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Kickstarting the Poetry Editing Section with some Prompt and Poetry Exchange!

ComradeRuhi February 18th


This is our first initiated activity for each other in the Poetry Editing section! 

When writing, we often hit a creativity block and are not sure of what to write.

Suggest a topic, person, place, or any prompt or theme to help another generate an idea to write poetry for! 

Our wonderful poets will be given a chance to express their creativity, and you as a prompt-giver, will be gifted with your very own poem! 

~ I hope to participate with you all too! 

- Your Comrade,

Ruhi :D


@burningRain127 @HarmonyBlossom @HatsEatYou @HealingTalk @juliak1968 @LoveMyMoonflowers @Rareshadow666 @ShySmiler @tommy @Torean @YourCaringConfidant @mytwistedsoul @nessapressure05 @sadcat13 @MunchkinBerry @limegreenKiwi7397 @incredibleRainbows2036 @Est3lle @BelovedMe @unassumingEyes @iloveyouxx 

sadcat13 February 18th

@ComradeRuhi a rose and a paper bird in the rain

sadcat13 February 18th

@sadcat13 or well, doesn´t even have to be in the rain, just the rose and the paper bird

ComradeRuhi OP February 18th


A Glimpse Out My Window on a Rainy Day 

The road down below is filled today.

With the laughter of children that love to play. 

Boots splish-splashing as they shout "Hurray!"

I smiled with joy at such a fun display. 

My keen eyes continued to survey.

I found a rose laying drenched on a stairway.

Its beauty, in sorrowful decay. 

Hushed in this storm are lovers' dismay. 

I frowned, and chose to look far away.

Suddenly, I noticed a stunning array. 

The thunderous clouds had gone astray.  

Soft pitter-pattering drops, a sudden "Yay!"

There it was, a sight that made hearts sway.

A rainbow over every dark alleyway!

The sky shines with sunlight this midday. 

The birds snuggled in trees, their wet wings did weigh. 

A paper bird flew, without delay.

Through the misty skies, it soared and did not fray. 

The sun frees weeping souls with every warm ray.

Birds still fly. Storms they do not obey. 

Looked out my window, each sight did convey...

The road down below is filled today.

With those that dance in rain's bittersweet ballet. 

To: sadcat13 

From: Ruhi :) 

sadcat13 February 19th

@ComradeRuhi that´s so beautiful, thank you so much 😭 

ComradeRuhi OP February 19th


It was really fun for me to write! An absolutely worthwhile way to procrastinate studies. 😎

LoveMyMoonflowers February 19th


Haha definitely 😎✨💙

LoveMyMoonflowers February 19th


Omigosh Ruhi that was so so sweet and lovely! ✨🌈 you really are so talented (: 💙 

ComradeRuhi OP February 19th


You never fail to make my day! AHHHH, you're so sweet!

LoveMyMoonflowers February 19th



Lilacrose398 May 18th

@ComradeRuhi omg you’re so talented, I love how beautiful it is❤️

Torean February 18th


Living in a simulation sometime in the future

Redpanda2419 April 6th


from brick to bone all is there

Striped away and I’m left bare

in my hand or in my sight 

without my grasp non is right 

if you can’t be seen I will not look 

if can’t be half I will not touch 

with my faith I won’t be shook 

present or vacant it mean not much 

if I can not perceive then I won’t be seen 

(just a quick something I wasn’t following any particular poem structure but I always like then to rhyme)

unassumingEyes February 19th

(Tw possibly) Kids in war (they dont hv to be kid-fighters, just in times of war i mean)

Innovarefy February 19th


HIII do you have to be apart of the taglist to particapate 

sadcat13 February 19th

@Innovarefy no, everyone is welcome. The tag list is just people who get tagged in the new posts because they don't want to miss them 😊

LoveMyMoonflowers February 19th


this is lovely, Ruhi ^-^ 💕 my brain’s a bit blank right now hehe 😛 i can’t really think of any prompts right now but i’ll definitely post here if/when i think of something (: 💙 prompts are certainly a great way to get our creative juices flowing (: 🌈 and mmm to procrastinate on studies too xD

i’m looking forward to reading what everyone comes up with and posts here ✨🌈

ComradeRuhi OP February 19th


Not as lovely as you, Moon! 😤 

That sounds great! I thought this would be a fun way for us all to connect with each other more, and also share ideas about what we can write! 

