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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #7) How to Provide Feedback

Heather225 August 27th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Now that we've learned about how to receive feedback, let's talk about how to provide feedback!

Please watch this video.

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Daf8 September 16th, 2020

heart @shiningSound31 heart

heart You don't need luck. Luck needs you heart

shiningSound31 September 17th, 2020


heartHugs and Love heart

Daf8 September 18th, 2020

heart @shiningSound31 heart

heart *Hugs, love, and hugs* heart

PhoenixTears5972 June 21st, 2022


Thats soo true

PeaceLoveandPaws August 29th, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well? Micro yes, Data points, Show impact, and End with a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself? Data points. I feel like I tend to use blur words to make the feedback feel softer or more gentle.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups? I think it's important because we are constantly evolving. Without feedback, you can get stuck or assume that 'no news is good news'. Feedback is important as we all can learn more and grow more in our roles.

Daf8 August 31st, 2020


heart So sincere! Amazing heart

shiningDay80 September 4th, 2020


I get what you're saying about the blur words. I tend to use them to soften the blow as well because I do not want them to feel bad. However, it is important to be direct with others when needed. It can help give them the push they need!

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


Keep up the good work heart

peacefulWarrior10 October 3rd, 2020


No news is good news! Great way of expression! All the best!

SofiaT2000 October 31st, 2020

@PeaceLoveandPaws I totally agree! Just because we received some good feedback doesn't mean we should rest! Great answer!

ouiCherie January 3rd, 2021


Hi Paw 😊

"Without feedback, we can get stuck to assume that no news is good news". Couldn't agree more with that statement. 💖


May 29th, 2022

Reallly well said. I like your point of view on this.

azuladragon34 August 29th, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?: The micro yes, leave out blur words, impact statement and end on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?: Impact statement

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?: Helps people to become better listeners and community members

Daf8 August 31st, 2020


heart I agree! Nice one heart

Sandson September 4th, 2020


Would you like to elaborate on why you picked the "Impact statement"?

azuladragon34 September 5th, 2020


Because i am terrible at it

blissart August 31st, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

the 'Show Impact'

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It's important to cultivate a feedback cutlure here because feedbacks help us to improve and meet high expectations. with so many interactions, roles one can have on 7cups, a regular feedback helps in being more productive

Daf8 August 31st, 2020


heart So true! Nice answer heart

Brinaa101 July 9th, 2021


I agree! Regular feedback does help!

bookworm274 August 31st, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well? The micro yes, data point, show impact, end on a question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself? Probably the show impact part.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups? I think its important to cultivate a feedback culture on 7 Cups because this platform is for helping people and theres always room for improvement. If we cultivate a feedback culture then there would be more improvements made by leaders and listeners which means we can improve in helping and supporting people.

QuietMagic September 6th, 2020

@bookworm274 I really like what you've said about feedback mattering because the resulting improvements trickle down to the people that this site is trying to help and support.

Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 1st, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1.The Micro 2 .Data Point 3.Show Impact 4.End on a Question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I need to work on all without a doubt .. I am not gonna say i am perfect on all these or even that great but I will say I found them all interesting to learn mrore from but I am gonna go woth 4. End on a Question.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

We all need feedback in real life and on this site because we need to know how we are doing and what ways we can improve and grow as a team and a whole community. We may be weak in some areas and need to know how we can improve and grow. We wanna do this in a contructive way by learning how to give the right kind of feedback and use the skills taught in the Video . As leaders we wanna make sure that we are not being hurfful to someone this pushes people away.. Do it in a constructive way and be kind about it and people will grow and stay around .heartFeedback can also be good feedback and make people feel even better and do even better !! heart

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


Very great answers!

Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 14th, 2020

@shiningSound31heart Thank you

positivePumpkin22 September 2nd, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The four-part formula used to say any difficult message well is :

a. Micro-yes question : this question is a pacing tool - it helps the person know that the feedback is coming also it creats a moment of buy-in.

b. Data point : this is about being specific and cut out any words that aren't objective.

c. Impact statement : now impact statement is about naming exactly how the data point impacted you. It gives you a sense of purpose, meaning and logic.

d. End-on-question : wraping up the whole feedback with a question. This helps the conversation no longer become a monologue but rather a joint problem-solving situation.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

The one part that i can really work on is the micro-yes question, i could really use that kind of question to help me let the person know that I am about to give a feedback and I am no longer bluntly expressing my feedback. I could also use data points to be clear and specific and not beat around the bush and give unclear ideas.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

We are all learning from one another. Feedback is about growth and we want each one of us to grow. It helps us to recognise whats missing or what could be done better.

ouiCherie January 3rd, 2021


Comprehensive answers yes Totally agreed and Love it! heart

Cheers! ^o^

herealways27 April 6th, 2021

Hey I love that you point out the relationship between giving feedback and growth!

smolecho September 2nd, 2020

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The four part formula: The micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

For me, I'd have to say the Show Impact part of it :P

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Feedback is important because if you don't have feedback, you have no way to improve yourself. Asking and receiving feedback is incredibly beneficial to your growth as a person, listener, or otherwise

Sandson September 4th, 2020


It's so true what you are saying about feedback. Without it there is no way to improve. What in your opinion could you do to improve on the "Show impact" part?

