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Cheers To You!

CheeryMango February 26th, 2021

Welcome back to our Self-Care Lounge!

Today’s activity will focus on how we can be more kind to ourselves.

One of the easiest ways to become more confident is to praise yourself more often. Learn how to become aware of your internal dialogue and then change it or a stronger, more self-confident you.

Sure, receiving praise from others can make you feel good in the moment, but without the true confidence that comes from within, those compliments won’t amount to anything.

Reasons why we should compliment ourselves:

💕 You learn to love yourself more.

💕 It helps to boost your confidence.

💕 You become aware of the accomplishments that you have done so far. No matter how big or small they may seem to others .

💕There will be times where others won’t do it for you, so you will have to.

Question to answer: If you were to give yourself a compliment, what would it be?

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mystrawberrykitty February 26th, 2021

that i have fluffy hairrrrr []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 26th, 2021


Haha, i love your answer lol . And I read somewhere, "The fact that I procrastinate so much and get the job done still, is the reason why I procrastinate " and I absolutely relate with this haha ♥️

Clairebear233 February 26th, 2021

I need to do better taking care of myself by not putting pressure on myself to have a boyfriend and to enjoy being single by making myself happy

communicativeYard2325 February 26th, 2021

My would compliment my strength and resilience.

SilentSerenityy February 26th, 2021


I would compliment myself by saying 'you're hard working'.

thoughtfulmomma February 26th, 2021


My compliment to myself: You are a really great Mom and have always been there for your child.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 26th, 2021


I wish I were good at complimenting myself too haha, *tries*

I would compliment myself for being a kind hearted person who looks for the good in others even when they are unable to themselves and supports and encourages them to do the same . 💗

pamharley003 February 26th, 2021


If you were to give yourself a compliment, what would it be?

That I am doing a good job being here not only as a leader but a team member , and to know that baby steps in all I do is all I can give each day

melloohi February 26th, 2021

Hmm..this is hard...maybe "You are so positive, I like that <3" ?

electricbird February 26th, 2021


Thank you for this post! I think it is so true when you say there won't always be someone who compliments you, and sometimes we tend to think we didn't receive a compliment because maybe we didn't deserve it but it's important to awknowledge our own effort too!

I would compliment myself on being strong and facing my insecurities, working hard to be a better person day by day, because it has been a beautiful yet super difficult experience.

Katbtrying552 February 26th, 2021

Hey, me, good job on putting yourself out there and trying to connect with someone new. Go me!

February 26th, 2021

Thank you for this post! :-)

My compliment to myself would maybe be something like..."I love everything you write" or maybe "you are so good with animals" or, "you have so much empathy and compassion for everything and everyone." It's so true that the things we say about ourselves shape how we actually feel. Even joking about ourselves, saying things like, "haha I'm so stupid/oblivious/ugly/lazy." Our thoughts create our reality - If you say you are something bad, you start to believe it.

I hope everyone has a good day or night wherever you are! Take care of yourselves :-)

uzumaki6 February 27th, 2021

Compliment: You’re really good at languages and you have a great taste in music

February 27th, 2021


I would tell myself: How are you so incredibly unique!! Grinning

cafedaydreams February 27th, 2021

Compliment: You have a very nice smile.

alexisinthehouse February 28th, 2021


You care about others and love to make people happy

purpleTree4652 February 28th, 2021

@CheeryMango, The compliment I would give myself would be, "you did very good today."

celticbard1018 February 28th, 2021

This is kinda 2-fold. An immediate compliment would be my ability to adjust to external crap. A more long term compliment involves going into the past and seeing where I was then, and compare it to where I am now. I have worked really hard to be where I am, and the compliment is that I am not that person anymore.

hopedreamlove March 6th, 2021

I would tell myself that I do my best everyday heart

Lainey87 March 9th, 2021

I would compliment myself on being able to step outside my own head at talk to someone about my issues in life. Before i was a very closed off person but after my breakup here i am sharing among other people dealing with like issues ❤

purpleTree4652 March 10th, 2021

@Lainey87, Well done!

scarletOrange1520 March 12th, 2021

You're making changes and seeing improvements in your body, surroundings, and mind! You're getting things done and keeping up with things you've struggled with for years. Also, you looked pretty cute today <3

Panda8218 March 17th, 2021

You are a strong and loving person

yellowIdea7518 March 21st, 2021

Dang, you backed up your own beliefs and chose to heal instead of justifying your worth around the men who would give you minimal attention.

VilkasGamer94 June 7th, 2021

My compliment to me: "you were finally able to reach out and look for support, good job"

antlerhoof June 16th, 2021

You have come so far in life and you've worked so hard to get where you are now. You never thought you'd make it this far and you're getting better at what you do every day. You've built a promising future for yourself from nothing, and you've never let anything stop you.

coolGreenTurtle July 24th, 2021

I appreciate myself for taking charge of my life again, realising what is important and constantly trying to improve. I appreciate my past self for being authentic and brave.

vixi23 August 20th, 2021

I appreciate myself for getting out of my comfort zone and for staying strong despite everything

Summershy September 17th, 2021

I love and approve of myself along with all the little perks that are involved. One of my favorite perks is that I am a more than a dreamer. In fact, I am go-getter.

purpleTree4652 September 18th, 2021

@CheeryMango, You deserve to be given billions of dollars and live a comfortable life because I know you would handle it correctly and take care of as many people as you possibly could in the world. I also know that you would only keep enough to be comfortable, because you are kind, caring, and self-less.

PotionOwl October 3rd, 2021

You have done well so far!! Keep it up!! Everything always works out for you.

WarriorGodyss December 18th, 2021

I recognize I need help

Squirrel012108 February 26th, 2022

I appreciate myself for getting out of my comfort zone, keeping control of your emotions, and for staying strong despite everything that you've gone through

compassionate95 March 1st, 2022

I am an extremely caring person :)

courteousAvocado7960 March 12th, 2022

Note to self: you are a good soul, don’t let anyone else let you think otherwise.

shyJay1223 May 7th, 2022

@CheeryMango i am smart

stjarne June 24th, 2022

if i were to give myself a compliment right now, i'd say i'm proud of my work ethic and determination to change (things).

blackdiamonds July 15th, 2022

That I’m an empathetic person 💜

creativeYard5710 July 28th, 2022

I'm proud of you for admitting you need help and exploring ways to learn better habits.

jazzmine11 September 16th, 2022

I would say thankyou for fighting through everything i know it hasnt been easy but you can only hope it gets easier and although it might seem like hopes the only thing you have left but we can only hope for the best and try as hard as we can to get there.