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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP May 9th


i feel like a relapse is gonna happen someday soon. 

justmeeva OP May 9th

it’s like a gut feeling. 

justmeeva OP May 9th


now that i think about it, there’s so much death in my life lately. not like- in my life, but.. thoughts, dreams, songs, videos, rumours, etc.. hmm. 

a sign?

justmeeva OP May 9th

my chest starts hurting if i laugh too much/hard.

justmeeva OP May 9th

ever feel guilty talking about smiling or laughing or having a good time just because you’re “supposed to be doing bad”? even if it’s so rarely? i do. 

mytwistedsoul May 9th

@justmeeva At times yes. I think it's because depression and d*ath (ideation/tendencies) are often portrayed with laying on the couch crying unconsolably in the same clothes you wore for a week. But there are still moments of joy and silliness. Like a Sunbeam breaking through the clouds for the briefest of moments. A reprieve. It's okay to enjoy those little moments. 

justmeeva OP May 9th


i couldn't agree more, with everything you wrote <3

justmeeva OP May 9th

why can't i have a talent, something to be proud of, a single skill, a n y t h i n g?

mytwistedsoul May 9th

@justmeeva Perhaps you just haven't found what speaks to you just yet. Sometimes it can take time to find it.

justmeeva OP May 9th

i don’t really ask for anything but i still feel like i’m asking for too much. ???

justmeeva OP May 9th

“people with good hearts never win.”

justmeeva OP May 9th

ima go and do some eva *** but if you need me tag me and i’ll come

justmeeva OP May 9th

“pov: home is an escape from school but school is an escape from home.”



it's like there's no actual escape from the ***. :') 

justmeeva OP May 9th

“trying to be cold when you have the sweetest soul is the hardest thing ever.”

justmeeva OP May 9th

*adds yet another thing to the ‘things that trigger memories or flashbacks’ list* ✔️ <3

justmeeva OP May 9th

well, someone’s got to be the last option. it just so happens to always be me.

justmeeva OP May 10th

we had to write a 200 word essay. we had 1 hour. my mind was blank. i had a few sentences, i had the title (which we were given.). the entire time, this entire 60 minutes, all i had were those few sentences in my notebook. what’s funny, is that the teacher walked by me so many times. i saw her looking over to me. but she didn’t say anything. she just walked by. she didn’t come to me. she didn’t care. she went to others tho. i- don’t know what to think. 

“i saw them standing right there

kinda thought they might care”

but like, literally.

justmeeva OP May 10th

my mood today has been this soulless empty just existing body.

justmeeva OP May 10th

they don’t notice, and i almost feel wrong for expecting them to, but then i remember - i would have noticed.

justmeeva OP May 10th


justmeeva OP May 10th

children playing. funny thing is, every time i see a child laugh and play, in my mind, i say “enjoy it while you can”.

justmeeva OP May 10th

note to self: don’t forget, you’re not pretty. look anywhere and you’ll remember. 

mytwistedsoul May 10th

@justmeeva  *offers safe hugs* I bet you are pretty 💙 We just don't see ourselves the way other people do. We focus too hard on our flaws and what we see as imperfections to see ourselves in a good way



Exactly 😔 Even when people compliment us and say nice things about us it’s still so hard :( Idk why but it reminds me of this picture I found once 


mytwistedsoul May 10th

@LoveMyMoonflowers  This is so relatable 💙 Because that's exactly what it's like

mytwistedsoul May 10th

dumb heart limit *grumbles* the weirdest thing they ever put in place here 😒



Lol true. It feels so random too 

mytwistedsoul May 10th

@LoveMyMoonflowers It does feel random and they should give a warning or something or some way of keeping track of how many we used 😕



I think they give warnings in the app but the app is a whole other story lol 

mytwistedsoul May 10th

@LoveMyMoonflowers I tried the app once for five minutes and uninstalled it because I had no idea what to do with it 😅 it was so frustrating



Yep. it’s very glitchy. One of my friends here uses the app a lot lol but he just likes the dark mode. 

I can get dark mode on the site :P except the emojis are all weird lol. at least it’s dark mode. 🥲 

justmeeva OP May 11th

i- like 2 minutes after putting my phone down, i just- fell asleep. it wasn’t even 11pm yet- i was so weak and exhausted that i just- idk what’s going on with me. 

justmeeva OP May 11th

dear world, dear society, dear people, whatever. please stop ignoring the fact that things aren’t okay. just because you ignore problems, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. sure, it’s good to focus on the good in the world, but you have to acknowledge that there’s- so, so much bad in the world. that people are suffering. that teens are suffering. that kids are suffering. don’t *** look over it. you have to know. 

or maybe you don’t. maybe that’s why the ones who know are depressed. maybe it’s bad to know too much. but when’s too much? maybe we traded happiness for relatability and understanding. maybe the only way to understand the suffer, is to become one of the sufferers. there’s no coming back. or is there? 

so, pick your side. depression or happiness? sad sight or happy blindness? tough, isn’t it. 

justmeeva OP May 11th

i don’t wanna go. i don’t wanna get out of the bed. i don’t wanna leave the house. but we’re going to my grandparents’. and my relatives will be there too. people. i’m too exhausted for that *** man. 

but my mom won’t take “no” for an answer. i have no choice. <3.

justmeeva OP May 11th

my mom: “the way you have your hair just screams “low self esteem”!”

take a hint. <3

justmeeva OP May 11th

“on average, people use about 15-20% of what they learn in school in their adult lives.” 

15-20%. i- i wanna laugh at this. it’s absurd. why do i have to know about molecules if i don’t know what to look for when buying a house?. i- *** school- xD

justmeeva OP May 11th

i swear those life hack videos are more helpful than school. 

justmeeva OP May 11th

my grandma, talking to me and my mom: “someone more perfect than eva doesn’t exist” 

… :’)

she’d be disappointed. 

justmeeva OP May 11th

i gotta make sure that when i leave, they’ll think it was an accident or something, not me myself.