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Course 3: PL 102 - The Problem is the Path (Discussion 1)

GlenM August 26th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 3, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello LDP Team!

I am enjoying this program and I hope that you all are finding it helpful and meaningful! I'm excited about this next course. The problem is the path is the core insight that helps us evolve as individuals and as a community here on 7 Cups.

Here is an overview of this course:

Course Description: It is natural for us to want to avoid problems. Problems can cause worry, anxiety, and frustration. These are feelings that we often want to avoid. Problems, however, are the key to growth. When we face our problems directly we get smarter and grow stronger. A saying that captures this is: Progress = Pain + Reflection. This course helps you learn the value of problems by highlighting the difference between problems you might be concerned about and problems you can directly solve. Next, it walks you through the ancient practice of steering into problems directly in order to unlock their value and gifts. Finally, it helps you identify and measure progress so you can make continued gains in your personal and professional life.

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Bonus: Check out chapter 8 of the book 7 Cups for the Searching Soul (more in the next discussion) for a deeper dive into learning more about accepting what we cannot control.

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

(edited by @SoulfullyAButterfly on 29/1/2021 to update (1) to replace it with a working YouTube link)

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

jersey123456 November 14th, 2021

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence .

3 things in my circle of concern

a. Politics in my country.

b. Other's perspective of me.

c. Economics of my country.

3 things in my circle of influence

a. My mental health.

b. My Education

c. My relationships with others.

1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence .

I should focus on things that I can control than focusing on things I have no particular influence over.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

The executive focused on his circle of influence than circle of concern. He made each and every team member significant and observed the situation and analyzed it carefully.

jersey123456 November 15th, 2021


The executive listened to his team members and made their weakeness his own and analyzed the situation.

mikacv December 20th, 2021


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things in my circle of concern: 1. Getting into Medical School 2. My health 3. Finances

3 things in my circle of influence: 1. Regularly budgeting where I can 2. Researching ways to get to my career goals if one does not work out 3. Self-care and going to the doctor as needed

I can reframe my anxieties and worries. We often catastrophize worries and concerns which makes it seem like a problem we cannot tackle. Instead of thinking this way, I can get rid of these thought distortions by focusing on what I can do meanwhile, even if they are small steps because this is what will make my circle of influence better and help me to be more relaxed and confident!

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Instead of criticizing the president or feeling sorry for himself, this executive took action within the company, and identified ways he could be of help and compensate for the president's weaknesses. He was being proactive because he was doing what he was capable of doing to make an influence in the company, which along the way led to more trust, success, and collaboration within the company (bigger circle of influence). In the end, his response to the circumstances was to make a change instead of judging the situation that was helpless or uncontrollable.

DarkPiT23 January 11th, 2022

Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

1. Managing Finances 2. Health 3. Family members

1. I am quite irresponsible when it comes to my health. Either it's self care or just my basic needs. Which has caused me a lot of issues in the long run with myself. I want to really change that.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

He did take the situation I'm account. But was quite irrelevant in his feelings. Yet, he empathized with people regardless.

Gnibellen January 15th, 2022


1.) Circle of concern: My family, especially my daughter. My health, my sobriety.

Circle of Influence: My mental health, my finances, my physical health

In the circle of influence: I am in control of my budget, my mental health, and my physical health

2.) The executive displayed great leadership skills as he reviews the circle of influence and also acknowledges the difficulties.

Kindwords2000 January 16th, 2022


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

My circle of concern ­– my health, my family, and my job/studies.

Circle of influence ­­­– To make sure I make myself better with my mental health before I can help others with their own problems. Try not to involve myself in family drama to let them sort it out between themselves. To try not to stress myself too much with work and my studies, to make sure to have my own time too.

Remind myself – To be nice to myself, to look after myself, to make sure I am happy.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

As we go through our lives, we have two circles, the first is the circle of concern (these are things that we care about which can affect us) and our second is the circle of influence (these are things that we can control), when we are reactive, we focus on the outer circle. They spend time on things that we can not do anything about, this results in the circle of influence shrinking.

Those who are proactive will focus on their inner circle of influence where their efforts make a positive difference on relationships and results, there circle of influence grows.

CaringEzra February 20th, 2022

I like your reminders<3

hopezzy January 18th, 2022


I) Circle of concern

1. My Health 2. My future 3. Pollution

Circle of influence

1. Exercising and Meditating 2. Try and learn what works for me 3. Planting

I can constantly tell myself to focus on what I can control than what I can't.

