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2 54,630 M Confident Walk 2
Im Sorry to everyone I hurt.....I know I fucked up like I do everything else.
PathStep 36 Compassion hearts2,895 Forum posts403 Forum upvotes538 Current upvotes538 Age GroupTeen Last activeSeptember, 2024 Member sinceFebruary 20, 2024

Hiiiiiii My names Mae I love nicknames so feel free to give me one (appropriate nicknames) I am 15 :  0 I try to include everyone no matter what! If  I ever seem to be ignoring you it is not on purpose. Im on quite frequently.  Be careful w/ me I'm a sensitive soul

Best people here in cups : 

Sidezombie (Bird ) 

DingusOlivia (Olive) 

Maixiepooh (Maxie Waxie) 

LynLyn (Lynie Lyn)

OhHelloThere (YT) 

(Ask to be in my  bio I will add you!) 

Nicknames  : 

Mae (Any1) 

 Bae (Any1) 

Mae The Pretty (YT) 

Maely waely (Maxie only) 

Mae mae the Tay tay  (Lynie only) 

Quotes I like form songs (Tw : SA quote) 


Quotes from friends :

I have lesbians - Echothedragon

Recent forum posts
things i wrote its prolly no good lol.
General Support / by Selfloveisimportant
Last post
September 10th
...See more Hey, I dont post on here often but I wanted to share a couple things I wrote:  Tw...Suicide mentioned  The girl who flew  * I walked down the long street    * Listening for the sound of sirens  * Wishing and hoping my family will be okay  * As I made my way to the house I felt a warm breeze on my face.  * I decided to turn around it's not like I’m needed there any way  * They were all smiling and hugging they looked like a normal family  * I didnt wanna mess that up for them and enter their lives again  * I fly away in the wind wishing I could go back.  * I fly away wondering if I am missed  * I fly away wishing I could hug my sister again  * I fly away wishing I was wanted by my family  * I fly away wishing I could fly away forever  * I fly away just as bad as I was before I decided to fly  * I fly away wondering if it was worth flying  * I fly away hoping that my family will be okay.  * I walk down the street  * I walk past the street I flew at.  * I walked past the light post I got jumped at.  * I walked all the way till I was there.  * I was at my grave where I became one with my body.  Normal :  * Normal one word I never understood  * Normal the one-phrase that was not true  * Normal is it possible that normal is a  thing * Normal is different from my view of the world  * Normal is a word that will make everyone question life * Normal job  * Normal nose  * Normal face * Normal eyes  * Nobody has normal  * Normal is a word we made up to make everyone work towards it.  * Normal is you  * Normal is your nose  * Normal is your body  * Normal is your personality  * Normal is your eyes  * Normal is the way you act  * Normal is the way you walk  * Normal is the way you talk  * Normal is the way you live your life 
Im done...
Depression Support / by Selfloveisimportant
Last post
September 10th
...See more I honestly dont know how much longer I can be okay with out callopsing and breaking. I have been clean for 2 months, but during these 2 months, I have tried to keep this happy character up, All about self-love and mental health. In Reality I really still struggle, I just got tired of my moms being over my shoulder all the time. If she thinks I'm okay maybe then she will leave me alone. If my friends think im okay maybe then they wont drop me as fast... Maybe if my siblings think I'm okay I will be a better sister.....Maybe if my boyfriend thinks im okay then it will last longer?  Or maybe then I will just collapse and end up in the hospital again. Im not a good nothing and I know it. I don't know how long I can go, Im broken and ready to say forget it all. Im too fat, To ugly, to weird.....Im just a f*k up and I know it. 
Depression Support / by Selfloveisimportant
Last post
September 9th
...See more Does anyone else find this sudden emptiness anytime someone leaves? I had this friend here He left in sometime in May I find it weird he didn't make no goodbye post and I didn't get to talk to him before he left again. I miss him with every fiber in my body and it hurts not to you know if he is okay I get it tho. Sometimes you just gotta...Disappear without telling anyone. Man has cups changed sm With all the conflict and new members and It's a jumble. Lol I swear all my friends either left or on break (The ones I made when I first joined) Sometimes I break wondering if their okay. Hoping their... well yk.  Maybe its just me, Maybe I'm just to clingy. I wonder if they think of me as much as I think of them.... 
Im back!!
General Support / by Selfloveisimportant
Last post
September 3rd
...See more Hi Cups! My Names Mae some know me some are new! Anyway, I disappeared for a few months, But I'm back now and I hope everyone is feeling good today. 
Trauma Support / by Selfloveisimportant
Last post
June 6th
...See more DO NOT READ ANY FARTHER IF YOU ARE GONNA JUDGE OR BE TIGGERED THERE ARE MENTIONS OF SH, CHILDCORN, AND A CULT!!!!   A little while after I turned 13 I met this girl (I will call her R for safety and yeah), We were friends for a minute we had the same exes. After her girlfriend broke up with her who was my ex, I told her I liked her. She liked me back. The first week and a half was normal, but things got weird when someone who went by sonic.exe came into the picture (Mind you this is online), Sonic was crazy he watched stuff that had to do with children, racist,homophobic. I made an alt account to get to know sonic more when he forced me to send him pictures of me (Mind you I was playing this bad friend who hated me and wanted to expose explicit picture of ¨Lexi" which was me) So I sent them not thinking nothing of it and he said wow I'm sending this to everyone and I got scared but was scared of what he would do if I broke character so I immiditaly responded with wait what why? I tried to convince him not to in this person I created. A little while on my main I got a tag a bunch of our friends were in and people I didn't know. When I went to see what the tag was about I saw the bra pic my heart dropped he spammed it. Luckily I was a mod in this server and could delate it. He got cussed out by my girlfriends members and mods. He then tormented me with this picture, He told Lily which was my fake name to send it to a few friends I was shocked and scared so I obeyed. I sent it to 5 of my closest friends.  Well A little while after this happened I asked him if he deleted the picture but my step-dad decided to check my laptop at that exact moment, He said he didn't. My step-dad found my account and I got in a lot of trouble,So I wasn't on *** for 2 months when I got back on and found a group chat that my girlfriend made her linking a goggle doc. In this goggle doc she admitted to being sonic and it destroyed me I almost collapsed.  Anywho you figure I would have left her then...But I didn't I stayed out of belief she would be better.  Two months into us dating again, She was being very pedo like, Then she admitted to me she liked childcorn and would do the nono to it. I told her to stop or I would leave her. A week later she invited me to a server full of cult members of the infamous 764, Or harmnation.  They had so much illegal stuff they forced people to do *** they didn't want to, So they could keep their family alive. I got scared I told her to leave before I left her I thought she did but she didn't.  (Thats all imma say there's so much more tho) 
I care
General Support / by Selfloveisimportant
Last post
May 28th
...See more Hey Everyone My name is Mae if you haven't met me!  I just wanted to hop one here and remind you that are are amazing and loved and deserve to be here! Feel free to vent in the thread and I will respond! Becuz i care.  ~Love,Mae
General Support / by Selfloveisimportant
Last post
May 29th
...See more The end of my school year is in 14 days so it is time to get serious I will not be here as often as i am for exams and stuff  @LynLyn87 @Maxiepooh @Buddywinte @Tripleplays
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