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August Gratitude Challenge: what are you grateful for?

tommy August 1st


This discussion forms part of our Life Challenges event. Click here to read more about it!

Life is hard and it's important that we're kind to ourselves. In the hustle and bustle of day-to-day challenges our achievements and gratitude can become easily clouded. This month we are going to try that little bit harder to acknowledge and celebrate everything that we are grateful for.

How do I participate?

1. Every day for the month of August revisit this thread and list one new thing that you are grateful for. It can be something small like developing the strength to achieve a goal, or it could be something bigger and more meaningful. The possibilities are endless!

2. If you'd like to get reminded to post in the thread, click the subscribe bookmark in the bottom left hand corner. This will notify you each time someone replies to the thread, providing you with a natural reminder to post your daily gratitude. 

3. Share the love. Share your support of others if you can by upvoting or replying to their posts. It can take a lot to share your gratitude so creating a safe space here is crucial for everyone's comfort.  

4. There is no pressure to commit to it every day, but it'll be great and no doubt very rewarding if you could! 

So, what are you grateful for today? 

tommy OP August 1st

Today I'm grateful for 7 Cups 💛 As cheesy as it sounds, this really is a warm, loving and friendly community. I've not only grown as a person whilst being here but also met some very passionate and talented people.

Thank you to everyone for making this community so perfect!


Clio9876 August 1st


Today I'm grateful for am idea that may help my dog feel less itchy.

pamharley003 August 1st


I give our fur baby benedyrl each day and use an oatmeal shampoo when bathing her 

Clio9876 August 2nd


Im glad you found something for your floof. Thanks for sharing, but I don't think those are applicable to my dog's situation.

Gettingbettertoday August 1st



Heather225 August 1st



Gettingbettertoday August 1st


No matter how many invitations you get you can't run without legs. 

YourCaringConfidant August 1st

8/1 Today I am grateful for a certain ☎️ call I received. I'm hopeful things will work out. 🤞 

Heather225 August 1st


👀 oooh. sending you good vibes!

YourCaringConfidant August 1st

@Heather225 Thanks sooo much! ♡ 

sereneOasis4065 August 6th

Sounds so good!!! I’m happy for you!!! Good luck!!😊

WeEarth August 1st


My sister helped me to solve a problem with advanced mathematical calculations.😊She also brought me water and food as I was busy doing my duties.

Heather225 August 1st


sounds like an amazing sister!

WeEarth August 2nd


Yes, she is so kind, selfless, and loving.😊

YourCaringConfidant August 1st

@WeEarth Awwww 🌎, pure goodness and a loving nature must run in the family! How sweet of your sister! Good luck with the ➗️➕️➖️✖️! 

WeEarth August 2nd


Yes, Desiree. 😃 Thank you my friend 😇

Heather225 August 1st

today i am simply grateful for caffeine and perfectly temperate weather!

this will be fun to try to stay consistent with. thanks Tommy!

YourCaringConfidant August 1st

@Heather225 Enjoy another cup of ☕️ on me. :) Hopefully the weather tomorrow is another good day! 


pamharley003 August 1st


I am grateful for the love from my family and boyfriend and the few friends I have ( I have broken  some friendships because they were toxic ) , I am also grateful for the improving of my health since surgery in March taking little step to improve my self care and self compassion to me



I'm grateful for honesty, kindness and good humour.

When I scan people, places and things with my right brain and acknowledge who and what they are I'm given the opportunity to move forward in a holistic way that's true to my values and principles rather than only on a near-blind surface level of the baser senses. All the six senses working together is beautiful.

StrawberryShaken August 2nd

Today I am grateful for the groceries in my house 😋 I got mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches

Heather225 August 2nd


oooh you've got great taste - enjoy!

GoldenRuleJG August 2nd

Opportunities to contribute :) Learning about new posts from you :)

StrawberryShaken August 2nd

Today I am grateful for my partner working a later shift because we got to spend more time together today (:

jesusredeemedme2425 August 3rd

I'm 2 days late to the party, so imma say I'm thankful for the two people here who I can deeply confide in: @Torean and @TinyWhisper11 <3

Tinywhisper11 August 3rd

@jesusredeemedme2425 awwww ❤ I love you ❤❤ and I'm also two days late. Hugs you tightly ❤❤

jesusredeemedme2425 August 4th

Love you too <3

Tinywhisper11 August 3rd

@tommy today I'm grateful for all the support I've had of my friends here, to have gotten me through July, it's always the hardest month for me. So thanks everyone ❤❤


I am grateful for getting to know this app, 7 cups.

I am grateful for helping people.

I am grateful for getting to know people.

Heather225 August 5th


welcome to Cups! thanks for signing up to listen!! have you been settling in well so far?

jesusredeemedme2425 August 4th

I’m grateful that one of my fave friends at work came back to day shift today <3

Tinywhisper11 August 4th

@tommy today I'm grateful for getting some of my strength back, 😁 and I'm grateful I actually have a bed now ❤ I'm getting sleepy🍼

justadude2talkto August 4th

@tommy I am grateful for my life!  I spent 4 years in the United States Marine Corps Infantry.  I got out unscathed and know many who were not as lucky.  My life, while still a work in progress, is mine to proceed with, shape and form.

pamharley003 August 4th


I am grateful for my continued health every day from my knee surgery. I am at the point I walk everyday a little more and without using anything walker, cane. I am even trying to walk slowly in supermarkets the confidence that my boyfriend gives me each day and helps me with certain physical therapy work outs I do 

blueAcai236 August 6th

Today I am just grateful to be alive. With everything I have been through, waking up is a blessing

whimsicalSummer6500 August 6th

Grateful for my job, for the kids that I teach, for good health

tommy OP August 6th

Subtle reminder for those who'd like it 💛

Today I'm grateful for music! Currently listening to before I close my eyes - one of my faves at the minute.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 6th

I’m grateful for having quiet time at the library to write, read, and encourage people at 7Cups! It’s really sweet and relaxing and rewarding too <3

tommy OP August 10th

Today I'm grateful for my doggo. He knows exactly how to make a gloomy day bright and cheery!
