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Understanding 7 Cups Culture (LDP Discussion #5)

GlenM July 28th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity. Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

We are wrapping up the first course today with our last discussion on culture. Look for more instructions in this post to take the final evaluation for the course to your graduation. Once you have this course complete, you will be 20% done the Leadership Development Program. Good work!

Let's start by looking at the wikipedia definition of culture:

--Culture (/ÃkÃltÃÃr/) is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.[1]

We take culture seriously on 7 Cups because it is the heart of how we operate. A wise person once said: You teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are. We can have all of the best training content we want, but if our culture is not strong, then we will not be successful in growing a thriving, compassionate, community that will make a global impact.

Every organization has a culture whether by design or by default. When culture (including values and mission are not called out or made explicit, the organization defaults to an implicit or unstated culture. The unnamed culture is not always great for the end users or the community. An example of a common and implicit cultural rule or norm is that the person that makes the most money or the organization is the most important. People that work in this organization then, naturally, because it is the culture, start organizing themselves around ways to make more and more money. The ones at the top of the hierarchy are the ones that make the most money. 7 Cups cares less about money and more about compassion. We call out compassion and celebrate compassionate people because that is central to the work we do.

Please read our guide here to deeply understand our culture. We have made it explicit because we believe it is important to help us all be accountable to what we stand for and believe in. As leaders on 7 Cups, you will be models that emulate our culture and values.

One theme you'll notice in our guide is that it is very proactive, which is the opposite of reactive. We act first, we design first, we implement first in order to make an impact. Companies that react allow events to shape them; we instead try to focus on where we can have influence and shape events before they shape our community.

Part of being proactive is critical because building culture online is more challenging than building a culture offline. Offline interpersonal and group relationships are easier in a number of ways. People are generally much better behaved when they are right in front of you and it is easier for people to sync up and work towards a common goal. Online cultures have less of these natural strengths so you have to be extra proactive to build a strong culture. Look at most communities on the Internet. Unfortunately, they tend to devolve and become less than safe places with a lot of hate, sexual, and harmful behaviors. Our training system, the badges, word filters, moderators, etc. (dozens of behaviors we do) are all designed to proactively build and reinforce our culture so that we do not experience this same kind of entropy. Internet culture can be like an escalator going down. You have to be very proactive and take 2 or 3 steps up at a time to maintain and strengthen gains. As a leader on 7 Cups, you will be part of that group that gets behind us and enables us to continue making forward momentum.

That provides the broader background context to why we care so much about our culture and values at 7 Cups. They are core to our work.

To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

After posting, please...

1. Take the course exam here to complete course 1.
2. Take the leadership oath here
3. Fill out the End of Trial form to complete your trial!
4. Proceed to Course 2!

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

marvelloustree1111 March 14th, 2021


The three things that were eye-catching in my case are as follows

1. Friendliness and conscientiousness - I think this trait is a must to have in order to proceed with a supportive and warm environment. Consciousness tells us to agree with others and build trust such that we can believe the other person will do the work in a smart way. Undoubtedly these are core values and superpowers in our community.

2. Accountability - To be held accountable for the work we do, to check the work that has been done by our fellow community members, to cling and complete our work efficiently and independently, and meet deadlines as a whole would obviously help a person build trust It also gives a lot of value to time management which is integral for any leader.

3.Takee care of ourselves - I find this point intriguing because unless we take care of ourselves, we can't expect to take care of others by giving our 100%. Any form of physical or mental fatigue hinders our progress and therefore, this point is important and should be considered.

KristinHelps March 15th, 2021

@GlenM The 3 things that the guide taught me about our culture is Your Work Matters - this work is incredibly important to the community and we can tend to forget what we're doing is amazing, even if we're on self-care or only taking 1 chat a day, we're doing great things! Second thing is Caring for People with Fewer Financial Resources - this is important to me as when I joined the site I was Googling "Free Therapy" for myself but found this incredible community instead, wanted to help others in need. Lastly, High Expectations & High Warmth - the importance of welcoming everyone and creating a safe space with rules and guidelines are important to keep a structured community.

Chloe563 March 15th, 2021

please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

1) High Expectations & High Warmth- This one is important to me because to be able to provide a safe and comfortable place for one to openly talk, you have to set high expectations to ensure that we are both on the same page but also to have high warmth as this can help maintain a feeling of safety and secureness.

2) Your Work Matters- Sometimes we forget that what we do here matters and is amazing, that is why this one is important. We get wrapped up wondering if what we are doing is “good enough” and sometimes we do tend to forget what our main goal here is and we end up feeling like we aren't going a good job.

