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sarinn's corner

Listeningsarinn December 11th, 2021

(if you are in a rush, just read the bold parts, that’s the info, the rest is a message and explanation)

My very beloved 7cups family,

I never knew how hard it would be to type this out one day, i literally am crying, but I needed to do so as I have been delaying making this post for too long already

Before any of you start to get worried, no, I’m not leaving, but I’m afraid this is gonna be a long while away; a one on which I will miss you all too much..

if I am to be honest, I haven’t been doing okie lately, I’m under a whole lot of stress due to my studies for an upcoming exam, this particular exam is so very important for me and talks lots about my future, in means of my to be job, income, immigration plans and long story short, doing good on that exam is a must if I am to reach my dreams or get anywhere around them.. and at this point, I am having a really hard time coping with all the stress and pressure from my teachers, school and family as well as my own over thinker mind… which is causing me a major burnout

I need time to heal from that burnout and I think it will be healthier for me to do so while not on cups

And even after getting myself in a better coping state, I will need to study even harder as I am not doing well on mock exams right now.. not at all

All these going on in my personal life has made me unable to be available and present for many of you in times I wished badly that I could be, and it has made me unable to hold some of the promises I have made, this is something I am deeply and dearly sorry about and I hope you can forgive and understand me for.. my lack of presence is not about you, or because I don’t care, I still care and love you, a bit more than before, I have just been going thru a rough to handle time

Note that: Starting from Monday (December 13th), I will be deactivating my account and putting it on self-care break for a month and half, during which time our chat page will disappear from your list of chats, after being back I will update you on how active I can be

you are welcome to leave me messages on this thread, I will be seeing them, but can’t reply until the one month and half is over, It will make me smile and feel at home to see your names on my screen tho

you are loved, you are gonna be so missed, you will never be forgotten.. I will be sending you so much love and craving the day I get to talk to you all again

remember, I believe in you, and I know so well you can make thru every bad day and to the days you will smile lightly on

my dear leaders: please note that I am stepping down fully from all my roles other than newbie hub room moderator role and will reapply for them when and if my situation and daily schedule has changed

for your reference, these are the roles I am stepping down from:

chatroom mod (trauma support and lgbtq+), chat support and peer support, subcommunity teen star (lgbtq+), teen forum star (needs reply), subcommunity team project agent (needs reply), anonymous evaluations, team lightship, LD, verifies team

it has been a great pleasure workring with you all, you have taught me by experience what a team really means and you have made me learn so so much, thanks for existing and thanks for what you do for this community

ps: will try to respond to every pm i have before monday

with love~ sarinn

@sunshinegiraffe123 @Marigold357 @Cambion @Jnyx @Anna2400

@FedUpWithPeople @Mahit25 @exuberantPlane4067 @savannamb @Bluelove13

@shreknado @emotionalTalker2260 @kindHuman1425 @RavenSky @DaisyFlower32

@OliveF @FallenStarss @fearfearfear @RiverTheWolf @CalmCoral @navyHouse3677

@tidyFarm162 @TayTayy

@mel @heather225 @bookworm274 @tami150 @rebekahroyal @suryanshsingh @oceanwaves16 @jenna @KateDoskocilova @ouicherie @cheerymango @VicK5123 @Amy @sia1325 @mamtasha22 @amazingnutella24 @azuladragon34 @faithlove1111 @GlitteringNights @joyfulunicorn @Juliak1968 @Listeningsarinn @pamharley003 @StanDaMan78 @Asher @SynSavory @FinleyTews @Anotherfrenchtoastclub @hopedreamlove @caffeinatedcatio @MidwesternCalmSeeker @ouiCherie @EmmaE @bookworm274 @Optimisticempath @windSpirit @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @ConsiderateParadise6717 @sia1325 @FlourishingDimensions @theriverissinging @SoftFaith2004 @QuietMagic @imlistening01 @EveryMindMatters @xinyii11

CheeryMango December 13th, 2021

Sorry to hear that you'll be leaving the community, but I hope the time away does you good. It's been a pleasure getting to work alongside you as a leader. ❤️

Listeningsarinn OP December 14th, 2021


thanks mango! Same here❤️

Listeningsarinn OP December 14th, 2021


me loves you more

I will🍃

will miss you lots, and will be thinking of you 🥺❤️

Take care of you for me til i’m back and be kind to yourself okie??

