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2023: Finish the sentence...

Heather225 January 3rd, 2023


Happy New Year!! I hope you're off to a good start! I wanted to do a mini-reflection exercise with you just to get you thinking ahead. Finish the sentences! What's the first thing that comes to mind? That may be what you want to focus on. If you're the type who prefers to really think about it, that's good too! At the end of the sentences, you should have an idea of what you want to work on this year.

In 2023 I would like to...

To do this, I need to...

My tip is to focus on wellness over resolutions. What do you want to work on and how do you plan to get there?

Revisit your reply to this post often to make sure you're still going in the right direction. Monitoring your progress is key to creating lasting change!

RyleighA January 3rd, 2023


In 2023. I would like to travel more and enjoy the outdoors more. To do this, I need to get myself organized enough so I be successful with this.

intuitiveWater5886 January 10th, 2023


I can relate to this! You are not alone. Sending positive vibes your way for 2023 progress!

happyhues January 3rd, 2023

Hey @Heather225, such a cool post of sharing intentions!

Let me try:

In 2023 I would like to... be more disciplined and committed to my priorities, goals, and healthy habits.

To do this, I need to... keep tracking my progress, be kinder with myself whenever I miss a thing or two on my list, and most of all, seek God's guidance in everything I do.

Hope to see what 2023 has in store for us, let's go!
kindsoul314 January 3rd, 2023

Well ... let me see:

In 2023, I would like to wake up each day with the intention of being more Christ-like. I would like to focus more on HIS desires and less on my own.

In order to do this, I need to be more compassionate; and I need to listen more with my heart and less with my brain. I resolve to always extend an open hand - instead of a clenched fist. I resolve to give more - and take less; for it is in giving that we receive ...

purplelady568 January 3rd, 2023

@kindsoul314 what a great goal!! I wish you all the best as you begin this new year!

purplelady568 January 3rd, 2023


In 2023 I would like to... travel somewhere new.

To do this, I need to... save a little more money and plan an itinerary!

In 2023 I would like to... be more organized.

To do this, I need to... 1. get rid of things that do not bring me joy or are no longer useful. 2. Figure out a desognated place for each thing.

intuitiveWater5886 January 10th, 2023


Moving can be overwhelming. One box at a time!

newtbug January 3rd, 2023


In 2023 I would like to... keep my mind on the verse Philippians 4:8, and I would like to keep my mental and physical health in check.

To do this, I need to... be mindful of what I'm thinking of or dwelling on and remind myself of this verse. I need to organize myself so I can achieve my fitness goals. I need to think that working out isn't a punishment for what I ate, but a celebration of what I can do! That way I'll be happier and enjoy what I'm doing!

LovelyFrog8934 January 3rd, 2023

In 2023 I would like to travel more and try new things outside my comfort zones

NewYorker11 January 3rd, 2023


In 2023 I would like to... lead a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle

To do this, I need to... remember that too much of one thing can be bad for my lifestyle, living a balanced life means that all aspects of my life get some attention.

thoughtfulmomma January 3rd, 2023

In 2023 I would like to...
Write and publish a book.
To do this, I need to...

Write a little bit each day. Have a plan, have a schedule. And don't stop!

OwlPal7604 January 5th, 2023

@NoneTheWiser What a great goal! I too wish to be calmer.

ForKindness January 3rd, 2023

@Heather225 In 2023, I would like to focus on myself and building a good single life! Doing things I love and starting a book club for girlfriends all around Europe! 😊

brightDog657 January 3rd, 2023

In 2023 I would like to feel whole and happy again and I feel this can happen by me leaving my husband who has continually betrayed me by infidelity and throwing his money away on to women he really don't know while I struggle to pay all the bills and take care of my stepson.

intuitiveWater5886 January 10th, 2023


Wow, Bright, sounds like a lot of responsibility has been on your shoulders! Small steps to get your plans in of luck!

fearlessLand8537 January 3rd, 2023

In 2023 I would like to improve my health, and be well prepared to graduate college.

To do this, I’ll need to adhere to a consistent schedule that prioritizes my studies, a healthy diet & exercise. But I also sometimes need to allow myself to make mistakes and be able to reflect rather than go into self loathing. I’ve lost a lot of self esteem and confidence over the past few years to the point that I often forget to be compassionate towards myself.

purpleTown8700 January 4th, 2023

Hi Heather

New here

In 2023 I would like to get married to the man I've been with for 10 years

To do this I need to gain his trust back

JLarissaNowhere256 January 4th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to walk away from a situation that no longer feels right for me.

To do this I need to decide to take the risk on myself

Seren8 January 4th, 2023

In 2023 I would like to get my life organised. My life is such chaos and the chaos makes me feel extremelemt tired. In order to do this I need to make organised lists of everything that needs to be done, and do it one by one

JLarissaNowhere256 January 12th, 2023


I understand. I feel also a need for a physical clean slate to get back on track and to see clearly what is right next thing for me. Maybe that is also how you feel. Things and tasks can feel like extra weight when depressed or even partly cause the depression.

