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Feedback on post deletion and 7 cups site structure in relation to mental health and integration

CalmRosebud December 17th, 2022

@MistyMagic, @GlenM, @neonblueberry1843, @Coco08061969, @lightIdea2663

This post was deleted from the "deleted thread" thread and @MistyMagic suggested placing it within the "feedback" thread. I have followed your guidance. Thank you for the suggestion.

Here is the "feedback" in its entirety. (Posted originally as a response to a Diary entry being deleted.) Quoted in its entirety:

"Your deletion of my diary entry confirms my nagging feeling of what is wrong with the primary division between Listeners and Members in the organization of 7 cups. @GlenM. Additionally, I would like to thank @neonBlueberry1843 @Coco08061969 for coming to my defense when I posted my diary entry and @lightIdea2663 wrote an unsupportive line. Now, in reading more about the development of 7 cups as a nonprofit business by Glen Moriarty as a startup in Silicon Valley mostly to support entrepreneurs who may also be seeking ways to balance their anxiety and depression and have a place to find information on work life balance, due to Glen M's Psy D background and desire to "help" others (from his clinical background) I have finally hit on what it is that I find disturbing about the 7 cups's division between Listeners and Members. So, thank you for that.

"In short, the goal of most therapies is for a person to achieve "integration" and "balance" and also be able to function in society. Glen and the other investors took on a lofty goal, which was to create a world wide platform where people could get and give support to each other. The premise is the "therapeutic model" and I won't go into that in great detail but I will explain why I don't believe it leads to integration of personality for just a minute.

"The reason I joined 7 cups was complicated. However, the part of 7 cups I was attracted to was the Sharing Circle, where everyone is more or less 'equal' and everyone's 'voice' can be heard. This model is based on Councils of Indigenous People, where persons would sit in a circle and pass a 'talking stick' around the circle. Each person would have the chance to talk whilst they held the talking stick. In this way, each voice of the community was given equal weight. The Sharing Circles, which I was supporting as a Room Supporter and as a Host, were formed on this premise. Glen and others who formed this didn't know that, perhaps because they are younger than me, or less interested in the historical roots of such things, they put in the original introduction to Sharing Circles that it was based on the Overeaters Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous (which, by the way, have mixed reviews as to effectiveness) rather than the ancient historical roots of Councils run by Indigenous Peoples (I can insert references here, but this is just an overview of my thoughts so I will save that.) This desire for a 'therapeutic' atmosphere, coupled with the desire to help entrepreneurs, was, from what I can gather, the motivation to establish 7 cups.

"However, there is a flaw with the argument that the therapist "knows" more than the one seeking therapy. Also, there is a fatal flaw when a person (one human) is differentiated or split into essentially two personalities: 1) the member: distressed, perhaps seeking help and 2) the listener: the helper, the one who delivers help.

"This division also has ancient roots. It also has been the cause of many problems, one of the chief being the ability for a human individual to achieve integration or 'enlightenment,' the 7th 'cup' within the poem Glen cites as one of the bases of forming 7 cups.

"My personal experience on both sides, being a Member and also a Listener, is that the more involved I became as a Listener, the more mechanistic and robotic my acceptable responses became. For example, pat phrases like: Thank you for sharing, One day at a time, and I am walking with you, became common. The real personality of the Listener is diminished. Listeners, as per the guidelines you state above, are to be 'lighthearted' and 'joyous.' Nowhere did I see it stated that they must be mechanistic and robotic and turn off our critical thinking skills. Yet, this seems to be what is encouraged. The false dichotomy between the therapist/Listener who knows better and the patient/Member who is seeking help. This is even evident in the giving of certain 'privileges' to Listeners, such as a special room where Listeners can support each other in their 'journey' and other perks, such as my perk as a Room Supporter to be able to post a banner on the room I am supporting.

"These are just the thoughts off the top of my head early on a Saturday morning. I still think 7 cups is the best little shop in the town, and how my little note of intelligent dissent (not so much for the removal of the thread as much as for the 'public shaming' by posting on a 'deletion forum' and also the pointing to 'educational resources' for me when it is me who was targeted by someone who chose to spew their hatred. I still plan on staying with 7 cups after a self care break. Perhaps someone will respond to my message. I do believe you have ways to contact me. There is an email associated with my account where I can receive messages. (I am interested in startups myself as I am running my own consulting business and have progeny, one who already has three patents and the other who is doing some ground breaking research on pain, along with being naturally intelligent and educated and about twice to three times the age of most people on here and therefore perhaps possessing of some historical reservoir of privilege as a 'brain trust.')

