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Course 3, Discussion 4: One Key Metric

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

It is pretty easy to get knocked off track in life. One way to stay on track is to have a core metric that guides you. If you have a north star that you are working towards, then you know how well you are doing. It is harder to be in denial or to participate in activities that are less helpful in meeting that goal.

Please watch this video

There are 2 parts to this discussion.

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

Soul576 December 28th, 2023


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, especially the second question, I know it was difficult!

Soul576 December 28th, 2023


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

A single metric is the calm during the storm, it's a clear goal.  It gives us small achievable steps that can make our goal easier, this allows for self growth both professionally and personally.

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

Done and notes made privately

CaringSub January 2nd


Great insight to recognize being calm while acknowledging the single goal.

WishUponAStar968 February 21st


 "calm during the storm, it's a clear goal"- this is very important because there will be a lot of stormy days with members or in chat rooms and we have to ensure that we stay calm and grounded throughout this so members can de-escalate and we can get them back on track to the right mindset rather than a negative one.

CaringSub January 2nd


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

I posted on 3 key things link. Although I have not yet, heard from my mentor ( as I am not part of a team, atm), I move forward and align my metric in "providing a helpful, compassionate, honest journey, where the listener serves as a 'partner' to in supporting the community in supportive, compassionate, honest direction".

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

I imagine people saying "wow, I didn't know that about her/them"! It is going to be a surprise for some people.

AwarmHEART January 2nd

@CaringSub Wonderfulll

NewYorker11 January 9th


your goals as a listener here on 7 Cups are admirable and your attitude towards the exercise in Chapter 12 of 7 Cups For The Searching Soul is meaningful!

AwarmHEART January 2nd

@FrenchToast✒️ Goal Metric and Daily Updates:

Our chosen key metric is user engagement, particularly the number of active users on the 7 Cups platform. I will post daily in the 3 key things thread, providing insights into the strategies and initiatives I am implementing to enhance user engagement. This goal is crucial as it directly impacts the platform's success and, by extension, my professional growth. Personally, achieving this metric means contributing to a positive and supportive online community, aligning with my values of making a meaningful impact.

✒️ Chapter 12 Exercise Reflection: The exercise from chapter 12 of the Searching Soul book prompted me to imagine the end of my life. In this scenario, I envision people expressing gratitude for the positive impact I've had on their lives and the meaningful connections we've shared. This exercise served as a powerful compass, guiding me toward actions and choices that align with creating a purposeful and fulfilling life. It emphasized the importance of focusing on meaningful contributions and relationships rather than being distracted by the passage of time. The impact of this exercise has reinforced my commitment to living authentically and in accordance with my values.

SilverSeastar February 6th

Hello, @AwarmHEART

This is such a well-thought-out answer. 💙 Well done!

Lillom January 2nd

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

I have not yet joined a team yet, but soon am. 

- A single metric is important as this helps 7 cups with predicting long-term success, measuring consistent growth more realistically, and fits in with the core values. 

- This can also be beneficial to me to help balance my load and prevent burnout in particular. 

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

I would imagine people saying how grateful they would be to have me by their side as a volunteer, both online on 7 cups, and offline in the hospital, or at events providing advanced clinical first aid to mitigate pain and suffering where required. The metric of people helped successfully in medicine - psychologically and biochemically - would be my north star; altruism. My actions of studying towards medicine, to protect human life and mitigate pain in many forms aligns with my north star. 

NewYorker11 January 9th


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

1) i have reached Listener Level 7 as a listener here on 7 Cups. i am three levels away from my goal of Listener Level 10. i believe this to mean that i have taken a balanced approach to being a helpful and productive listener here on 7 Cups.

2) most recently, i began the LDP (Leadership Development Program) here on 7 Cups. this is because i want to develop leadership skills and leadership potential so that i can be more of a team player here on 7 Cups.

3) i have made it my duty to be patient, to show empathy, and to be understanding of every member that i have had a 1 to 1 chat with, since my 7 Cups Listener journey began in May of 2022. i make it my duty to make the 7 Cups platform look good every time i step into a 1 to 1 chat!

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

the exercise in Chapter 12 of 7 Cups For The Searching Soul was very compelling. in this chapter's exercise, i was asked to imagine that i was in a dream, and in a funeral home - and it was my funeral. i saw my friends and family there, speaking to each other about me. the exercise asked me to imagine myself as an 85 year old person, with a general perspective of witnessing my own funeral viewing proceedings. this exercise made me think alot about if this were to actually happen for me, later in life, at any age. i was impacted in a nonchalant way, i believe that i have already done what i came to do, so i really don't care about what people say about me, when i pass to the next world...

ReganL January 27th


Thanks for sharing all of that! 

