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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Monarda May 29th, 2015

This is what I'd say to my twin sister if I was brave enough. This is only part of my worry for her and a fraction of a fraction of her story.

Dear sister,

Have you smiled yet? Have you eaten?

Are you


Please reply soon.

Dear sister,

Why are you crying? Why do you yell?

Please be


Get back to me soon.

Dear sister,

Why are you so thin? Why are there scars?

Please don't


I feel lost now.

Dear sister,

Are you here? Why aren't you listening?

Please don't


Goodbye, sister.

NinjaJosh427 May 29th, 2015

Give it to her. If you love her, make sure sheknows

Monarda May 29th, 2015

Thanks, I'll try. She's been a bit hard to talk to but I'll try

inventiveHouse2965 April 29th, 2018

@Monarda heartbreaking... intense, full words. wonderful choices in phrases.

NinjaJosh427 May 29th, 2015

Now and Forever

Where did you go?
I miss you so.
It seems like a million years ago,
When I could talk,
And laugh,
And joke,
And smile.
Those days were the best,
But they are over now,
They have taken their bow,
And I shall never see,
My beautiful queen.
She is gone now,
Ripped away,
By the beast I couldn't slay.
Where did you go?
All i ask,
Is one more laugh,
One more smile, one more kiss,
One more day,
One more.
But this desire
Will die with fire
Because you've been ripped away,
By the monster I couldn't slay,
Who has taken you away.
All the shining armor,
It couldn't save the day.
It's over now,
Those days have taken their bow.
Our love is dead,
Just like me, laying in my bed.
The tears are falling down,
Past my ever frown,
Because I can never smile again,
Not without you.
Where did you go?
I miss you so.
And when i think of you,
I can't breathe.
Can't move, can't smile.
My beautiful baby girl
Is gone.
And I shall never forget
The times we had,
Laughs we shared,
Smiles we made.
Because you are part of me,
Can't you see?
I need you,
Now and Forever.

Monarda May 29th, 2015

This poem is a masterpiece, it made my heart ache. I love it. You have an amazing talent :)

Dreamz May 29th, 2015

This is a great poem! Great rhyming!

Annie June 2nd, 2015


LOVEthe extended metaphor of the hero, the dragon, and the lady in need of rescue. "All the shining armor . . . couldn't save the day." Poignant, compelling.heart

NinjaJosh427 June 18th, 2015

Thank you

Anna770 May 29th, 2015

I Can't Find the Door

In a room with no windows, no light, no sound
Hands pressed to the wall, gliding over metal and stone
It is cold here, alone in my cell
Blinded, numb, pleading, let me out
I can't find the door

I am tired, I need rest, just for a moment
A respite, a sleep, short and sweet
I'm tired of searching
Someone please let me out
I can't find the door

Knees to chest, eyes closed
Dizziness overwhelms me and I feel the ground
A little voice
Says don't give up now, but
I can't find the door

Legs shaking, thin as paper
I pull myself up, claws digging into the wall
A scream rips through me, arms wide, face to the sky
Let Me Out
I can't find the door

Fists, feet pounding
There must be a way
Heart pounding, blood pumping
Is there a way?
I can't find the door

Hands bloody and raw
My blood the only heat
The pain that should be
Isn't and still
I can't find the door

Breath heaving, I fall
My eyes flutter closed
A sob, a tear
A scream, wrenched from my soul
There is no door

Annie June 3rd, 2015

Dear @Anna770, the desperation, fear, weariness, frantic struggles,and ultimate despair are terribly vivid here. Frighteningly well written.


Amy1160 May 29th, 2015

Ever seen the ocean deep,the deepest one is like my dream, changes every time I breathe ,the calmest second become angry,the tide of emotions become my enemy, ever seen the the ocean blue ,the darker the shade the darker my mind where my demons reside

