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Introducing our new and improved forum engagement challenge!

tommy September 1st

Forum Engagement Challenge

We are devoted to providing a supportive and inclusive space for all to interact and explore. As part of this mission, we need to evolve and increase awareness to help ensure every user gets what they deserve: a reply to their post. When a user doesn't get responded to in an adequate timeframe, it can leave them feeling disengaged and disappointed. Our forum engagement challenge is a monthly initiative to help ensure every user gets a response as soon as possible. 

What is the Forum Engagement challenge?
The Forum Engagement Challenge is a monthly campaign where we encourage all members, including Admins, Ambassadors, leaders, and everyone in between, to actively participate in forum discussions. The goal is simple: make 7 meaningful replies within the designated period. By responding promptly to posts, whether it's welcoming new members or contributing to ongoing discussions, we can create a sense of belonging and connection that enriches our community experience.

Why Participate?
1. Build Community: Engage with fellow community members to strengthen our community bonds.
2. Support: Show your support by responding to posts promptly and offering assistance where needed.

How do I participate?
1. Reply to this thread to confirm your participation. We should all aim to reply to at least 7 different needs reply posts within the month, but the more the merrier!
2. Find your way to the Needs Reply Queue
3. Decide on a thread which you'd like to reply to. Consider picking one at the top of the list as these users have been waiting the longest. 
4. Once you're ready, post a meaningful reply. Ensure you consider their original post and offer opportunities for further discussion.
5. Complete the form with a link to the thread you responded to.

What do I get for participating?
First of all, you get the satisfaction of supporting others. This is a reward which cannot be matched. As a thank you, we'll also award you 25 cheers for each needs reply post you respond to and will include you in our monthly leaderboard. Our monthly forum engagement leaderboard will be posted as part of our forum spotlight

So, are you ready to get involved with this initiative during the month of September? If so, comment below to confirm your participation


Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 1st



MistyMagic September 1st

@tommy Count me in!cat-dancing-gif-dancing-cat.gif

LabeledBPD September 1st


lets start with this?

SparkyGizmo September 1st


Hi Tommy! 😊 ❤️

Wow! What a great initiative my friend!😊

Thank you for your forum post and might I say, it's most impressive! My oh my, so many reasons why!😳 I "see you" 👀. This post feels like, to me, something that should be saved and used as an example/template to help mentor others that are up and coming and would like to be a mentor or an Ambassador also some day. 

Certainly could be quite the useful tool! You've already done the hard work (whether that be behind the scenes and getting the "buy in" of others to contribute and or drafting the post to go to press), executed the plan and now with adding side notes to this as to the reasoning as to why you did/said this or that.....ta-dah 💡Quite the "teachable moment". Noice! Yup, one of those *bows in front of greatness* moments for me. 

I really love how inclusive you have made this! Everyone from the "back of the house" as well as the "front of the house" and what especially resonated with me is when you said ....."and everyone in between". ❤️

We really do have some incredibly talented, highly intelligent, caring teammates around here whether they be on the member side or the listener side! No additional leadership badge needed to show how very much they are a true leader (and that comes from with in) and exhibit caring and kindness towards others. 

One of the 7 cups core values "Your work saves lives". Well it sure does! While we may not be a crisis intervention site, our work is impactful for sharing and caring and potentially heading things off at the pass before they escalate and get to the level of requiring crisis intervention. Everyone deserves to be seen and to be heard. 

In the spirit of "and everyone in between"...hey, we have a captive audience of incredibly kind people here on the platform that visit the rooms. If anyone would like to, they could drop the link that you have so wisely provided for the "needs reply queue" and/or this entire link to your forum post and invite them to join in as well. Indeed, the more the merrier! Weeeeeeeeeee-weeeeeeee! 😊 For me personally, it warms the cockles of my heart to see someone actually "sell it"! 

Lastly, in an effort to be of help, one can consider if the original post "speaks to them" in some way, if it somehow resonates, if they understand the topic or content or not quite so much. If you can't embrace it or support it, it's okay to move along and choose another. Ones time could be better spent working in a forum post that tugs at their heart strings, something that they gravitate towards as "if it don't fit, don't force it" and hopefully another teammate will come along and engage in ways that wouldn't be authentic for us, personally. 