~ Regan

NewYorker11 January 28th


thanks for your encouraging words @ReganL !

ReganL January 27th


Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

I'm part of the teen star team, anonymous evaluation team, peer support, listen discussion team, and room support (student support) For this I will focus on being a teen star. Our goal is to mentor the chatroom and make it  a safe and supportive place for all teenies and atl's to come. This is important for my professional life has It helps me work on clear communication skills and being less timed around adults (ATLs)

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.'

I have done this however I would prefer not to share. 

~ Regan

ChromaticFinss March 9th

@ReganL Thanks for sharing Regan. Sounds like you are doing a great job here! Amazing 💛Keep going . 

DanCat1128 January 31st

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

🐆 I am a peer supporter and I can carry that into my work life by keeping everyone feeling better when the job gets stressful. A few times my coworkers have came up to me and asked if they could share their thoughts on certain things…. 

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

🐆 Tw: religion

(I don't have the capabilities of getting the book) but I can imagine that my friends would celebrate my life in the celebration of life ceremony. It's quite beautiful. We call it the celebration of life because we don't die, we live forever in heaven with God. They would say that I'm a positive person and helpful. 

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

@ReganL it's totally understandable to prefer not to share it's quite personal. 

SilverSeastar February 6th

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

  • The key metric I'm hoping to help move: engagement in the subcommunity. I do this by posting icebreakers and replying to forum posts as a forum supporter.
  • It is important to choose a single metric to be more focused in predicting and fuelling long-term growth. It can help align us towards the right strategy. Having too many performance indicators can lead to distraction and chaos. 
  • This is important and helpful to me in that it requires me to be creative in coming up with icebreaker questions and also empathetic in my replies. I also get to learn to manage my energy to prevent burnout.

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life.

Done 💙

serenePeace3726 February 6th

@SilverSeastar best of luck growing your sub community! I admire your dedication! ❤️

serenePeace3726 February 6th

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well. 

My key focus is onbecoming the best listener possible. My key metric is honing my listening skills and then being able to pass the skills on to other listeners.this is very related to my professional life because I am currently in school to be a therapist and volunteering on 7Cups has really taught me a lot about myself and what areas I'm strong in and what areas I really need to work on.personally, it always helps to be a good listener.

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death)

done I did this entire course. It's interesting because it is really hard for people to think about death, especially their own death. I think it always makes you feel uncomfortable, but when I do think about it the main thing I think about is missing out on the major milestones in my kids lives, weddings, grandkids, professional successes, etc. 

calmstrawberry0608 February 19th

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

As a listener on this platform, our key metric is to be a listening ear for those in need and give service. This can help my professional and personal life by holding myself accountable to my intentions and acting with purpose. 

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

Done! (I'd rather not share)

Ivy229 May 23rd


I applaud your honesty about not wanting to share your response to the second question

Countrygirl095 February 20th

Key Metric: Positive Impact and Growth in Personal and Professional Life

Why Choosing this Single Metric is Important:

It is important for me to focus on a single metric, in this case, positive impact and growth in both my professional and personal life, for several reasons. Firstly, focusing on a single metric allows me to have a clear objective and direction in my actions. By focusing on this one aspect, I can ensure that my efforts are targeted and aligned with the broader goals of 7 Cups. Additionally, having a clear metric allows me to track and measure my progress effectively, which helps to keep me motivated and accountable.

Moreover, this metric holds personal significance for me. As a member of 7 Cups, I have experienced firsthand the power of positivity and the impact it can have on my own life. By consistently focusing on creating a positive impact, I have been able to develop a more positive mindset and cultivate healthier relationships with others. This has had a profound impact on my overall well-being and happiness.

Furthermore, I believe that having a positive impact on others is not only important in my professional life but also in my personal journey. By consistently working towards this goal, I am not only improving the well-being of others but also enhancing my own sense of fulfillment and purpose. It is fulfilling to know that my actions are making a positive difference in the world, no matter how small it may seem.

In conclusion, by choosing a single metric, such as positive impact and growth in both my professional and personal life, I am able to have a clear focus and ensure that my actions align with the overall mission of 7 Cups. This focus not only benefits 7 Cups but also helps me personally by cultivating a positive mindset and fostering healthier relationships. By dedicating myself to this goal, I can continue making a positive impact and contributing to the growth and well-being of both myself and others.