II) The executive tried to solve the problem instead of complaining. By being proactive, he increased his circle of influence.

anjellyna February 1st, 2022


3 things in my circle of concern: the environment, my familial relationships, my future/grades

3 things in my circle of influence: my social advocacy work + community initiatives, my own behaviour in my familial relationships, and my work ethic and habits

One thing I can do to remind myself about my circle of influence: taking things one at a time

The individual in the video was proactive as opposed to reactive because instead of complaining unproductively, he focused on making himself better and doing what he could to help in the situation by reading through it.

rrretsuko February 5th, 2022

@anjellyna taking one thing at a time can really help with being able to balance your circle of influence and circle of concern :) <3 that's an awesome method

Livingtohelplive February 3rd, 2022

Hello there!:)

To my circle of concern belong:

1)My family and boyfriend

2)My academical growth and education


In my circle of influence are:

1)Spending more meaningful and mindful time with them

2)Grow my passion and drive

3)Eat more whole foods

My reminder: Half a rainbow is better than none.

Sending strenght and energy!

Lots of love,


rrretsuko February 5th, 2022

@Livingtohelplive i love that reminder ! <3 i'll also keep it in mind haha it's very sweet :)

00Michelle00 February 4th, 2022

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence. Concern- house, kids, and future. Influence- school, a sense of well-being, and close friends

Always prioritize the inner circle. Ignore what is on the outside.

Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? His circle widened because of his concentration on the inner circle. What did they do that would be considered initiative-taking as opposed to reactive? He was loyal to those not present. Got leverage.

Bonus-Check out chapter 8 of the book 7 Cups for the Searching Soul (more in the next discussion) for a deeper dive into learning more about accepting what we cannot control. An antidote to endless cravings is gratitude. I loved the cups steps.

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

rrretsuko February 5th, 2022

@MinisterMichelle the inner circle should definitely be prioritized over the outer circle :) i do agree with you and these things should also be balanced ! <3

rrretsuko February 5th, 2022


1. 3 things in my circle of concern are: my family, my boyfriend, and my animals ! :)

3 things in my circle of influence are: to take care of my family and remember to talk to them, ask them how they are, etc. i'll also make sure to be kind and compassionate to my boyfriend in order to keep our relationship healthy and stable ! and i will of course feed my animals, clean up after them, and give them lots of love :) <3

1 thing i can do to remind myself to focus on my circle of influence: write these things down, put them on my phone somewhere, and remind myself to do them everyday through these methods !

2. the person made sure their circle of influence was balanced ! not doing so much of one thing but doing more of another can create instability and can prevent you from taking care of your circle of concern. however, if you balance everything like the person in the video did, that is proactive ! <3

nessa104 February 10th, 2022


My Circle of Concern - 1 Health for me

2. finances for me

3,my career

Three things in my circle of influence :

my extra hobbies

social media

intrusive thoughts

Despite circumstances he was putting the best efforts and solving problem himself which compensated other weakness

nessa104 February 10th, 2022


I want to remind myself that Keeping balance will always help

AliveandAlive February 10th, 2022



3 things in your circle of concern – My parents, My heath, My financial situation

3 things in your circle of influence – My diet, work towards my goals at work, talk to my parents and stay connected


The executive anticipated and empathized and acted on his circle of influence.

Proactive: he read the situation and anticipated the needs of the president and proactively gave analysis and the president didn’t felt threatened as his strength was a compliment. He expanded his circle of influence

dudewithaplan February 12th, 2022

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Family, Work and Internet are circle of concern.
Myself, Some quality people and excercise are circle of influence. Self-motivational talk is one of reminding habit that i done.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

He choose to aproach the situation as positive and try to do most of it. I think listening is a key element to be proactive and read between lines of what they say. He anticipated and be prepared for next assigment.

CaringEzra February 20th, 2022
Positive self-talk can be really beneficial, I'm glad that it has helped you<3
CaringEzra February 20th, 2022

Identify 3 things in your circle of concern:

  • My son,

  • Climate change, global peace,

  • how people view me,

  • Covid, how many people are sick and those who have lost their families

3 things in your circle of influence:

  • How I react to situations,

  • My study schedule and working on keeping up with projects

  • Spreading as much kindness and love to everyone

1 thing you can do is to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

One thing I can do is make a chart to write down things that are in my control and those that are not. Then I can focus on the things that are in my area of concern and make small goals to work on them. I should not spend all my time focusing on things that are out of my control.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

The executive was proactive because he anticipated the needs and concerns of the president. He was not reactive to the situation, that would have just been him wasting time and energy worrying about things that he could not control. Instead, he focused on the things that were in his area of influence. By focusing on the things that were in his circle of influence and working to make a positive impact he continued to grow that circle bigger and bigger. He demonstrated really good leadership skills. I also liked how he made sure that everyone felt heard and understood and their concerns were being met.

