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What are your mental health resolutions for 2021?

hopedreamlove December 29th, 2020

Hello hello hello lovely community! I hope you are all doing well, and I hope everyone who celebrated had a good holiday. Red heart

Often at the end of the year, we begin discussing resolutions for the upcoming new year, a change, decision, habit, or promise we hope to incorporate into our lives. For many people, New Year's Resolutions can be very helpful and can help them get one step closer to their best self.

Today, I wanted to discuss mental health resolutions. 2020 no doubt has been a challenging year for so many, and it has been so important that we take care of ourselves, and make mental health a priority. Although the difficulties we faced this year will not magically disappear immediately in the new and we may not know what is in store for us in 2021, I hope we all can put our wellbeing first, and continue to make mental health a priority. As 2020 wraps up, I want to know, what are some of your mental health resolutions for the new year? These resolutions can be absolutely anything that helps improve your overall mental wellbeing, such as practicing more self-care, setting boundaries, taking up a hobby, etc. There is no "bad" resolution, your mental health resolution might look different from mine, and that is okay.

I am looking forward to hearing about your mental health resolutions! Thank you so much for participating in this post, and thank you for being a part of our 7 cups community. I hope that for each and every one of you, this upcoming new year is filled with joy, laughter, adventures, and happiness. Red heart

“You are perfectly cast in your life. I can't imagine anyone but you in the role. Go play.” - Lin Manuel Miranda ⭐

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Hey there! I know emotional eating is something I struggle with a lot. It can be difficult when it begins to affect aspects of our life, it is wonderful that you are making it a resolution to tackle it. I really love how you mentioned you will be breaking it down bit by bit; taking things slowly and one at a time can be much more helpful than rushing into things! Practicing self-care activities and surrounding yourself in a more positive environment are great ways to help your mental health. I definitely agree that it was very difficult to maintain positivity all the time last year considering the circumstances. I admire your attitude, I hope 2021 goes the best way possible for you Red heart Thanks for sharing, happy new year!

PalmTree7773 January 17th, 2021

Thank you! I hope so for you too ❤️

crystalhawk December 30th, 2020

Hello, my mental health resolution is to get my panic attacks under control and try to go for more walks. I am really looking forward to springtime when the weather is nicer.

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Hey hey hey! Panic attacks can be so scary and difficult to deal with, it makes a lot of sense that you want a resolution to be getting the attacks under control. We at 7 cups are here for and can be by your side every step of the way! Springtime can be nice! I'm actually one of those people who are not a huge fan of spring haha, but I'm glad you are looking forward to it! Wishing you the best, thank you for sharing! Happy new year!

Fosterkittycat December 30th, 2020

Hi ! Great idea :)

I will try my best to put on good habits to follow every day, such as yoga and meditation. To help me soothe and tqke back control ovee my life and feelings.

Hope you're all doing good

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Hello hello hello! Bringing healthy habits such as yoga and meditation to your daily life can be really helpful in improving mental health! It can be really powerful being able to take more control over our life and feelings, and can really just help us feel better. Thank you for sharing, happy new year!

Rebekahwriter13 December 30th, 2020

I want a therapist I can talk to preferably an online art therapist.

I want a regular listener as I need someone simply to talk to. (Anyone interested please send me a message.

Mediate and exercise more.

Focus on self-love and improve self esteem

Be there for my boyfriend

understandingWest8097 December 30th, 2020

@Rebekahwriter13 I am not a listener but we can always talk

Rebekahwriter13 December 30th, 2020


I appreciate it.

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Finding a therapist you feel comfortable and safe talking with can be really amazing. Ooh, an online art therapist sounds really wonderful! Lately I have been looking into art therapy and I love the idea of it and how creativity and expression can help mental health. I hope you can find a listener who can offer you the support you deserve! If you haven't already, it could be helpful posting in this (blue is clickable) sub-forum about what type of listener you are looking for. Practicing self-love, meditation, exercise, and doing your best to increase self-esteem are amazing resolutions, I wish you the very best with them! It is really kind and caring of you to make one of your resolutions being there for your boyfriend. Thank you for sharing, happy new year!

sarakang December 30th, 2020


My mental health resolution is to distance myself from people that I know have been sucking away my happiness. I have been trying to cut off toxic people for the longest time however this year I will really put myself first and go through with it

understandingWest8097 December 30th, 2020

@sarakang i have experience distancing myself from toxic people,i tried but i always kept going back to them. hope you won't end up like me, good luck

BurdensDown December 31st, 2020

@sarakang Some toxic people don't know they are toxic and other people don't want to be bothered with them.

