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3 291,506 M Meaningful Journey 1
PathStep 29 Compassion hearts9,026 Forum posts135 Forum upvotes288 Current upvotes288 Age GroupTeen Last activeSeptember, 2024 Member sinceMay 22, 2022

Howdy call me Echo I love all things ninjago, anime, and video games. Don't be afraid to talk to me! my pronouns are he/them. I swear I'm just a little silly I'm not acoustic (lie buzzer)

Gay husband: @AvyIsKing

We are a system if you don't know whos out just call us Dragon

Jay: he/them 

Proxies: 🌹

Loves: caring for others, cashews, and watching


Hates: (pup legit can't think of anything)

Sexuality: aroace 

Gender: cis male

Species: human 

Fave food: cashews

Least fave food: olives

Max: he/him

Proxies: 🔥

Loves: spending time with friends, fireworks

4th of july 

Hates: trolls

Sexuality: Gay 

Gender: cis male 

Fave food: rocket pops

Least fave food: sherbert

Millie: she/her

Proxies: 🐞

Loves: listening to music, watching analog 

horror and scary music

Hates: country music and messy rooms

Sexuality: bisexual 

Gender: trans mtf

Species: demon

fave food: Chocolate

Least fave: olives

AJ, they/them
Proxies: 🥪

Loves: listening to music, watching horror

movies and shows, cleaning

Hates: messes

Sexuality: bisexual 

Gender: non-binary

Species: human 

Fave food: pasta

Least fave food: minute rice (specifically this kind)


Agoraphobia:Fear of open spaces or crowds

Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning
Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public
Lockiophobia: Fear of childbirth
Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at
Sociophobia: Fear of social evaluation
Seismophobia Fear of earthquakes
Ommetaphobia Fear of eyes (realistic)

Littles that Jay has adopted and is a cg too
Evie (Everett)


"Ace remember its only illegal if you get caught"- Crys
"man im beyond concerned with you- you seem indestructible 😀"-Axtyn
"i think adrien got the cat nip"- Wefington
"*bonl arien*"- Jefferythebunny312
"Start off the trauma young 💀"- Astraeuss
"yes" - KingAgustinAndQueenLillianaOfGreatRoyalMajesticMysticalKingAgustinAndQueen
"Leave my legs"- CommunityModWilllow
"Lmao the knowledge is held in the scalp"- Astraeus
"I'll look for a good one next time I go on a kidney harvest"- Jefferythebunny319
"i dont like the word ears 😀" -Axtyn
"i once had a joke 😔"- Axtyn
"never trust shampoo-" Axtyn
"*cuts off elbow* Simple solution"- KaikaiKitan
"ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ" - ALeXaNdEr0712
"jokes on u cause i stole ur toes"-Jefferythebunny319
""tell drags im a minimalist. i just need food, water, and adriens hair""-Jefferythebunny319
"*noms hot mod’s cookie*" -FluffySheep8
"adrien why does the cow look like a disabled porcupine??" -Nomifordays
"Also somehow my naked butt activated my facial recognition on my phone" -JefferyTheBunny319
"Torture is fun" -Jefferythebunny319
"haha you sound like a disabled train 😭😭😭😭😭" -Nomifordays
I dont like the way rubbing alcohol tastes but the feeling is nice 😔" -Jefferythebunny319
"Remember when cupsing in class was a federal offense? 😔" -Kaikaikitan
"nice toes"-Jefferythebunny319
"What if a blind person see that"- applepie7327
"is pee a solid object"-JodyThinksTooMuch
"Bye bunny, Adrien, stinky Lou 👋"- CommunityModWilllow
"sory uwu"-CommunityModAaron
"who is kay" -CommunityModKay
"Feet are just long hands with tiny fingers 🙃"- TheSparklesSystem
"I'm not shy I hate people"- amiableGrapefruit3668
"Lots of pansexual fun Dragon?" -CommunityModIris
"Not Michael Jackson-"amiableGrapefruit3668
"hey, kitten." -CommunityModBriar
"we love a good target trauma dump"- CommunityModKay
"yayyy I love getting eaten" -Nomifordays
"don't blend babies 😀....babies are not food 😭"-CommunityModCharlie
"😐" -CommunityModKay
"oh wow that's so hot"- CommunityModKay
"yes i like women" -CommunityModKay
"i am fine cat"- CommunityModAaron
"mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" -CommunityModKay
"person of goob?"-CommunityModKay
"One time I ate a child"- Avy
"My eye is not eyeing 👁️"- Penguinster
"he looks tasty"- Jeffy after i showed my dog
"slay" -CommunityModKay