3) Strengths-Based- This one is important to me because we all need to learn that we do have strengths, whether being great at empathy or great at being supportive etc. We have our strengths that make us all unique from each other, something that I might be good at doesn't mean everyone is good at. We all learn from each other and from our own strengths to improve.

AdylynS March 19th, 2021


I learned trust, How to trust people

I learned care, everyone cars about eachother and

I learned Accountability, we need to be accountable for eachother and ourselves

shiningSky3745 March 20th, 2021

Your work matters:- this is important as it feels me that the work I am doing in the 7 cups creates a difference for a better and may help someone by a lot.

Trust:- if course this one has to be the most important one as a member cannot truly share their feelings with us if they don't trust us and we should all help in making a trustworthy environment here at 7 cups and I'll help us rwac our goal to help people

Accountability:- this is also really important as if we become responsible, deadline meeting, task completing person on 7 cups it'll help the community gore and function when better and will be able ti provide help to people

optimisticDay8079 March 21st, 2021

1. My work here is important.

2) All the listeners and mentors on 7cups are trained to support me and offer a helping hand

3) Failure is expected

blindHeart12 March 22nd, 2021


I felt this statement “7cups is high expectations and high warmth” and the way the explanation given why it need to be high expectation and high warmth.

It was learning because it both important at organization level and personal level.

Just keeping expectation and working toward it is draining but if we get support and warmth we feel always charged and motivate to fulfil the expectation.

Strength Based concept: Working on strength instead of working on weak point.

“We expect failure” – as long we are trying and focused it is ok to fail. It make facing failure in positive way and encourage to keep trying.

thisisirene March 23rd, 2021


3 things I've learned here are

1. It's okay to ask for help, even the best leaders need it sometimes

2. I'm doing something great and I'm changing the community

3. Responsibility, we're responsible for our time and our decisions!

UnicornsCottonCandy March 26th, 2021


The 3 most important things I learned from the guide are the following:
1. High Expectations and High Warmth: I felt this was a very significant feature of the LDP program offered at 7 Cups because I strongly agree that supporting other people is a challenging process and thus have high expectations on potential leaders to fulfill their duties and provide the best support as possible. I loved the idea of being high in expectations but also in warmth as we all need positive support and encouragement from each other to overcome the challenges we may face during the development program.
2. Strengths-Based: As everyone has different strengths just like they have different weaknesses, we need to maximize our strengths and use them as a tool to provide support for others. This is not only beneficial to the one who receives the support, but also to the one who is providing the support because maximizing our strengths makes us feel more confident, fulfilling, and thus more effective.
3. Take Care of Yourself: Leaders must be being both physically and psychologically healthy to provide any kind of support to people who need them. Therefore, this is a duty that leaders must do not only for themselves but also for the ones they may support. It is significant to think of the experience at 7 Cups as a long-term experience in which I can participate for a long time with a sustainable and healthy body and mind.

kindLemonade March 26th, 2021


3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

1. 7cups expect failure... It' is importsnt to me because sometimes i'm scared of failure that i don't even try... So it'good that 7cups allow it! I think this is just as important in life embrace mistakes as it is to enjoy success.

2. Take care of myself: sometimes i forget this simple thing and do things our of sense of duty, and dont enjoy, so it is a good reminder!

3. "Not everyone is a good match" is a good guide. If there is a case or listener who needs help that I feel not suitable, I will allow myself to pass on members to others listeners who might be a better match.

herealways27 April 5th, 2021


You point out some really good points there! I definitely suffer from some too that I don't try out new things because I'm afraid of failures. But it's great to know 7 Cups expect failure and want to work with us through them!

jinlatte March 29th, 2021


1. That 7cups invests in us for our own good.

2. 7cups helps me to align my interests and strengths to solve core problems.

3. That it is not a good idea to think about another person’s problems the majority of the time.

cuteeeezombieeee April 2nd, 2021

Things I learned:

Trust- Fostering trust building behaviors is highly important as it helps each one of us personally grow and it guides 7Cups on the right path to achieving its aims.

Strengths-Based- In my opinion, this is one of the most important things. When we do work that falls into our strengths, we tend to perform better and this increases productivity. On the other hand, trying to work in areas we are weak in only decreases the quality of our work.

Take Care of Yourself- This is pretty obvious. We can't pour from an empty cup so it's important for us to take breaks ,engage in activities we enjoy, and ask for help when we need. This will help us to work better because our own health matters too!

