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Conquering your goals: Setting the right goals!

Hope August 1st

Hi everyone!

I hope this message finds you well. We’re excited to kick off our series with an important topic: setting the right goals.

Often, we become so fixated on achieving certain goals that we forget to ask if they’re truly worth pursuing. I recently saw a social media post that resonated with me: “Just because something is hard to achieve doesn’t mean it’s worth having.” This got me thinking—sometimes we chase after goals simply because they’re challenging, assuming that difficulty equates to value. But is that always the case?

Many of us find ourselves striving for goals that might not be right for us for several reasons:

  • Social Pressure: You might feel the urge to achieve something because others around you are doing it. For instance, you might desire a particular car just because your trendy cousin has one.
  • Seeking External Validation: We often pursue goals to gain approval from others or to enhance our self-worth. For example, people sometimes go through drastic changes in appearance or lifestyle to be admired or accepted.
  • Uncertainty About What You Want: If you’re unsure of your own desires or values, you might end up chasing whatever seems popular or desirable at the moment.
  • Insecurities: Sometimes, we set goals to address personal insecurities or boost our self-esteem. For instance, buying designer clothes might be an attempt to feel more valuable or worthy.

It’s completely normal to care about others' opinions, want to be liked, or struggle with insecurities. The problem arises when we pursue goals just to escape these feelings without a deeper purpose. It’s like putting a band-aid on a wound instead of addressing the root cause.

To avoid chasing the wrong goals, let’s start by reflecting on what truly matters to us. Begin by considering your core values and evaluating whether your goals align with them.

Here are some common core values to consider:

  • Integrity: Adhering to strong moral and ethical principles. (e.g., Honesty, trustworthiness, transparency)
  • Responsibility: Taking accountability for your actions and duties. (e.g., Dependability, reliability, commitment)
  • Compassion: Showing empathy and concern for others’ well-being. (e.g., Kindness, supportiveness, generosity)
  • Justice: Advocating for fairness and equality. (e.g., Fairness, equality, impartiality)
  • Family: Prioritizing relationships and responsibilities within your family. (e.g., Loyalty, nurturing, support)
  • Health: Prioritizing physical and mental well-being. (e.g., Wellness, balance, self-care)

❗If you don't know what values matter to you. Consider this activity!

Tasks to complete (You are required to complete the tasks if you aim to get the certificate associated with the series)

Please complete both

  1. Identify which core values resonate with you most and reflect on whether your goals align with the life you truly desire. You can choose values not listed here. 
  2. Say you have achieved this goal. What does your life look like now? Using your words, paint a vivid picture of it. Take us there! Be as specific as possible (without giving personal details)

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Further Reading

Value clarification

This post is part of the Conquering Your Goals Series. Check out all the posts here. 

Hope OP August 1st

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Gargi07 August 1st


The core value that resonates with me the most is Family. If I achieve my goals with this value in mind, my life would be filled with genuine connections and support and maybe less mental health problems and a free, Happy life.

Picture this: I wake up in a home where my family is always there for me. Mornings start with everyone gathered around for breakfast, sharing laughs and stories. I’m able to balance schoolwork and hobbies with quality family time, making sure that even during busy days, we stay close.

After school, I might help out with chores, spend time chatting with my siblings, or join in family activities. Weekends are for fun outings or just hanging out together, maybe watching movies or playing games. We make sure to have family dinners where we catch up on each other’s lives.

In this life, every goal I achieve helps me stay connected with my family. The love and support we share make all the hard work worth it, creating a happy and supportive home where we all thrive together.

Hope OP August 7th


It sounds like you have a beautiful vision for your life centered around family. The idea of waking up in a supportive home where everyone gathers for breakfast and shares stories is so heartwarming. Family is an underrated core value!

Gargi07 August 7th


"Family is supposed to be our safe place. Very often, it's the place where we find the deepest heartache."

YourCaringConfidant August 1st

@Hope There are so many values I find important and many of them resonate with me. However, because of the mood I am in now, I am going to have to pick responsibility. With that as my common core value, I accept 100% responsibility for my actions and decisions I have made in my life. I hold my own self accountable and do not use life circumstances and others as a crutch for why I didn't do this or that. I have not reached my ultimate goal in life yet, but I will get there. 

Hope OP August 7th


Owning your actions and decisions shows a lot of self-awareness and strength. It's great that you're not letting circumstances be an excuse. Well done!

Maslow August 1st

@Hope Family and health. when I achieve this goal, I will be loved, happy and content!