Recent forum posts
Sky Lights, Ninjago Jadewire (Harumi x Pixal) Fanfic
Reading & Writing / by EchoTheDragon
Last post
September 9th
...See more Pixal was at her desk working late at night in her room. She knew it was unwise to work this late, given her systems were not indestructible, but work for her creator, Cyrus, needed to be finished. Pixal glanced outside the window. It was late at night. The others were up still, which was odd to the droid. She glanced at the clock in her room. 11:34 pm. Her gaze shifted back to her work as she continued. 11:38 pm. 11:52 pm. 12:02 pm. Pixal kept glancing back at the clock occasionally until a knock was at her door. She raised her head, confused as to why someone would need her now, "Enter." she called. Harumi opened the door, chuckling as she saw how hard Pixal must have been working before she knocked, "It's the fourth of July why are you still working?" She asked with a friendly smile. Pixal cocked her head, "Should I not be working?" she inquired. Harumi giggled again, nodding, "Of course not come and watch the fireworks with me!" she walked over to Pixal, gently taking her wrist and pulling her to her feet. "Fireworks?" Pixal asked, her eyebrows knitting in confusion "Yeah!" "..." "Do know what fireworks are?" Harumi looked to Pixal, who had a confused expression. Harumi's eyes lit up, "You don't!" Pixal shook her head, which caused Harumi to instantly pull her out of the room, "Come on!" Harumi chuckled, leading her to her room. Pixal followed. She didn't have much of a choice since her girlfriend was practically dragging her. "You do not need to pull so hard I am right behind you, my jade." Pixal gave her a fond smile. Harumi blushed at the nickname, "Right sorry." she chuckled nervously, finally walking into her bedroom. The room was messy, with hoodies on the floor and a few on the back of a nearby chair. Harumi's bed was unmade, and other items were left strewn about. She bit her tongue, for now, not wanting to be rude. Harumi released her tight grip on Pixal's wrist, causing the droid to rub the area absentmindedly.  She made her way to the window, the locks clicking open as she pulled it up, "Come on!" Harumi motioned with her hand as she climbed out onto the roof. Pixal's eyes widened briefly before nodding and following Harumi's lead onto the roof. Once up, Pixal climbed up to the top so they could both sit. Her mechanical eyes widened from the view. She could see the whole city from here. Harumi let out a small giggle, "It's beautiful isn't it?"  Pixal nodded, not having the words to express how she was feeling. Harumi leaned back, wrapping an arm around Pixal, her cheeks heating up from behind closer to her girlfriend, who snapped back to reality. Harumi smirked, "I see you decided to join me in this realm again." She teased. Pixal smiled fondly at Harumi, about to speak when a firework went off.  Pixal's pale face turned a shade paler, her pupils shrinking with fear. Harumi's gaze filled with wonder at the light show, the mix of reds and blues creating an adoring show in the sky. Pixal, on the other side of the spectrum, was shaking slightly in fear, jumping up to her feet, "There is trouble!" she announced. Harumi raised an eyebrow, "Pix it's fireworks." Pixal's fear was taking over, "Is it The Mechanic? Or Unagami? No Jay defeated him he- he is an ally." Pixal began rambling, her anxiety increasing with every word that slipped from the android's mouth. Harumi smiled in amusement at her girlfriend's cluelessness, "Pixal It's fireworks not a villain." she tried to tell her. Pixal shook her head with a groan of frustration, "No it looks like explosions." Pixal tried to warn her.  Pixal turned back to the fireworks, the lights shining in her emerald eyes that were wide and filled with fear. She mimicked a gulp, taking a step back, "Is this a new villain?" she asked mostly to herself. Harumi's amusement faded, her smile slowly morphing into a frown, "Pix It's fireworks we light them to celebrate." She explained delicately. Pixal looked to Harumi, still fearful, "You are confident?" Harumi nodded, opening her arms for Pixal, who gladly accepted, snuggling into her arms. Pixal looked back to the sky, "But what if it is a diversion? To lower our guards to distract us and-" she was abruptly stopped by Harumi's lips against her own.  