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Questions to Let Your Inner Leader Out

October 23rd, 2021

I believe there is a leader of humanity in each of us. So here is a set of questions for each of us to answer. You may answer one or more of the following questions in reply to this thread. Looking forward to getting to know you and the leader in you.

  1. What mattered for you the most in your early childhood days?

  1. What message would you like to leave for the entire earth through your life?

  1. What used to be your favorite area of cups when you first joined? How did your interests develop or change over your stay at cups?

  1. What do you like most about us, the 7cups community?

  1. What message do you have today for all the cupsers?

  1. What are your dreams on cups and beyond?

  1. What tips do you have for us to evolve as good human beings?

Activity: Respond to one of your peers in this thread with supportive words.

Read quotable words expressed by leaders of 7cups in the Living with Leaders Interview Series here

cheerfulIceCream October 23rd, 2021


What used to be your favorite area of cups when you first joined? How did your interests develop or change over your stay at cups?

My favourite area of cups when I first joined was 1-1 as I didn't know much of anything else. :p I barely went to the TCL or whatever that room is for like 5 times? Anyways when I came to the adult side i started exploring the forums and a member suggested I get a mentor (😛😛), then I became interested in the VL project and started going to LSR to get 2 chats and seeing the leaders there made me curious to learn more and as I learned more my interest developed in group support, though I'm 86% introverted. 🏃‍♀️

October 24th, 2021

@cheerfulIceCream You are learning every day, and we are learning from you!

October 23rd, 2021

@Fristo What mattered for you the most in your early childhood days?

October 23rd, 2021

@brightWindow2311 Ans. For me love and care of my parents mattered the most during my early childhood I guess every child needs love and care of parents the most at that stage.

October 24th, 2021

@brightWindow2311 True, we need love of parents and family especially as a child. And it is from them we learn to love.

October 24th, 2021

@brightWindow2311 For me? I was a generally happy child and used to find world beautiful, from what I recall.

October 23rd, 2021

@Fristo What message would you like to leave for the entire earth through your life?

Always love yourself and be kind to yourself know that you are unique and amazing the way you are❤.

October 24th, 2021

@brightWindow2311 Being kind to oneself is a good practice. Be patient with yourself as one takes time to evolve.

Bre4Me October 23rd, 2021


  1. What mattered for you the most in your early childhood days?

    In high school I started wanting to be really involved in the church and in volunteering.

  1. What message would you like to leave for the entire earth through your life?

    Shoot for the moon, the worst you could do is land among the stars: She lived this to its fullest.

  1. What message do you have today for all the cupsers?

This too shall pass.

  1. What are your dreams on cups and beyond?

To become an addiction rehab counselor

  1. What tips do you have for us to evolve as good human beings?

    Be kind to one another

October 24th, 2021

@Bre4Me Nice responses!

Bre4Me October 24th, 2021


Thank you :)

Adeline12345 October 23rd, 2021

What used to be yr favorite area of cups when you first joined? How did your interest develop or change over your stay at cups?

Talking to a listener was one of my favorite areas as I was going through a bad phase in all aspects. Upon further exploration, there are other things going on, e.g. sharing circle, forums, support groups. It made me aware that there are also others suffering too. I was not alone in this and am glad to help someone in need, even tho it's just a little. 🙂

October 24th, 2021

@Adeline12345 We are lucky to have you. Thanks for letting us support you little and receive love from you as well.

pamharley003 October 23rd, 2021


  1. What mattered for you the most in your early childhood days?

    Learning a lot from my mother things I needed to be as a person.

  1. What message would you like to leave for the entire earth through your life?

    That I had a heart and gave to others before myself.

  1. What used to be your favorite area of cups when you first joined? How did your interests develop or change over your stay at cups?

    To help thoise who have no one in their lives to turn to., To treat them as a person.

  1. What do you like most about us, the 7cups community?

    We strive tgo make sure we are all safe and treated equally

  1. What message do you have today for all the cupsers?

    Treat others as you would like to be treated.

  1. What are your dreams on cups and beyond?

    MY dreams are to involve myself more and learn the different programs to improve my leadership skills

  1. What tips do you have for us to evolve as good human beings?

    Be there for anyone who needs our help

October 24th, 2021

@pamharley003 Good to read your thoughts and interests!

lyricalAngel70 October 23rd, 2021


  1. What mattered for you the most in your early childhood days?

    Friendships, playing outdoor games with siblings and friends. Those were the carefree days and technology had not overtaken childhood days. ❤

  1. What message would you like to leave for the entire earth through your life?

    Time and tide wait for no man. Therefore, now is the time to start doing things that you intend to achieve.

  1. What used to be your favourite area of cups when you first joined? How did your interests develop or change over your stay at cups?

