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Safety Patrol: Cheers and Top 5 Flaggers! ✨

Rebekah December 11th, 2021

Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well 🌞

This will be our main forum thread detailing when cheers have been awarded, and our Top 5 Flaggers! It will be updated every so often with new Top 5 Flaggers (I'd like to aim for once a month, but I have a feeling it'll be a bit more sporadic than that), and when cheers have been awarded for flagging.

So, this space is quite important for Safety Patrol team members.

Maybe 'subscribe' to this page and keep an eye on updates from Safety Patrol leaders!

PPC (Primary Points of Contact);

- Community Manager: Heather225
- Admin: EvelyneRose
- Ambassador: Rebekah
- Mentor Leader: tommy

Paprika001 June 25th, 2022


Congratulations to all of youuuu, those are some really, reallyyy high numbers, I'm genuinely in shock! Thank you guys so much for taking the time to flag posts that may be inappropriate and helping keep our community safe :)

@SparkyGizmo and @blissart, I actually thought I read your numbers wrong at first- You guys are just on a whole other level!

SparkyGizmo June 25th, 2022


Many thanks my friend! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

MidwesternCalmSeeker June 3rd, 2022

Would someone please post the tracker? I’ve been checking but not tracking, only finding an occasional flag.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 3rd, 2022

Hey @MidwesternCalmSeeker, PMed you! ❤

SparkyGizmo June 6th, 2022


*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️ for jumping in on the pm

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 7th, 2022


Aww thankyouu, Sparkyyy Sparkkk! *high fives* and *hugs* backkk 🤗❤

Soooo proud of youuu!

SparkyGizmo June 7th, 2022



MelodyoftheOcean June 11th, 2022


Could I have that tracker form as well? 😮

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 11th, 2022

@MelodyoftheOcean ofcourse 😮❤ PMed!

AffyAvo June 6th, 2022

@SparkyGizmo over 400?! That's awesome!

SparkyGizmo June 6th, 2022


Hi Affy! 😊❤️ Many thanks my friend! You too are "rocking the house" on the safety patrol team! Well done! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

SparkyGizmo January 26th, 2023



Rebekah OP September 23rd, 2022

Hello everyone! 💙 I'm happy to announce that cheers are currently being awarded to all safety patrol members who filled in the flag report form from June 3 2022 - September 23 2022! 🌞 we all know what this means... it's time to announce the top 5 flaggers of this period!

I would like to give mention to a few users who were close runners up! @Tyedyedbutterfly65 with 47 flags, @ShaunX with 45 flags, @HealingTalk with 40 flags, @Chevy81 with 39 flags, and @Sunisshiningandsoareyou with 38 flags!

Here are our Top 5 Flaggers!

5th Place - @Rebekah with 56 flags!
4th Place - @blissart with 69 flags!
3rd Place - @electrictouch2533 with 90 flags! 🌞
2nd Place - @AffyAvo with 139 flags! 🌞🌞
1st Place - @SparkyGizmo with 377 flags! 🌞🌞🌞

Well done to all of you, particularly Gizmo and Affy, for having such high flag rates! If you would like the chance to appear on our top 5 flaggers list, please don't forget to fill out the cheers form 🌞

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 23rd, 2022


Woohooo, team. Y'all are incredible, thankyouuu for keeping our community safer.❤

SparkyGizmo January 26th, 2023



SirenOfSerenity September 23rd, 2022

Absolutely warms my heart to be apart of a team as dedicated to Cups safety as I 💙💙💙💙 Congratulations as well as a huge thank you to our top flaggers!

SparkyGizmo January 26th, 2023



HealingTalk September 23rd, 2022


Congratulations everybody!

SparkyGizmo January 26th, 2023



Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 24th, 2022

@Rebekah Thank you for the mention ! Doing what I can when I am around on the site keeping it safe and supportive for all.

Congrats to all ! Just doing 1 is something so be proud of ! Now we need 10, so good luck with the new requirement.


beautifulalamort September 24th, 2022


yaaay congratulations everyone! so proud to be a part of this team with such great members🫶🏻🫶🏻

SparkyGizmo January 26th, 2023



FrenchMarbles September 24th, 2022


Congrats on the flaggers! That's awesome work!

On the other hand, I fully disagree with forcing us to have a 10-flag quota a month. There are times we do need the power to flag, but not all of us can be spending our precious time trying to seek ANYTHING that could potentially be against the rules just so that we meet the quota.

HopieRemi September 24th, 2022

Agreed with this @FrenchMarbles

Lou73 September 27th, 2022

Also agree with @FrenchMarbles

audienta September 30th, 2022


I absolutely agree with that. I understand that the community needs to be safe and therefore it needs a patrol. However, forcing everyone that wants to be a mentor to actively patrol is difficult since it's a completely different area on 7 Cups.

FrenchMarbles September 30th, 2022


SparkyGizmo September 24th, 2022


Hi Rebel! 😊❤️ Thank you so very much for the forum post as well as, for tagging me!😊 I also wanted to thank you for giving us the gift of the tracker this month! 👍 I'm loving that!

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

September 25th, 2022

@Rebekah Thank you 🧡

High5 and cheers to all you dedicated hoomans 💖

@Rebekah @blissart @electrictouch2533 @AffyAvo @SparkyGizmo @Tyedyedbutterfly65 @ShaunX , @HealingTalk , @Chevy81 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 25th, 2022

@DonaldDraper *high fivesssss* back you awesome hooman!🧡

Chevy81 September 25th, 2022

@DonaldDraper *hipaw an awesome hooman*

SparkyGizmo September 25th, 2022


Many thanks my friend! *high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

HealingTalk September 25th, 2022


Thank you!!!!

MidwesternCalmSeeker September 24th, 2022

I must always be looking in the moments after SparkyGizmo has done all the great work because I devote time to this effort each time I'm online but am lucky to find one per month that I need to flag!

I flag forum posts more often than I do profiles. I wish those counted, lol.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 24th, 2022

@MidwesternCalmSeeker Aw that is understandable, all work is great work.

Pehaps you wanna consider joining the forum flag team hehe? 😃

MidwesternCalmSeeker September 26th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou - I did not know there WAS a forum flagging team. Since I support needs reply, that may be a better option for me. Who would I reach out to about that?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 26th, 2022

There definitely is hehe and glad you feel interested to know more about the same as well, @MidwesternCalmSeeker, you can reach out to @theriverissinging or @cheerymango for the same!

SparkyGizmo September 25th, 2022


Hi Calm! 😊❤️ Thank you for seeing the value in me, for noticing my efforts specifically by tagging me and for referring to the work I do around here as "great" ❤️. I promise you, that really meant so very much to me! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️ Thank you for being kind to me! 😊❤️

MidwesternCalmSeeker September 26th, 2022


It was genuinely a compliment! You are devoted to the cause, and I know it's helping to make this site safer.

SparkyGizmo September 26th, 2022