Pixal exhaled a hum of surprise, abruptly pulling away, "Darling this is no time for kissing!" Pixal insisted once more. Harumi's gaze was soft, loving as she gently pulled Pixal close again, "I promise you nothing is going to hurt you." Pixal didn't seem convinced. Harumi pulled her girlfriend closer, their noses touching, "The ninja would have called for you if there was danger wouldn't they have?" she questioned. Pixal's anxiety began melting as she breathed in Harumi's cherry blossom perfume. She leaned down, melting into her embrace as the next firework went off. Pixal forced herself to watch it, hearing the ninja cheer from below at the lights. "Perhaps it is not a threat," Pixal mumbled, looking at Harumi. Her gaze filled with pride. Harumi planted a soft kiss on Pixal's head before resting her cheek on top of the droid's head. "Thank you Pix." Harumi mumbled. Pixal looked confused, "For?" she questioned "For giving me a second chance." Harumi clarified, her cheeks heating up, "Nobody believed in me but you did." she continued Pixal felt her cheeks heat, and her facial circuits felt hot. "I know I tell you this a lot and I sound like a broken record, but. Pixal I mean it my life is amazing and I love you." Harumi finished looking at Pixal. Pixal got up, causing Harumi to look panicked. Before she could speak, Pixal sat down, facing Harumi, "I love you too." Pixal said. Those three words made Harumi's heart flutter, her cheeks heating up more. Pixal leaned close, pressing her soft silver lips against Harumi's, claiming her lips in a gentle yet love-filled kiss. Another firework went off in the background, but Pixal wasn't afraid. She had Harumi, and that was all that mattered now.
The First Step (Ninjago)
Reading & Writing / by EchoTheDragon
Last post
July 27th
...See more  Harumi crossed her arms across her chest, craning her neck to look up at Pixal, "You think this will work?" the former villain asked, a hint of anxiety in her voice. Pixal nodded with a quick blink, brushing a lock of Harumi's cream-colored hair out of her face, "Affirmative this is the first step towards being reformed." Pixal informed her she knelt so she was at eye level with Harumi, her emerald eyes bore into Harumi's jade ones. Harumi turned to avoid her gaze, "Whatever let's just get this over with." she scoffed, putting her hands in her pockets, and walked to Lloyd's room with heavy steps. Pixal's smile fell, knowing this wasn't going to be good. Harumi knocked on Lloyd's door, annoyance in her gaze. I can't believe she convinced me to do this, she thought with an eye-roll. She's just a robot. What does she know about relationships? She was drawn out of her thoughts by the sound of the door opening. She quickly composed herself, trying to put on a poker face as Lloyd opened the door, his confusion turning to annoyance. He let out a small groan, "What do you want?" Lloyd asked coldly. Harumi rolled her eyes, "I'm just here to say sorry about everything I did." she began. Lloyd was barely listening and tuning most of it out, "I know I can't take back what I did but I feel awful." Harumi continued, but it fell on deaf ears, "And why should I forgive you?" Lloyd asked with an eyebrow raised, crossing his arms against his chest. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance, "That would be the nice thing to do." She told him, tilting her chin up in a snobby way. Lloyd scoffed and began closing the door, "Save it for someone who actually cares." he told her coldly before slamming the door in her face. Harumi stood there annoyed and started walking to her room, bumping into Kai, who turned to her with hatred in his amber gaze, "Watch it Quiet One." he scoffed and kept walking to the kitchen. Harumi sighed and walked to Pixal's room. She felt so relaxed with the nindroid, but why? Pixal was just a robot. She couldn't possibly feel anything towards her. She couldn't help but think if there was something more than friendship as she opened the door to Pixal's room. Pixal turned from her desk. Pixal wore a warm smile spread across her face once she stepped inside. It gave Harumi butterflies. Pixal stood up from her desk and walked over to Harumi, smiling, "How did the talk with Lloyd go?" she asked, with a slight head tilt. Pixal was the only one who trusted Harumi. She believed that Harumi could change and was willing to give her a chance. Harumi sighed heavily, "Not the