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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Annie June 7th, 2015

Dear@Kuruhi, this is BEAUTIFUL!! Ithas a lilting rhythm that feels like a song. A great song. I love it.


IloveHumanity June 4th, 2015

FixedPlease,Please stop,Look at me,Look at us,What have we done,With our lives?Look around,What do you see?You see the world that used to be.Its all gone,Every smile,Every tear,Feelings, wiped away.Hey, look at me.What do you see?An empty soul,Living as a prisoner in my own skin,Is that normal?Is it normal to kill?To destroy?To enjoy someone's misery?Look, look at youWho are you exactlyWhen your not who they want you to be?Its our mistake.Our grief.But it can be fixed.Don't live in disbelief.If you try,And the person next to you,We can make it better.Believe me when i say,You can be fixed to.

IloveHumanity June 4th, 2015

Fixed its a poem about helping the world and the people and the problems that are the reason we need help.



Please stop,

Look at me,

Look at us,

What have we done,

With our lives?

Look around,

What do you see?

You see the world that used to be.

Its all gone,

Every smile,

Every tear,

Feelings, wiped away.

Hey, look at me.

What do you see?

An empty soul,

Living as a prisoner in my own skin,

Is that normal?

Is it normal to kill?

To destroy?

To enjoy someones misery?

Look, look at you

Who are you exatly

When your not who they want you to be?

Its our mistake.

Our grief.

But it can be fixed.

Dont live in disbelief.

If you try,

And the person next to you,

We can make it better.

Belive me when i say,

You can be fixed to.

enlightenedSun June 17th, 2015


Very true. Very moving.

Raylen June 4th, 2015

It takes a huge effort,

To do the smallest things,

And trust me it doesn't make it any better,

When you force me to answer the door when it rings,

All this, ain't an act, I don't want attention,

I'm just tired of all people who expect perfection,

But I'm just a little girl, who's broken,

With a lot of words I left unspoken.

Annie June 12th, 2015

@Raylen, I like this! it feels like the lyrics to a song.heart

Raylen June 12th, 2015

Thank you,this means a lot ! And many told me this xD maybe I have to start considering writing songs xD

Brielle224 June 12th, 2015

Wow amazing! You are so talented :)

Raylen June 12th, 2015

Thank youuu ! It means a lot !

funnyMango399 June 13th, 2015

this is wonderful. <3

Raylen June 17th, 2015

Thank you thank you ^-^

alexeesan9 June 7th, 2015

Hello x3 When I saw the title of this thread I had to click on it because poetry is yes and I'm the president of the poetry slam club at my high school and this thread reminded me of that and the happy memories of the clubOuO Anyway sorry enough about me I just got excited and reminded of that :"D Carry on and keep writing poetry in your lives if you do so x3

Annie July 10th, 2015

@alexeesan9, I hope you'll post some of your work here, and encourage your club members to post here, too.heart

Samuraifuu20 June 7th, 2015

Happy? Scribbling, writing phrases I wish I could give you a bouquet of sweet adjectives complementing your sweet smile and gentle hands. But Im no one. Just a troll underneath this bridge scaring all who pass by waiting, just waiting for you to visit. You found your happiness. I wait under this bridge. Under the rain of my own tears under the thunder of my own anger I wish I could be happy, for you, but Im not that good of a person.

enlightenedSun June 13th, 2015

@samuraifuu20 Nice work!Especially drawn to the opening lines about the "bouquest of sweet adjectives" -- love that!

Aliluvsmcr15 June 7th, 2015

Lately I've been having trouble sleeping and my parents think that I'm ill but the only disease I possess is the sickening thought of you and the symptoms aren't at what you think. If I have a sore throat it's only from screaming your name in the dead of night and if I have a piercing headache it's only of tearing my hair out in hopes of seeing you attached to the ends and if I have a runny nose it's only due to the tears I've shed into the sink at school because I saw you in the hall. But when I'm thinking of you, I'm consumed in emotions that don't just crawl through my blood vessels or sit upon my bones and tendons, but that bounce off of my nerves and lodge themselves into my every cell until every sensation I feel and every tiny piece that makes up my body is overcome by you and that half smile you wear around like your favorite shirt and laugh that hits people like a kid with a pita and your breath in folds of my ear, and it isn't just that I can't sleep, it's that my cells can't function and my body can't rest until the memory of you meets the physical you and you float from my brain to my heart, through my arteries into my fingertips, and escape back from my skin into yours and you take back every sleepless night and every bag that hides behind its artificial skin but god that's the thing, i don't want you gone I want you here. I want you in every corner of my life and every fraction of every atom in my body. I want you in the Air I breath and words I speak. I want you running circles in my irises until your all I see when i close my eyes. I WANT YOU,YOU I JUST WANT YOU HERE AND YOUR NOT AND ITS ALL MY FAULT AND IM SORRY ..