Enthenia January 4th, 2023

In 2023 I would like to gain more educational experience in order to have better job opportunities.

To do this I need more time and money.

TextingLeon January 4th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to learn to be a better listener and finally become verified listener, and continue serving people with passion

To do this, I need to commit a time to serve people in 7 cups and follow "My Path" and practice more and more

calmMango9611 January 4th, 2023

@Heather225 In 2023 I would like to be on the Admin team, in group support.

I have been at 7cups since 2019.

I was a listener leader for 2.5 years.

I had the following rolls: Peer Supporter, Room Supporter,(3times on the listener side), Support Team Leader, Mod, Room Support mentor, Forum Supporter, Project Agent, and needs reply team, for a bit.

I retired from the listener side of leadership, in Sept of 2022.

I am now a community leader and group support leader on the member side of things, room supporter.

While, I was on the listener side of things I studied Content development and graduated in May of 2021.

I applied for the Room Support Team Leader/Coordinator roll and the Room Support Buddy Program, as a Big buddy and waiting to here back.

I love being in group support and love helping Our Group Support Manager Out.

I love being a room supporter.

I love GlenM, I love Obs, I love Heather225 and I love Our Admin team and the hard work they do.

I am a very hard worker.

I love,love,love,love to help others and support them.

Please think about it, H.

I love 7cups.

When, I cannot sleep sometimes, I count tea cups, It works like a charm.

I will do this, without any pay, what so ever.

I do not want to burden 7cups money wise,in any way.

I just love to help, and to do new things.

I have a giving spirit.

I would like to put the money back into 7cups, so it goes towards, new programs, new sub-communities,and wherever we are short, put the money there.

I am retired on disability, I am not a rich person, but I do ok.

I have a learning disability, but I do not let that stop me from learning and doing new things.

I just have to do things differently.

All I ask of you and your team H, is to think about it, talk to whomever you need to talk to, and then let me know,either in here or private message, which ever is most comfortable for you.

No rush, please take your time.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

SparklyFly January 4th, 2023

@calmMango9611 I love your post! Congrats for all of your impressive accomplishments on 7 Cups. You've inspired me. Thanks!!

calmMango9611 January 4th, 2023

@SparklyFly I am glad.

I wish you well in your 7cups career.

intuitiveWater5886 January 10th, 2023


WOW! That's really impressive! Disability = Different Ability. I think our differences and struggles/challenges strengthen us as people and give us empathy for others when they face their own. You sound like you have a lot of passion for this community. Best of luck in reaching your goals in 2023!

calmMango9611 January 10th, 2023

@intuitiveWater5886 I do. I love this community very much.

amicablePerson1365 January 4th, 2023


In 2023 I will focus on more self care for myself. I will keep up with my hair, clothes and things that make me feel good. Look better. Feel better. Happy New Year everyone

theboymoana January 4th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to be happy again

to do this I need to I don’t know but I’m trying and therapists and family and teachers and people helping me

nikkisummer January 4th, 2023

@theboymoana good luck! Sounds like you have a great support system though

theboymoana January 6th, 2023

@nikkisummer thank you am lucky have so much people just hard to remember all time

nikkisummer January 4th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to...
Develop a healthier self esteem
To do this, I need to...

get out of my comfort zone more!

Heather225 OP January 4th, 2023


as it's said: change begins at the end of your comfort zone

i'm excited for you!!

Lovetree021 January 4th, 2023

In 2023 I would like to lead a healthy lifestyle while doing my degree.

To do this I need to start waking up early, have every meal on time and have conversations with my dad for my future plans.

GypsySoulZenNFire January 4th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to be kinder to myself. I would like to meditate more and do more self care.

To do this I plan to take a long hot soak in the bath once a week, with a good face mask. And start meditating afterwards. And add to meditating 3 times a week. I will also use the meditation to me more mindful of negative self talk.

NewHorizon9090 January 4th, 2023

In 2023 I would like to set some goals to be achieved in terms of career & personal development.

To do this, I need to be more organized, committed & focused on targets.

Nobodyimportantmn January 4th, 2023


In 2023 I would like more productive and more successful!

To do this, I need to... make some choices to walk away from toxic people and situations while I develop a new routine which will include a better support team and how I react or respond to the stresses that come my way. I will utilize my therapists and doctors whenever necessary as well.

Kk1213 January 4th, 2023

In 2023 I would like to take a trip to Korea. To do this, I need to save up my money and plan ahead.

obliviousPeach22 January 4th, 2023

In 2023 I would like to continue on this path of reorganization and redirection.

To do this, I need to create a schedule, make obtainable goals, and don't be discouraged when I fall short.

Allie1516 January 4th, 2023

This is really good post, thank you for sharing!

In 2023 I would like to make more friends and get involved in more events.

To do this, I need to go outside my comfort zone and take initiative.