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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

ZetRit15 June 4th, 2021

In a black robe covering all cruelity inside, Carrying long blood bathe blade on his side, Riding the horse of darkness, eyes full of conceit Gazing from above, the WORLD bows at his feet A sight of him infuriates, stops your breath Vicious, Deceitful, the metaphor of death Killing his time, singing the rune Life is the instrument, death is his tune

Cookie456778866335664 June 6th, 2021


O Fear, the tumultuous monster beneath my bed,

The tumultuous blister bleeding in my head,

Why have you come to torture me today,

Why have you come to send me on my way,

On my way to sadness or anger or worse

On my way to the everlasting curse

On the way to the brink of my own sanity

On the way to the final slice of my humanity

You take the light and replace it with hysteria

You show me true misery and all of it’s area

You make me think I’m staring death straight in the face

A fate worse than death is to be caught in it’s gaze

My focus is withered, faulty, and obtuse

My focus is distorted, I’ll never be loose

Loose from the torture of watching myself die

Loose from the terror of your most wretched of lies

What is reality and what am I to do?

What have you done to me and who are you?

Are you an enemy or are you just me?

Is there a difference? My reflection! I see..

Fear is my own monster and it’s mine to use

Fear has a mission and it isn’t to lose

There’s a picture fear sees and I am blind to it

Fear wants me to see too, so I must go through it

Through the nights of hearts pounding in bed

Through the thoughts bleeding from my head

Through the days of dizzy spells and bloodshot eyes

Through the months of endless beggings and endless cries

Til a moment finally arrives…

Not the moment, just one, just for this brief period

I see something more, something more than fear I did

I can see magic streaming through the trees

I didn’t know it was there even if I was pleased

Magic in the faces of the people passing by

Magic in the water’s reflection of the sky

Magic in my soul breathing a sigh of relief

Magic in my tears despite my heavy grief

Fear and Magic, an odd pairing of fate

Two sides of my soul desperate to mate

Two words free of description or defining

Two descriptions of life that are well worth finding

I will fear again and fall off the path

But I need only remember that in all that wrath,

And terror and pain and rivers of tears

Is the journey to magic hidden in my fears

lumiraine June 6th, 2021

Mirror’s Mirage Wrote our script , in a hazy dream Before you were you & I was me. Ran away to find our own, Connected by thrones of truths half told. In our stillness, spark a flame, Burn them off, and start again. Do you see me ? For what I hold? Will you recognize the sound of my soul? Because when I wake there’s only fog. Feel stuck in an endless mirage. So hard to tell what’s real or fake. Is it neither? Is it fate? Oh how I hope to god it is fate. So we can lay to rest the shadows that we made.

peacefulIris56 June 16th, 2021

I was engaged in the mock
I got hit by the rock
it was a bit of a shock
I understand what's the stock
This has helped me open the lock
All I have to do is knock

peacefulIris56 June 16th, 2021

I give thanks
To my broader vision

That I can see bigger
And more clearly

peacefulIris56 June 16th, 2021

Life can be very confusing
At times

It can be confusing
As to what

Is or isn't good for us

As we walk through
Our paths

With awakened minds

This all becomes more clear

peacefulIris56 June 16th, 2021

I was paging
Through the
Farmer's Almanac

I found a deck
Of cards

peacefulIris56 June 16th, 2021

I have grown up
With music
My whole life

I remember
8 track
And vinyl records
In their cabinets

There was also
The cassete

I'll never forget

The CD's were stored
In cases

The records, tape
And CD's still
Do exist

It's just that most
Things are
On digital platforms now

LonleyCheese December 3rd, 2022

Life's a game

Life’s a game and I think I’m losing

I started not knowing

How to play cards or chess

But instead I just keep going

To be honest I’m a bit of a mess

And since I’m competitive I’ve got to win

So I get back on my feet again

When it’s good and you think you’re fine

You’re really not

But we still don’t cry

Because I’m afraid

Why am I not okay?

It’s not like it’s a choice I’ve made

I’ve been dealt good cards, sure enough

A home and food

A dad and mum

Compared to most, I’ve got it good

So why can’t I be understood

Not even by myself?