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last post.

iloveyouxx May 15th

Tinywhisper11 May 15th

@iloveyouxx last post????? Are you ok sweetie??

TheArtistSystem May 15th


friendo?? you okay?!



Last post?? : 0 Are u okay????? I hope ur ok! *hugs if oki* 

mytwistedsoul May 15th

@iloveyouxx Hey is everything ok? I mean if you're leaving because you want to that's ok - we'd all miss you of course. But if something happened here to make you feel this way - maybe we can help 💙

HopieRemi May 16th


What do you mean by "last post"? Your thread gives no context so it makes us concerned for you. Please reply if you can. xoxo Let us know what's going on.

iloveyouxx OP May 16th


okay. :') I’m sorry. you’re right-💜/gen I just didn’t think anyone would care honestly/nav by "last post" I mean im leaving. and no I’m not okay. I hope that’s something💗?

HopieRemi May 16th


Of course we care! <3 I am glad to hear from you. I am sorry to hear though that you are leaving the website. But we all have to make decisions that are best for us. I will say I have seen you around the forums and you always seem so sweet. I hope you have a good rest of your day. 

iloveyouxx OP May 16th


it’s not what’s best for me.💜I’m not leaving the website either. my account will still be there.🤍just no one to use it- thankyu sm💖my day couldn’t have gone worse :P🤍thankyu tho💗I hope yu have a great day💕idk about the caring thing heh :P but thankyou<3

HopieRemi May 16th


Did something happened? 

iloveyouxx OP May 16th


yu mean on cups? or off-

thankyu for staying and putting up with this me for so long💗it means so much to me💖yu have v strong tolerance and composure lol :P💕

HopieRemi May 16th


Both :O did something happen on cups or off cups to make you want to leave cups? What are you planning to do now?

iloveyouxx OP May 17th


:0 I’m still not leaving cups- idk how to say it lol :') my account will still be up just no one to use it.🩷but idk. cups has been just so toxic lately. literally hacking my mind but that’s not the point anyway :'P🤍everything off cups is just horrifyingly triggering and I feel bad but yeah I guess. things happen off cups and theyre not always that great🐢✨now,-yeah I still don’t know how to say it- I know I would’ve just left but it kinda annoys me when people do that- just leave and not say anything- I do have a plan tho. I just didn’t want to leave cups last second before I left. if that makes sense? I’m not making sense :')💜

HopieRemi May 17th


What do you mean no one to use it? Like you will be around living your life, just not using cups, right? <3 and I appreciate you not just disappearing!

Tinywhisper11 May 16th

@iloveyouxx awww honey. You are loved and cared by so many people here ❤ I care about you and love you alot ❤❤ you've become a very special friend to me ❤ if you decide to leave, I'll be here waiting just in case you want to come back ❤

iloveyouxx OP May 16th


teenie :')❤️I don’t wanna sound mean❤️but you love everyone :')❤️literally- there isn’t someone you just can’t care about because that’s just how much of a gift of a person you are to us- you’re literally such a blessing and the kindest person to ever walk the earth. I’m not exaggerating :')❤️if anyone cares it’s you❤️but I guess. it just kinda makes me feel like a "one of". I’m really not all that- not special or nothing. I don’t push myself to play pretend to keep up a fake personality- I kinda don’t like it when people do that :') so I’m sorry if I’m being negative or anything❤️I just say what I think or how I feel. I’m not deciding to leave and by the time I do I won’t have the option to come back. I love you so much❤️/vvvvgen.💖

Tinywhisper11 May 17th

@iloveyouxx pulls worried face 😕 please don't do thay, never give up. You don't have to act like anyone other than you, cause this is our safe place where we can be who we are ❤ I know you've been hurting for a long time. And the way you express yourself through your beautiful poems, is something quite special ❤ I'm right here if you ever need me for anything, gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤

@iloveyouxx hi there. i may not know you, but i came across this post and read your posts on this thread and thought i'd say something. i get that things are going terribly for you off cups and things aren't very nice on cups too. i'm sorry you're going through this. i think i understand what you're talking about, are you planning on leaving as in leaving the planet?

i know it's hard, but you know this decision to leave isn't what's best for you, you just said that, right? please, please do what is best for you. you don't have to use cups if you don't want to. but it'll be there if you feel you need it, okay? 💙

unassumingEyes May 18th

@iloveyouxx nadia frnd...?