Nothing seems quite so cold and dismissive towards members around here than to read comments like "I'm sorry you feel that way". If that is all we have to say then perhaps it's not the right forum post for us and it's okay for not each forum post to be quite the right "fit". 7 cups wants for us to feel really good about the great work that we do and for it to feel rewarding to us too. ❤️

Tommy, thanks again for your initiatives, for all of your hard work here across the platform. When we got you, we won the lottery! I appreciate you! ❤️ Most grateful my friend! ❤️

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

Optimisticempath September 2nd


This!! you always have the best things to say 💕and right things 💕 and important reminders 💕

*bear huggles for the sweetest Gizziee in the whole world* 


your reminders reminded me of this post we had for NR team that has many tips for everyone so I hope it's useful for everyone replying to posts also💕💕

SparkyGizmo September 2nd


Opti, might I say, your timing is impeccable! 😊 ❤️ I mean really, I could not have even planned it better than this. Some days the sun, moon and stars really do come into alignment! 😳

My friend, you "live" in those words that I shared above. You are an amazing example to the rest of us. You are an amazing teammate and a strong leader here in the community. ta-dah 💡and *points to Opti* No badge required. 😊

Your leadership comes from with in. It's all heart and all love! ❤️ I'm a big fan and have been for quite a long time! I see you! 👀 Your body of work is most impressive and I am most grateful for you! ❤️   Thank you for being someone that we can all respect and admire. 

Thank you for dropping a pathway to that link! 😊 Wow! Once again, brilliant💡You just brought the heat, you brought the noise and knocked it right out of the park! Impressive! That my friends, is how it's done. I sure wasn't able to do it! *bows in front of greatness* once again today. 

Thank you Opti, for providing us with a "teachable moment" with that additional forum post. It's a great read! They certainly did say it much better than I did! 

*high fives* 😊 big *hugs* ❤️ and *bear huggles for the sweetest Opti in the whole world* ❤️

theboymoana September 1st


i try do this ok !

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd


Yay!!!! That's awesome <3

Aayla September 1st

@tommy I'd like to participate, but does the event take place in September or October?

At the end of the post you wrote "are you ready to get involved with this initiative during the month of October?" and I'm a bit confused if I can start now or not

tommy OP September 1st


Woops, good spot! I must be wishing the year away - I've corrected it now. Yes, this is going to be a monthly initiative which you can definitely get involved with from now onwards 😃

Aayla September 1st
@tommy thanks for the clarification. I've picked some posts to reply to, older ones but also a few more recent, and I've sent the form with the links. To the rest of the participants, have a good challenge!
hematite43 September 1st

I will participate.

Georginahowe September 1st

@tommy im in not been online much but ill try my best

GentleHealingInitiative September 1st

@tommy Thank you for your post and what a thrilling challenge!  

Count me in! 💓


Mellietronx September 1st

@tommy I am down!

Optimisticempath September 2nd


*sends happy glitter to lift you up* 


Mellietronx September 2nd

@Optimisticempath Thank you :)

ThoughtLight September 2nd

I am very happy to join in on this. It is a great idea.

StrawberryShaken September 2nd

I'm interested in this challenge ☺️.

RainbowRosie September 2nd


This sounds great ❤️ Happy to participate 🌹

SoulSun808 September 2nd

@tommy I'd like to participate^^ I'll do my best

CouragousDragon0742 September 2nd

@tommy I'm in^^ What a great idea!

Optimisticempath September 2nd


I always appreciate challenges like these 🥳 they aren't challenges, rather opportunities and reminders that the smallest efforts could mean the world to some 💕

mhmm, will try responding to the oldest threads first 🧸 


fruityHoliday63 September 2nd


I confirm my participation for September.

Got one done, six more to go

All the best to everybody 

wandamx26 September 3rd

I would like to participate

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

I am SO down <3

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd


I lost count, but I think I did 7 or more just tonight! It was easy <3

Faelwyn September 3rd

I'm new here but count me in.  It's a great way for me to meet people here and learn to navigate the forum.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

Hi, I’m Kiara! Welcome! Glad you’re joining the challenge and helping us love on other people <3

Faelwyn September 3rd


Thanks, nice to meet you

Phoenixthepoised September 22nd

Count me in!!!!😁