically works. Details here: Manage taglists and an example of it in use here: Bipolar Support Taglist

A lot of things would become easier if we could have more then one type of forum thread. Then threads of different types for different purposes could be stored together in the same database (in the same tables, in fact), avoiding the costly special server that the feed has been said to require. One type of thread could be for taglists, and it could easily display buttons so people could add or remove themselves.

I agree with your thinking—following a feed is essentially the same thing as subscribing to a forum thread.


MistyMagic May 30th, 2019

@RarelyCharlie @AffyAvo Charlie's automated taglist is brilliant! I use it a lot and it is great, Affy if you want any user experience putting it into a forum let me know Slightly smiling

Listening .... One Step At A Time

AffyAvo May 30th, 2019

@RarelyCharlie Thanks!

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn August 4th, 2019

@RarelyCharlie - agreed. a future incarnation of the feed is much more like to operate as a sort of personal forum/thread and/or an update of activity you have subscribed to / followed / expressed interest in, but that will take some time for us to sort out.

AbbyHarris1976 May 30th, 2019

Besides the forums, the feeds are my other primary means of communication on 7 Cups, as I do not really use the chat rooms and would not plan on it unless I'm joining a directed and moderated discusssion (an online "meeting" or "conference", if you will smiley ), and I have gotten many followers from the feeds since I also post my growth path steps there.

Unfortunately, feed posts of those I'm following aren't showing up in my feed anymore and mine aren't in theirs, either. That's probably the biggest bugaboo of this. crying

cloudySummer May 30th, 2019

@AbbyHarris1976 Yes, I've been missing your posts. My feed doesn't work, either.

LittleLotte June 2nd, 2019

@AbbyHarris1976 I don't see anyone's feed posts anymore either crying

Rebekahwriter13 May 30th, 2019


I do use the feed, but if you can make a forum in which I can post just like the feed, I wouldn't care if you drop it

SoulfullyAButterfly May 30th, 2019

I have found the feed to be a positive space filled with motivation and a way to spread awareness, reflections, and general connection. It is based on other social media feeds with a positive twist as in it is all fully supportive. The idea of sharing pictures, updates, trains of change, thoughts, and support keep it going. Some people do not like forums, the feed is a more easier, nice way to scroll through support.

cyanPlatypus6370 May 30th, 2019

I was going to write:

"Note to Self: Come back and add here what I like about the feed and how seldom/often I use it."

@Ece7Cups smiley

But, after reading a few of the other (M)/(L) comments, I've realized this: This announcement/change seems to be one that can be very polarizing. It is very hard to read through the comments that sound so angry, especially when I think the writer is actually trying to say what he/she *likes* about the feed! sad

So, now I am not sure if I will come back and add my "2 cents" or not. Or if it even really matters. @7cupscommunity ... oh! and I thought I read some clarification that the feed will still exist as it is now. Is that correct? And that this thread here is 'just' to say that the tech team will not continue to fix any problems with the feed? Please, do correct me here if I am wrong. Thank you, Platy

7CupsCommunity May 30th, 2019


Yes that is correct. We do not have plans to remove the feed feature at this time. However, we will also no longer be fixing the feed or creating updates or improvements for it.

Erato May 30th, 2019

I'm very sad to hear this news. I feel like the feed has always been neglected no matter how many people use it or try to promote the utilization of it.

Friday Feeder ( was launched and led by @ArwaS to give shoutouts to the people who are actively using the feed and sharing positive and motivational posts. Moreover, @Jenna leads the feed team and thinks of an idea or themes of what to post.

Making a post or reposting doesn't even let you earn cheers. Let alone the hearts earned by the posts don't count as compassion hearts. It seems like the cheers and compassion hearts only focus on other areas of the site and didn't give feed a chance to be paid attention to.

