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Course 3, Discussion 5: Diversity, Cultural Differences, and Second Language Learners

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

We are truly lucky to have a global community, rich in background and culture. In order to nurture our diverse community, we should each make a conscious effort to understand each other. The more we know, the more mindful we can be of one another's differences.

Please read this doc

✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

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Heartsandrosesandpaws March 22nd, 2023

1 A. Different time zones that are covers so more people can be helped .

2 b people seeing thing differently from different cultures , different experiences and different ages can help people see things in. New way.

2 a

make sure meeting times are a time where people can go.

b. Make things simple since English is not some people first language.

c be open minded and being willing to ask questions.

JoyHappyNess March 24th, 2023


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

1. A diverse team ensures that one's weaknesses can be substituted for another's strength. For example, diverse time zones ensures 24/7 hour support as when one area has a majority of its population sleeping or at work, another area has listeners enjoying their free time who can offer support.

2. A diverse team ensures a diverse language therefore support is given to all members despite the language.

3. A diverse team means diverse cultures which creates a space for like minded individuals to find each other. For example Hindus can find each other. LGBTQ community can also find each other.

4. A diverse team ensures a diverse pool of experience therefore members can find a listener with a directly lived experience to listen and connect with them.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

1. Avoid talking ill about a certain culture, practice, religion, gender, country or race while in the cups.

2. Rise above the stereotype

3. Be respectful of other people beliefs.

4. Be mindful of schedules and availability

5. Use simple languages, avoid abbreviations for second language learners

KarmaTheRascal March 25th, 2023


Such a wonderful answer<3

You did a really great job.

KarmaTheRascal March 25th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Some advantages of a diverse team is that you could get to know about other cultures, we can learn about different beliefs. We can simply learn from each other and about other cultures. We can all help each other as in terms of not understanding something someone said or a question or so on. Not to mention it could cause inspiration and motivation to change things!

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can be respectful of different cultures by asking time zones, not saying racial slurs, asking about if something might trigger them, don't follow stereotypes, and not being rude about someone's beliefs. Honestly just common sense things.

AvyIsKing March 25th, 2023


amazing answers <3

Shannon1996 November 19th, 2023

@KarmaTheRascal love your responses ✨

AvyIsKing March 25th, 2023

✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

a diverse team is more inclusive, and a closer-knit team. Diverse teams help eliminate stereotypes, and they are able to offer more support to more people.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

we can make sure we celebrate all holidays from all cultures, and not following stereo types, and make sure everyone feels loved, not regardless of their diversity, but because of it.

CurrySoup12 March 31st, 2023


Inclusivity is key!

Rubylistens22 April 20th, 2023


i really like this list!:)

March 27th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

  • 24/7 coverage- helps members connect to listeners and seek support, regardless of time
  • Cultural diversity- allows us to learn more about other cultures, and open our minds
  • Languages- members can search for the listener who can take chats in their preferred language
  • Innovation and creativity- increases the skillset of the team, and boosts productivity

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

  • Being mindful of language barriers and individual beliefs.
  • Avoiding stereotypes about others' cultures
  • Taking time zones and schedules in mind when scheduling events/chats
Heart4art April 13th, 2023

@charmingFlower8111 The 24/7 coverage is so valuable to members!

SnowTabby June 9th, 2023

Diversity in Listeners is important!! Your list of advantages is so considerate and all encompassing.

Gilbird July 19th, 2023


I like your point about avoiding stereotyping!

CurrySoup12 March 31st, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Encompass a wider variety of skills and abilities

Reach others in different time zones

Reach others outside of a 'local' region

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Be inclusive in our language. Support those who may be struggling to fit in by embracing their humanness. Be kind to everyone!

GermanZebraCupcake June 15th, 2023


I like how you specified different time zones actually, because some countries are so huge they cover several time zones and they often have many different sub-cultures usually. It's cool, but sometimes left out of conversations where people prioritize talking about different countries, if that makes sense? :) So good on you!

beyoutofullkalon April 12th, 2023



A diverse team has many advantages:

  • As a melting pot of different perspectives and opinions, it can lead to innovation and the development of compassion and tolerance.

