I like to go by Blue. I'm 14 years old and my pronouns are she/they.
I can be very quite sometimes just say Hi and I'll try to start a conversation, lots of the time when I'm quiet it's usually because I'm not ok or I just don't know what to talk about. I also sometimes randomly start apologizing even if I did nothing wrong. When I am upset I'll start spelling bad because I turn the auto correct off and I'll also stop using uppercase letters. Triggering topics - Talking about smoking, weed, drugs, I will leave the chat randomly because of it. They can be mentioned and I'll usually be fine but if they start having a conversation about it I can be very triggered by it. Please avoid those topics if possible.
If I say I'm a weird person don't say I'm not because I truly like being weird and I am proud of it.
My friends here:
Alexo0010 (Alex The friend I can always rely to be there for me no matter what i say or do.)
MakingANicknameIsHard (Ems your so nice and a pleasure to be around. I miss being able to talk to you. Hope your ok.)
PixieRobin (Robin)
Steph402 (Steph My Swim Twin!)
Teenmorgan16 (Morgan)
Iloveyouxx (Nadia)
You are all great thanks for being my friends.