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Out of The Corner/In The World

User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes October 29th, 2024

Hi! Some of you might know of my other space here, In the corner. Or just, "the corner" in my head. This is the world! I.e this is me learning to "adult" (what?), get out of my comfort zone, accept my flaws, seek the positives in life, etc etc! My journey out of the comfort zone, basically. And it's going to be rocky, it's going to be real hard, and I'm going to end up in the corner venting about something more times than not, probably, but it's a step, I think. 

Let's get out of the corner! (That was kinda cheesy!)

User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 15th

I have to do three chapters one of which is super hard and mom wants to take us for grocery 

Do I look like I have time 

User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 15th

18 pgs, 1 chapter and about 70-80 short questions left. Not including numericals. On the positive side theres about 6 and a half hours till 10. The chapter is hard, im expecting it to take 3 hours, but that still leaves around 3 for the rest.

I hope

User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 15th


And mom and grandmother are very very loudly gossiping 

So I took a break

Although I don't have time for a break but whatever

Wait let's do numericals-

7 replies
User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul January 15th

@unassumingEyes Some times we need to take a break, even when we feel we shouldn't or just don't have the time for it. Having a headache is a good reason for a break. Too much eye strain from reading and trying to take in so much information and your body will force you to take a break 💙

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 15th

@mytwistedsoul i didnt take a break hehe 🫣 but its night now and sleep is just a long break right 

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul January 15th

@unassumingEyes Well.... yeah sort of? 😬 You need time to just have some kind of fun. Even if it's just taking a few minutes to watch something silly and have a few laughs. The whole all work and no play thing doesn't make life a whole lot of fun. Do you get time off? Or are things just hectic now because of exams?

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 16th

@mytwistedsoul i used to get time off, this year...not so much. The time i spend sneaking on to cups is the most i get xD but there are good days, every now and then

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 January 15th

@unassumingEyes Gossips can be irritating, yes. I feel for ya, & wait for the day when you reach adulthood & can leave your family behind if you wish.

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 15th

@slowdecline48 adulthood still isnt going to be an easy ride, either way 🫡

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 January 15th

Who said it would be? Adulthood isn't just gives you options you don't have as a minor.

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 16th

Good Morning people

Its kind of average actually because stomach ache and chemistry but we'll call it good and see if it turns good

Exams at 2.30, its 9.36. I have some time to freak out. And feel like ive forgotten everything yippee 

Everyone else is asleep. I just did 8 long questions before hopping on cupsland. Just have numericals left, but if i have time i might revise some long can hope 

First batch has already given their exam and it was not easy. The qs paper makes me shudder, but lets see

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User Profile: cyanSouth5012
cyanSouth5012 January 16th

@unassumingEyes, I am feeling the stress that you are feeling. I have exams next week, and I feel like I can't remember a thing. I wish you luck on your exams, and remember: breathing is good.

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 16th

@cyanSouth5012 thank you. I hope your exams go well

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 16th

So thats done then. Now practical exam tomorrow, as well as classes. And urdu sir will ask questions. Im going to prepare the exam first and then see if i have time for urdu.

Theres also a bio test but ive given up on it.

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

@unassumingEyes practical exam went well, yippee

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 16th

I admot, im wasting time. I just dont want to study :/ 

8 replies
User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul January 16th

@unassumingEyes Think of it as doing some self care 💙 your poor brain needs a little break. I know my brain would probably be smoking if I tried to study as much 😅

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 16th

@mytwistedsoul my brain is fried, i assure you 🫣 

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 January 16th

@unassumingEyes You could grab a nap when the opportunity presents itself. I lived like that for years...sometimes I still do.

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 16th

@slowdecline48 youre going tp feel something when i tell you this (dont let it be pity, i ask of you) but i cant nap...because naps give me headaches. Every time xD 

4 replies
User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 January 17th

... 😕

Now I'm wondering how much your condition is like my own. Headaches after naps, eh?...odd. Does your head hurt after doing other things, like eating certain foods?

Also if you haven't seen a doctor about this by now, then I am not impressed with your folks (particularly your mother). At least in terms of parenting competency. It sounds like you might have chronic illness of some sort.