Ahmed April 4th, 2021


1. Accountability

I think it plays a major role in a team success or failure and its one of the qualities that I need to have I in mind upon choosing a leadership role and as I work in that role

2. Expecting Failure

I see failure is a great opportunity to grow and I'm happy that 7cups sees this and supports its team members to rise after a failure


It made me feel like working in a leadership role is like being in a big family that supports and believes in one another

herealways27 April 5th, 2021

The 3 things that I've just learned from the guide are that 7 Cups believe in self-efficacy, not everyone will be a good fit, and expecting failure. These are important to me because I sometimes identify with them personally. I believe deeply in self-efficacy so I always try hard to believe in myself and my ability. I'm also quite surprised at not everyone will be a good fit because that's not what I typically here in other organizations. But I'm really glad that 7 Cups has quite a realistic view on their listeners and members, I believe that would be very beneficial for everyone who come and go at 7 Cups. I love the culture I'm involved in here!!

WynterRose April 7th, 2021


The most important thing I learned that I want to highlight is how much impact 7cups has in caring for others with fewer financial resources which connects to the second important thing I learned relating to trust because building a culture of trust is vital to everything thriving and a safe culture being built on 7cups. Lastly, the fact that 7cups highlights their belief in equality and everyone is valuable is consistent with the other highlights I listed and something that is at the core of how I want to have conversations with others.

Readylistener April 7th, 2021

The guide was such a lovely read. While I have so much to say about it, I'll restrict myself to three key takeaways :) :

1. Equality is of utmost importance. People from different walks of life, bring about new and unique perspectives. It's important to give everyone a fair chance and to celebrate each and every person's achievements.

2. Being kind- Kindness is simply one of the best things. It allows you to open up, trust and just appreciate people.

3. Working hard- It's important to try our best. And also, it's ok if we fail! We can always learn from our mistakes and try another time, slowly improving along the way and becoming better versions of ourselves :) <3

Cristen April 14th, 2021

Agreed! A little bit of kindness can go a long way and that's what makes the 7 Cups community so trusting and appreciative of each other blush

generouswings April 8th, 2021


1.Having negative thoughts and treating others badly drains yourself. I really like this thought because it shows that all human beings feel better when they are kind, generous, empathetic and positive.

2. We save lives through every single small thing we do here on a positive note. Every small effort counts. Our hard work, saves lives. Our work matters. It’s applicable for both short term and in the long term.

3.I believe that it’s very important to treat everyone equally, and not on the basis of religion, country, etc. Our community grows in a better pace if we respect and cooperate with each other. If we can support each other throught the highs and lows, then we can actually bring a great difference to this world.

mamtasha22 April 10th, 2021


Your Work Matters

7 Cups is the largest mental health system in the world. Reviews in the app store frequently discuss how 7 Cups keeps people from suicide, helps them overcome addictions, and brings them back to a place of light and hope. This isn’t an exaggeration. Your work saves lives.

We believe that it is a privilege to do this type of work, we consider it an honor, and we take it very seriously.

Caring for People with Fewer Financial Resources

7 Cups reaches and supports over a million people each month. The vast majority of the people we care for do not have a lot of money. We wouldn’t have it any other way. These folks pour into 7 Cups, they inform it, and they make us much better than we would otherwise be. We will always serve those with fewer resources. It is core to who we are and it keeps us on the right path. In order to thrive at 7 Cups, you need to 100% align with this way of thinking.

We Invest in You

If you are joining our team or community, then we want to invest in you so that you can flourish. A big part of flourishing is doing work that is personally fulfilling. Fulfilling work means that it is a) work you are good at; b) work that is interesting to you; and c) work that solves an important problem or meets an important goal (Thiel, 2015).

confidentpanda April 11th, 2021


Trust is really important to me because I like to be trusted, and in order for that to occur, I need to trust others. Trust is valuable and it can make or break a community, which is why here at 7cups the trust is outstanding.


The 7cups System works so well because everyone can embrace strengths and be supported in weakness, and it helps everyone feel valued and confident.

Try Hard

This is important to me because I believe you should put maximum effort into anything to see results, and that all effort should be celebrated.

peacefulIris56 May 9th, 2021


I agree that having that trust and working our strengths and working hard a really important for development and growth.

