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top three things on your bucket list for 2024?

chyni December 8th, 2023

hey teamates 🫶🏽 long time no seee! i’m hoping that everyone is doing well, and keeping warm and safe in this cold weather 🩷 with the year coming to an ending, i have a rather interesting ice breaker question for everyone! 

what’s the top three list of things on your bucket list for 2024? 

chyni OP December 14th, 2023


no problem 🤗 i love keeping everyone engaged! i’m praying for you good things 🙏🏾❤️ thank you for sharing 

Daf8 December 16th, 2023
❤️ Thank you, @chyni! You definitely do keep us engaged. And thank you! You're very sweet. I hope you enjoy the happiest holidays, wonderful person ❤️
chyni OP January 11th


happy new year! i hope that you got good news regarding your disgnosis, *fingers crossed* 💚

DancingSongbird579 December 14th, 2023

Things to do in 2024
1. Go outside for a walk every day.
2. Play music every day (well, okay, realistically most days, just make time for playing music :) )
3. Take the time to value and nurture my friendships. 

chyni OP December 14th, 2023


aye! i love this for you 🤗 thank you for sharing 

Disneywoman December 14th, 2023

1. Not get distracted by other games and focus 100% on my SimLit

2. rejoin Davis Region (not actual name) Writer's Group over in Oliver, at a Board Game brewery.

3. find other ways that are NOT online to get a date. 

chyni OP December 17th, 2023


thank you for sharing 🤗 wishing you the very best with everything, especially find a date! i know how that can be in 2023! 

theboymoana December 16th, 2023


what is bucket list 

chyni OP December 16th, 2023


a bucket list is a list of the experiences or achievements that you hopes to achieve or accomplish over a set period of time

MoChoulan December 18th, 2023


In no particular order...

Learn to swim,


Start my second career in Nursing..

Tnx for asking.. and Merry Christmas in advance to you❤️

chyni OP December 18th, 2023


thank you, merry christmas to you as well in advance ☺️ i wish for you the very best, especially in your nursing career 🫶🏽❤️

thank you for sharing 

TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue December 25th, 2023


1. Learn what my new limits are - don't push myself, rest - be gentle and nourishing with myself so I can continue to become the healthiest version of me 

2. Incorporate new techniques into my wellness and health routines - hone down on what is working for me so I can continue to become the healthiest version of me 

3. Continue to seek & find new ways to discover avenues to resources which help me receive assistance and thrive in my conditions to progress forward into better and to continue to  become the healthiest version of me 

chyni OP January 11th


happy new year to you! I'm honestly loving this, especially learning what your new limits are, and being gentle and nourishing with yourself. not many people realize the importance of limiting themselves and tends to get very overwhelmed when over worked. I'm wishing you the very best with your health, and thanks so much for sharing 💚

ChloeTheGoose December 25th, 2023

I have a bit of a 3-in-1!

Many, many years ago, at the local loch, on one of the many, many trails/paths around the loch itself, I found a really cool area with a small waterfall and an old, extremely rusted, door-less car. I have no idea how the car got there since the paths are all very narrow dirt paths for walking. Maybe it used to be a road decade's and decades ago. I've never found it again since, can't remember which path I took.

My 3 bucket list things is to lose weight by going for more jogs around the loch and, in the process, try to find the car and waterfall area again. As a third goal, I might get into photography and will start by taking pictures of that area and the car.

chyni OP January 11th


aww, please find that place again, it sounds beautiful. photography is a good hobby. I'm into photography, even though since lately I haven't been using my camera, hoping to get back into that. thank you for sharing chloe 🤗

KatePersephone December 26th, 2023

1. prioritize me more

2. study more efficiently

3. be kinder towards myself + other people

chyni OP January 11th


prioritize me more! yass kate! I love that for you. I wish more people would start doing that. self love, is everything. thanks for sharing Kate 💚

blueberry0717 December 26th, 2023

1. Get my own apartment

2. Stay clean/sober

3. Leave the past in the past and finally forgive myself and others

chyni OP January 11th


wishing you the best in your journey to staying clean 🤗 I also do hope that you get your own apartment, that's something to really look forward to. thank u for sharing 💜