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2023: Finish the sentence...

Heather225 January 3rd, 2023


Happy New Year!! I hope you're off to a good start! I wanted to do a mini-reflection exercise with you just to get you thinking ahead. Finish the sentences! What's the first thing that comes to mind? That may be what you want to focus on. If you're the type who prefers to really think about it, that's good too! At the end of the sentences, you should have an idea of what you want to work on this year.

In 2023 I would like to...

To do this, I need to...

My tip is to focus on wellness over resolutions. What do you want to work on and how do you plan to get there?

Revisit your reply to this post often to make sure you're still going in the right direction. Monitoring your progress is key to creating lasting change!

Avery6103275 January 4th, 2023


In 2023 I would like more , laugh more and go further in my studies and work life.

To do this, I need to... Accept things , forgive myself and others , be more kind to myself and my loved ones , see the purpose and meaning of things better.

Angelofheaven20 January 4th, 2023
In 2023 I would like to find my passion

To do this, I need to become dedicated and be more focus
Heather225 OP January 4th, 2023


great goal! here's to self-discovery for you this year!

Angelofheaven20 January 5th, 2023



Hope to unlock this achievement 😇

SparklyFly January 4th, 2023

@Heather225 This is a great topic and a thread that I'm going to save to stay on track. I'm all about it lol.

SparklyFly January 4th, 2023

For me in 2023, I am going to focus on self-care. Focus on my physical health including dentist stuff that I need to have (ugh). Notice the little things and journal about them. Continue completing steps on my Growth Path.

courageousPrune8188 January 4th, 2023

Gain a qualification and some new experiences

EmpatheticPanda93 January 4th, 2023

In 2023 I would like to get a better car and be able to register and insure it.

To do this, I need to get a job and save money or wait til tax time and get a better car.

Gettingbettertoday January 4th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to... not fear life more then death.

To do this, I need ... a miracle.

Swan2023 January 8th, 2023

Hello I am new here so I’m sure you don’t recognize me but I know the feeling. I will pray for a miracle for you

cerb3erus January 4th, 2023


in 2023 i would like to pursue my dreams of becoming a singer. to do this, i need to work hard, and take time.

nanci70 January 4th, 2023

I woukd like to have ny husband actually act like one.

I dont know ....

ThadSterling January 4th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to quit smoking, develop better habits

To do this, I need to... restart the accountability challenge (ugh, the holidays were SOOO good but it made keeping on track very difficult for me), starting with the challenge of writing in my journal each day, doing 15 minutes of mindfulness each day, and staying involved on 7 cups each day

Most likely going to take the time to start over with the list of 20 things I could do to reach my overall goal of more discipline and a better routine, not to mention the discipline required to quit nicotine without it affecting my moods terribly at work

summertimesadness21 January 4th, 2023

⭐ In 2023 I would like to ... be more independent and confident in myself.

⭐ To do this, I need to ... work on my fear of failure and have faith in myself to do well.

awkwardEagle January 4th, 2023

⭐ In 2023 I would like to

Create more art and writing. Heal more. Understand more. Be more. More me.

⭐ To do this I need to

Make/take the time every week to do the work. Make it a priority. Make me a priority.


slowdecline48 January 5th, 2023

@awkwardEagle I dig those goals.

skyfield01 January 4th, 2023

In 2023, I'll have tangible good results for myself, for my personal data and for me to feel qualified of what I think I can be, and what I deserve to be. :) Simple qualifications fulfilled for myself to recover from unjust situations. I can achieve it by tryibg my best to exclude and eliminate anything and anyone who will distract me.

babeyjaney113 January 5th, 2023

in 2023 I would like to stop overthinking. I need to challenge my thoughts and switch them in a positive direction and be mindful

Wyndi2023 January 5th, 2023

Spend more time on taking care of myself. Learning what I need to make me feel alive and well. Stop caring about what other people think of me.

To do this I need to get active and change everything I’m currently doing because it’s not working. Join a club and maybe get a therapist.

breakableTwig2021 January 5th, 2023

In 2023 I would like to set firm boundaries, not take responsibility for others actions and meet my needs.