    It was 1-on-1 chats for me. I loved helping people out through my experiences. And then, as I started knowing the site better - my interest grew towards the forum discussions through ice-breakers, quizzes, monthly events. I loved the idea of getting rewarded through badges, certifications and even cheer points. Later, I took an interest in the 7 Cups' internship program(it was when there was no 7 Cups Academy and this was the only program available). After graduating with honours, I was curious to join other roles such as translations, safety patrol, social soldier(this interest was fulfiled by the revamped lightship team) and I did. 💜

    I was never interested in group chats as I saw people talking about random things, being sarcastic and even making fun of people. There was someone who once interfered and discouraged people saying how they don't like when strangers ask each other how they are doing by being extra nice which looked fake to them. I mean how else could someone break that ice on 7 Cups? It's funny how people judge others so quickly even in such supporting rooms. I was never made fun of by anyone but I mostly felt unwelcomed as there were people who already had a group of friends only chatting to each other. I did join some guided sessions and they were great but that's about it. So, I concluded that group chats are not my cup of tea as I cannot withstand people getting mocked when the primary goal of these groups is to provide support and not otherwise.

  1. What do you like most about us, the 7cups community?

    Everything ❤ that is why I am here.

  1. What message do you have today for all the cupsers?

    Regardless of whether you're a listener or a member, I highly appreciate your presence. ❤

  1. What are your dreams on cups and beyond?

    To help humanity selflessly. 💜

  1. What tips do you have for us to evolve as good human beings?

    These tips are for me first and then for others because I believe in practising what I preach.

    "Never judge a book by its cover"

    "Every one of us is fighting our own battle. So, be kind to all."

QuietMagic October 23rd, 2021


Re: #3, glad you've been able to find those areas of the site where you feel safe/comfortable and like you're able to make a difference. 💜 I also tend to not really enjoy group chat very much and spend most of my time in 1-on-1 chats and forums.

lyricalAngel70 October 24th, 2021


Thank you so much for letting me know. 💜

I am glad to hear that we share similar interests 😊❤

It's been a while, how are you doing these days?

QuietMagic October 24th, 2021


I'm doing fine, thanks. 😊 Just trying to relax and lay low this weekend as much as possible.

October 24th, 2021

@lyricalAngel70 Sounds so beautiful thoughts and journey. Thank you for being part of us.

lyricalAngel70 October 24th, 2021


Thank you for doing all that you do here. I highly appreciate you. ❤



bubblingBreeze14 October 24th, 2021


Wonderful! You're already making a difference and helping people ❤️ and that is amazing!

lyricalAngel70 October 24th, 2021


Thank you so much, dear. 💜

It means a lot.

Have a great day ahead

CaringDiane123 October 23rd, 2021

I would like to be a listener and also go back to school to be an addictions counselor. Live in peace and avoid controversy.

October 24th, 2021

@agreeableLime5068 Nice plan

Torean October 23rd, 2021


1. Everything mattered. I was a child, open to every wonder. Open to other things too. I mattered. Hopefully, despite everything, I still do.

2. I refine that message every day. My message is never ending. I've almost always sent the wrong ones... I'm trying to change that.

3. I started needing to talk. I also wanted to listen and did some volunteer listening. Now? I'm going through the hardest and most meaningful times I've ever known. I may be all over the place sometimes.

4. An online mental health community like this is probably the most needed thing ever.

5. Stay strong. Forget the freak, you're just nature. Look for solutions, don't actively look for the obstacles. Maybe there are none. You're in complete control when you're ready to be.

6. My dreams? I'm trying to get ready to be master of the universe. That's not really ego, I just want things to be more interesting and to cut all the cycles of abuse. Any way that I'm not ready to be doing that is a way that I could be better. Though, indeed, I'd have an impossibly long way to go. Still, I promise flying beds, no disease, and video games for everyone.

7. Evolve as human beings? Just listening. Exactly what we're doing here. Get out of the clenches fists of our egos and the confines of our minds. Positivity and humor are everywhere. Think a thought every day that helps you be the solution.

October 24th, 2021

@Torean I loved some of the things you said. Like, 'Get out of the clenches fists of our egos and the confines of our minds', 'Positivity and Humor are everywhere', 'Think a thought every day that helps you be the solution.' Really nice.

imaginativePear6493 October 23rd, 2021


I'd like to answer just two questions

4. What I like the most about 7cups is the idea and ite value. A bunch of people, coming together to help others. I know it may sound generic

imaginativePear6493 October 23rd, 2021

5. Please continue the good work and help spread awareness and give hope to people.

October 24th, 2021

@imaginativePear6493 Positively!

October 24th, 2021

@imaginativePear6493 I love that idea too, of people helping one another.

bubblingBreeze14 October 24th, 2021


What mattered for you the most in your early childhood days?