LoveMyMoonflowers February 19th


Thank you, Ruhi! 💙 

Est3lle February 24th


a falling leaf with two points of view, the leaf (resembles the end of itself)

and someone who loves fall (possibly because it reminds them of new beginnings)

btw this is absolutely stunning, keep it up Ruhi! ^^

sadcat13 April 6th

@Est3lle this is such a great idea 😊

cresentrose2811 April 10th


In these ember leaves I see your face

I see your smile

and I see your grace. 

You said that you had lost it all

and that you were scared

that you would fall. 

But when you fall it gives a chance

for someone to catch you

as you softly dance. 

You need not be scared if you fall

For I'll be there

through it all. 

I'll care enough to embrace your life

and care enough

to ease your strife.

For their is beauty with your pain

and your beauty

lives forever in my brain. 

Now winters here and the leaves are gone

but your still with me

as your memory lives on. 

Your life was full of color and brought me a smile

so I will wait for autumn again

even if I am waiting awhile. 

For in these ember leaves I see your face,

I see your smile

I see your grace. 

LoveMyMoonflowers April 11th


awww. this is so beautiful. 🥺 thank you so much for sharing 💕

sadcat13 April 12th

@cresentrose2811 not me trying not to sob in the bus over how beautiful it is 😭

Lovingflower2141 April 9th

Here’s one I made about love…

Love is a diamond

Everyone has it deep down inside

So much it’s never easy to hide

Ten thousand laughs when you’re feeling low

Yet one act of kindness can spread it so

Love is a diamond 

When darkness sits it will be bright

Shared and it’s a pretty sight

A jewel that’ll always be free

Well, if you take it properly 

Love is a diamond

No more than a pebble of light

But still, theres nothing more right

Sharp only when tossed around

But soft when carefully, strongly bound


cresentrose2811 April 10th

@ComradeRuhi a poem about struggling to write a poem

genericbeing May 15th


I Can't Write A Word

(A silly poem by me)

I can't write a word
Not matter how I try
This is getting absurd
I think I might cry

The words escape me so
I wish I had a thought
My brain must be dough
A poem this is naught

So I'll move on from here
I give up for good  
I'll try again next year
Do you think I should?

Lilacrose398 May 18th

@genericbeing hahah, it’s hilarious. Thx for making my day a little lighter 

genericbeing May 19th

@Lilacrose398 Glad I could :)

birthdaycop255 April 14th


Write a poem about your bedroom floor.

I’m not sure why but this prompt calls to me each time I read it

sadcat13 April 15th

@birthdaycop255 I tried my best

The sun shines

and i rest my gaze

on what of my life remains

A med kit.
To keep myself safe

A pile of books.
Some read, some halfway through.

Some slippers I forgot I own.
A bottle graveyard on the floor.

An embroidery I started as a gift
Not finished yet, but will for sure return to it.

Stationery, journal, tissues and some tech
Some tangled cables, chargers, an orange bucket.

Over all it proudly rules
A manequin with an arranged blouse.

Someone may see a mess
But it´s all pieces of who I am.

BlueMangocat5071 April 15th


That is so pretty

sadcat13 April 15th

@BlueMangocat5071 thank youuu, I tried 😊

BlueMangocat5071 April 15th


Blank, testing, paper

I know these are words it's just I love to write poems about what's happening in my life right now, and right now it's testing so that's why I thought of that.

AsterLight2024 May 10th

include the line "A heart once mended is harder to break"

cresentrose2811 May 15th

Another fight, another slammed door

Your words stab down right to my core

Fool me once, don't fool me twice

The second time comes with a steeper price

Round and round, and round we go

To all the places I already know

You would think that I would start to learn

That lust isn't love, yet my heart still yearns.

A broken mess I shall not be

Even though you chose to leave.

For we have done this all before

I know the story. I know our lore.

Despite your torment, I won't say it's a mistake.

For a heart once mended is harder break

AsterLight2024 May 15th

@cresentrose2811 beautiful and evokes deep emotion <3 you have amazing skill

unassumingEyes May 10th

A heart once mended is harder to break, 

A life once revived is harder to take

Tears, once shed, are harder to cause

Thoughts, once started, are harder to pause

Words once uttered are harder to erase

Time, with its wonder, has a merciless pace

Support, and kindness, are all it will take- 

And the heart thus mended shall be harder to break.

It might not have been what you’re looking for but this just came to me, so here!

unassumingEyes May 10th


smh i thought this was in the reply to ur post o.0

AsterLight2024 May 10th

@unassumingEyes This is amazing!!!! beautiful 😍 I will be saving this🥰

unassumingEyes May 11th

@AsterLight2024 Im glad you liked it 💓