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sarinn's corner

Listeningsarinn December 11th, 2021

(if you are in a rush, just read the bold parts, that’s the info, the rest is a message and explanation)

My very beloved 7cups family,

I never knew how hard it would be to type this out one day, i literally am crying, but I needed to do so as I have been delaying making this post for too long already

Before any of you start to get worried, no, I’m not leaving, but I’m afraid this is gonna be a long while away; a one on which I will miss you all too much..

if I am to be honest, I haven’t been doing okie lately, I’m under a whole lot of stress due to my studies for an upcoming exam, this particular exam is so very important for me and talks lots about my future, in means of my to be job, income, immigration plans and long story short, doing good on that exam is a must if I am to reach my dreams or get anywhere around them.. and at this point, I am having a really hard time coping with all the stress and pressure from my teachers, school and family as well as my own over thinker mind… which is causing me a major burnout

I need time to heal from that burnout and I think it will be healthier for me to do so while not on cups

And even after getting myself in a better coping state, I will need to study even harder as I am not doing well on mock exams right now.. not at all

All these going on in my personal life has made me unable to be available and present for many of you in times I wished badly that I could be, and it has made me unable to hold some of the promises I have made, this is something I am deeply and dearly sorry about and I hope you can forgive and understand me for.. my lack of presence is not about you, or because I don’t care, I still care and love you, a bit more than before, I have just been going thru a rough to handle time

Note that: Starting from Monday (December 13th), I will be deactivating my account and putting it on self-care break for a month and half, during which time our chat page will disappear from your list of chats, after being back I will update you on how active I can be

you are welcome to leave me messages on this thread, I will be seeing them, but can’t reply until the one month and half is over, It will make me smile and feel at home to see your names on my screen tho

you are loved, you are gonna be so missed, you will never be forgotten.. I will be sending you so much love and craving the day I get to talk to you all again

remember, I believe in you, and I know so well you can make thru every bad day and to the days you will smile lightly on

my dear leaders: please note that I am stepping down fully from all my roles other than newbie hub room moderator role and will reapply for them when and if my situation and daily schedule has changed

for your reference, these are the roles I am stepping down from:

chatroom mod (trauma support and lgbtq+), chat support and peer support, subcommunity teen star (lgbtq+), teen forum star (needs reply), subcommunity team project agent (needs reply), anonymous evaluations, team lightship, LD, verifies team

it has been a great pleasure workring with you all, you have taught me by experience what a team really means and you have made me learn so so much, thanks for existing and thanks for what you do for this community

ps: will try to respond to every pm i have before monday

with love~ sarinn

@sunshinegiraffe123 @Marigold357 @Cambion @Jnyx @Anna2400

@FedUpWithPeople @Mahit25 @exuberantPlane4067 @savannamb @Bluelove13

@shreknado @emotionalTalker2260 @kindHuman1425 @RavenSky @DaisyFlower32

@OliveF @FallenStarss @fearfearfear @RiverTheWolf @CalmCoral @navyHouse3677

@tidyFarm162 @TayTayy

@mel @heather225 @bookworm274 @tami150 @rebekahroyal @suryanshsingh @oceanwaves16 @jenna @KateDoskocilova @ouicherie @cheerymango @VicK5123 @Amy @sia1325 @mamtasha22 @amazingnutella24 @azuladragon34 @faithlove1111 @GlitteringNights @joyfulunicorn @Juliak1968 @Listeningsarinn @pamharley003 @StanDaMan78 @Asher @SynSavory @FinleyTews @Anotherfrenchtoastclub @hopedreamlove @caffeinatedcatio @MidwesternCalmSeeker @ouiCherie @EmmaE @bookworm274 @Optimisticempath @windSpirit @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @ConsiderateParadise6717 @sia1325 @FlourishingDimensions @theriverissinging @SoftFaith2004 @QuietMagic @imlistening01 @EveryMindMatters @xinyii11

Listeningsarinn OP January 12th


rubyyyy *~* omg im seeing this only now *~* how is you love?? Its good to know you are okie and to hear from you again!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 5th, 2023


Sarinnn cutuuu, have missed you tonssss! I'm sooo happy to see you and receive your tag, always the thoughtful and caring one!🤧

Youre so cared for and loved, lovely, people here ofcourse worry and care for your wellbeing, It's so relieving to hear all the problems are being eliminated one after other, ofcourse they are because you're so determined and strong, and just the absolute bestest!❤

Yay for getting into your second choice, you did so awesome. How's it going with college, living alone and having to move out? I hope you're making lots of friends and meeting many amazing people, everyone should get the privilege to know your sweet self.❤

Thankyouu for updating us. It means the world to me that despite being on hiatus (for very very valid reasons and you certainly have nothing to apologize for, you took out time for yourself and that's what we would want for you too, you doing good and caring for yourself, rightooo) you thought of me (and so many others) but that's just a sarin thing to do, so not surprised fosho!

Lots of love and endless hugsssss! Hope to see you around more, always a pm away!❤

Listeningsarinn OP June 6th, 2023

Awww that was such a sweet message to read sun! Thanks for being the ever awesome human you are

you are everywhere in cups and every single time I come across one of your forum posts I smile!

moving out and living alone were harder than I expected, many many many responsibilities added to my life, but it’s also nice, the kinda freedom I have here is one I had never experienced before

as of first year of uni??

its one of my dreams come true, being in that specific university, for 3 years, that was all I was trying for, I like the new people I’ve got to meet and I like some of my subjects a whole lot

First semester was chaotic with everything going on in Iran, we were on a strike and there were protests going on everyday, last thing I could think of were studies and before I knew, it was finals so that was less than ideal, but it’s the second semester now and stuff are getting so much better and so much easier to handle for me

how have you been??

once again, thanks a lot for the sweet words

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 11th, 2023


Look who is talking about being awesome! :P

Aww I so get that, with the sense of freedom of living alone and being more independent, there's a heck lot of responsibilities that come too, it can get pretty exhausting at times, I feel you!