ClassicAnonymous17 January 1st, 2021


With your resolution

I hope you stick with it and end up Standing Tall !!!

*M​​​​​​ake Y​​​​​​ourself P​​​​​​roud !!!

when it comes down to it the only thing that matters is your happiness in your state of mind for yourself you do not owe anybody an explanation.

You Got This __ 2021

sarakang January 3rd, 2021


Thank you so much (and everyone else who supported my post). It's people like you that motivate me to keep making myself feel important and happy smileyheart

ClassicAnonymous17 January 3rd, 2021


YOU need to remind yourself

YOU are important!

We are here to assist you but what/how YOU feel for yourself


You got this!!!

_ how's your Sunday going?

_ how's the weather where you are?

_ do you have any Sunday plans?

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Hey there! It takes a lot of strength to distance yourself from people who have a negative impact on your mental health, although the relationship may be toxic, it can be still be difficult. Putting yourself first is wonderful, you are enough and it is perfectly okay to focus on yourself and doing what is best for you before focusing on other things, you deserve happiness. Red heart Thank you so much for sharing with us! Wishing you the very best with your two resolutions, happy new year!

CognitiveGrowthCreatesChange December 30th, 2020

@hopedreamlove Always remember to be kind to yourself as you are to others. While every soul is walking a journey that others do not know about, so are you. Take moments to breathe, cry and smile for yourself. It is ok to lean into the feeling and be there for yourself. There is no specific rule book on how to live life; we do the best we can as we take small steps forward and backward, forward and backward.

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


These are absolutely beautiful words! I found myself nodding along to every word as I read it, this line in particular really got me. "There is no specific rule book on how to live life; we do the best we can as we take small steps forward and backward, forward and backward." I love that so so so much!!! Sometimes we can find ourself trying to live life the way we think it should be lived, but like you said, there is no rule book. There is not one way to love life, one can live or however way they want to, and that would be enough. Thank you so much for sharing, happy new year!

CognitiveGrowthCreatesChange January 11th, 2021

@hopedreamlove Thank you and blessings for your new year. Life is such a conundrum at times, that the best we can do is be authentic and listen to our hearts, minds and bodies and simply live. Sometimes we fall and have to crawl our way back up. And that is perfectly ok. I often say if we need to sit in the shower and cry, that is fine too. Then towel off and go for a walk or have a treat or watch something silly. Slow steps forward combined with our backwards ones too, will take us to the future. Be well.

Lussier December 30th, 2020

Don’t be so hard on myself and enjoy every little moment of happiness in full.

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


We can definitely be our own worst critic at times. I love how you will be doing your best to not be so hard on yourself and enjoy the little moments. I am wishing you the very best with your resolutions, and I hope this year is filled with many many moments of happiness! Thank you for sharing, happy new year!

LilacKalypso9 December 30th, 2020


My mental health resolution would be to focus on my wants and needs more, with regards to my self-care routine, by attempting to find a balance between working on my responsibilities and focusing on my personal growth.

Perhaps by trying to create a better, more structured schedule to find times in each day to prioritise myself. Of course, there will be 365 new days to do this, but hopefully I can put this plan into action this time. Also, to feel less guilty of saying "no" to people and, if need be, remove them from my life if they are crossing boundaries or draining me from my energy.

I hope everybody makes their resolutions come true in 2021, with better days ahead for every single one of you.💕💕💕

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Hey there! Focusing on your needs and wants, working on your self-care routine, and doing your best to find a balance between your responsibilities and personal growth sound like really awesome resolutions! Creating a schedule with more structure that had time to prioritize yourself sounds like it could be extremely beneficial! It can be really hard saying "no" to people because often we want to please others, but setting healthy boundaries like you mentioned can truly make a difference in our lives. Good luck with these resolutions, we believe in you! Thank you for sharing, happy new year!