best." she admitted, rubbing her arm. She was wearing the hoodie Pixal had given her when she first got to the monastery. Pixal put a hand on Harumi's shoulder in a comforting manner, "I'm sure they will all learn to trust you in time Rumi." Pixal told her, comforting the former princess and villain. Harumi rolled her eyes and sat down in a chair with her back facing Pixal, "Why would it matter if I tried?" she asked with a small sigh. Pixal's gaze softened as she placed her cold metallic hand on her shoulder, "Even if no one else considered you redeemed I always will." Pixal promised with a friendly smile. Harumi felt her cheeks heat up a bit. Harumi stuttered a bit, struggling to speak. She cleared her throat, "You would?" she muttered to Pixal, who nodded and walked over to face Harumi. Pixal planted a small kiss on Harumi's forehead, "I promise." Harumi felt her face flush red. Looking into Pixal's soft gaze was like looking into heaven all her worries melted away. Harumi took Pixal's hands, pulling the tall android close. She leaned forward but stopped midway nervously, "Sorry, I don't know what got into me." Harumi spoke softly, avoiding Pixal's gaze, pulling her hands away. Pixal grabbed Harumi's hands and pulled her close, her face having a slight purple blush as she brought Harumi closer. Harumi swallowed hard before she could utter another word. Pixal pressed her surprisingly soft metallic lips against Harumi's. The android moved her hands onto Harumi's shoulders, kissing her deeply. Harumi was in shock but soon began to kiss her back with the same amount of passion. Pixal pulled away after a few seconds, smiling, "Everyone deserves love Harumi even you." Pixal told her, planting another small kiss on her forehead. Harumi was stunned, her face flushed a deep red. She glanced up at Pixal, surprised at the samurai's deep purple blush. Pixal took her hands off Harumi's shoulder and walked over to a beanbag chair in the corner of her room, "Follow me." she told Harumi. Harumi followed her after a few moments. Pixal sat on the beanbag chair, smiling at Harumi, "Would you like to join me?" Pixal offered, and Harumi almost instantly took the offer and sat with Pixal. The samurai smiled fondly at Harumi, wrapping one arm around her and pulling her close to her cold body. Harumi shuddered a bit from the contact, "I do apologize for I can not heat my metal." Pixal told her with a look of concern in her eyes. Harumi began looking around, "Do you have any blankets?" she asked. Pixal nodded, removing her arm and standing up, "I do I shall fetch one." She walked over to her bed, grabbed a blank blanket, and sat back with Harumi, wrapping both of them in the blanket. Pixal grinned, looking down at Harumi, "Is this more comfortable for you?" Harumi gave a curt nod, leaning into Pixal's embrace. It had been so long since she had felt the comfort of another person or android. It felt nice having Pixal gently rub her back and have her head on her shoulder. Harumi shifted slightly, moving closer to Pixal, "Thank you." she whispered. Pixal looked confused, "I only grabbed a blanket there is no need for thanks." Pixal continued rubbing Harumi's back to comfort and warm her up. Harumi let out a small giggle, "No not the blanket I mean thank you for trusting me for everything you do." Harumi began another blush forming on her cheeks, "I don't know why you trust me but I'm thankful that you do." Harumi craned her neck once more to look up to Pixal. She had a faint blush on her cheeks, "It's because I love you Harumi." Pixal told her, cupping her cheek. Harumi felt her heart skip a beat at her words, " me?" she asked, barely louder than a breath. Pixal nodded, "Yes Harumi I love you more than anything." she told her, planting a small kiss on her forehead as she had done many times before.
TW Starclan's Duty
Reading & Writing / by EchoTheDragon
Last post
November 2nd, 2023