Is there anything i can do?

tearstruck May 18th

@iloveyouxx heya nadia, I know you probably don't know me but I've seen you around here so much and I know you're the sweetest most genuine amazing person 💖💖💖💖💖 I really hope you're doing okay <3 I know life can be really difficult at times and you're going through a lot but please please please be safe, be kind to yourself, things will get better it'll be okay 🩷🩷🩷 here for you if you need anything, and everyone else on here too, you are amazing and so many people here care about you so much <3<3<3<3<3 Sending love and hugs and kittens' hugs ;) <3 (if okay :))
take care <3 be safe, look after yourself <3 here for you if you want to share or need support or anything at all im just a tag away <3 sending love💖😽🤗🩷🩷

iloveyouxx OP May 20th

hi everyone🩷I don’t have much time right now but I know I won’t have the energy later. so I thought I should reply with the time I have- but it’s gonna be in one post tho I’m sorry I really hope that’s okay💜

(that was..2? days ago. idk. there’s more to reply to now. I got really really busy with some. stuff. and we go back to school tomorrow so I should really reply now. I’m sorry🤍)

(nvm nvm it’s more now. but I’m in a random good mood so I think I’ll actually get sum done this time :0💗💓)


honestly I kinda give up. no hehe <3 I won’t be there to use cups. you’ve been so sweet throughout this whole convo💖we luv random acts of kindness💕and just being there and saying all those kind words, I think it counts💗yu have so many positive reviews and badges💓I know you’ve helped su much of us here💜yu own a beautiful soul.💗and I think we should take a moment to applause for that heheh👏👏👏👏👏✨✨✨✨🌈🌈🌈✨💖✨💜💕💓💖💖💜💓💓🌈🎉🎉🎉🎉💖💖💕yaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy yuuu🎉🎉💕💖💓💕💜🎉💜🌈🌈💖💓💖💕💗


I was hurting in my first memory and I know I’ll be hurting in my last one too. hold on there’s sumthing wrong with my screen-

okie it’s fixed. I love you❤️and I love your giant tiny hugs sm.❤️❤️you’re such a beautiful person teenieloaf.❤️there’s so much to you that’s just so impossible not to love.❤️i won’t list them because last time I did it got so long that it turned into an error and got deleted- but I just love you❤️the amount of love you have in your heart for so many people is so so beautiful and just special- you’re special❤️I love you.

thats where I stopped last time.❤️second giant tiny hug❤️❤️



I actually did reply to this one awhile after it was posted- I didn’t get to post it put I had sum of it saved. 

"hi.🩷I think I do know yu- maybe as a friend’s friend.💜  ☠️why’re yu literally the only one that gets it- no offense to anyone that doesn’t it’s not like I’ve been saying much. honestly I don’t care anymore. if someone wants to refer or report me they could but really don’t care and it won’t change nothing. if this forum gets removed I don’t really care either. I was already planning on getting it deleted before I do leave. but yeah- you’re right.🤍  im sorry- I got distracted and but I’m back like an hour later :P🤍I feel different rn tho."

that’s the whole thing- I’m gonna reply to the rest now💗

im not sure what to say💜I wrote this whole paragraph about this last time(it got deleted)but I barely remember anything and my mind is going in so many different places now. I just remember it being about why it actually is what’s best for me and how when I said that I meant sumthing else and that this was what’s best for me. idk.🤍o yeah and then I went on about this whole thing about how much I appreciate yu trying and taking that time for me and all that. I just know what I’m doing. I can be stopped but no one’s gonna try that hard. or care that much. I know what’s best for me- I don’t care about me honestly- but I know if sumone knew me and my situation they’d agree- I’m sorry🩷I’d wait until I start remembering but my dad’s gonna be back soon. and I don’t really have a lot of time now🩷but yaaaayyyyy celebrating yu toooo💓💖💖💓💖🌈💕🩷💗🤍💗💜💜🌈🌈💜🎉💜🎉💜🎉🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈💓💓💓💖💖💖🎉🎉


awwe. I’m sorry eyes </3 I know I hurt you. or you were just- hurting, and I wasn’t there for you. 

