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Writing Reviews

Jenna November 14th, 2022

As many of you know, we can leave reviews for listeners on our member accounts which helps them understand how you felt the chat went. You can leave a positive review when the chat went well and you can leave a constructive review when you felt the chat didn’t go well. Sometimes the reviews we leave aren’t transparent enough to tell how the chat really went or how we feel the listener could improve.

What does constructive feedback mean? Constructive feedback is the type of feedback aimed at achieving a positive outcome by providing someone with comments, advice, or suggestions that are useful for their work or their future. Refer to here.

Here are some ideas for leaving a constructive review vs a nonconstructive review (C for constructive and NC for Nonconstructive):

C: This listener didn’t show any empathy or validate how I felt.

NC: This listener didn’t help.

C: This listener asked me personal questions like my home address and social media accounts.

NC: This listener asks for personal information.

C: This listener did a great job at empathizing with me and asking questions to help me open up.

NC: Good.

C: This listener said they wanted to kiss me and be my boyfriend/girlfriend.

NC: This listener flirted with me.

C: This listener made me feel judged and said my problems were small compared to others.

NC: Unprofessional

C: This listener allowed me to open up about my situation and feelings which was a big relief.

NC: Amazing.

C: This listener stopped responding to me in the middle of our chat /or/ This listener never responded to me after picking up the chat.

NC: No response.

Examples of Positive Reviews:

This listener did excellent with helping me manage my emotions. They empathized and validated how I felt.

The listener helped me understand my emotions a little better. I feel like I can breathe.

This listener gave me adequate support and helped me feel less alone.

Examples of Negative Reviews:

This listener jumped straight into giving me advice and didn’t listen to what I had to say or how I felt.

This listener made my situation into a joke and said people have it worse than me.

The listener took a really long time to respond back to me making me feel like I was bothering them.

You are important to this community and we appreciate you having the courage to reach out for help when you need it most. We depend on you to let us know how you think our listeners are doing. You play a big role in our listener quality and we can keep working on improving that with members like you leaving a clear review of how you felt the chat went whether it was a positive or negative experience for you. We encourage you to write a review for these reasons. Without you, we couldn’t do it. Thank you!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 14th, 2022

This is amazing @Jenna, thankyou for making this post, reviews are indeed super duper important, specially when positive and/ or constructive in some way, enabling us to grow and become a better listener.❤

*fist bumpss*

Jenna OP November 15th, 2022


Thank you for your support and feedback! I agree, it is one of the ways that listeners can learn to improve and grow!

MistyMagic November 17th, 2022

@Jenna Great post! Thanks for writing this and hope many more see it too.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Jenna OP November 17th, 2022


Thank you for your support.

LittleBirdie30 November 17th, 2022

I think one issue I have faced regarding reviews are false reviews that result in an email regarding our quality of listening when it isn’t always true. I will sometimes have members who aren’t satisfied with the way our listening is done or how we are trained and it is taken out on us. Is there a way we can appeal more negative review?

Jenna OP November 17th, 2022


You can appeal to what you feel is a false review by emailing and giving them detailed information.

LittleBirdie30 November 17th, 2022

Thank you! I have definitely done that in the past but for some reason my email doesn’t receive any replies from them. Is this a common issue?

Jenna OP November 17th, 2022


That I don't have the answer to because I don't handle emails.

LittleBirdie30 November 17th, 2022

No worries! Thanks Jenna!!

Jenna OP November 17th, 2022


You're welcome, dear. I hope that things get sorted out when that happens. You're doing a grand job.

LittleBirdie30 November 17th, 2022

Thank you so much 🥹🫶🏻

Fradiga May 16th


It is !!  Don't expect answers. 

Fradiga May 18th


I think it is. I have had to react to those passive-aggressive emails several times and ask for details and got an answer ONCE that was not canned but which never resolved anything. 

Fradiga May 16th


I am sorry to tell you that I have appealed when I was notified there was a bad review from time to time and I NEVER ONCE got anything but a canned response. This is where the 7cups staff is really NOT supportive and keeps you in the dark. 

Anybody would love to know "Where did I go wrong?" but 7cups never tells you. You are just accused of something and can't defend yourself. When you receive that type of email, it's as if you got punched out of the blue. On a few occasions, I could tell this notice came out of a chat that I OUGHT to have reported or blocked, but had decided not to.

I have written before on this topic. Thank you for reading, Jenna.

SilentSerenityy November 19th, 2022


I can definitely resonate. Despite being here for years, a 5* listener and being a part of many roles, just one false review/report led to me being wrongly suspended for a few days, a couple years ago! It was distressing and upsetting that 7 Cups didn't look at my profile, my reviews and all I've done for the site and realise it was likely a false report by a begrudged member (back in the days of being a group mod where we'd get abused constantly). Thankfully I contacted 7 Cups and they lifted the suspension but it still hurt. :(

LittleBirdie30 November 19th, 2022

I’m so sorry that happened to you. I know it must’ve not been an easy time!

Fradiga May 16th


I support your message !!

lyricalAngel70 November 17th, 2022

That's straightforward, concise and exactly how feedback should look if you ask me. Thanks a lot for the post and taking out time for creating it.

It's gonna help me too as a member! @Jenna

Jenna OP November 17th, 2022


Thank you, Angel. I appreciate your honesty and I am glad it can help you on the member side as well.

intelligentPenguin5320 November 17th, 2022


It`s really great! Thanks!

Jenna OP November 17th, 2022


Thanks, Penguin. I am glad that you liked it.

georgiagalaxy2 November 18th, 2022

@Jenna I haven't left a review yet because I don't feel strongly about a listener yet, I'm just having my first one ^^

Jenna OP November 18th, 2022


Thats alright! You’ll do it when you’re ready.

georgiagalaxy2 November 18th, 2022

@Jenna Thank You 😊😊 :D writing reviews on stuff is fun!~

FrenchToast November 18th, 2022

@Jenna This is a great, much-needed post, Jenna! Thank you for making it ⭐️

Jenna OP November 18th, 2022


Thanks for the support! I agree, it was needed.

ouiCherie November 18th, 2022
Love this! Thank you @Jenna 😊👍
HelloSun November 19th, 2022

I joined this app in one of darkness moments in my life. And many listeners helped me to come over my stress. They listened with respect. And returned back with another stress break down. But unfortunately, have a conversation with sexual harasser. I was so vulnerable anr emotionally driven to share my weakness. I didn't got his intention till I calm down and recall his act. I returned back to add note or feedback about his act but the app features didn't give me the option to add feedback after or later about the listener. I love 7 cup. it is my safe space to express my feeling as it is hard in my community. I thanks all 7 cup community. And I wish that the app a feature that enable reporting similar accidents.

ShiningSister November 20th, 2022

@Jenna Hi. I am new. I am learning how to use the reviews. This helps. Thanks so much.

Jenna OP November 21st, 2022


I’m glad that you found this helpful and welcome to 7cups!

ShiningSister November 30th, 2022

@Jenna Thanks! Have a good day.

AffyAvo November 30th, 2022

@Jenna Thanks for sharing the specific examles. I would have guessed that some of the ones labeled NC would have been enough information!

xandia December 3rd, 2022


Thanx for the illuminating information on leaving reviews for listeners. It will be most helpful when I need to contact a listener again. Appreciate the work that you did to put it all together in a format that was easy to read and understand. ❤️

Overthinker13579TU December 5th, 2022


Detailed and informative. Everything in there. Thanks for the post :)