Hope OP August 7th


It is great that you know what you want but it may not be ideal to wait for a certain milestone in life to be happy. Perhaps you can reflect more on how you can find happiness each day while you work towards your goal. This post maybe of an interest to you. 

Maslow August 11th

@Hope Thank you for the advice

WeEarth August 1st


Maybe Integrity, responsibility, curiosity, innovation, family, service and compassion. I am not able to define a particular goal in life as it might change over a period of time and I have so many goals each for each phase of life. 50% of my current goals are in line with my desires, while the other 50% may be influenced by uncertainty. Sometimes we have to act according to the situation and end up choosing goals that might be different from our ideal life goals. 

Waking up early morning, planning the day and reading, doing work and learning a course or about something interesting. Spending quality time with my family and head to my workplace after yoga and meditation. There, I remain committed to continuous learning and doing my best in every possible way. Brainstorming and problem solving with relevant and effective methods. After a few years of dedicated service and achieving a stable income, I will move to pursue my long-held dreams. At the end of the day, dinner with my family, talk, have a great time and then sleep.

Hope OP August 7th


Your daily routine seems fulfilling, combining personal growth, family time, and professional commitment. It seems like you value family and health greatly!

WeEarth August 7th


Maybe, thank you for encouraging me! I was wondering if we have any previous series or content related to practicality in life. Anyway, looking forward to the coming posts 😊

Hope OP August 7th


Not that I am aware of. Can you elaborate on that a bit more?

WeEarth August 8th


Practicality in life, we should consider to what extent we should be practical. Especially when goal setting and decision making, we sometimes tend to be more practical and in terms of realistic expectations, we veer away from taking risks or towards risks. So, perfect balance is needed right. Being too practical might limit opportunities and growth, while taking too many risks without practical considerations can lead to instability. Practicality is a subjective topic and may vary from person to person. 🤔

Hope OP August 12th


That is a fascinating post title. I can't recall a post on it but it has potential. Would you like to take the lead on writing a post on this topic?

WeEarth August 12th


Okay, Thank you for encouraging me.😀💓 I will think about that. Is there any support I should expect from you if I make a post?

Hope OP August 12th


You can PM me if you need any help/support! I can help finalize the draft if you like 

WeEarth August 12th


Sure, thank you so much 💗 I would appreciate your support😊

Gettingbettertoday August 1st


I don't see any links in the text. Is this the entirety of the instructions or is there more to come? 

Hope OP August 7th


Good catch. The resource did not link. I have added that to the main post now. 

pamharley003 August 1st


  1. Identify which core values resonate with you most and reflect on whether your goals align with the life you truly desire. You can choose values not listed here.  I resemble compassion. I also want to help others before helping myself. 
  2. Say you have achieved this goal. What does your life look like now? Using your words, paint a vivid picture of it. Take us there! Be as specific as possible (without giving personal details) my picture looks like this image_1722543813.png

Gettingbettertoday August 1st


I still don't understand.

Are we to pretend that we have a goal and that we have met this goal? Then we write about how we imagine completing the goal will be like.

or are we to set a goal, complete it, and them write about it?

PiecesOfWhoeverIWas August 2nd
@Gettingbettertoday My understanding is we are supposed to answer which of the common values that Hope listed in bold text are most important to us (or list your own if not one of those). Then choose a goal you have and think about if it’s actually aligning with your value(s), the way you’d like your life to be. Then imagine you have already met that goal and describe what it would feel like. I hope that helps. ❤️
Gettingbettertoday August 3rd


It does not make it any easier but at least I understand the exercise.

Now to find a value :(

PiecesOfWhoeverIWas August 4th

@Gettingbettertoday I’m glad it helped some. I agree this is a really difficult exercise. I think it makes us consider things about ourselves that maybe we tend to push aside because of depression and whatnot. I don’t think about my values or goals much because I think I’m not worthwhile enough, I don’t have the energy or lost interest in the things I used to like, or I feel too busy with other things society tells me are more important.

Hope OP August 7th


Thank you for sharing. However I am not able to drive a goal from your answer. What is a goal you are working towards and what would it feel to get there?

purpleSea7109 August 2nd

Hi everyone. How ru all? I like this and setting goals helped and I just a click away.Xx 

Thanks all staff and team and looking g after us all. 

I try help all most can with goals and help with each other.

What if 7 cups tea site was not here we wouldn't get help.

If need me I be here for all.x

Big hug 🫂 🤗 ❤️ 💖 

Hope OP August 7th


I am glad you are liking it here! Would you like to take part in the series and respond to these questions after reading this post. 