Wayward7Good7Intentions January 5th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to... Do

To do this, I need to... Just DO

toughCup4675 January 5th, 2023

@Heather225 drink more water and reduce my stress & anxiety.

slowdecline48 January 5th, 2023

In 2023, I would like to draw/paint two finished works for my portfolio (three+ if possible), finish the current cane project & start the next one, at minimum. To do this, I'll have to get enough sleep, ration my energy carefully, & organize my living room. Also will have to eat enough of the right foods...not easy in my area, but not impossible either.

slowdecline48 December 21st, 2023

Aaaaand looking back on this, I know I didn't accomplish any of these things. Because life. And chronic s***. And because of an inability to focus for an extended period.

It's times like this that I find myself repulsive.

Adeline12345 January 5th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to...

Have a balanced personal & social life by allocating time wisely

To do this, I need to...

Be thankful for the opportunity given to each day

Not be afraid of trying new things

yuue January 5th, 2023

In 2023 i would like to make my mind more cohesive instead of being all over the place. I want to do good at my job so i can get a good income.

to do these things, i need to meditate a lot and not think about the past, which will set me behind. I need to be in the present and think about the future. to do good at my job i just need to be persistent and attentive, which is coming easier to me lately.

kc526 January 5th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to be nicer to myself and be more mindful of self-care routines.

To do this, I need to stop negative thinking towards myself and remember to take time for myself. I will find a self-care routine that works, maybe wash my face more or get my nails done once in a while. 💜💙

EllerytheCelerey January 5th, 2023


in 2023 I would like to finish my preparation for my career, and to do this I need to focus.

humandesigner January 6th, 2023


In 2023 I want to do more self-care!

selfdisciplinedShip6373 January 6th, 2023

@Heather225 so...

In 2023 I would like to... find my way & my path, get back to being my true self, and follow my gut when it comes to making life decisions. I need to live for myself, and not for others for once.

To do this, I need to... Learn more about myself and understand what it is that I truly want. Cross out everything that I am currently doing because it is "normal" and because "others like it and approve of it". I should get back to putting myself first, and not being afraid of what others will think about me.

purpleSea7109 January 6th, 2023

I just want to be whatever I needed to be. Click on my name if need me and if read this message. XX

lonelylemon07 January 6th, 2023


In 2023 I would like to be more comfortable in my current body during the weight loss process.

To do this, I need to talk better about myself and practice affirmations

RainbowRosie January 6th, 2023


🌹 In 2023 I would like to... change my job. I’ve been wanting to do something different for some time.

🌹To do this, I need to... focus more, look for more opportunities. Not easy right now as I have other things going off (family issues) but I do intend to set some time aside for myself.



jadegreen1516 January 8th, 2023

In 2023 I would like to focus more on myself, and putting my mental health and regular health first. I can't show up for anyone else, if I'm not ok. To do this, I need to, come on here every day for starters! I need to have a plan written out and make sure to follow it everyday. Even if it's just something little, at least one thing a day to better my health!

gracefulHope2907 January 8th, 2023

In 2023 I’d like to continue my development/growth on an individual level while also starting to make some new friendships

To do this, I need to put myself out there. Take some risks knowing that friendship takes time. I have to continue to be patient too but know when it’s time to take action. In other words, be careful about what deserves my energy and what does not.

zaramerch January 8th, 2023

In 2023 I would like to exercise more. To do this I'll keep my list right where I can see it with my weights. Perhaps visit the exercises I have saved for. Instagrsm.

Quietnights1975 January 8th, 2023

In 2023 i would like to get healthy and lose weight

To do this I need to exercise and change my diet

purpleSea7109 January 8th, 2023

2023 I want everyone I can and hope everyone gets good 2023. Click on my name I will try and help you.Xx

ohie January 8th, 2023


⭐ In 2023 I would like to... live a life I always wanted to have ...

⭐ To do this, I need to... draw more .

TehyaM2319 January 8th, 2023

I’m 2023 I would like to save some more money then I normally would and I would also like to focus on myself and others around me. I want to maintain a happy/healthy lifestyle 😊