  • It makes us cognizant of a plethora of cultures

  • Makes the platform more accessible as it can operate across timezones

    As for being respectful to other cultures, it should come naturally, but a few tips that can be followed are by not falling prey to prejudices and stereotypes and being aware of time zones. It's similar to respecting other individuals- culture doesn't become a barriers unless we make it one and hence we must be broad-minded.

Heart4art April 13th, 2023

@FrenchToastClub A diverse team fuels innovation because of different perspectives. I try to be understanding that my perception of the way things work in my world may be completely different than someone else's when interacting with people in general, but especially with working with people of other cultures or customs or beliefs.

I personally enjoy learning about other cultures and languages. I make a point to try to take my music lessons from teachers in other countries who do not speak any English. I make sure to communicate in their native language. It is NOT easy! I mess things up and say things wrong, even though I'm trying my best! They are all very kind and understanding and patient with me, so I try to extend that kindness and understanding to others who do not speak my native language as a first language.

Smrtbibliophile May 17th, 2023


I also enjoy learning about other cultures and for awhile wanted to be a cultural anthropologist. Different cultures bring in new customs, foods, religions, ect and they can be wonderful and beautiful!

Rubylistens22 April 20th, 2023


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

As someone who people might say adds diversity to a team (as a female gay poc), I can say that there are so many advantages to having a diverse team. Different worldviews mean different ways of approaching things. Your mission can reach a greater audience or support system, you can have more ideas in order to further the team.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Correct stereotypes if they’re there. Don’t make cultural “jokes” even if they’re “funny” they could very much offend someone or just be rude, and celebrate. Don’t pretend that you don’t “see” color. Just embrace it and treat it like it’s something beautiful because it really is:)

zaatarHoney April 25th, 2023


"Different worldviews mean different ways of approaching things. Your mission can reach a greater audience or support system, you can have more ideas in order to further the team."

"Don’t pretend that you don’t “see” color. Just embrace it and treat it like it’s something beautiful because it really is:)"

I wanted to highlight these quotables because SO much, YES. ♥︎ Completely agree. 🫶🏽

On an unrelated (but still mildly relevant) side note: I always end up commenting on your posts, keke! I'm right behind you in the program, I suppose, so I hope you don't mind me @'ing you every time I complete an assignment. 😂 But I also just do love your shares. Maybe one day we will talk directly.

Rubylistens22 April 25th, 2023


aww I’m glad you agree with the things I said😊 and yes haha it seems we may have started on the same day and are course buddiesss:) it would be very cool to chat with you directly someday💙 I love everything you wrote in your post too though! I love how in depth you went with everything:)

zaatarHoney May 25th, 2023


Ruuuby! I didn't know you were on the teen side :) I wanted to send you a message to say hi and realized I couldn't! How have you been? How was the rest of LDP for you?

Rubylistens22 May 25th, 2023


awww yep I’m a teenie😊 I’m doing well how are you? I just got the certificate for the course so I’m doneee! How’s your lpd stuff so far?

zaatarHoney May 25th, 2023


I was tagged in a post this past week for listeners, just a fun icebreaker type game, and I was trying to tag all my 7C/LDP/CDM pals and I couldn't remember your username exactly. And then, someone liked my post here and it brought me back, so I was like- I should say hey~*~

Congrats on finishing LDP too! I finished earlier this month and I feel like I missed our graduation post or something. & then I just started moving onto other 7C and life things. To be honest, I'm gonna sound like an old lady but I don't even care lool, but I think it's so cool that you're doing this at your age. What inspires you to be a listener?

Rubylistens22 May 27th, 2023


I was tagged in a post this past week for listeners, just a fun icebreaker type game, and I was trying to tag all my 7C/LDP/CDM pals and I couldn't remember your username exactly. And then, someone liked my post here and it brought me back, so I was like- I should say hey~*~

Congrats on finishing LDP too! I finished earlier this month and I feel like I missed our graduation post or something. & then I just started moving onto other 7C and life things. To be honest, I'm gonna sound like an old lady but I don't even care lool, but I think it's so cool that you're doing this at your age. What inspires you to be a listener?