...See more TW: Implied death and the afterlife for the whole story will add more tws as the story progresses @AvyIsKing, @Rui00, @ilariaxc,  Mapletail lay in her den as she had not received any reports of kits she needed to accompany to Starclan. She sighed. It was the saddest job in Starclan. So many kits die in leaf-bare and during birth. She cursed at herself. She loved the energy of the bouncing kits but hated telling them their fate, "Mapletail!" yowled a Starclan cat, "There's a kit in Sunclan that needs to be escorted." he said solemnly. Mapletail dipped her head, "I'll return with them shortly Applewhisker." She lay down in her nest and drifted to sleep. She woke up shortly in the waking world in Sunclan's territory, only showing herself as a slight glow. She trotted through the forest, smiling that she could see her clan again. She walked in through the camp entrance and heard the sobs of a cat. She looked at them and saw the body of a kit on the cat's paws. She saw the spirit\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ jumping and climbing on her mother's back. She kept jumping, "Mama, I'm right here!" the kit wailed, "She can't see you I'm afraid." The kit looked back at Mapletail, "What do you mean I'm right here!" she said, confused and scared. Mapletail looked down at the kit, "Look down at your paws, little one." The kit looked down at her now stary paws and gasped. Mapletail smiled and placed her tail tip on the kit's shoulder, "It will be alright young one, this's what's meant to happen." she purred, "Do you have a name?" she asked with a slight head tilt. The kit nodded, "It's Starkit." she mumbled.  Mapletail nodded, "A lovely name, young warrior." She smiled and dipped her head to Starkit, "Allow me to accompany the great Starkit to her grand new clan." She said. Exaggerating herself, making the kit giggle, "Can I say goodbye?" Mapletail nodded as the young kit ran to her mother. She laid her head on her mother's paws, "Mama I have tp go now but I know we can be together again sometime!" she purred. She gave her mother a little lick, "I hope Troutkit can make you feel better and I hope he doesn't get sick like I did." she smiled sadly before turning to face Mapletail. She shuffled her paws and looked down, "Can I bring Mama a flower?" she asked nervously. Mapletail chuckled and nodded. She motioned with her tail for the kit to follow her. She led the young kit through the forest, leaving Starkit in awe. She opened her jaws and breathed in the scents of the forest she once called home as she tried to find a beautiful flower for her mother. Mapletail chuckled at the sight of the kit, "Anything particular that you are looking for?" she asked, amused. Starkit nodded, "A yellow flower in the shape of a star." she said as she kept looking. Mapletail nodded and began searching for it. Starkit gasped, "Over here I found it!" she yelled as she bit the stem off and ran back to Mapletail. She yowled as she attempted to skid to a halt, seeing a fallen tree, but couldn't. She gasped as she looked down and was phasing through the tree, "What?" she asked. Mapletail chuckled again, "You're a Starclan cat now you can not be injured by things such as trees anymore." Starkit gasped, "Wow that's so cool!" she exclaimed. Mapletail smiled, "Well are you ready to go back?" she asked. Starkit nodded and began to follow Mapletail back to Sunclan. Starkit looked around at the trees one last time, knowing she would never see it again. Mapletail led the kit into the Sunclan camp, where Starkit's body was lying gently in the clearing. Starkit looked to Mapletail, confused, who padded to Starkit's body and sat next to it, motioning with her tail for Starkit to join her. Starkit nodded and sat near her body, "What's going on?" she asked, confused. Mapletail looked to Starkit sadly, "It's your vigil your clanmates are sending you to Starclan." she explained. Starkit looked nervous about Mapletail being upset, "Is that bad?" she asked, uneasy. Mapletail shook her head, "No it's something that happens dear." She explained and pointed at Starkit's mother with her tail, "Now run along and give your mother the flower before we depart." Starkit nodded and scrambled to her mother, leaving the flower by her tail. Her mother flinched and turned to face the flower, gasping slightly, "Thank you my kit." she muttered, taking the flower. Starkit smiled widely, "She saw me see!" Mapletail shook her head, "The flower appeared at her tail I think any cat would know it was from their kit." Mapletail said as she had an idea. She would have to talk to Rosestar about this. She glanced down at Starkit, who had tears in her eyes but kept a smile on. She looked down at Starkit, "You don't have to keep smiling Starkit it's alright to cry." she reminded her. Starkit's smile faded as she jumped onto her mother's back, "Mama I don't wanna go I wanna stay with you!" she cried, hoping her mother would hear her cries. Mapletail gave Starkit a few licks on the head to soothe her as she cried. Starkit kept sobbing but eventually calmed down, "Will I ever see her again?" she asked. Mapletail nodded, "You can visit her in her dreams if allowed." she explained. Mapletail stood up, "Well shall we go?" she asked the kit, holding her paw out. Starkit nodded, "Yeah I think so." she said, looking back at her mom and tearing up again. She wasn't afraid to now.