Bonus: Check out chapter 8 of the book 7 Cups for the Searching Soul (more in the next discussion) for a deeper dive into learning more about accepting what we cannot control.

Chapter 8 was really good. I enjoyed the read and found it helpful. It talked about how we handle stress and worries. We can not control certain circumstances but we can how we react. Focusing on mindfulness and gratitude is important<3

glowingSoul93 February 27th, 2022

How people see me, My family, and my own mental health. How I react to things that come to me, Setting up a schedule that will work with my schedule that I have, and Making sure I talk and speak with compassion and empathy. Spreading kindness and empathy to the people I’m around. This executive was listening and watching not gossiping not complaining but just watching what needed to be done and figured a way to help the boss instead of just sitting there waiting. This would be considered proactive because he was doing the work that he needed to do to help the team and making sure that the team was looking good when it comes to presentations. Chapter 8 is amazing and a really great read.

KBeauty12 April 14th, 2022


Yes, being kind and showing empathy is a choice

Zahraa000 February 28th, 2022

1-Which the following video and identity 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle influence, and 1 thing you can do remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things I care about are 1- Health, because without health everything is not possible to do 2- Having my family members around me, their presence gives me the motivation to continue 3- My work and my attempt to develop it

3 things in my influence circle are 1- Focusing more on my work 2- Helping the employees around me and providing them with adequate support 3- Developing my skills in a broader way to benefit more from what I have because the more I use what I have, the more I have to use it!

The one thing I can do to remind myself to focus on my circle of interest is (attendance). I consider this the most important factor that I remind myself of in order to continue growing and developing. Being present at the most and most important times

2-Next watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What distinguishes me from the executive is that I am more receptive to external factors, but I learned from him to focus on the goal well.

Bounce: check out chapter 8 of the book 7 cups for the searching soul ( more in the next discussion) for a deeper dive into learning more about accepting what we cannot control.

It is a wonderful book and I benefited a lot from it on a personal level. I began to learn how to control anxiety with simple and very effective exercises. Fortunately, the brain is very flexible and we can train it to help us overcome anxiety and daily stress, including mindfulness exercises, clarity of mind and healthy coping skills. We can solve problems in the external world by identifying them and then implementing the steps to solve them, while we cannot solve internal problems (such as negative thoughts and feelings) in the same way as solving external problems, the strategies are different in both cases

Internal problems can only be solved after we accept them. Unlike external problems, they can be solved directly. There are many things we yearn for that are always out of reach to make matters worse! Sometimes we succeed in getting what we want only when we lose the desire for it! Therefore, practicing mindfulness and gratitude is important to increase calmness in your life. You are forced to be anxious. To overcome anxiety and negative feelings, you must practice the skills on a daily and deliberate basis to keep you moving in the right direction.

magicmango26 March 20th, 2022


What stands out to me is that when people are reactive, their circle of influence shrinks. Also, when it comes to the executive, he empathized and focused on his own circle of influence.

What they did that was considered to be proactive was that they read the situation, and instead of criticizing, he read the empathy of the President’s underlying concerns, and he worked with the President’s strengths and anticipated his needs. Little by little, his circle of influence continued to expand.

NoelleListens March 21st, 2022


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

  • Three things in my circle of concern are my studies, health, and family.
  • Three things in my circle of influence are limit distractions, be careful of what I eat, and spending more time with my family.
  • One thing that I want to remind myself of is that I should think of the end goal and do my best to work towards it.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

- Something that stood out to me about this executive is that he focused on what he could control instead of what he couldn’t. What made him proactive is that he didn’t react to situations, instead he shaped his circumstances.

I enjoyed reading chapter 8 of the book 7 Cups for the Searching Soul. It reminded me that taking care of myself is important and it is okay to not be in control of everything.

KBeauty12 April 14th, 2022


Yes setting goals, realistic ones can help us reach our circle of influence

ASilentBunny March 27th, 2022

My circle of concern ­

My family, health and studies.

Circle of influence ­­­

I try not to stress myself a lot with my studies even if it's kinda hard sometimes. I try to make sure I am okay and put my first as my first priority before I help others. If I am not okay with myself then I won't be able to help others. Lastly, I try to stay calm and assist/support my family. I try not to engage too much in their problems as I have my own ones too. I pretty much try to set boundaries.

Remind Myself:

I am doing my best and it's okay to take breaks. Try to stick to positive experiences and always focus on your goals and tasks! Make sure to help yourself first before helping others.