On the other hand, the feed lets me connect with other users.
>Especially when I connect with a member for the first time and they use the feed to vent. It gives me at least an idea how they're doing in the past months - when they do the growth path and make feed posts out of it; I've also witnessed that members don't have the availability to PM another member and often times they use the feed and tag someone for them to communicate if the rooms get so crowded. They repost each other's post and leave a comment.
>When someone follows me, the curiosity of wanting to get to know more about them or interact with them sparks when you visit their feed and you see their amazing posts. I bet just by hearting or reposting their posts puts a smile on their face because someone acknowledges their effort in making feed posts.

The feed lets me join tons of feed challenges/feed trains/feed hunt.
>They were also made because it's easy to make a post and tag someone to do it. And I like that the certain hashtags give you a throwback of what 7cups was before and learn the journey of every user who participated in them. It's easier to do it in the feed and easier to gain participation because your followers can see it and get interested.

The feed lets me take a break when I'm overwhelmed with group chats, forums or 1on1 chats.
>I like that I just spend time to check out My Feed and scroll through it to see amazing posts especially by @scenicwindow and @mieracurie. I also like when @abbyharis1976 and @lavendersubmarine repost the posts done by other users to complete a task in the growth path.

Lastly, the feed lets me share amazing posts and spread awareness of something.
>Before the feed bug, I was so motivated to post every week and it gave me excitement that I'm able to post new things in my feed. I always thought of an idea what to post every week or gather up pictures or quotes I've seen in other site that are worth sharing to people on 7cups.

I really wish there was still hope to revive the feed. Even though there's only a small percentage of user's engagement, it still matters. And I'm happy that you're willing to hear our feedback and experience with the feed. I hope that this gets resolved or at least helps in coming up with an alternative of the feed that's much better. Thank you for all you do!


MieraCurie May 30th, 2019

@Erato Yes. Exactly.. I actually help my members through my feed as well, especially when they don't want to connect to a listener, since they might feel overwhelmed talking about their issues.

Seeing members pour out their thoughts when reposting a feed helps them understand and relate the feed post with their emotions.

amethystfeather0207 May 30th, 2019

You said well @Erato

each person matters.. we always say that ... our feelings are valid and worthy, and each one of us is important... even if it was only important for one of us, It was important .

Thanks Era, for the tag .. The fact that my replies matter to you means a lot to me . Hugs ..

MistyMagic May 30th, 2019


I am very sorry to hear this. I actually love my feed!

The feed lets me contact MY followers and I am proud to say that I have 315 today! and that direct 'feeding' of MistyMagic personality has been a real support line to many many of the 1-1 members that I connect with every single day! I can send them pictures and share inspiration and support directed to those that have felt a connection to me, directly to me.

I am an avid forum poster too, nearly 3,500 forum posts and nearly 6,000 upvotes, but users can't easily find what I say, crumbs even I sometimes can't find forum posts! But the forum is no competition to the feed. The popularity of the hashtag is important, annoying but important too. If this announcement is signalling the end of the feed, and your figures seem to mean that any business person would agree that, then what is going to replace it?

4) Most people arent using it: Over the past 6 months, less than 2.5% of active users on the site have engaged with their feed (posting, following, hearting, etc). Even if we look at only engaged Members & Listeners, that number is still just 10%.

We're a small team with limited resources & in considering all of this we came to the conclusion that we just can not afford the engineering time it would take to fix the feed when it does not benefit > 90% of our engaged Members & Listeners.

This point may be giving you inaccurate figures of the use of the feed. The feed is featured on the side bar of the main page of every sub-community. It is where we can 'decorate' and draw attention to important events that are happening, share pearls of wisdom and reach lots and lots of members and listeners. I am sure the figure of users that just read the feed must be many more than 10% but you can't easily or exactly find out the true numbers that gain benefit from the feed can you?

Listening .... One Step At A Time

Dawn04 May 30th, 2019


I keep thinking the same - there has to be much more than ~2% of users using the feed. I do question how accurate that percentage is and how the OP of this thread came to get it.

melliotm May 30th, 2019

@Dawn04 I would also be interested in how engagement comparea/contrasts with other community features like group chats and forums (using the same formula).

