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Write a sad story in 6 words...

peacefulHug92 February 9th, 2018

NB: Please make sure stories are suitable and non-offensive or they will be removed.

I know that's sad, but it's in 6 words! What story's can you come up with? 💕

Hit send, then hit a tree

mytwistedsoul January 8th, 2022

@blissedNblessed Sometimes the homework they give us isn't something that we can just do when they want it - sometimes it takes alittle. It's not that we don't want to do it - we simply can't. Therapists understand that - they really do and she won't think you're a failure or a disappointment because you couldn't give it to her on Monday. Sometimes we have to do things in pieces - smaller bites at a time - one or two sentences at a time. Like you're slowly painting a picture - one section at a time

blissedNblessed January 9th, 2022


guess what? I did it! I finished it. it took 2 days to do it. write a tiny bit, run away from it, come back - panic, freak out, give up, come back. but its done. Now for the harder part...Trying to speak it to her. I honestly do not think i can but i will try. your right, maybe this is not something i can do in one try. i am sure she will help me and not judge me if it takes a few ( hundred) sessions to get this out. but so relived that this writing part is over and i can stop reliving it in my dang head.

MistyMagic January 9th, 2022

@blissedNblessed I am so proud of you! I read the thread with you and @mytwistedsoul and I had tears in my eyes. Your words are poetic. And, I will send you lots of extra strength for Monday <3

Listening - One Step At A Time!

blissedNblessed January 9th, 2022


Thank you for your kindness.

And thank you for your support and sending me strength for Monday.

I will definitely need it...because I WILL be reading it - somehow, even if it takes days to read it and use my voice aloud... I will heal :) I will not give up.

mytwistedsoul January 9th, 2022

@blissedNblessed You did great! I am so proud of you! As hard as it was and all the emotions you had to be fighting you did it! You set the pace ok? If you get there and can't read it - its absolutely ok. Look at everything you have done this week! She won't judge you a bit - noone will. She'll know and see how hard you worked to write it.

I really can't tell you how proud I am of you and all the work you're doing!

* leaving you a safe bear hug* :)

blissedNblessed January 10th, 2022


I will take that safe bear hug, thank you!!!!! Offering you great big bear hugs too!

And thank you so much for saying that you are proud of me and noticing how much work i have been doing :)

Yes, your right - even one word or one sentence out, its progress. I am going to try to speak, one sentence at a time. Hoping breaking it up like that will help.

mytwistedsoul January 10th, 2022

Still your secrets I will keep

blissedNblessed January 10th, 2022


I FEEL this one!

I am thinking of you and sending you such good positive and healing energy your way.

Fallen1sadness January 10th, 2022

Can't escape,breathe can't leave here 😭😔😑

It gets exhausting chasing your tail being manipulated lied pushed pulled here and there but gone nowhere .. so much never seen done with your life it's all been pain lies behind the mask you wear your broken lonely scared but you smile laugh even though you know you have played right into their hands .. your going to lose it all over lies people told and want others to believe about you yep so you lay and wait for the horrible day to come you try to make the most of every day every minute with your kids count hold them help them with school work play video games with them cry every day in shower 🚿 so no one will hear or see it's getting to you. I know this is more than six words but it's all true and I am sorry if it offends you .

mytwistedsoul January 12th, 2022

The hour glass has run out

windSpirit January 12th, 2022

woke up, looked, tried, was trashed

blissedNblessed January 13th, 2022

Because of them, I'm damaged.

blissedNblessed January 13th, 2022


Because of them, I am damaged.

lol, left out the and :p

neatRaspberries7439 January 13th, 2022

And after all that, I’m still alone

RegularBookWorm January 13th, 2022

Tried to talk, no one listened.

Sometimes, scars and wounds don't heal.

Tired eyes have seen too much.

"I'll see you one day soon."

Aching body, twitching hands, racing mind.

Was the end product worth it?

Trying to fix it, it shattered.

"Why can't you just be normal?"

Big promises always hurt the hardest.

blissedNblessed January 14th, 2022

This sorrow cannot be contained anymore.

mytwistedsoul January 14th, 2022

falling is easy when you're numb

bestGlobe8755 January 15th, 2022

Pain is felt when there's growth.

blissedNblessed January 15th, 2022

I officially give up on me.

barncat January 15th, 2022

@blissedNblessed- I gave up on myself once. ( please hang in there - we never know when life takes a turn for a change )

blissedNblessed January 17th, 2022


wise words, thank you.

I am glad I didnt give up either, was close.

Things do look better now...things i guess eventually get better, even if it is just a lil bit

babydino69 January 15th, 2022


it's you...always has...always will 😞💔

amiable1102 January 15th, 2022

Told someone was having trouble lately and got betrayed by the same person :)

glasseyedgrace January 17th, 2022

I really could have been "somebody."

blissedNblessed January 17th, 2022


I FEEL this so much.

blissedNblessed January 17th, 2022

I took on all their blame.

mytwistedsoul January 22nd, 2022

the fear comes alive at night

FutureTeacher301 January 23rd, 2022

That bird stole my ice cream!! :(

blissedNblessed January 23rd, 2022

I still remember; I'm still broken.

mytwistedsoul January 24th, 2022

You didn't know me at all!

LavenderBee3612 January 24th, 2022

Clouded judgement.. You knew all along.

AnisneyRobin January 24th, 2022

You can let go, it’s alright.

LavenderBee3612 January 25th, 2022


That one hit hard.

AnisneyRobin January 25th, 2022

Thank you. I lost my grandmother to complications of dementia earlier this month and I didn’t feel it was right to put the actual 6 words she last heard before passing so I took inspiration from those words instead. I’m glad it resonated with others. @LavenderBee3612

LavenderBee3612 January 26th, 2022


It hit home in multiple ways.

A friend of mine attempted to take their own life about a year ago, and if it weren't for my actions, they'd have never been put in that situation. They slipped into a coma; their body fought for its life for about a month. I was on a call with their sister when they died. Their sister told me she could sense them trying to go, so she turned and put a hand on their cheek.. and almost exactly quoted what you said there. Two minutes later, they passed away.

I also lost my grandmother two years ago to cancer. I never got to say goodbye to her, but my great aunt told me how the last conversation she'd had with her went, that she'd said she knew she wouldn't make it, and she was most worried about me. She tried so hard to stay alive.. for three entire days. She couldn't fight it anymore. My great aunt recalled that she had to convince my grandmother that it'd be okay- and that she needed to let go.

I'm so sorry about your grandmother.

barncat January 25th, 2022

How true, I didnt know him.

anonyLemon4233 January 26th, 2022

The time came to say goodbye

LavenderBee3612 January 25th, 2022

I may not always remember you

LavenderBee3612 January 25th, 2022

Life's a constant kind of torture

LavenderBee3612 January 25th, 2022

Sad serenade stuck in my head