SweetDreamer69 April 13th, 2021

The three most important things I learned from the guide is: - 1) Trust. Without trust, there's nothing. Trust allows people to work together as a community and helps them reach their goals. Without trust, a person as well as community cannot grow. 2) My work matters. I'm helping someone and I make them feel better. I believe that the most happiest thing you can experience is making others smile because of you. And for a very long time, I've been trying my best to make atleast one person smile around me or here on 7 cups. 3) Try Hard Unless you don't try and level up, you'll be where you are. Trying hard makes you level up and you learn new things along the way. Understand yourself and have a complete new perspective on various new things that you come across. You guys have an amazing culture! Kudos to you all! 👏🏻👏🏻

peacefulIris56 May 9th, 2021


I like to see that you care about a trusting environment and helping people.

Cristen April 14th, 2021

Please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

Have Fun and Be Fulfilled
This is the one that resonated with me the most from the guide, because this has basically been my approach to volunteering as an active listener on 7 Cups thus far. Taking the time to listen to people, to ask questions, to learn about them and of course to ultimately support them – has altogether been a fun, fulfilling and enlightening experience for me, which is why I continue to do it.

Every hurdle encountered can be a learning experience in one way or another. I call it training – hence I very much agree with the guide that problems are like disguised gifts and tackling them helps you level up in life. Here’s a silly example of mine – I like watching horror films a lot and even though I do get spooked at times, I continue to watch more so that I can train myself and increase my horror tolerance level XD

Take Care of Yourself
Self-care is crucial for everyone and even more so for me since I’m terribly introverted. I can sometimes feel pretty drained when I have to interact with groups of people or engage in small talk – so spending time to care for myself and relax helps me recharge.

peacefulIris56 May 9th, 2021


I agree that those three things are a good way to look at things. Self-care and fun and fulfillement are really important. It's important to have a positive attitude about things especially the challenges that we face. Seeing the challenges as opportunities really helps with the positive mindset.

Cristen May 12th, 2021

Exactly! So true~ Wishing you all the best in the program Iris~ blush

peacefulIris56 May 12th, 2021

@Cristen Thank you!!!

giggleZebra2708 April 20th, 2021

Highlight the three most important things you have learnt from our guide and why are they important to you


Trust is a fundamental quality that drives all relationships in the world. Regardless of it being a work relationship or a romantic relationship, trust is the foundation that builds the success of a relationship. A first good impression that one gives another is the chance that they can be trusted on a particular task or activity. I tend to take my relationships seriously regardless of it being personal or work. I tend to give the impression to my acquaintances that I can be trusted and I hope to receive the very same. With trust comes confidence, stability, nurture and growth.

Self efficacy or Mastery

Self efficacy or mastery is my personal confidence meter that allows me to complete tasks and duties. With every step in life a challenge bigger and broader appears and it's not a moment to be shunned away from but rather it is the moment to build up the confidence and determination to overcome it, celebrate the victory and move on. This is a skill that I learnt through 7 cups and it has been favouring my growth in both personal and work life. P.S (This term was first proposed by one of my favorite psychologists Albert Bandura)


Before my journey on 7 cups began, I used to be a solo working individual who didn’t much enjoy working in groups. 7 cups taught me the importance of collaboration and how sometimes the best way to solve an issue apart from personal input and experiences will be the opinions and thoughts of others. This will allow me to further increase my factual knowledge and allow me to make social connections.

compassionateTree4567 April 20th, 2021


for me, all of them are important in a good balance

Three things that highlights me are:
1) Collaborate

2) taking care of self

3) trust

FeatherIce25 April 23rd, 2021


please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.


The trust that is shown in me for acheiving the goals and provide world class services to people who cannot go anywhere else is important. It also makes me accountable.


To manage the work load effciently and to finish the alotted tasks within deadlines will ensure the quality of interactions.


Community is imporatnat and to be actively involved and seek help because the ultimate aim is to do better and help others, community and collaboration has that power, what one person cannot achieve alone, a number of people together can.

Enbyowl April 26th, 2021

1. I have learned that our work is important and that we have an impact on others. We are making the world a better place, just by letting others know we care and we are there for them.

2. Failing is normal and ok. If we never fail, we will never learn. If we fail, we avoid making the previous mistake and we learn that it was wrong.

3. It is important to try your best to help others because our work on 7 cups matters.

EmpathicPikachu April 26th, 2021



I hope you are doing well!

So three important things which I learned from the guide are:

1) Trust : As I believe in every relationship whether professional, personal or otherwise, trust is the basis of everything. I like how the community here is trustworthy which I have found after an year of my stay here. Its important that we continue to build on it and grow trust among us.

2) Collaborating : As being a neutral listener and empowering the person to find solution of their problems by just actively listening and putting empathy is the best example of collaboration. Its important that the listener and the member work together towards the problem by collaborating and using sources at hands.