Warrior Cat's Extra Stories
Reading & Writing / by EchoTheDragon
Last post
July 9th, 2023
...See more Cloudheart lay in her nest pretending to be asleep; she turned her head to see Echowave, her mate, sleeping in his nest. She got up silently, her paws gliding against the ground. Her graceful body slithered out of the warriors' den and into the forest. She flinched, feeling her belly move slightly. She thought for a second, then realized something awful, "I have to find Mudface." she told herself and trotted off until she came to a deep forest with trees taller than anything in Sunclan. She recognized it well, the Adderclan border. She padded off farther until she arrived at a small river. She glanced around before noticing Mudface coming closer, "Mudface!" she exclaimed excitedly to see him, "Oh, there's something I need to tell you." She said nervously. Mudface looked confused, "What is it, Cloudheart?" He asked as he sat down with his pelt against hers, "I'm expecting your kits." Cloudheart said, looking away. Mudface moved away from Cloudheart, "Kits?!" he exclaimed, "I don't want kits!" He hissed. Cloudheart gasped, "But they're your kits you're going to have to come up with a story for how you found them!" She hissed. Mudface hissed at her, "How about you do it!" She paused for a heartbeat, "How about I pretend they're another cat's kits but you have to agree to take one." She said, sitting upright. Mudface scoffed, "Fine if it'll get you to leave it's almost sunrise." He growled, looking up. Cloudheart nodded and padded off back to the Sunclan camp. She glanced around, wondering what the kits would look like, "If they look like their father it won't be a problem." she told herself. She and her secret mate had the same pelt. The difference was that Mudface had grey splotches that marked his fur. When she reached camp, nobody was awake except for the cats getting ready for dawn patrol. She noticed that Echowave was a part of the group. Her ears perked up in interest as she slithered over to him. Echowave saw her and padded next to her, "I was so worried when I saw you weren't in your nest." He admitted, "Where have you been?" He asked. Cloudheart shuffled her paws uneasily, "I was out hunting but couldn't find anything." She lied, "I wanted to bring you a rabbit!" Echowave purred and gave Cloudheart a gentle lick on the head. "You're so kind for trying the thought is better than any rabbit you could give me." Cloudheart looked away slightly, "Well theres something I need to tell you." she began as Echowave looked at her smiling. She sighed and looked into his deep blue eyes, "I'm expecting your kits." She faked her excitement so he would believe her, "Kits!" Echowave jumped up excitedly, "This is wonderful!" He purred. After some moons had passed, Cloudheart finally had her kits. She lay in the nursery with three kits sleeping by her belly. Echowave padded over, "They're beautiful. Two toms and a she-cat." Cloudheart purred slightly, "How about we name the brown tabby tom... Bramblekit." She glanced at the tom with brown and grey splotched fur, "How about we name him..." She paused for a heartbeat, "Owlkit?" Echowave offered the name. Cloudheart nodded and glanced at the she-cat, "How about Hawkkit?" She suggested. Echowave nodded, "I hope they grow up to be strong and brave warriors." Cloudheart nodded as Echowave left the nursery, "See you in the morning love." he purred. Cloudheart yawned and drifted off to sleep before waking up during moonhigh. She grabbed Owlkit and Hawkkit, leaving the sleeping Bramblekit alone and slipping out of the clan. She trotted at a decent speed to the Adderclan border. She finally arrived at the border, where Mudface waited, "Finally now just tell me the name's then you can leave before I shred your fur off!" He hissed. Cloudheart looked hurt at Mudface, the cat she once loved was no more than a stranger to her. They weren't mates anymore since the kits, "This one is a tom his name is Owlkit and the she-cat is Hawkkit." she sighed and placed the kits at Mudface's paws. Mudface grabbed them and padded off, "Don't bother comming back they aren't your kits anymore." He growled. Cloudheart sat there wondering if what she was doing was right. Was leaving her kits to avoid her problems okay? She sighed and padded back to camp.