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

@slowdecline48 i actually suspect migraines as it runs in the maternal side of my family. Once, when i had a bad headache and was in the hospital for it, i heard the doctor use the term in relation with me. When i recovered and asked mom later she said i dont have migraines. Well. God knows.

I havent visited a doctor to specificaly find out the reason for these, though

I havent noticed any headaches being cause by eating special foods. Naps, perfumes, sudden loud sounds are the triggers i know of 

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

@unassumingEyes *specific, not special, but it stands either way

User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

@unassumingEyes and also jumping. Sports day trials back in school were the worst- they were compulsory and i always got a headache after the jumps 

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 16th

We learnt in islamic class (see below) that women can refuse to marry any man even if the whole world insists she marry him. So yes, forced marriages are not islam, arranged marriages are. Glad to have that cleared up, myself

 The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The virgin should not be given in marriage until her permission has been sought.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 6968; Muslim, 1419) 

The apparent meaning is that this is general and applies to every virgin and every guardian; there is no difference between a father or any other guardian. So, Al-Bukhari interpreted the hadith by saying: “Chapter: The father or other guardian should not give a virgin or previously married woman in marriage except with their consent.” 

(Above interpretation from islamqa)

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 16th

@unassumingEyes and now goodnight

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

Somebodyy study for me 🤓🤓🤓

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User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx January 17th


me me :0 my brother said I haven’t studied in like a year which…I was like I study everyday- at school 💀 idk if that counts but I literally haven’t studied at all this school year and I have nothing to do I’ll do it 😭 

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

@iloveyouxx my first reply poofed 😭😭 

Wow do you not have hw 🤓🤓 although you deserve the freedom from school work stress for sure 

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User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx January 17th



User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx January 17th


my skls weird somehow no. or like everything we can do is optional nd no due date. like it’s just there if we wanna do it to study extra if we want but we don’t have to

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 January 17th

@unassumingEyes I would if I could, O overworked not-eating-enough one. 😃

Found a couple links for you. The last possible Dx I was given was "vestibular migraines"...that may or may not be your condition. If you have ear issues along with your headaches & other symptoms, that is a distinct possibility. It could also be "neurological" but if so, that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish I won't dig into here. Anyway:

WebMD page about VMs

UK-based page ibid.

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

@slowdecline48 new title, nice xD

I dont think its vestibular migraine. I mean, no dizziness for me. Or the flashing light/blurriness thing. Nasuea and fatigue yes- but i dont think those have anything to do with the headaches 

Also the concern is appreciated, but dont worry, really. Ive had these headaches since i was like 7. It might just be a direct result of being underweight (food and me havent been friends for a long time) 

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 January 17th

"but don't worry, really", she says... 🤦🏼‍♂️😒 I hope you're not emaciated by now....

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 18th

@slowdecline48 well, i had to try xD and its really not so bad. Im growing taller so thats gotta mean something 😀

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

Wasting time again. Whoopie

Reading Pride and Prejudice at the library. Im hooked. No spoilers, else i will travel across the screen to fight you

6 replies
User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

@unassumingEyes wasting time again. I did the written work for today and like, half of the learning work so goodnight (not really xd just gonna waste a few mins searching up some lyrics and then get back to work)

5 replies
User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

@unassumingEyes dare i say it? Also i hope noones subscribed to this thread. Im very talkative. And yes...wasting time again. I have one page of urdu to do and some physics observations and graphs to learn. No thanks

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User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx January 17th


(anyone that posts here or interacts in most ways will automatically get notified every time u post) (they can unsubscribe if they want to tho but most ppl don’t) also pls take a break. <3 do u have a due date for all of this? 

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 January 17th

@unassumingEyes If reading classic literature is your idea of wasting time, then I don't want to know what counts as maximum productiveness in your book. The most common way to waste time these days is (anti)social media addiction, as you surely already knew.

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 18th

@slowdecline48 atp, sleeping at night is wasting. Dinner is wasting time 😀

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 January 19th

You're only human, you know. You cannot go without food or sleep...not for very long, anyway. And you sure wouldn't be productive by any definition of the word, especially during your last 48 hours. 🫥 💀

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes OP January 17th

I havent written anything (poem or in my book) in so long :(