Please complete both

  • Identify which core values resonate with you most and reflect on whether your goals align with the life you truly desire. You can choose values not listed here. 
  • Say you have achieved this goal. What does your life look like now? Using your words, paint a vivid picture of it. Take us there! Be as specific as possible (without giving personal details)

frostyPink6987 August 2nd

My core value at the moment would be family. My family is spread across the world and there are a couple of relationships which I need to work on to get us back on track. I feel like we don't really know each other any more because we've been so far away for so long.

When my goal is achieved, we will have had honest conversations and spoken and listened to understand where each of us was coming from which caused us to go off-track. We will also have reconnected to get to a space where we can really get to know each other as we are now, and move forward with that knowledge and understanding.

Hope OP August 7th


Family is such an important value, especially when distance has made things challenging. It's great that you're committed to working on those relationships. I like that imagery of how things will look once you have achieved this!



My core values are honesty, kindness, good humour and trustworthiness. They could always align more with my goals of course. They just haven't yet because it's not time.

I'm going to be doing what I want without anyone picking me apart. I'll be healthy, wealthy and happy and living a successful life with the car, designer clothes, etc.. Responsible freedom. I'll no longer be in the storm just because I'm resilient and can handle it.

Hope OP August 7th


That part about not having to be resilient is strong! I hope you can find some calm and peace soon!


@Hope I will. 

daydreammemories August 2nd


I think my core values would fall under commitment, and relationship category. 
If I want to picture it, it would be as i be committed to my studies as well as my part time job, and take care and be careful about my relationship with friends, and try to protect them and keep them around. 

Hope OP August 7th


It sounds like you yearn to be more consistent in your commitments. Sounds like all good values

Celestine22 August 2nd


  • Integrity: Adhering to strong moral and ethical principles. (e.g., Honesty, trustworthiness, transparency)
  • Responsibility: Taking accountability for your actions and duties. (e.g., Dependability, reliability, commitment)
  • Compassion: Showing empathy and concern for others’ well-being. (e.g., Kindness, supportiveness, generosity)
  • Justice: Advocating for fairness and equality. (e.g., Fairness, equality, impartiality)
  • Family: Prioritizing relationships and responsibilities within your family. (e.g., Loyalty, nurturing, support)
  • Health: Prioritizing physical and mental well-being. (e.g., Wellness, balance, self-care)

  1. Integrity, Family, Health and Responsability
  2. Say you have achieved this goal. What does your life look like now? --- I find it hard to answer this question, not sure what my life would look like. But for sure a life filled with love and happiness. Just really getting in touch again with who I really am, feeling strong and in my own personal power

Hope OP August 7th


Prioritizing integrity, family, health, and responsibility is a strong foundation. Love and Happiness all seem like great things!

JaceTheDog August 2nd


1. Identify which core values resonate with you most and reflect on whether your goals align with the life you truly desire. You can choose values not listed here. 

For me my biggest values are in responsibility and family. I am in college and I am so close to finally getting my degree I know that if I keep my nose to the grindstone and not give up then I accomplish anything I set my mind to. And my biggest motivating factor in this is my family. We are below poverty line and getting my degree and a career would multiply our income astronomically. I want to give my kid a better life than the one I had growing up so i dont give up. With all of that said though... does it align with the life I truly desire? My knee jerk reaction is yes of course! But I have been so burnt out from school, work and childcare that a lot of my old coping mechanisms are staring to rear their ugly head. I've gotten paranoid and I worry my relationship has become more of a cost sunk fallacy than something i truly want. So I'm here to explore what my goals and wants truly are, and to just be honest with myself.

2. Say you have achieved this goal. What does your life look like now? Using your words, paint a vivid picture of it. Take us there! Be as specific as possible (without giving personal details)

Gosh if I finally graduate and get a good job my life would completely change. I wouldn't have to clean up after roomates anymore! It would just be my wife and kid and me and we could indulge in movie nights and craft parties without disturbing the house. My wife and I would be in couples counseling and have time to just relax with each other, we could fix a lot of the stress that poverty brings. I could find a good psychologist who doesn't try and just dope me up with what's convenient and cheap. One who listens to my symptoms and helps me find a medication that works. There is so much that would change just by having more disposable income. 

I am sowing the seeds for this future, but I have really fallen down this past year. I hope to find my footing again and sprint over this last big part of my 5 year goal plan.

Hope OP August 7th


It's great to have a clear vision for your future. I can see that financial freedom is really important for you. It does feel like that would help things greatly. Remember, burnout is real. Take care of yourself while pursuing your goals.

TU100OT August 2nd


Commenting to remember