sia1325 December 14th, 2021


Heya Sarin! (:

It's so not good to know that you have been struggling through things lately and I definitely get how hard it could be for you to take this break but I am so glad that you are putting yourself first and taking care of yourself because you and your wellbeing matters a lot and it's a relief to know that you aren't leaving, take all the time you need but come back better! Seems like the exams hold quite a lot of importance and thus you are trying to work towards it and of course sometimes it can lead to burnout as well but the first step is recognizing it and it's so good that you are working towards it by deciding to take a break! I am so sure that you are going to do soo good in those exams and you are going to rock them as you always do! I really hope that things get better for you and you return soon! Take care, Sarin! You'll be missed and have a good break! ❄ ♥ (:

faithlove1111 December 16th, 2021

@ Listeningsarinn

Hope you are doing well. Have faith in yourself , just as how you have been there for all of us. Your inner strength , coping skills and wisdom are there as your good friends. Take care and best wishes.

tidyFarm162 December 17th, 2021

sorry for seeing this so late.. when you come back here's a hug for you. hope u feel best soon sawinn. 💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜💛🧡❤️💚💙💜

MidwesternCalmSeeker December 18th, 2021

Taking care of yourself is awesome, and we will see you again when you are ready! Hugs and peace to you as you concentrate on your studies.

Optimisticempath December 21st, 2021

I seem to be late , looks like you are on break already .

Just want to say you do a lot for everyone and now it is time for you to look out for yourself.

Take care Sarin . All the very best for everything . ❤

Listeningsarinn OP January 8th, 2022

Hey hey everyone! It’s sarinn!

(as always, if you are in a hurry, just reading the bold, and underlined parts will give you the main info, rest is more explanation)

As some of you might have noticed already, me is back!

This is sooner than I had planned, but I just couldn’t help the urge to hear from y’all

Hell!i have missed being here, texting you all and seeing your names on my screen so so so freaking much!

I am doing much better, still the studies are being insanely pressurizing as well as my exam day getting closer day by day, tho I think that I am able to manage my stress levels and cope with it better

I’m managing to keep up with the schedule and get enough sleep unlike a month ago, which is good <3

but still, it will be taking until after my exam for me to be back to my own normal and away from all the stress and work pressure (which is now in 6 months)

when I mentioned coming back to cups, my family and counselor were not happy about it as they believed I could have trouble on keeping my screen time down with cups, I agree too, if I was allowed I’d probably spend 25 hours a day here, I love being around y’all

but given the fact I am not at all willing to be off cups for the next 6 months fully, and I’m not sure if I could take that amount of missing either,

we discussed with my counselor and decided that I should set myself strict boundries about screen time while coming back to cups

that’s why I decided, I will be online on cups for 3-4 hours a week only on Friday afternoons my time, I will be activating my account every Friday and be online minimum for 3 hours thru the day, catching up, spamming you all with too many hugs and so many cookies and getting all the updates, and deactivating my account for the week again by Saturday night

I will love you all texting my when my account appears on Fridays, and even if you don’t you can expect a spam from me

If you are getting this tag, you need to know that,

I love you so much, I care about you too much,

And that you are someone I think of just in the most random moments, and when I do, I smile

I wish I could be around every day of every week because when I can’t I miss you badly much

But for now, that’s something I don’t think I can handle with all the study pressure right now

I hope that you can understand me thru this

@sunshinegiraffe123 @Marigold357 @Cambion @Jnyx @Anna2400

@FedUpWithPeople @Mahit25 @exuberantPlane4067 @savannamb @Bluelove13

@shreknado @emotionalTalker2260 @kindHuman1425 @RavenSky @DaisyFlower32

@OliveF @FallenStarss @fearfearfear @RiverTheWolf @CalmCoral @navyHouse3677

@tidyFarm162 @TayTayy

@mel @bookworm274 @tami150 @rebekahroyal @suryanshsingh @KateDoskocilova @ouicherie @cheerymango @VicK5123 @Amy @sia1325 @mamtasha22 @amazingnutella24 @hopedreamlove @ouiCherie @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @sia1325 @theriverissinging @SoftFaith2004 @QuietMagic @imlistening01 @xinyii11

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 8th, 2022

Ayeeee!! welcome back! I had a wide smile right from getting your tag notification to reading your message, Sarinn! I am so very happy to hear you're doing much better, getting better sleep, better at managing and coping with the stresses and being able to stick to a schedule for studies too! You've come so far, I am proud of youuu!