Haha yeah finishing was pretty anticlimactic honestly and I’ve also basically moved on:)congrats to you too! I would say what inspired me to listen is because I’ve struggled a lot with my environment and like mental health and things, and being an underage teen mom of twins having to move out and just like have a life somehow isn’t easy and I never really had people there for me honestly. So I guess I just don’t want anyone to go through anything alone, and if that means putting aside a few hours a week I’m willing!💙

Rubylistens22 May 27th, 2023

@zataarhoney Oop I didn’t mean to put the whole copy of your message😂

Artalistens August 17th, 2023

Fantastic answers! Thanks for sharing!

zaatarHoney April 25th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

I see nothing but advantage. The document listed many great reasons including the potential for further innovation, the broader range of skill sets leading to creativity and productivity, as well as having more availability as we're all operating from different timezones. Lack of diversity, or cultural homogeny, would be a grave disadvantage to any atmosphere/platform dedicated to serving and uplifting others.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

With patience and empathy for those whose first language isn't english - and offering kind feedback when necessary to help them improve their writing. By respecting the timezones of others, as well. Also, by checking yourself for biases, esp regarding stereotypes, to ensure you're not making any assumptions - whether they're hurtful or not - whether you intended them to be hurtful or not. ♥︎

Also, not mentioned in the document - but, respecting other cultures doesn't look like "we're all the same!" or "we're all human!" - while that's a lovely notion, and may be a good first step to take as it's not untrue, it dulls the beauty of how eclectic and wonderful of the mosaic we all really are standing side-by-side. Not to mention, "We're all human!," - is needlessly simplifying ourselves to our most basic functions of human need and function. How could we reach any depth of human connection with someone else just by knowing that we feel pain and because we need to eat and sleep. We are music. We are style. We are art. We are movement. We are the Kin of those who survived adversity, trauma, oppression, famine, genocide, and war. Maybe we're survivors ourselves. We are the land beneath our feet and the sea on the horizon that brings specific harvests to our region, or we are continuing to eat these foods in the honor of those who come from those lands and seas. Respecting other cultures, rather, looks like "Though we share some similarities that I appreciate, I welcome all the ways in which we are different as our cultures have given us each a gift of varying beliefs, values and experiences that influence our perspective - of ourselves and the world around us- and have granted us unique insights and wisdoms. Over time, I hope my presence allows you to feel safe enough to share yours with me because the more I will learn from you- the more I celebrate, cherish and honor our differences."

broadfemmelovelive April 30th, 2023


Thank you for this beautiful response! I appreciate the very high-level thinking you have demonstrated in this response specifically: "it dulls the beauty of how eclectic and wonderful of the mosaic we all are standing side-by-side."The excellent way you put that our differences make this journey unique is just outstanding. :)

zaatarHoney April 30th, 2023


Thank you so much for choosing my post to share love on! And, for taking the time to read it. 🥹 It warms my heart to hear how it resonates with you too.

broadfemmelovelive May 1st, 2023


:) my pleasure!

CalmRosebud May 25th, 2023

@zaatarHoney I like your response. It's poetic but it also captures a little of the complexity of being human.

RainbowRosie April 25th, 2023


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

🌹 By working together and not apart we can help fill one another’s weaknesses with strengths…and vice verse. We can offer support and in turn will receive support back.

🌹 More people to get to know and new friends to make!

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

🌹 It’s always important to pay attention to different time zones, remember special holidays or events. Being mindful of individual beliefs and possible language barriers. Be respectful of others cultures.

🌹 Good point made by a poster above who said to Be kind to everyone! I couldn’t agree more, this is very important indeed.