3) Self care : Its one of things I love about 7cups, those self breaks and alerting us when we need a break is an important feature as it can get overwhelming sometimes. Taking those short or long self care breaks while making it easier to return is a greature feature.


Suryansh April 28th, 2021

Hello Everyone!

The three most important things that I have learned from this guide are as follows:
1. Our work Matters and Failure is expected: Work, efforts, and support of each and everyone here on 7 Cups matters a lot. Every second of being here is making a great impact on one's life. We are supporting peoples and changing their lives. Truly, our work matters a lot. Also, I never like failing at things, it gives me a down and bad feeling but this is so important to know that Failure is expected and that is complete "Okay". Very nicely said in the guide, as Edison said that he didn’t fail 1000 times, he just learned 1000 ways of not solving the problem. That is very true, each time we fail, we get a new way of not solving a problem. Failure will definitely help us to shine and come out with flying colors of success.
2. Importance of Trust and Accountability: Trust is so important, it is what helps us and cups to reach the mission. Truly said, without trust, we cannot grow and reach the mission. It is important to have trust and develop trustworthy behavior. Being accountable to myself, my team, my community, and my mission are much important as well. It greatly helps and will help in getting the success and reaching the mission and ultimately growing.
3. Self-Care is Crucial: I generally like to do things in an organized manner and complete all the things at once or before taking any rest. But then I realized, that self-care is so important to have a complete overall balance in life. With an already drained mind, we cannot help or support others. Self-Care break also helped me a lot whenever I took it to relax and get calm. It is very important to self-care!

Thank You!

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

FawkesCare12 May 5th, 2021

The guide was a lovely read. Thank you for taking the time to write this :)

Three things, I found the most important were:

1. Trust. As this is something, I find vital in my personal life, too, it’s appreciable how the same can be said for the 7Cups family. With the vast number of people engaging on this site, trust is quite important, whether between a member and listener or a listener and listener.

2. The balance between performance and acceptance. While solving problems and facing them directly are key, it doesn’t mean that it should be done at the expense of the respective person. A caring and accepting environment is crucial in helping a person grow which ultimately translates into the listener becoming better at what they do and thus the entire 7Cups team.

3. Self-care. It’s quite easy to get lost in helping others and thinking that self-care means being selfish as others have so many problems to deal with. It’s actually something, I, too, struggle with making burn-outs a norm. So the phrase, “In order to perform well at work, you need to also take good care of yourself when you are not at work,” resonated with me quite a bit.

shallowWater7547 May 5th, 2021

Trust- ​​​​​Trust is the foundation of any relationship. When a leader is trustworthy people count to them and trust them with important things.

Trying hard- Hard work is definitely important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve the goals of our life. We know that hard work is the key of sucess as it helps us to get better and confident each day, each moment.

Equality- In the world of 7 Cups, every person is treated with equal respect, enjoys equal freedom, and equal rights irrespective of the gender orientation, race, religion, or any other difference. Equality and diversity brings together people from different backgrounds together to achieve success.

IcicleSnown May 8th, 2021


The three most important things I learned from your guide are that I’ll need to work on staying motivated in the future, that the LDP program is for me, and that I will gain a lotta positive energy being a leader in 7 Cups, and why these 3 things are important to me is because I want to succeed in the LDP program, because doing something that matches me feels right, and because positive energy is very beneficial.

Banjothebudgie May 9th, 2021


Trust is important to me because with a foundation of trust I believe I can help people open up and get the help they deserve.


Using my strengths is important to help members. Using my expertise in a certain area allows me to connect with the member and provide more help to them.


If we work together the community benifits. It is important to create a freindly community where everyone can collaorate and have their say.

DigitalKnight May 9th, 2021


Hello, a lovely guide there, and here the key points i think are the most vital:

1. Trust : A good community is always built on trust. Here at 7 cups, If we dont have the ability to trust each other and support one another through the thick and thin, we are nothing,

2. Investing in us: Here at 7cups, i learned alot of things. there are some great courses out there. the leaders here make sure each and every one of us becomes a perfect and good Leader in the future.

3. We all matter: Every bit of goodness we do here, every bit of help we give here, every smile that comes because of us, its collecting and making sure the world is a good place. All of us matter!

Thanks for the great guide <3

May 20th, 2021

@DigitalKnight How beautiful words you have shared.

If we dont have the ability to trust each other and support one another through the thick and thin, we are nothing.

Every bit of goodness we do here, every bit of help we give here, every smile that comes because of us, its collecting and making sure the world is a good place.

Best wishes for your journey.