"Carry on! Be yourself! I certainly will continue to be myself."

I have copied my original statement in its entirety with the exception that since I'm quoting myself, a statement I placed in the "communicating forum" deletions thread, and transposing it to another location within the platform, I put my statement in quotes.

I wonder if anyone will even take the time to read this. I await your response with bemused curiosity while I wait to watch the third place match between Morocco and Croatia (Men's World Cup Soccer).

CalmRosebud OP December 17th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie I think @MistyMagic mean well. I tend to give people benefit of the doubt. I don't need an apology.

iCareUK December 17th, 2022


I very much agree with what @RarelyCharlie says above.

I initially thought the Forum Deletions thread could be a good idea, but I was once tagged into it and the notifications are persistent, I understand the term of public shaming, it is on display for all to see, maybe an inbox message would be more useful maybe.

iCareUK December 17th, 2022


As listeners, we are always told to respect the privacy and confidentiality of members, and in terms of Forum Deletions, this should remain the case whether someone is a member or a listener, and this should not be publicly addressed.

I understand also regarding the robotic effect, I have taken a number of roles, but I will not allow myself to become robotic, I speak to people as human beings, in the same way I'd sit with a friend who came around after hearing bad news, there is no need for it to be any less, or any more.

CalmRosebud OP December 17th, 2022

@iCareUK I'm glad to hear that's the case with you. My experience with bureaucracies and "professionalism" is that the human touch can easily be lost if the script is too stiff. I can point to some movies that emphasize this message, but I can also say that was my personal experience, but again, the train towards burnout sometimes chugs along at a rate we personally cannot predict. So, perhaps, I was heading towards burnout without recognizing the signs. When I recognized the signs (good for me), I told the relevant parties that I would be taking a self-care break early. I didn't engage in any hurtful behavior. I protected myself.

CalmRosebud OP December 17th, 2022

@iCareUK I agree with the idea of the inbox message. I agree I was rude in my response to the unhelpful comment. I'm no angel. I am a human not a bot. I felt I could share personal information (my story), and honestly, that was a lapse in judgement on my part and my reaction to the simple message surprised even me. I am sorry actually. And glad that was taken down. And glad to be lectured, just not in public.

iCareUK December 17th, 2022


You raise very good points, I am glad you noticed signs, because as you say, we can easily be travelling full steam ahead to burnout, and we need to ensure this doesn't happen.

I often get confused why a member becomes a listener, they are given basic training but are then expected to be working at "Professional" standards, I have even some posts here speaking of spelling and grammar, I am personally not too bad at spelling, but grammar is an issue for me, even now, but when you allow literally anybody to become a listener, you have to be prepared for a huge range of different types of people with a huge range of different backgrounds and abilities, some people cannot be "trained" to be a certain way, they may have physical, mental or learning issues that prevents this.

In this same way, the standard should be the same throughout, and I am really not liking the publicity of knowing that @???'s post was removed because it was graphic and racist (Example), because this makes people feel isolated, whilst fully open to lecture, criticism and abuse.

Even if you were rude, I think it is justifiable to be honest, but yes, I don't like the public idea, I was once asked to complete a training session on the forums, which was a no-go situation, for that very reason, it's too open and public, and I'm not an open and public person.

MistyMagic December 19th, 2022

@iCareUK The reason that you are getting persistent notifications is because when a person posts in a thread, that action automatically adds the person to the notify/tag list every time another post is added. You can untag yourself by going to the original post and clicking on the tag button which is bottom left of that post.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