SynSavory September 2nd, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

The four parts embody the: micro-yes question, the data point of leaving our blur words, the impact statement, and wrapping up the commitment question.

I think I could improve on is the micro-yes question perhaps because I am not used to seeing feedback being conceptualized in this manner. However, I've probably done a micro-yes, just with different jargon across another field possibly. This step is important because I need to make sure that the other people is an appropriate pace to receive adequate feedback.

It's important to cultivate feedback to ensure that I and others are able to learn from their current strategies. We cannot read others' minds but we can learn from others and grow from it.

shiningDay80 September 3rd, 2020


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. The micro yes questions

2. Be specific

3. Impact Statement

4. Show Impact

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

- The Micro-Yes. I have a hard time giving feedback because I dont want to make the other person feel bad. I have a tendency to get straight to the point. I feel leading with the yes question will ease us both into getting to the feedback without any prejudgement of each other.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

- It is important to cultivate feedback on 7 Cups because although we may feel we are doing a good job, there is always room for improvement. Having someone show us where we are strong and where we can improve will allow the culture to grow more. It will also show how we support each other and care about how we interact altogether.

September 3rd, 2020

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?
The four-part formula is composed of the following parts: the micro-yes, the datapoint, show impact, and a question at the end.

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself and why?
I think I could definitely improve on the micro-yes, as it is not something that I have placed into practice before.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?
Feedback is a fundamental part of growth, so without feedback, it would be difficult to build up a community here on 7 Cups. We should aim to build a culture where feedback is regularly given, so that we feel comfortable both giving and receiving it and gain a better understanding of where to apply our efforts to best improve, whether it be as an individual, a team, or as a community on the whole.

shiningDay80 September 4th, 2020


I agree. Feedback helps with growth and we do not want to become stagnant in our progress. As 7 cups grows, we can grow with it when we apply ourselves. It is just as important to be receptive to feedback as well as providing others with good intentions! Thanks for your insight!

QuietMagic September 6th, 2020

@IvyL I like the idea of having a culture where feedback is something totally normal/common. Slightly smiling

MistyMagic September 4th, 2020


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The four part formula: The micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

I think the show impact point is something that I can work on better.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

In my roles I have to give a lot of feedback all the time so I like to think I know my way around how to give it to achieve the best possible outcome for all. Without feedback we would not improve as quickly. For instance when I am grading a test or a training module it is important that the information given in the answers is correct. If it is not correct then if I give feedback carefully and sensitively the trainee has the opportunity to grow and learn just by listening to me, and asking questions so they understand.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

QuietMagic September 6th, 2020

@MistyMagic That feels like a really nice/humane way of thinking about grading/evaluation--just trying to give people information they might find useful/applicable for improving, and trying to do this in a way that feels non-threatening.

ouiCherie January 3rd, 2021

Hi @MistyMagic

Very cool with your answers about why it is important to cultivate here, Misty heart smiley

QuietMagic September 6th, 2020


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Language used in the video:
1) The micro-yes
2) Data point
3) Show impact
4) End on a question

Rephrasing in my own words:
1) Ask for permission to ask/share something with them
2) Share specific/concrete problems or examples
3) Explain or provide context for why these problems matter
4a) (Optional) Propose a recommended solution
4b) Ask the other person for input on how to resolve the issue

Made-up example:
1) "There's something I wanted to ask about--is now a good time?"
2) "I've noticed that the last few sets of documents we've received had a lot of obvious typos that haven't been getting fixed despite multiple back-and-forth iterations where we've documented these issues and asked them to fix it."
3) "It's been creating a situation where we're under a constant time crunch and I feel like it's unfair to my team that I'm burdening them with lots of urgent/ad-hoc review requests and we're bending over backwards just because the other group isn't doing their job properly."
4) "I'm wondering if we could ask the group sending us these documents to do an internal review before we're asked to look at them. Do you think that makes sense?"

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself and why?

I think the 4th part of asking the other person to weigh in or give their recommendations is something I could do more often. This sort of creates a sense of ownership for the other person, tells them that their voice/opinions matter, and establishes the situation as a dialogue where we're mutually trying to identify the best solution to an issue.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think it relates back to the cultural values of high expectations and high warmth.

  • If feedback isn't given at all or is given in a way that isn't clear/specific/actionable, then expectations can't be maintained.
  • If feedback is given in a way that isn't courteous/respectful/supportive, then warmth will suffer.
SofiaT2000 October 31st, 2020

@QuietMagic I loved you answers! Looks like you thought very well where you can improve and that you really want it. I like that you added details and organized them well. Congrats!

VerseArt September 6th, 2020

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro yes, Data points, Show impact and End with a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

End with a question. I usually end by saying I'm here if you have any doubts but ending with a question is good.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

On a platform as big as 7 Cups its not easy to go in the wrong direction (no accountability). Therefore having feedback basically brings us back to the ground reality which works wonders.