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Online Studies Loneliness
Depression Support / by Adeline12345
Last post
June 19th, 2021
...See more Hi there, just needed a listening ear or maybe some advice. I'm having trouble coping with online studies. I really hope that people around me understands that but everyone have sth they have to deal with, so it's either 'you should be grateful' or 'just practice more'. Try to be considerate as I might I find it off-putting to hear such words. I hated the fact that online studies has taken all the 'human touch' of the subjects. Teachers are the ones you never met before and it's like interacting with a computer screen. Discussions are out of the picture, what you'll have is just filling your mind with info. Not to mention, I'm living with social anxiety, which should be a good news, but it isn't! It feels more isolated now that no one is around, it's more disappointing, it's more suffocating, it's more like what's the point in all this. I can't help but dread everyday. I can cope, heck, I can acheive merit or distinction if I want to. But, here's the thing. I just need someone to be on this journey with me because I've been fighting this battle alone for years and years. I've lost the reason / purpose to fight anymore. Bad things kept happening and social anxiety just add fuel to fire. I just need sth positive out of it, a connection perhaps, a sense of purpose or maybe just a sign I'm in a right path. Beacuse at the end of the day, I don't want to be that fool to just do what is needed just for the sake of pleasing others but ended up hating my life. Woah lenghty rant, thanks in advance for putting up with this :)
Trauma Support / by Adeline12345
Last post
February 13th, 2021
...See more Sometimes I regret letting people go, it's easier to be detached from pp when they leave
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