April 28th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Advantages of a diverse team include increased creativity and innovation, a wider range of skill sets, the ability to reach and help more people from different cultures and time zones, and the opportunity to learn about different cultures and practices.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

To be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups, leaders should rise above stereotypes, be respectful of individual beliefs, be mindful of schedules and availability, and consider time zones. Additionally, when communicating with second language learners, leaders should use simpler language, provide context, rephrase messages if needed, be forgiving of tone, and provide constructive feedback to help learners improve.


MagnificentSunrise May 25th, 2023

I did not mention the language barrier in my post. I agree that it is very important. We are not here to look smart but to communicate.

broadfemmelovelive April 30th, 2023


When building a thriving and successful team, few things are as important as diversity. Having a team made up of individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences can be incredibly beneficial in a number of ways.

One of the most significant advantages of having a diverse team is that it allows for a broader range of ideas and approaches to problem-solving. When team members come from different backgrounds and have different ways of looking at things, they can bring unique insights and solutions to the table. This can lead to increased creativity and innovation and better outcomes for the team and the organization.

Another significant benefit of diversity is that it can help teams better understand and serve a diverse customer base. This especially pertains to 7 Cups and the support this platform offers. By having team members who represent different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of the needs and preferences of their members. This can help 7 Cups have listener member relationships with more awareness, connections based on shared experiences and knowledge of local supports that meet the needs of a broader range of people.

Beyond these practical benefits, diversity can also help to create a more inclusive and welcoming workplace culture. When team members feel their unique perspectives and experiences are valued and respected, they are more likely to be engaged and productive. This can lead to higher levels of morale and job satisfaction, as well as improved retention rates. Additionally, a diverse team can help to break down barriers and stereotypes, creating a more harmonious and collaborative work environment for everyone.

Overall, there are many reasons why diversity is essential for building successful teams and organizations. By embracing and celebrating differences, we can create more robust, innovative, and inclusive workplaces that benefit everyone involved.

When interacting with others on 7 Cups, it's essential to remember that everyone comes from different cultural backgrounds. To respect these differences, it's important to listen actively and without judgment and avoid making assumptions or stereotypes based on someone's cultural identity. Additionally, it's important to be open-minded and curious about different cultures and to ask questions respectfully if you're unsure about something. Remember that we're all here to support each other, regardless of our differences.

Happy to say as a Canadian, diversity training has been a regular part of my studies, employment and everyday life :)

Thanks for reading and supporting me through this program, everyone!

Smrtbibliophile May 17th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

There are many different advantages to having a diverse team - coverage of multiple different languages, time zones, a holidays as well as bringing different opinions and ways to view things to the table.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can learn about different cultures and try to understand and see things from their point of view or at the very least try not to push our beliefs onto them. There are societal norms in every different region and while they don't fit everyone in that region they are usually influenced by what is popular in that area. So, while here in America a lot of people don't worry about what their parents think of their partner (or don't worry as much) other cultures it is the norm that if parents don't approve you aren't with that person. Different religions may not be for us, but if you study different cultures and different religions they all have some beautiful customs that everyone can appreciate even if they don't practice them.

MagnificentSunrise May 25th, 2023
Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

One of the advantages of having a diverse team is that we are able to support members from all around the world. We can support members from different cultural backgrounds, using different languages and writing in different time zones.

Different cultural backgrounds can also offer different perspectives on the issues members have. They also allow us to learn more about humanity in its entirety.

We can be respectful of others by reminding us that our perspective is our own. We learn that some things may be universal but others are not. We do not have to agree on everything, but we practice on a daily basis to be understanding and accepting of difference. In order to interact well, we need to be kind and forgiving and use a language that represents our thoughts as our own. Active listening is what is important here.
TabbyCat97 June 10th, 2023


I love this Sunrise! ♡ Such an awesome pawesome answer from an awesome pawesome person! :3

CalmRosebud May 25th, 2023

✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.


Eye opening.

More ways to make connections.

Richness of cultural, language, tradition differences

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Truly listen.

Don't make assumptions about cultural, family, language, or traditional beliefs.

Share ourselves to the point the other knows we are trust worthy.

Respect we are all survivors.