WishUponAStar968 February 21st


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

I am part of the chatroom moderator group in Adult Side all chats. Our key metric is to keep chat rooms safe, supportive, inclusive and on topic, yet also provide safe free flowing chats and inclusivity for all new members coming in.  Ensuring that all chat rooms provide a safe and nonjudgemental space is important because we want to make it clear there is no judgement and this is a very safe space to share whatever is on your mind. In my personal life, I highly believe in included all people/members because those who do not feel included will not share and feel left out, and feeling not part of a group can be hurtful and as a mental health app, you want to be heard.  When I joined 7cups as a member, I did not have the best listening experience so I quickly became a listener and implemented what I wanted in a listener to other members, then became room supporter then global mod because I wanted to see and be the change.

I've read the section of the book (tw death) and have done the exercise but do not wish to share.

sky2Ocean20 March 11th


that's a very impressive journey. inspiring. Thanks for sharing it with us. cups community has improved user experience so much within the last couple of years indeed. 

4Jasmine March 4th


I am not a leader yet, but these are things I would do:

1. Be a good listener and work with my team

2. Avoid negativity and seek positivity and a sense of calm

3. Make sure each person is recognized and feels heard

As far as question 2 - after reading chapter 12 about death

I'd rather not answer. 

JustSophia March 13th


Keep working at it, Jasmine!  

As for the second part - I completely understand.  I wasn't comfortable answering either. 

March 8th


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

I am a listner Here, the key metric is to help our members in their growth path and difficult part and help them in an way possible It is indeed important as it makes us realise our primary goal and what we should do to achieve it. It helps me to become a good leader as well as helps me become a better person for myself and for my society 

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

ChromaticFinss March 9th

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

Choosing a single metric helps to make meaningful and attainable goals rather than overestimating our time and capability. 

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

I ve gone through the book and exercise but prefer not to share. 

daydreammemories March 18th


Excellent : ) 👏

sky2Ocean20 March 11th


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

-> I am a member of internship outreach : 3 key things 

1. I am doing it so that I can spread the right information to the one who is looking.

2. I want to offer the same encouragement I have received from my mentor

3. I am there for the ones who are willing to contribute and enjoy while learning.  

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

-> I have read it and kept the exercise in my journal note. 

JustSophia March 13th

Having one key metric is important to get everyone focusing and working toward a common goal in an organization.  The alternative is having a bunch of well-meaning but scattered actions/attempts to accomplish things that will not be as effective or efficient.

Individually, it is important for the same reason - focus.  It's easy to get distracted, and when we do, we may lose our ability to accomplish the things that are actually the most important to us. 

TheOnlyChresser March 17th

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

Ive not gotten a leader role yet but i would try to 

1.  Make everyone feel like their opinion is important
2. Be patient
3. Work with a positive mindset

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

Ive made my notes privately.

Renjik8013 April 13th


Thanks for sharing them! And they are all amazing!

PetiteSouris March 17th

@FrenchToast @yourbuddy30

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well. I am helping to move the number of listeners who take and pass the Active Listening Tests by being a Project Agent on the Active Listening Team. A single metric is important is important to focus on priorities to move a project important. 

✒️  Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.This exercise is triggering at this time, so I didn't complete it. 

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words! Great job completing all of the Discussions in Course 3 @theonlychresser. 


TheOnlyChresser March 17th

nice looking messages as always!

daydreammemories March 18th


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

i think sometimes more than one metric can confuse us, and lead to messing up the harmony. so if we create one main metric, and then maybe divide it into more detailed steps, it can be beneficial in both personal and professional life

Renjik8013 April 13th

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

I have not yet gained a leadership role but as a recent active listener, my main metric is to listen to many people with patience as always and hope to support them when they reach out. In addition to wanting to support the newbie listener as my mentor did. I believe this metric would also help when I have become a leader in any program.

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

I have read the book but I keep it to myself ;)

Ivy229 May 23rd


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. 

Room Supporter for Depression Support

Foster and guide supportive and compassionate chats among the members and listeners in the chat rooms

Peer Support

Provide assistance to individuals who are facing challenges or going through difficult experiences AFTER a challenging or triggering chat

A single metric provides a clear target to aim for and a measurable way to evaluate how you are doing at your goal. It can also help further focus and motivate you as it is a lot easier to do one thing at a time and as a result become a better master of that thing. 

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. 

This exercise was quite hard for me to do and impacted me greatly. One of the reasons is because I naturally often doubt and wonder how I will be remembered and viewed at the end of my life. I imagine them being more compassion and kind about what my inner compass is compared to how I would describe it myself. 

However, what I imagine they are saying would be pretty consistent with what I am saying and doing especially in the last little while where I feel like I have really become a person and grew into myself and my identity in the world. 

whimsicalCloud4661 June 19th


really great answer, thanks for sharing your response to the 2nd question :)

whimsicalCloud4661 June 19th


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well. 

I think choosing a single metric is important, because it makes it easier to focus on just this important goal rather than getting distracted by a bunch of other goals