Annie June 12th, 2015

Dear @aliluvsmcr15

I love the images you create especially the ones involving the human body --and I love the headlong energy and passion in this poem. Some of my favorite passages are:

. . .emotions that don't just crawl

through my blood vessels or

sit upon my bones and tendons, but that

bounce off of my nerves and

lodge themselves into my every cell until every

sensation I feel and every tiny piece that

makes up my body is overcome by you

and that half smile you wear around like your favorite shirt and

laugh that hits people like a kid with a pita

and your breath in folds of my ear

* * *

it's that my cells can't function and

my body can't rest until the

memory of you meets the physical you

and you float from my brain to my heart,

through my arteries into my fingertips, and

escape back from my skin into yours and you

take back every sleepless night

* * *

I want you running circles in my irises

until you?re all I see . . .

This is a marvelous, beautiful piece of work. Thank you for sharing it.heart

brightEyes8025 June 13th, 2015

this is so incredible oh my god.

you're so talented; the way you string your words together, it's almost poetic, or songlike, but in such a raw way. i don't even know how to explain it to you. this is so good. wow. thank you.

funnyMango399 June 13th, 2015

this is so so so good. i can totally imagine this as a spoken word poem! <3

SlimShady8ball June 20th, 2015

I want you running circles in my irises 'til you're all I see

This is haunting me. It's beautiful

SamRosen June 8th, 2015

This is so great that 7 Cups of Tea has this forum! I'm gonnashare some stuff on it.

SamRosen June 8th, 2015

The Asexual?s Twilight Zone

By: Sam Rosen

If cuddling is a compulsion to comfort?s obsession,

I must be the motor powering disorder loops.

I wasn?t asking commitment or status,

just to know, hold and be held

by coconut smell sticking clothes

like aftershave necks. Now your scent

is all I smell as I sleep in my own bed

hugging a comforter pretending it?s your hips.

I slick thick hair back with grease

just to feel your tropical neck against my forehead.

Now, the oils saturate my pores enough to cry coconut leaves.

Your Twilight Zone television screen scares me

enough to constantly pat your stomach

before your body vanishes beneath my head.

Dread wrings out my lungs as I leave your room.

Lungs forming black holes for cigarettes I avoid smoking

by flooring car?s gas past each BP.

I?ve smoked my last Newport lover down to his filter,

and refuse to flick the butt from my fingers.

I keep sleepwalking to your room:

down pit stairs through summit door,

bungee cords suffocating waist. Elastic snaps me

back to bedside reality constant crickets twisting legs

outside my bedroom window; a reminder:

The moon sleeps alone too.

She just never complains about it.

Annie June 8th, 2015

Dear @SamRosen, whatamarvelous poem!The images of the bungie cord, the lungs, the cigarette,and the tautlanguage -- so powerful andsophisticated. And the lines at the end about the moon? WONDERFUL!


SamRosen June 8th, 2015

Thank you so much for this comment! It really makes my day!

SamRosen June 8th, 2015

Thank you @annie

Monarda June 10th, 2015

This poem sends the reader into a deep journey that is truly captivating. I loved your choice of words, they created amazing imagery and emphasized the rhythm of the poem. Wonderfuljob, @SamRosen, I love this poem.

SamRosen June 10th, 2015

@Monadra. Thank you so much for your feedback. All these comments are making me happy :)

Amy1160 June 12th, 2015

Its memories you say , in a dream like place , longing of love ,the feel of comfort , To describe them in words, Which take my breath away ........

SamRosen June 15th, 2015

Thank you so much for this comment. I really put my all into writing this

Annie June 20th, 2015

@CantThinkOfOne I have been intrigued by this little jewel for days. I keep rereading it!

Succinct, pithy, intriguing, lovely.