BlueSkies1021 December 17th, 2022


Thank you so much for sharing this. I read every bit of it, and I really want to thank you for voicing this out loud. At 7 Cups, I've noticed the huge differentiation between listeners and members, too, and I'm so happy someone has finally addressed it. While I understand the importance of listeners being professional, I completely understand why some listeners would feel like their right to be lighthearted and talk about their own problems was taken away by the regulations. It perpetuates the myth that listeners have no problems and just simply exist to help others. I see both sides of the argument - I get that the role of listeners is to listen and help and if they talk about their own problems from their listener account, it'll seem like they are all sad too which can discourage members, but limiting what they say to only positive and supportive stuff can also make them seem estranged to the members at the same time. Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is to get on their level and tell them you get it. Sometimes enforcing positivity can be toxic in excess, and the best thing a listener can do for a member is to show their sad side, too, so that the member can see they aren't alone and that their listener is a person with problems just like them. Overall though, just thank you for posting this. I'm so proud of you for it and grateful that you did. Wishing you the best!

CalmRosebud OP December 17th, 2022

@BlueSkies1021 The part that scared me was that I asked to have my original post then down. I wanted to share it, initially, but my trust was shot. Trust is a tricky thing. Websites make it harder. Online free websites attract all sorts. When will I finally learn that? Maybe that's the lesson for me. Be cautious. Proceed cautiously. Protect myself.

BlueSkies1021 December 17th, 2022


I completely understand why that would be scary. I've had a post torn down, too because I "sought support from a listener account and should have just switched to my member account to post it", but the truth is online trust is definitely difficult. I decided to just let the situation go, but it would be totally valid for someone to feel discouraged and silenced by something like this and I would get that, too. Listeners deserve to show that they're human beings to members too, and honestly in some cases that would even be better for the member. Because it would remove the rift between the listener and member as the listener being the person with the power and mental stability and the member being a helpless person in need of help. This stigma is part of the reason why mental health is so alienated in the first place. No one is "meant" to only give or only receive support, and members and listeners alike deserve that understanding.

CalmRosebud OP December 17th, 2022

That’s incredibly validating. I believe the thought of “the other” is the cause of much conflict, war, strife. I wish for peace. I also wish to let it go.

BlueSkies1021 December 17th, 2022


Thank you again for being brave and sharing your views - it's courageous folks like you that make change in our world :)

AffyAvo December 17th, 2022

The reason messaging people with the 1-1 system wouldn't work is there would be no one to contact everyone. I can only message adult listeners. For some members, no one can initiate a chat.

I was really happy when this had been announced

I actually have no idea how well anyone got feedback under that system and when it stopped. All I know is there were situations that lead to immediate account suspensions at one point and that no longer occurred after a while without any information. Eventually we were told it no longer did what it used to, but I don't know the timeframe of the dropped function to being informed.

I think having that system working and expanded would be ideal and would remove the need for commenting in forums about edits (where they take place) and deletions. This could also tie into the behaviour points system/a queue to be reviewed by a 2nd person (I would hope to have some red flags with immediate action with possibility for review and consequences adjusted as needed). I don't know why chatrooms had a system put in much earlier than forums and forums took a long time to get something in place and then had some of the functionality removed.

CalmRosebud OP December 18th, 2022

You’re giving me food for thought.

CalmRosebud OP December 18th, 2022

I’m willing to be part of the solution but will not respond for awhile now!

Happy holidays, whatever holidays are for you, and all the best for a better new year to all. Praying for peace. That’s a continuous prayer from my end.

purplelady568 December 19th, 2022

@CalmRosebud Thank you so much for courageously sharing your thoughts, again, even after hate-filled responses and rejection. I greatly appreciate your words of wisdom, and I too have seen the off-balanced dichotomy between member/listener. As a listener, I definitely do not want to become a programmed robot, and I appreciate ALL voices on this forum, no matter education level, background, language, culture, number of path steps or status. Thank you for bringing this to light again.

CalmRosebud OP December 30th, 2022

Hi, purple lady,

Thank you for your very kind thoughts. I was pondering, as I am wont to do, and what I appreciate most about your statement is perhaps the implicit equality of Sharing Circles is what I like so much. Everyone (who is a member) can have an equal shot at up to 7 minutes of attention to their words. How often does that happen in real life with all the competing distractions? How often does everyone have an equal chance to participate? Some kind of magic happens when each person has the chance to articulate, to the best of their ability. It’s energy, it’s healing, it’s affirming. There’s power in the fact of such a short span of time, and everyone attending or listening, in building a community. I think you caught that in your comments. Thank you.