I won’t let you🩷I won’t let you try and help me. because I know your problems seem "small"💜compared to mine💕but i still know how hard it is. your "small"🤍problems aren’t that small eyes🩷and they also get too much- like yu said💜you go through stuff too and it’s hard to offer help when you can’t get help yourself first🩷I want you to get help. and you know friend I noticed that you’ve kinda got this mindset :')🤍or this way of thinking that makes it hard for you to let you get help🩷and it hurts to see you have to live with it >:🤍its hard to always be happy- it’s not even hard but just- impossible- but to be more okay than not is sumthing🩷

I love you <3🥔(shush no one gets the random potato but us ;-;/j/j)💗


awwwwwwee😖💓I kept trying to remember where I know yu from :0💜I thought yu were 3 different people I’ve known on cups☠️🤍but Ive checked those convos and they all had different users- yu just feel so familiar :0🩷but eurgrhhrhrgh why’d yu describe me like that that makes me happy🥺💕💖idk what I do😭I just yap too much and it ends up being this really long essay✨idk. I talk too much :0💜and I think I use too many emojis🤍I literally just take the thoughts in my mind and dumb them on a post :P🤍sumone said that. everyone on cups was different irl xD💜which idk why but I’m the exact same😭I talk less irl but when I do talk I’m pretty much the same🐛🐛🐛💕okieokie I’m talking too much sorry ;-;🩷tell me if I make everything about myself TvT🤍I tend to do that T^T🩷im not the best now :'P💙but it’s okay.🤍reassuring words :D💓idk. I kinda wish it was that simple. you’re too sweet😭💖:0 how’d yu know :0💜🐾and yus it’s okay🐾💕💕yur so sweet💗I love you. <3 I’m gonna officially label yu as my new friend :3💕💜

im gonna go for today and-probably most of the week-I’m just really really tired now💜and I was okay with staying up because school got cancelled for tomorrow.🩷but I’m just really tired. so I’m gonna go to sleep and if I get the chance I’ll check cups🤍no one’s forced to reply. I just didn’t want to leave anyone unanswered or anything. goodnight everyone.💕💕I liked reading and replying to these.💗(im a bit too tired to re read over anything- so I’m sorry if there’s any mistakes or anything :0🤍)

 *deletes paragraph* . I should really stop. 

HopieRemi May 20th

@iloveyouxx hug-warm-hug.gif

iloveyouxx OP May 21st


i love that gif so much🩷I use it a ton too💓


I love this one too💗


HopieRemi May 21st

So cute !!!



Hey love I know we havent technically get the chance to talk but we did talk about talking I wish the best for you and for you to keep your head up and never let that crown fall! You are an excellent person and Im super duper happy your reading this message I'm sending : 0 Im proud of you for being here breathing 🫶 *Hugs if okay* 

iloveyouxx OP May 21st


ou yeah I still remember that convo :0💕yur pfps are always still so iconic hehe.💖🫶I’m su happy I’m reading yur message too💗hugs are okay💜I’m so proud of you too. <3 im happy you joined cups. yur like everyone’s best friend hehe <3🤍




Maybe I am like everyone best friend but there are quite a lot of people who hate me for no reason also thank you I love my pfps <3  

(Also for some odd reason today I feel like everyone and everything hates me) 

iloveyouxx OP May 21st


what >: who would hate you💜? if quite a lot of people hate you for no reasun than quite a lot of people can just go-



because there’s no reasun for anyone to hate yu- you’re the best💗and those quite a lot of people can go *** themselves for all I care- they’re not worth any of your time or energy🩷and I know you can spend it on the good people💕sum people are just weirdly jealous :p you are literally gorgeous with a beautiful aura so makes sense <3 but why the hate smh.

i love your pfps too <3 I love this text hehe. but if you’d like that to just be yur thing I can get off of it💓🦕




Im internally screaming ur fr the nicest!!!  And ur sing the text I use I love that!!!! Im perfectly fine with you using it. hehe 🫶 You are fr amazing!! Thank you so much! 