Yay I'm so happy you're in your dream uni, studying some subjects you like and meeting more people! It's lovely how there's the whole exhausting part of being in a college but soooo much to explore about ourselves, and have somethings to look forward to. 💜

Oh noes, I get how the situation in your country wasnt ideal, and certainly is valid to feel the impact in more than one space of your life. Sometimes the circumstances around us are so much overpowering, it's so okay to continue tryiny your best, and being gentle with yourself along the way! I am so glad things are starting to get better! Keep at it, lovely being! 🤗

I've been okieee, the usual ups and downs in life hehe, trudging through. (':

You're soo welcome always, sarinnn, it is soooooo good to see you back fr!

Please continue taking care of yourself and being good to youu!

sunshinegiraffe123 December 28th, 2023



Listeningsarinn OP January 9th


allieee *~* hey love💜

how is youuu

Enchanted2024 December 28th, 2023


heyyy Sarinn long long time since we last spoke XD how’s u been swift misses u 

Listeningsarinn OP January 9th


hey loveee🍪💜 how is youuuu🥺

Its been a whole long while uwu, miss you too love

im not really active on cups anymore, not planning on coming back regularly at any point, i just peek in and say hi once in a while and then poof again

how is you, what are you up tooo uwu

*sends love and hugs*

HealingTalk January 9th

Hi, Sarinn!

We miss you here!

You are the kind of person people don't forget.

I hope everything is going great in your life, and that your dreams come true.

I wish you a wonderful, fulfilling life.

All the best!



Listeningsarinn OP January 11th


hey love, i tried to text you but for some reason i cant, so im just tagging you here to check in and see how you are💜

Enchanted2024 January 11th


hugssss I’m aging up sooon

Listeningsarinn OP January 11th


*hugs back tight* aw When will swifty be coming to the oldie sideee?

Enchanted2024 January 11th


1st feb

Listeningsarinn OP January 11th

Aw! Then you’ll be on the oldie side in less than a month *~* cant wait to get the text!

Enchanted2024 January 11th


will u try be there??? 

Listeningsarinn OP January 11th


im coming to cups for a few days every once in a while to check in and chit chat but not thinking of fully coming back to cups at any near future

will try to make feb 1st one of those days i come to cups thoooo💜

Enchanted2024 January 11th



Listeningsarinn OP January 11th


alex! 🍎 hey loveee! How are youuuu

i thought you werent on cups anymore *~*

Listeningsarinn OP January 11th


it was a happy surprise to see your name in the notifications *~* 

you’ve been missed 🍎🌳

im okie, trying to get thru endless pile of assignments and exams with failing classes ¥~¥

How are you tho?? What have you been up to 

Listeningsarinn OP January 12th


aw thanks alex lol, that was a very well deserved and needed kick ¥~¥

Wish i could magically make you age up on cups so i could just pm you honestly *~*

Sorry to know things are still same old hard ): 

Listeningsarinn OP January 25th


hey love💜

yeah, i did on one of your threads, but just noticed seems like it doesn’t load correctly on the webpage

Listeningsarinn OP January 25th


This was the reply

Listeningsarinn OP January 25th

Not the same as in what love??

Listeningsarinn OP January 26th

Yea, i agree love, you probably arent, many things have probably changed in you as well as around you

but the fact that you are someone not only me but quite a few others as well would think of and smile, would safely trust, and miss, and the fact anyone who has the chance to really get to know you and call you a friend is lucky for it, the fact you care and try, these aren’t things that easily change in people alex

and reading thru your recent posts, thru what others write to you and most importantly thru the last couple of posts here that you wrote in reply to me, i know super surely that these things have not changed in you

its okie to feel like *** and tired and fed up with it all love, i know i would be feeling exactly the same and probably coping worse if i were you, just remember you arent alone even when it feels so very lonely, okie??

Listeningsarinn OP January 28th


i know love, and its okie to not know and understand it all, nor even have the words or energy to talk about it

id probably be just as overwhelmed and just as angry if i were you love

*sends here with you and sends bear hugs*

As of me, im okie, bit drained but good overall, i have two more exams to go and then ill have a while of so much less *** to do

Also, trying to get my atl badge back, hopefully soon, so i might attack your pms soon xd

Listeningsarinn OP January 29th

you do deserve so much better alex, your brain is just being mean to you

ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ

As of exams thanks uwu, Wish i could literally kick them lol, 1 ldown 1 more to go

and yep, i do remember the same happening about a year after i joined cups, most people i knew either aged up or left, in the span of a few months, it can feel very much alienating and lonely, but hopefully soon you’ll have this ex-teenie back there, and i really hope you can find some others on the teen land that feel like you can connect to love 🍎🌳

Listeningsarinn OP February 3rd

Eh, not great but acceptable, butttt they are finally over so im happy!

how are you love??🌳🍎

Listeningsarinn OP February 7th

Agreeed, its a stupid system indeed

*sends hugs and cookies and takes an apple from your tree*