LilacKalypso9 January 8th, 2021


Thank you for this... So, far I believe I have been focused on my goals, but not on my mental health and growth. But I keep reminding myself that it's still the beginning of the year and I still have the time to implement a schedule, regardless of what's happening around me and in the world right now.


ClassicAnonymous17 December 30th, 2020

I don't wanna set a resolution

For 365 days.

Most of our minds can't picture 365 days as they would play out but as pinpointed moments. I do NOT mean that⬆️ in a hateful or snarky way.

But what I will do for myself is be better than I am now !!

Recently I've been hard on myself falling back in to old mindsets.

i am not okay with that. That's why I am here 7cups!

7cups helps me so much

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Hi there! I hear your point, when we don't know how the entire year will play out it can be hard to commit to a promise/change that we could follow every day. (If I misunderstood what you were saying please do feel free to let me know Red heart) Being/doing better than you are now is a great wish and very reasonable. When we fall back onto old mindsets it can be really difficult and affect our daily lives. I am glad you are here on 7 cups seeking support and doing your best, we are here for you! Thank you for sharing, happy new year!

BurdensDown December 31st, 2020

My mental health resolution is to not weigh myself down with goals and to dos. Istarted 2020 hoping to do more than I did last year, but Covid has lasted all year and I've had to keep it simple. Covid will still be here in 2021, so I plan to continue keeping it simple, but make the progress in reading my bible that I didn't accomplish in 2020.

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


It can be easy to get caught up in goals and a huge to do list, I love that you are planning to keep things simple this year. It can be really helpful and help us accomplish a lot just by taking things one at a time and day by day. Good luck with making progress in reading the Bible! Thank you for sharing, happy new year!

ShikiBabyBat December 31st, 2020

I guess be kinder to myself and stop fighting my emotions? It is gonna be hard tho cuz it's instinct for me to fight my emotions and be self critical. Also wanna draw more, I haven't really had the passion for that all year but DnD brought it back for a little bit cuz I wanted to draw my character.

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Being kinder towards ourselves and stop fighting emotions can be really powerful and beneficial. I can understand the first instinct to be fighting emotions because sometimes that can feel safer; criticizing ourselves can be much easier than being kind to ourselves. Ooo, drawing sounds awesome! I wish that that is something I could do haha. It can feel really good when after a long time we start to enjoy hobbies or things we used to be fond of in the past, it can sort of be like reuniting with a new friend. (I don't even know if the analogy(?) makes sense lol) Thank you so much for sharing! Wishing you the absolute best with your resolutions, happy new year!

Eastcoastanxious December 31st, 2020

Try to walk away from toxic people

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Although it can be difficult, getting away from toxic people or people that negatively impact our mental health can be so powerful and relieving. I am wishing you the best with this resolution, and as always, 7 cups will be here for you. Red heart Thank you for sharing, happy new year!

PurpleHair17 December 31st, 2020

To become comfortable with my body and to see myself as beautiful

understandingWest8097 December 31st, 2020

@PurpleHair17 i am pretty sure you are beautiful

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Hello! Your resolution is one that I would like for myself as well. It can be so so difficult to become comfortable in our own bodies and view ourselves as beautiful. Self-love can be a long process, and it's more than okay if it doesn't happen in one day. Doing your best is enough. Red heart Wishing you the very best with your resolution and self-love journey, you are not alone. Thank you for sharing with us, happy new year!

youarenotalone00 December 31st, 2020

to feel okay and actually feel beautiful and to not be on an edge every minute of the dayblush

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Feeling unhappy and on edge all the time can be really uncomfortable, tense, and so challenging to cope with. It is really understandable to want to feel okay and happy. Feeling beautiful can be really difficult as well, and it is valid if you don't feel that way. Self-love is a journey, and it may take time, but it is possible. Thank you so much for sharing, happy new year!

lovelyJewel88 December 31st, 2020

i want to accept myself and be more confient, and learn how to handle hard situations better

hopedreamlove OP January 7th, 2021


Hi hi! Self-acceptance and self-confidence can be difficult incorporating into our lives, but once it is done it can feel really wonderful. I hope that this year you can begin to accept yourself and feel more comfortable with your wonderful self, as well as learn how to handle difficult situations a bit better. Thank you for sharing, happy new year!