iloveyouxx OP May 28th


maeee :0 I never got notified for this😭I’m sorrryyyyy- 

i ammmm🥺😭💕? you’re so sweet😭🩷but I was just being honest😭💜seriously tho lol💗

thankyu so much💓💓and yaaayyy I love this text :0✨💕

you’re acting like you’ve never met anyone honestly nice before/lh :’)🩷luvllyy🩷I was actually just being genuine🩷sum people are so insecure they find yur gorgeousness threatening :p it’s actual psychology. you’re literally so pretty :’)💕mature, kind :p then they feel the need and desire to put/take you down to make themselves feel better- it’s also actual psychology :p💗it’s kinda obvious for you tho🩷

its kinda pathetic honestly. and to be at that level- no matter how hard they try really you can never be there xD gosh sum people are just unbelievable. they’re really not worth it🩷



Its okay, Notifications can be funny 😢 But eventually we will find it! 

And yes you are Alot of people are but right now I'm appreciating you and your kindness because you are fr amazing 💕 

I was smiling as I read that part You made my confidence go 📈 Lol. Im super duper glad they're our people who share the same opinions as me! I don't know how life would feel if everyone was all mean and blah. I wish people would just be nice! Like what is the point of being mean? Tysm lovely for ur kinds words 🥹! Your fr amazing! 🫶

iloveyouxx OP May 28th


smh they can >:


your confidence should be📈hehe. people thatre just mean just confuse me- I don’t get them. ikr being nice is so much easier too! :’)🩷you’re amazing too💗I know I’d feel amazing if I were you :p💕lol people like yu give me hope in this *** up humanity 🐛✨💕



: 0 Super glad nice people give you hope - Wait that means u give yourself hope! Lol Love you /p Hope life is treating u well!

iloveyouxx OP May 28th


btw idk where the "Yes" came from in my reply T^T🩷

awwwwwwwwweee (╥﹏╥)💕💕love you too/p💜life is brutal. but it’s okay🐛🐛💜

unassumingEyes May 21st

@iloveyouxx okay, maybe i am kinda guilty of not being the best at getting help xD and maybe part of me does, admittedly, not believe you- or anyone- that my problems are not small. And yeah, i cant help you if i need help myself, thats a painful truth, but, and for me this is a big but, i feel like its- not easier, but better to hurt with each other than to hurt alone. Either way- tho i struggle with goodbyes- if a goodbye is what you need (and i only mean a goodbye from cups, or me, or us) i wont hold you back, and ill say all tje goodbyes you need with a hundred hugs and a hundred more potatoes

I love you frndo ❤️🥔

iloveyouxx OP May 21st


smh I got distracted. I get distracted so easily TvT🤍whoops :p🤍

whys this forum suddenly so positive xD I’m so randomly happy and I’ve been having the worse week of my life xD like yu know my dad- and he just been doing stuff and gotten a lot worse- and yu don’t know my school but gosh it’s a nightmare and I have an after school detention now for no reasun :p and the rumors and all that- and the bullying and so many tests- and the literal manic drama in my school☠️and I get pictures in my head. school’s really gloomy and dark now. everyone’s hurting everyone and everyone’s hurting. my brothers okayish- but now I’m getting nightmares of him TW offing him becos of my dad too and TvT but I’m so happy xD it’s okay xD🩷

awe💜eyes >: yur problems aren’t big or small- they’re valid- and a reasunable reasun to not be okay, or fine, or to want or need help🩷sumtimes I think….:0 there’re actually people thatre happy :0 most of the time :00 and idk. I can’t imagine it- but yu can’t just invalidate yurself💙it’s bad enough from others and there’s just so much hate and hurt in the world already- yu feel bad for anyone that tries to help yu like a listener even tho they want to help :p💕I think why I’m so happy now is becos when I’m sad I like making other people happy- and that makes me really happy- so I’ve just been complimenting sum random people irl and being really nice and that makes them happy and shows their nice side and that makes me happy lol💗I like making people happy :3 and I’m so sure whoever’s trying to wants to help💓I feel like sumtimes yu also don’t realize yur actually hurting/struggling :p💜and the fact just flies right through yur thoughts >: idk. I’m being too brainie🩷I agree :0 but sumtimes it’s hard too. idk. I think for me and sum other people too- when I’m hurting I end up isolating myself and pushing frends away.🤍so that’s hard too- but I know you’re right <3