I can understand how hard it would be to stay away from 7 cups hehe, we ofcourse miss you too, and am so glad y'all could work around something that wouldn't compete with your studies and off cups life, andddd you'll also get to be around your loved ones in cups! Whatta win win situation lol! Yayyy ( and ofcourse, you're cherished for being here in whatever capacity you can be)

I am in awe of your kind words, the underlined part ~ super beautiful! ❤ Thankyouu for this awesome news, and the sweet tag!

@Listeningsarinn lots of hugs, cookies and love your way! 🤗🍪

emotionalTalker2260 January 8th, 2022


glad to hear you are doing better Sarinn 💕 I wish you luck on your incoming exams and I definitely am looking towards being spammed XD

bookworm274 January 8th, 2022


Yay! It is absolutely amazing to have you back! I am so glad to hear that things are looking better now and that you are getting better sleep and taking care of yourself ❤️ I wish you the best of luck in continuing to study for your exams and definitely don't shy away from my PM's 😛

theriverissinging January 9th, 2022


Hiii Sarinn, it's so amazing to see you back in your own capacity! Good luck with the exams and everything else! Looking forward to Fridays even more now. 😊

fearfearfear January 9th, 2022


Ngl the end part made me tear up 😭 ILY so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ambertryingtobeok January 9th, 2022

@Listeningsarinn thank you for the tag, I hope you are okie and we are here glad to see you back. That sounds like a wise balance I hope it works

tidyFarm162 January 9th, 2022

Huggles sawinnn 💜💙💚❤️🧡💛. I missed u bud. Glad to see u back ... Will wait for spammy msg hehe

tami150 January 10th, 2022


Hi Sarinn❤️❤️Thank you for the tag!

It is soooo lovely to know that you are back💓Thank you for letting us know💕✨

Enchanted2024 June 14th, 2022


I will miss u so much Sarinn u have helped me more than u could ever imagine...

Listeningsarinn OP June 4th, 2023


its me


I'm sorry for disappearing all of a sudden, i understand how it could be hurtful, worrying, or confusing to many of you, and i wish i had done differently

the past months have been very eventful and weird for me

many of you knew that i was studying for an important university entry exam for the past two years

good news, i got into my 2nd choice university last fall

i moved out of my hometown and started living alone,

my country had a chaotic and hard few months but thats another story

please know that me disappearing wasn’t about you, it did not mean that i don't care anymore, i did, i do, it did not mean you had done anything wrong or that you didn't deserve a stable friendship, or support, it was simply me struggling, being overwhelmed and handling it badly

when i left cups, i had issues with connection, i was overwhelmed with lots of changes in my life, and struggling with a lot,

all those original issues got solved and eliminated one by one, but i couldn't find it in me to come back here, even tho i thought of it and of you guys, very frequently

until today

so long story short, I'm sorry for my disappearance, i really am, and i hope you can forgive me for it,

if you are tagged in this post, you are someone i value and care about, someone i’ve missed and thought of

some of you have left cups while i was away. i hope you remember me and the time we’ve shared in a positive way and that you can smile when reminded of me

and to those of you still here,

i’m back,

not as a frequently available listener

nor for continious support

but ill be checking in to cups as much as i can, at least once in a couple of days, i will be replying to tags and texts and ill most definitely love to hear from you all again,

i missed you while i was gone, and making my tag-list earlier today, thinking of each of you, made me smile so many times

@fallenstarss @emotionaltalker2260 @sunshinegiraffe123 @edabake @swiftygirl13 @serenn @ri337 @cambion @CalmCoral @jnyx @jaja25 @bluewalker8200 @shreknado @exuberantPlane4067 @mahit25 @mack @navyhouse3677 @bluelove13 @savannamb @fearfearfear @tidyFarm162 @ambertryingtobeok @k60 @LavenderHere @Walker7957 @novagalaxy @healingtalk @bluerivercares @ilaria01 @tallwalker4850 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @VicK5123 @Estrellitaa @alexander0712 @ruby2468 @brokentearss @kimmkimm @Marigold357

HealingTalk June 4th, 2023


Welcome back!

I am so happy you are well!