Dawn04 May 30th, 2019


Personally I know I am not a fan of group chats (it's too fast to keep up) and forum posts get repetitive. I much rather like keeping up my feed so people I have talked to can see stuff I have posted and not feel alone....especially regulars who may only be talking to me since I can only be here so much in a day. I'm already here at least a few hours each day (often longer) to at least check messages, check on regulars, and upkeep my feed since it's also fun to decorate. I feel there is so much other stuff that could have been cut first.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn August 4th, 2019

@Dawn04 - It's based on actively posting to the feed, fwiw, and not simply seeing feed posts, as on a community page.

The data comes from our usage tracking and it is pretty reliable. :)

Dawn04 August 4th, 2019

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn I'm judging by the fact most communities have a feed team which is quite popular. I am finding it really hard to believe your numbers are correct when anyone looking around sees the newsfeed is still quite popular.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn August 5th, 2019

@Dawn04 - it may be hard to believe but one thing to consider is that only a small percentage of our users participate in the community at all.

dancedance May 30th, 2019

@Ece7Cups Do you think there will be opportunities for IT graduates to volunteer for the team in a few years time or is this information strictly confidential. I honestly would be glad to give back to the community if possible since I would've completed an IT qualification by then.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn August 4th, 2019

@dancedance - we would love to enable IT / tech / engineer / software developer volunteers but we're not really equipped to manage such help at this time. Definitely wouldn't rule it out in the future!

berryfields2409 May 30th, 2019

I like the feed because it gives me all kinds of things to print out and put up on my walls at home, reminding me to be upbeat, that self care is important and all kinds of wellness issues that resonate with me......

.....if it is 1/3d of the costs of the site however, this is not sustainable.. I will be forever grateful for the introduction to chibird and emm's artworks but maybe its time for the feed to be part of the past.. It was.. and it is good that it was..

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn August 4th, 2019

@berryfields2409 - I am hoping we can use forums in the meantime for sharing inspirational and encouraging thoughts!

kindSoul10 May 30th, 2019

@Ece7Cups "The feed lets me.....

Create my personal space. It's my blog, my news announcement and it gives me feedback by hearts and reposts. Followers help me to understand who feels connected with me and is interested in the content I create."

Bbeel928 May 31st, 2019

@kindSoul10 please come and lets talk about it

kindSoul10 May 31st, 2019

@Bbeel928 I'm all ears.

Bbeel928 June 4th, 2019

@kindSoul10 ok thank you so much!!!smiley

PurpleSnail May 30th, 2019


I do not use the feed because I am not interested. I use this website to get better, not to make update posts

CaringBrit May 31st, 2019

@Ece7Cups the feed lets me promote subcom teams in need of help so it does actually get that 90 percent you say it doesnt help we on the help wanted engagement task force rotate using the feed the subcoms in need of help each month and that team and need is only growing so to lose a vital resource would not be very helpful why not update it rather than try fix old make new ?

lilmango June 1st, 2019

I would ask these guys if they would like to help. I think they would in one way or the other.

lilmango June 1st, 2019

further, looking into the current statistics doesnt draw causality to members need and/or want to use the feed. They may correlate or may not. I hope that is kept in mind.

LittleLotte June 2nd, 2019

My main reason for using the 7cups website is the feed and growth path.

The Growth Path gives me a purpose, something to achieve each day even when I feel like I can do nothing else. However, as the activities on it haven't been updated in a long time (and many are feed-related) it's become stale and I no longer feel encouraged to do it (also especially as my 400+ day streak was reset by mistake). So now on bad days, I don't even have one tiny thing I feel like I can achieve.

I loved the feed because it was full of positivity - I could go there and see so many great messages full of encouragement, simple advice and there was rarely anything triggering there. Plus people always responded to feed messages, even just getting a heart from someone meant I felt heard. I've tried the forums and chat rooms but I either get triggered or feel ignored.

Without the feed and growth path being updated, I shall probably be leaving this site as I see no reason to stay. It's a shame as I've made friends here (through the feed) so I shall feel lonely again.