For me I guess my parents, grandparents and my sis mattered to me. I remember playing with my sis outside in our garden without a care on whether we play on the ground or on a tiled floor and sometimes going outside just to stay among the trees, play with rain and etc.

What message would you like to leave for the entire earth through your life?

I'd like to be recognized for my character and for what I give to this world. So one thing I'd like to say will be, "You can still be yourself and make a difference. Don't let anyone say otherwise"

What used to be your favorite area of cups when you first joined? How did your interests develop or change over your stay at cups?

When I joined I didn't know much of it. I started off with 1-1 chats and loved it. Mainly because I could actually help more people and make them smile, make them feel that they mattered and to hear them saying I had actually helped.

Afterwards, I found out the training guides and did them. Sometimes went to group support chats and checked what's going on (I had no idea about them back then 😃) Also I remember welcoming new listeners and members and being a part of the welcoming team (My first team!) It was great!

The next big milestone for me was getting verified. I remember looking forward to it and once it was done, I was waiting to see the results. I remember being at college amid the breaks logging in to 7Cups to see if there's any update 😃 Fun times... and when I finally did. Wow, I was super happy!

Becoming a verified listener opened up a lot of opportunities for me. I wanted to make sure that we provide high quality service. First of all because we're dealing with actual people and they life events. Being here and getting help matters to them a lot. I wanted to make sure anyone can come here and feel safe, and heard. More importantly receive quality support.

What do you like most about us, the 7cups community?

I like the way we help people, the trainings, the groups, discussions, forums, academy, etc. Well, let’s say I like them all. Overall the goal of our community is to support people and that’s the best part and the most admired part by me!

What message do you have today for all the cupsers?

First and foremost, THANK YOU! ❤️ Thank you for being here, for sparing your time for others, for opening your hearts and filling their lives with compassion. It means a world to them. I’m so proud of you all!

Secondly, I’d like to say You are amazing just the way you are and remember you’re making a big difference in this world. Enjoy your time here, learn more and keep changing the world for the best! People like you are what makes this world shine bright!

What are your dreams on cups and beyond?

Now this is a tough one… Well, my main goal here at 7Cups would be to support people. However, I’d love to become a leader and support this community grow, introduce more wonderful areas, to improve when needed, to make this community thrive.

Out of 7Cups my main goal at the moment is to start my studies (Postgraduate studies to be precise). I had to keep them on hold because of the pandemic situation, but looking forward to starting it and planning to work on a research that enriches the health system with the help of IT.

What tips do you have for us to evolve as good human beings?

  • You might have bad days and that’s perfectly fine. We’re humans after all. Just make sure bad days don’t define you. It’s just another phase of your life that teach you something different.
  • Try to understand others perspectives as much as possible. That’ll help us avoid conflicts and better communicate with them.
  • Trust and love yourself. You’re already doing everything you can.
  • Never stop dreaming… Your dreams are valuable and you can make them come true
October 24th, 2021

@bubblingBreeze14 So very nice, breeze. Keep up the wonderful you.

bubblingBreeze14 October 24th, 2021


❤️❤️ Thank Youuu...

lyricalAngel70 October 24th, 2021


I loved reading your answers and amazing quotes. Thank you for everything that you do on 7 Cups. ❤

Wishing you all the best for your post-graduate studies.


-Angel 💜

WhiteRoses25 October 24th, 2021

In my early childhood days I wanted friends who would love me not because my mother was well off. I wanted to see people for who they really were and I wanted to be protected from harm in any form.

CalmWaves3939 July 21st, 2022

@Fristo 💛

What used to be your favourite area of cups when you first joined? How did your interests develop or change over your stay at cups? 💜

To begin with, my favourite area to be in was the member rooms. I enjoyed them the most because of the sense of community and seeing everyone together and bouncing off each other. I also loved the supportive environment in the member rooms. <3 However, after a while, I found the listener rooms and I started being in them more often. From there I realised I clicked and felt like this is my place! I prefer answering questions and supporting people and I really love collecting resources to share :p I like to guide people and hope to become a quality mentor in the future to help support listeners on a 1-1 level and more frequently :) The listener rooms provided me with confidence when I was new to 7 cups and I am passionate about doing the same for others ✨ 💗

Waves x

EchoTheDragon July 21st, 2022


What message do you have today for all the cupsers?

Some people need to be told its okay and everything's alright but some people need to know the truth.

NewYorker11 July 21st, 2022


What do you like most about us, the 7cups community?

what i like most about the 7 Cups community is that it is a place and space for everyone to share their thoughts and emotions and focus on feeling better, getting better, and working towards positivity. the 7 Cups community is a great website and service to the world, no one is ever alone because of it!

July 22nd, 2022

@NewYorker11 totally agreed, new! that's how i view 7cups as well.