Warrior cats random prompts that i've been writing
Reading & Writing / by EchoTheDragon
Last post
June 18th, 2023
...See more Rabbitpaw was organizing herbs in the medicine cat den, she liked the quietness it brought along with the familiar scent of her mentor. She felt as if every cat was staring at her when she was in the clearing as she rarely went into it. She sighed shaking her pelt and went back to organizing herbs Gentlestar sat on the highrock with a sigh, she thought what she was doing was right for the clan. She hung her head in shame thinking about Pepperflake and her kits. The recent dog barking that had turned to whimpers worried her. Was Pepperflake and her kits ok? She wondered to herself. She jumped off the high rock and padded into her den Scentedherb padded into the forest her muzzle to the ground with a slight purr she came across a few rocks. She picked one up gently in her maw and trotted back to the camp happily with her tail straight up. She turned into the warriors den her nest was lined with things she liked to collect, rocks, feathers, leaves. She placed the rock down on the nest and padded off ready to collect more. Flickeringmoon sat in the warriors den as the moon had risen as he stared at it in awe. This was his first time watching the moon from the warriors den. All the other cats had finished their duties including him although he was trying to make it fun he ended up scaring some of the prey and angering a few cats that never put him down. His jaws stretched out from a yawn as he curled up placing his tail over his nose and letting sleep take him. @The1NOnlyVenus
Warrior cats story Pepperflake's Journey
Reading & Writing / by EchoTheDragon
Last post
May 25th, 2023
...See more "Traitor!" yowled one cat, "Go back to Duskclan if you love Scarletstar so much!" another yelled Pepperflake looked around in a panic and looked down at her kits. Ashkit, Flamekit, and Firekit looked confused, "A medicine cat and a leader from another clan." Darkcloud meowed, "How... original," he said with a mrow of laughter. "Pepperflake," Gentlestar called the leader, was a beautiful brown cat with stripes and darker brown paws, "I've never heard of such a thing happening." she confessed, "I thought you were loyal Pepperflake, we all trusted you." Gentlestar sighed, "I'm sorry, but I am sentencing you to exile, leave with your kits at once." she announced Pepperflake looked horrified. She never thought her punishment would be this bad, "They won't survive the journey this young!" Pepperflake yelled, "They're barely two moons old!" Gentlestar looked at her with a soft gaze. "I'm sorry Pepperflake but you should have thought of the consequences." she looked to her deputy, who gave her a slight nod. "Meeting dismissed." the leader jumped off the Highrock and padded back to her den. Pepperflake looked back at her now former clanmates as she felt all their eyes locked onto her. She picked up the runt of the litter, Ashkit, and padded out of the camp with her kits scampering after her. "Where are we going ma'ma?" Asked Firekit. "I wanna go back to the nursery!" nitpicked Flamekit. Pepperflake sighed and kept walking.
Blursed :>
Work & Career / by EchoTheDragon
Last post
April 5th, 2023
...See more
Questions about binders
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support / by EchoTheDragon
Last post
March 3rd, 2023
...See more So I use a small sports bra as a binder and it works pretty well but it does hurt when I over use it and my ribs sometimes hurt after wearing too long so here are my questions 1.) Does a sports bra count as a binder? 2.) How long should I wear it (i'm 16 if that's needed) 3.) If I need to wear it longer than recommended in public what do I do? 4.) Should I not wear it during school 5.) Should I be doing P.E/gym in school with one on ty for helping <3
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