(When I first read it, I was slightly confused about"annuled" -- I thought maybethepoet was using the verb "to anneal"--to heat metal or glass and then cool it (in water, for example)to make it stronger and less brittle. And that verb works nicely!

(And then I thought, no, it's the verb "to annul" with a typo in the past tense -- annul meaningto declare invalid --but in a broadersense ofmakingsomething meaningless ornonexistent. And that works well too!)

Either way, I love this poem. It has a tone of sage wisdom, and gentleness. Beautiful!


inventiveHouse2965 April 29th, 2018

@CantThinkOfOne It's just so satisfying to have the perfect words, You have studied the meanings to find the right ones. You are talented and learned. Nice

Poetrylover14 June 9th, 2015

She walks through this maze called life--one with walls of lust--paths to nowhere--walls of disgust--through which she tears--for she's a fighter--or so she dreams...--in the battle--of life and death--she's all over that ring--no stopping her now--ding ding--to her death she awakes--she's a fighter--not a quitter--but that's not all it takes--she's quits so she can fight--in dying to herself, humility she creates--she'll find the light--the light that shall guide her to her happiest state--from this place she may come and go--but with this light the path home she'll always know--time to quit --time to fight--to the ring she goes--of her hope may she never lose sight

Annie July 10th, 2015

@PoetryLover14, I love the energy of this poem, and the vivid portrayal of struggle toward light. Thank you for sharing this!

Monarda June 10th, 2015

This is a haiku that I drafted, but never really considered posting to here. But, here it is!

crystalline surface
the colored leaves cause ripples
falling on the lake

Annie June 12th, 2015

@monarda, LOVE THIS!!


Monarda June 12th, 2015

Thank you so much @Annie :)

SamRosen June 10th, 2015

The Problem About Zoos

-After Charles Bukowski

By: Sam Rosen

there?s a bluebird in my lungs that pleads

for a Marlboro, but I quit smoking

one year ago. I beg,

stop chirping so loud,

I?m not going to let you


there?s a bluebird in my lungs that also sings for a joint,

instead I carry an electronic cigarette

to inhale water vapor as truce, so that he hides

from the workers, boss

and cops, so they?ll never know

he?s in there.

there?s a raven on my left thigh that?s tattooed

on skin, but I?m more permanent than him.

I?d cut off his legs,so he doesn?t claw my eyes,

but would he want to claw my eyes?

I ask,

do you want to drive

me to work? do you want

to scribble down teacher?s


there?s a raven on my left thigh that?s tattooed

next to a portrait of Poe, and
Poe shifts side-eyed to acknowledge

raven?s stare. I say,

this is why you can?t be my eyes,

you?re too busy stripping Poe down

to bones.

there?s a cobra on my tongue that wants to hiss

my words, but I silence him by feeding

him mice, but I?m too afraid he?ll bite

my lip, so I let him curse my enemies

and kiss my grandma.

there?s a cobra on my tongue that I keep caged

within Pandora?s Box, he absorbs the sins

I commit into each layer of skin,

and I swallow his sheddings

with a shot of Jim.

there?s a security guard decaying in my brain that

lays comatose in front of I Love Lucy reruns,

screens that are supposed to monitor

barbaric animals within my body.

he must have passed out a while back,

I feel the gnats nibbling on his skin.

there?s a guard decaying in my brain that

once tamed these animals, but now

they?ve picked locks on cages, and

it?s chaotic enough to make any man insane,

but I?m not insane, so

I must be divine -

I survive what locks schizophrenics in padded rooms,

while hugging themselves into comas.

I am god from my mind to the footprints I stamp on concrete -

my wingspan smile and converse rubber soles

invite disciples out to dinner for glasses of white russians.

I am god in my mind and a sinner on toes -

scaring my followers to stay the night between my sheets,

and are quick to leave next morning,

as they wipe snake skin off from lips,

but I?ve never spent one night alone.

Seth7 June 10th, 2015

A clenching heart,

An unsteady breath,

Two fists formed,

I can, I can.

A slicing word,

An earful of spite,

Taking gasping breaths,

I can't, I can't. I'm done.

Monarda June 12th, 2015

This is amazing. I relate to this poem so much, it really sends the reader through a journey. Nice job :)

Seth7 June 13th, 2015

Aw, that means so much. Thank you!