idk. I’m trying to hold on- but it just gets hard. the world really isn’t that beautiful huh :')🤍I love you.❤️yaaayyy potatoes >:3🥔🥔❤️❤️I love you more.❤️🥔🥔❤️<33

unassumingEyes May 21st


smh I got distracted. I get distracted so easily TvT🤍whoops :p🤍

whys this forum suddenly so positive xD I’m so randomly happy and I’ve been having the worse week of my life xD like yu know my dad- and he just been doing stuff and gotten a lot worse- and yu don’t know my school but gosh it’s a nightmare and I have an after school detention now for no reasun :p and the rumors and all that- and the bullying and so many tests- and the literal manic drama in my school☠️and I get pictures in my head. school’s really gloomy and dark now. everyone’s hurting everyone and everyone’s hurting. my brothers okayish- but now I’m getting nightmares of him TW offing him becos of my dad too and TvT but I’m so happy xD it’s okay xD🩷

that sounds like a lot- nadia frnd- how is that oki- i hope u and ur brother will be okay ❤️ if i need to call a miracle for it to happen i will try-

awe💜eyes >: yur problems aren’t big or small- they’re valid- and a reasunable reasun to not be okay, or fine, or to want or need help🩷sumtimes I think….:0 there’re actually people thatre happy :0 most of the time :00 and idk. I can’t imagine it-

ppl being happy most of the time is a …strange concept. I feel like 90% of happiness in the world belongs to the little kids- and i cnt even be mad :p they deserve it the most i think. 

but yu can’t just invalidate yurself💙it’s bad enough from others and there’s just so much hate and hurt in the world already- yu feel bad for anyone that tries to help yu like a listener even tho they want to help :p💕I think why I’m so happy now is becos when I’m sad I like making other people happy- and that makes me really happy- so I’ve just been complimenting sum random people irl and being really nice and that makes them happy and shows their nice side and that makes me happy lol💗I like making people happy :3 and I’m so sure whoever’s trying to wants to help💓I feel like sumtimes yu also don’t realize yur actually hurting/struggling :p💜and the fact just flies right through yur thoughts >: idk. I’m being too brainie🩷I agree :0 but sumtimes it’s hard too. idk. I think for me and sum other people too- when I’m hurting I end up isolating myself and pushing frends away.🤍so that’s hard too- but I know you’re right <3

i kinda. I kinda go all. Like. How do i say this :p its like. I know if i say yea im hurt- ppl will start like trying to not burden me with their problems? And i hv a support system irl (of two ppl-) and others just…dont. So like. My hurt can wait? Kinda? I think since ive been 12. I just noticed. How everyone is hurting around me. Even mom. Even dad, strong as he seems. And i realized. Someday, something bad is going to happen. Ofcourse it is. It happens to everyone- but i realized. We’re already carrying so much hurt. If something more happens- its all going to just. Fall apart? And idk, i dont know, how that realization just turned into a whole “i have to be the one to stop everything from falling apart” but it just did. Something like a hero mindset? But not? I wont be a hero? Its like. Everyone’s hurting, and someone needs to step up, needs to keep life moving, and yeah maybe its not fair, but im the one with a support system behind me so im the one who should do it- forget if i can, i should, and eventually- someone will heal. And find their peace. And then they can step up. And i can hurt then. Like a gaurd system? Like- imagine night shifts, and im in the first shift, and sure im sleepy and exhausted, but someone needs to keep gaurd, and when the next person’s shift arrives, then i can relax. Kind of like that, but with life, and idk when the next person’s shift will come, or if ever, and really put that way i do wonder sometimesif theres no shifts and no need for all this and i just developed anxiety at 12 xD but again. I have no way of knowing so- 

i just dumped on u- i feel like deleting it- but also like. U have a right to know my nonsense- 

idk. I’m trying to hold on- but it just gets hard. the world really isn’t that beautiful huh :')🤍I love you.❤️yaaayyy potatoes >:3🥔🥔❤️❤️I love you more.❤️🥔🥔❤️<33

i feel like the world is tragically beautiful, or beautifully tragic, or both. That make sense?