DankeyKang64 May 31st, 2015

Onward it moves

This shell, Prison

Masking the creature within

Outwardly blank

Inwardly black, Shriveled, Twisted

Costume of flesh, to ward off suspicion

Creature cries out, yet shrinks from notice


ambitiousWest9308 May 31st, 2015

LOVE A silk thread winding, Between you and me is binding; A bond of endless happiness, With love's warmthness. just one minute seems, Like an hour's dream; Think of the moments together, It'll seem like life rather. This moment i want, It to have an endless font; It is the one with which , I can spend my life's ditch. The whole world seems suddenly, To be most beautiful and heavenly; I can hear the songs as well, Of the love birds which in heaven dwell. So let us drink merrily, The poison of love heavenly; And slowly get lost for ever, In our own world and return never.

nerdyjessie May 31st, 2015

Idk could be triggering for some people with self harm just that I've said it. Beating hearts and empty eyes smiling lips but sad eyes drugged bodies and empty bottles Clean wriss but cutted hips.

ve99 May 31st, 2015

The dept

Sometimes feel like this,

Wait by the cliff trying fit in this bliss.

I fought everyday by the devil in me ,

I felt im fooling myself for the truthin me.

This eagle ,

Flys into thejungle.

Every sorrow and pain ,

I took with me to the grave.

I'lltake your legacy,

Fightall the enemies,

Cross over seas ,

But dont forget me causs you are the one ,

Told me that " this battle is to won ".

So i'll wait and wait ,

Cause the one that brings you here is the fate .

st1603 June 1st, 2015


My life is like a moonless night

Without even a tinge of light

Despair and dismay shine at my doom

My eyes search for even a slightest gloom

The only hope that remains with me

Is living my whole life with an enemy

Friend in disguise but cursing my life

Yet, I can't get out of my despise

People call me - Insane

But I am just a guilty disdain..

breeze22 June 1st, 2015

Mistakes of yesterday can make youwise today

Things you were unaware of might hurt you someday

Life can't be the way you want it to be

Well, nobody promised living would be easy.

It's not life unless youfell and stood back up

Just a little pain won't do enough

You have to be broken once to be stronger

That's when you realizeyour true strength altogether

Mistakes don't make you small

Don't listen to what people say or call

Don't let a mistake make yourself in your eyes fall

It's not the end after all.

Ohneekamaraj June 1st, 2015

Used to be lost soul.
Now, I'm souless.
A heart with holes.
Just looking for solace.
Empty and dying,
I cannot breathe.
Long ago, I stopped trying.
Failure, is where I succeed.

Annie June 2nd, 2015


​The technical merit of this little gem is AMAZING. I love the rhymes of soul/soulless with holes, and then there is a clever almost-homonym of soulless and solace. The echo of those words resonated marvelously for me.

The near-rhyme of breathe and succeed works well, and the rhymeof dying and trying is lovely.The lines ?I cannot breathe. Long ago, I stopped trying? are haunting, and the stinging irony of succeeding at failure caps off a poem that is both witty and emotionally genuine.

Beautiful, beautiful poem.


handsomeSnow June 1st, 2015

All this time we tried and failed, Some truly succeeded while some badly fell, In this hustle and bustle what we try to do, Waking up in the morning to collect a coin or few, Then, we try to do what we cannot do, Making things really worse every mistake a new, Dreaming is our hobby, We do dream a lot, Then, why on this earth we never give our dreams a shot? We never try to fly high in sky, We like looking at it from a ground up high, We never wanna do the things we routinely do, We are born to fly high above in the sky, We underestimate ourselves that we can't deny, Knowingly doing everything wrong and wrong, Is that what we've become - A machine of lies! Every second that we waste thinking of a change, Is the time we won't get when we'll ask for it, So, get outta that bed and decide a thing or two, Break your habits and change the things you don't want to do, For the time has come, to really know who are you? The world that we live in is just an illusion, Like everything vanishes it will end someday with a big bang fission, We'll be going to that soil with nothing left, Except that moment of satisfaction we can have before death, So, live for yourself, for it is your time, Making every second count and every moment shine, Smile, laugh, care, love too much, For we won't be staying here forever, Live the moment, make mistakes, That Pleasure you get is the real treasure, 'Cause life is an art they say of drawing without an eraser! ;) :)

KittyRenee June 1st, 2015

Dusk by dusk

Day by day

I watched my black bird fly away

He's perched on branches burdened by Winter's harsh frost

Awaiting his beloved warmth once lost

Monarda June 1st, 2015

So here's a poem I wrote that is (loosely) based on the story of a Japanese ghost called Okiku:

I search for them as I walk around the castle,

(One, two.)