TheRusticMystic74 April 2nd, 2022


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern

My family, health, My PsyD

Circle of influence

I am not stressed about my PsyD as I have applied they will let me know if I get it or not its not in my control, Family is everything but I also feel they need to think of me as everything so I give them ample time so they can appreciate me as well and Health is my top priority as I have come out of addiction and still need to make sure that my heart and other organs work with full functionality. I work hard for my health. Regular exercise diet etc.

Remind Myself:

I am doing my best and it's okay to take breaks. I know my goals

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

- When I saw the video I kept thinking of the serenity prayer that we say God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Anticipation of the needs and concerns makes him proactive rather than reacting to the situation.

TheRusticMystic74 April 2nd, 2022


Reactive:He empathized and focused on his own circle of influence.

What they did that was considered to be proactive was that they read the situation, and instead of criticizing, he showed empathy, and he worked his strengths and anticipated his needs. .

KBeauty12 April 14th, 2022


Yes, I know that feeling, longing for the safety of family members

KBeauty12 April 14th, 2022


Identify 3 things in your circle of concern,

Three things in the circle of concern are: withdrawals, judging, criticizing

Three things in the circle of influence are focused on how you treat people, the way you make and keep promises and the way you apologize when you make mistakes

1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence is to try to make it a daily habit of positivity, the more I practiced good behaviours, it will reflect on the person I need to be.

Highlight what stands out to you about this executive?

What stands out to me about this executive is that he didn’t allow what the boss did to the organization to affect him negatively, instead he turn it around and strategize on how he can help build the company along with his co-workers

What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Instead of criticising, they would compensate for the situation

KBeauty12 April 14th, 2022


In the continuation of chapter 8 - the Bonus

Good points, it is something we have to practice daily, the good habits to overcome things like worrying because it doesn't get us anywhere if we remain at that state.

Zarram77 April 19th, 2022

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Things in the circle of concern: 1) My Future 2) Reaction of other people 3) Family Conflicts

Things in the circle of influence: 1) My behaviour 2) My present life 3) My Habits

1 thing that I can do to remind myself to focus on my circle of influence is to record my daily events and feelings in a journal to keep track of my reactions, feelings and behaviour.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

The executive was non-judgemental and patient. He empathized and does not judge the boss which is considered proactive.

Dan76 April 25th, 2022

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern - the housing market as I look for a house
-the company I work for successfully going public or not
-upcoming elections

Circle of influence - how I manage my money
-how much effort i put into my relationships
-my work

It's important to remind myself that success comes from controlling what you can.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

He was able to adjust effectively. Rather than see how the president was and complain or criticize him, he learned how to make the most of the situation he was put in.

MrS7v7n April 27th, 2022


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Concern-Cannot change.

Worrying what others do.(Can understand why they do it, and accept or help them to fix it)

Assumptions.(Going with the flow, as they say, and seeing what happens, ultimately staying positive)

Always thinking the worst.(Giving the benefit of the doubt, and finding out what happens!)

Influence-Can Change!

Taking responsibility

Being honest

Accomplishing things.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

This gentleman, instead of gossiping and criticizing, learned.

He Adapted. He Evolved. He was a good teammate.

Made it good instead of being forced to be bad.

Elise849 May 3rd, 2022


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things in my circle of concern: world peace, economic stability, the general safety of my family members under any and all situations

3 things in my circle of influence: my inner peace, my efficiency, my communication skills

1 thing to remind myself to focus on my circle of influence is to always give myself 3 seconds to digest any strong emotion i'm feeling, then ask myself if this is something that i have any measure of control over. if i do, what can i do about it? if i dont, then i should go with the flow.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

taking the initiative is the key here, i think. being proactive is mutually exclusive to being reactive, since its only ever the person who acts later that bases their actions on the previous one(s). compensating for other people's shortcomings is also a good trait to have. instead of forcibly establishing one's own expertise, we find ways in which our expertise can fill in existing gaps in communication, efficiency or productivity.

GoldenNest2727 May 12th, 2022

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

circle of concern: War on Ukraine, Climate change, civil rights
circle of influence: learning coding, exercising, practicing gratitude

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?
He worked with the president's strengths and utilized empathy and understanding. He helped shore up his own people, so that they weren't as affected by the president's gruff leadership. He focused on what he could control.

GoldenNest2727 May 13th, 2022


I use mindfulness exercises and lists to remind myself to focus on my circle of influence.

Train1 May 16th, 2022


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things in my circle of concern

The economy

The climate


3 things in my circle of influence

Work on relationships with people.

How I gather feedback.

The way I seek to understand people.

1 thing I can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Think about the things that I can change and things that I cannot change and do my best to change them for the better.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive?

The executive took the time to analyse and understand his bosses’ motivations as a leader.

What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

They helped the boss focus on his strengths and reduce the visibility of his weaknesses.