but i give nadia potatos anyways- 

thank u for trying ❤️ smh i love you frndo <3 (ily most :p ily as i breathe- it will not stop till i do-)

unassumingEyes May 21st

@unassumingEyes @iloveyouxx smh i forgot to delete ur replies from my reply- what am i doing today- sorry-

iloveyouxx OP May 21st


nu stop apologizing it’s okayy💗I used to do that all the time☠️now I reread all my replies a bunch to make sure I don’t TvT💜/gen I actually do T^T🤍I just deleted my replies from yur reply that I was replying to :0 easy fix :0💕and nothing bad happened🐢🐢🐢🐢💓


iloveyouxx OP May 21st


heheh nu it’s not :3 it’s just a lil. it’s not much. also the random happiness went away. but it’s okie.💕and my dads still not back so :'P💜lolll nah my brothers okay xD I feel like you don’t know enough about my brother xD but yeah we have the same dad- he’s 2 years older than me, really, really, really, really popular at school :0 every time sumone sees me they go…☠️☠️ "😱😱yo that’s kabby’s sister!!!!🫵🫵🫵🫵😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱" su- alot of people have this last name :P so I don’t really care :P but my last name’s "elkabany" and they turned it into kabby and that’s what they call my brother :P he has like 4 social media accounts and he’s so popular there too- like he has enough followers to get money if he could☠️he’s aggressive, impatient and spoiled :p he does anything he can to annoy people and he TW beats up autistic put this politely- "overweight" kids in my school- just anyone that seems like an easy target- then he complains about the head of year if she does sumthing about it- he doesn’t like anyone. he doesn’t care about anyone. he mocks me all the time for not having any friends(tho☠️I do☠️I know- it’s shocking-I became friends with sum people the past like week-)and other stuff. he hits me and has a mad temper :D he watches andrew tate then says things like "yeaheuaahaha ofcourse you’re in the kitchen😏🧼" "go make me a sandwich😎,women😎" "bruh go back to scrubbing dishes🥴" and he watched ishowspeed. he makes racist jokes all the time. idk. anywho enough about my brother :3💖

huh :0 looks for the dumping :0 I don’t consider that dumping💕it’s just talking :p💜or maybe I’m just a generally talkative persun xD🩷I understand🩷I liked that example- but not the point- I feel like >: this is a mindset that’s hard to get out of. reading this I was about to be like

"eueheguabanehwjskwjjwhwjakakm eyesssssssssssssss👹👹D:<"

becos eyes😭this is so sad😭the way you’ve been thinking for so long. but I decided to be nice with that~I understand🩷~/j/j/j okieokie but I actually do🩷💓okay nvm I just reread it😭I do understand💜but I don’t agree😭you can’t always try and act strong as if preparing yourself for sum huge tragedy😭eyes😭okay I know most friends would be all like "oh god buddy😞that sounds so hard😞" but see🤓I’m not most friends🤓☝️✨and I’ll just tell you :D stop it :D stop it :D just :D stop it. :D eyes🩷<3 sumthing bad will happen- but sumthing bad has already happened- and bad things have always happened. you said you thought it’d most likely be the death of sumone right💜? you were twelve- and maybe everyone around you was hurting but now you’re hurting too- and you can’t be the only one to shut that off to do idk- if yur family reacts how they’d already react to sumthing bad it wont be never ending plus eyes you can’t just fix how anything is :')🩷like yeah we know sumthing bad is gonna happen but nothings gonna change that because sumthing bad was always meant to happen. I feel like I might be taken the wrong way su I’ll stop xD💖I just feel bad.💕I hope one day yu can overcome this way of thinking :p💓<3

hm. I feel like that’s better than the way I see it xD💕I like beautifully tragic :3💖

nu I love you most :0 >:0 don’t deny my loafffff💜💓🍞💖💓💗💗🍞💜💕

iloveyouxx OP May 21st


yaaaaayyyyyy eyes upvotes🩷yur back💕take your time to reply- I wrote a lot :p💜<3