I look for them as I walk around the rooms,

(Three, four.)

I count them as I wander around the halls,

(Five, six.)

I see more plates and hope I can find them all,

(Seven, eight.)

I search for them and I don?t find all of the plates.


I search for them as I start to run.


I look for the final one.


I see no more.


No nines.

(never nine.)

No nines, never.


I break the tenth plate.

paidir June 2nd, 2015

See now this was the place to post ... anyway... this is my world ... I posted partonce before but sadly it has grown longer with time.

Does any of it matter,

As it all begins to shatter,

drop by drop?
Falling down
Into pain
No way out
Here again
Watch me drown
In my brain.

Does any of it matter,
As it all begins to shatter
Can you hear
Silent screams
As my tears
Full of dreams
Roll away?

Seems to me it's just another day.

Annie June 2nd, 2015


This is wonderful!! I love the driving beat of "Does any of it matter As it all begins to shatter."

The rhymes are interesting throughout and the compelling rhythmadds a sense of drama. Until the last line, whenthe prosaic dropin energylends irony andwry humor to the switch, that this just seemslike an ordinary day. Great stuff!heart

Kuruhi June 2nd, 2015

A Letter To My Body

Dear my body,

Here I bestow an official apology for all the things I put you through.

The spirits, substances and so-called foods that you are forced to consume and digest against your will.
For every last hormone-changing pill.
For every time I slide a razor across your tender skin to cut back hair again and again.
For every time I deprive you of sleep when you are already so deprived of energy. And then the days when I refuse to get out of bed and so you miss the sunlight.
I apologise for wanting to hurt you when I'm in need of emotional rehabilitation.
For biting the skin on your fingers when I'm nervous.
For previously feeding you the carcasses of once living beings even when deep down I felt it was wrong to do so.
I'm sorry for putting you in such danger of hearing damage - through all the times I listen to my iPod with the music blaring loudly through my earphones, and the times I spend at the front rows of concerts, the speakers so powerful I can feel the vibrations running through my feet.
I'm sorry for allowing a certain enemy to hold you so tightly, eventually causing much emotional damage and then resulting in physical deterioration.
I'm sorry for denying you of food when I'm upset, then feeding you too much of the wrong thing soon afterwards.
I'm sorry for hating most of you, even when I'm told that I should be grateful for you.
I'm sorry for drying out your hair with bleach because I hate your natural colour.
I'm sorry for making your eyes sore from using makeup and then rubbing it off aggressively at night.
I'm sorry for rubbing your feet raw from breaking in a new pair of shoes.
I'm sorry for constantly giving you papercuts from studying.
I'm sorry for constantly cursing your eyes because they are not even and your teeth because they are not straight.

But now I know that although you are not perfect, you are brilliant.
Brilliant for fighting off diseases, healing cuts and grazes and digesting food whilst I am busy hating how you look.
You are brilliant for keeping strong and surviving through physical danger and emotional distress.

Because how I looked wasn't important when I was in that car crash.
And how I looked wasn't important when I was exposed to those dangerous chemicals a few hours ago. Whilst I was running downtown to check that my parents weren't involved in that explosion, I finally realised that I take my own body for granted. If I was on that one road a few hours ago, my appearance wouldn't have mattered because I would have ceased to exist.

I take my body for granted and I wish that my body was different, but it is everything that I need. So I'll try my best to keep you healthy, and I'll try my best not to obsess over any minor imperfections that I am usually so eager to criticize.
I love you, body.

You are strong, you are brilliant and you are finally appreciated.

ZaraSmiles June 2nd, 2015


Oh my gosh,what a beautiful poem... The raw passion of it alone makes it so powerful and the first part immediately drew me in. I absolutely adore how the tone changed along the way. What I loved best was the story,because in that poem was the strongest story of them all. The story of learning acceptance, care and most importantly, self love. About finding yourself. I really enjoyed reading it and the heartfelt sincerity of your words touched my heart. Thank you so much for sharing this poem of inspiration

Kuruhi June 2nd, 2015

Thank you so much, you're too kind!