Yes, at some point I started to get very concerned.

Particularly after the events in your country.

I know others too. You are loved by many people here.

But you are well, active and doing the studies you chose in the place you wished.

That's what's important!

Now we know it might take some time to get your answer.

That's ok because it's for the good reasons.

I wish you the best in your studies and in your life!

Always yours,


Listeningsarinn OP June 4th, 2023


im sorry for worrying you and thanks for the ever sweet and lovely words

its really good to be back and to hear from you again 💜

HealingTalk June 4th, 2023


Worry is the other side of the coin of love.

That we were worried means we really care about you.

It's a great feeling to know you are well,

It's wonderful!

Thank you for letting us know!

You have your life, and all I wish is that you do great, achieve your goals and get great joy from them.

Cheers to that! 🍸🍸

All the best!


Listeningsarinn OP June 5th, 2023

Thanks a lot Marcelo

it means a lot💜

sending lots of love your way

amiableBunny4016 June 4th, 2023


Just came across this forum 💕💕 I don't know you but from what I read and from reading your bio you sound like a caring, beautiful and generous person sarinn. And also welcomeeee back 🥺💕💕💕💕 I hope to see you around forums 💜💜 you is amazing . Hehe.

Listeningsarinn OP June 5th, 2023

Awww, thank you so much bunny💜

that’s so sweet!

hope to see you around as well

Enchanted2024 June 4th, 2023


Sarinnnnnn I missed uuuu I was thinking bout u other day hoping u okies, I completely forgot about this forum tho :O swift so so glad sarin okiessss

Listeningsarinn OP June 5th, 2023

Hey hi hello love💜💜💜 you’ve been missed uwu

how is youuuu, what have you been up to

emotionalTalker2260 June 5th, 2023


Sasaaaa 🥺💖 I missed you lots, and I understand, things was going on, and yayyy you got into your 2nd choice uni. Miss you heaps

Listeningsarinn OP June 5th, 2023

Tata🦕💜 i missed you too

thanks for understanding uwu

I’ll attack hug you in pms

Cambion June 5th, 2023

@Listeningsarinn Sarinnnnnn! I missed chuuuu! Tons of hugssssss!

Listeningsarinn OP June 6th, 2023

*hugs back tight* heyyy! You’ve been missed as well cam!💜

LavenderHere June 6th, 2023

@Listeningsarinn Sarinnnn I missed you lots and it is super good to see you around. I'm glad you're taking things at your own pace and not overburdening yourself, that's great. However, a gentle reminder you informed everyone while leaving, it was a super nice forum post with perfectly valid reasons, and it's okay to take a break during tough times and major life changes like this. I understand your guilt, having taken a break in similar circumstances earlier, but I reassure you it's nothing to worry about.

All that being said, congratulations on getting into your second choice, that's pretty amazing!!! I hope you're having a good time there, studying well and doing what you wanna do in life! Wishing you luck with all your future endeavours, both here and off-site. Sending lots of cookies your way ❤️

Listeningsarinn OP June 8th, 2023

Hey hey hola lav💜🍪 thanks so much for the sweet reply, it’s good to be back and to hear from you again!

also, I didn’t remember posting a thing and informing y’all, good if I have xD, my memory is non existent sometimes ¥~¥

June 7th, 2023


Hey! I'm glad to know u are ok Sarinn and I hope everything is going well for u and that u are enjoying university.

It's alright to take time for urself and figure stuff out , u were missed too

ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ

Listeningsarinn OP June 8th, 2023

Alex and the cute bear hug emoticon ! +~+

its good to hear from you again love *steals an apple from your tree sits and eats it here*

June 8th, 2023




Listeningsarinn OP June 11th, 2023

Oh, thanks for the tag alex💜

teenytinyturtle June 8th, 2023

Hey Sarinn 💜

It's me but with username change 😀🌻 I changed it after autism diagnosis as exploring who I am underneath mask.

I am so so happy to see you back. I really missed you and worried a lot as I know things were very awful in your country.

Listeningsarinn OP June 11th, 2023

Hey love💜

it’s good to be back! I missed y’all too,

sorry for making you worry uwu

also, How long til you are transferred to oldie side?? :o

Ruby2468 July 9th, 2023


omggggg I missed you so much💙 I hope you’re doing okie and I know you’re trying your best and im so proudddd😭