Annie June 2nd, 2015


Making me think. Yes, making me think . . . .


KittenStar22 June 2nd, 2015

heaven is forever, earth is temporary.

we'll meet
again between
the clouds and forever.
you'll run up to me in a
gallop with your black
cowboy boots on your feet.
i'll hold you close,
but until then i'll talk to
through burned letters
and stars.

Annie June 3rd, 2015

Dear@KittenStar22, I can't articulate exactlywhy I like and admirethis poem so much, but I do!

There is an intriguing story suggestedin very few words, and the sense of a great love interrupted. The poet leavesa lingering mystery of things unsaid.

Restrained, sophisticated, yet warm and bright. Absolutely lovely.

The beloved writes letters and burns them to send the messages to the heavens, and conversesthroughthe stars at night.Marvelous!


shipwreckedonideas June 2nd, 2015

I thought about how we never flew Kites together Its a fine line when you try to define the finer points of the word

Annie June 3rd, 2015

Dear @shipwreckedonIdeas, This poem is amazing.The conversational tone is skillfully done ? we can feel the warmth of friendship, some nostalgia, old regrets, and some thoughtful pondering about life, language, and lost opportunities.

I love the rhymes. (I?m not sure whether the poem was originally written with line breaks ? maybe the format didn?t display out correctly. But the capitalization suggests that line breaks were intended to make this look like a traditional poem rather than prose. So I?m not sure whether the rhymes include internal rhymes or end-line rhymes or both.)

Some of my favorites: Never - Together ? weather ? together - weather - weather - tethered ? weather - together - feather ? never - together. And Sky/fly, psyche/like, and ground/found. I like that the rhymes are gentle anddon't clack loudly, which fits the theme and overall tone.

And the metaphors ? wonderful! There is the language of mathematics with ?equal to? and ?equals? and ?more than? ? and then there is the kite soaring through the skies of my thoughts, which is beautiful not only for the rhythm but the delightful rhythm! The entire poem is gorgeously rhythmic.

And the overarchingmetaphor of the kites?? Hmmm. I wish we had taken our chances and flown kites together, Set our thoughts so far in motion up in the atmosphere That anybody trying to stop us would be . . . nothing.

A great friendship not pursued? A great love not pursued? I don't need to know, the poem hums with a sense that the two could have soared together, but did not try.

This is a poem I can return to again and again . . . .

shipwreckedonideas June 7th, 2015

Sorry for not replying earlier, I just saw this. Thank you so much for your feedback =) This was my first actual poem, so I don't know any 'poetic terminology', (like what kinds of poems there are, writing styles, etc) I just tried to go with what sounded good. Your interpretations were amazing, but even I'm not sure what this poem is about, haha.. Anyway, thanks again ^-^

KittyRenee June 2nd, 2015

She was a land that was a little wild, a lot unknown, and painfully beautiful.

Annie June 3rd, 2015

Dear @KittyRenee, This compellingsentencereads like the first line of a very good novel.

I want to meet that girl, know more about her! Well done.smiley


KittyRenee June 3rd, 2015

Thank you! I enjoy writing a lot, it takes my mind off of things and lets me express myself freely :)

Kuruhi June 3rd, 2015

Your Story

I'd much rather cry for you
'Cause my story is too painful to share
I'd much rather smile for you
'Cause my story is too painful to bare

So come here and I'll wrap my arms around you
Come here and I'll let your story shine
But after you share your story
Please don't ask me about mine

If only I could play the violin
I'd share my past through sorrowful chords
Vibrato on strings would be my voice
Fighting my demons with imaginary swords

Although I'm limited to words on paper
And the words aren't sung by a beautiful voice
These words make my story into a song
And this song confronts you with a choice

You can close your eyes
And pretend this is a fairytale
Pretend it's a meaningless story
That was never once true

Or you can open your eyes
And realise deep down
That the story isn't just about me
That you're the main character too

If you don't want to tell your story
As it is, spoken word to word
Turn your art into your voice
And you will always be heard

A picture speaks a thousand words
And music helps you through
If these words come to help me cope
Then they can help you too

Raylen June 4th, 2015

It'sbeautiful and deep , really it's excellent </3

Kuruhi June 4th, 2015

Thank you very much!