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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP June 6th



justmeeva OP June 6th

“think and write up what you want to do in the future and why.”

you’re *** kidding me right? tf am i supposed to say? “die”? my plan? *** “nothing”? 

well ***-

justmeeva OP June 6th

i want to cry. 

or scream. 

or die. 

or straight up say “i don’t plan on having a future thank you very much”.

justmeeva OP June 6th

*** ***.

justmeeva OP June 7th

i can’t feel my heartbeat. 

justmeeva OP June 7th

am i alive?

justmeeva OP June 7th

it’s not there

justmeeva OP June 7th

but i’m still breathing

justmeeva OP June 7th

so that means i’m alive, right?

justmeeva OP June 7th


justmeeva OP June 7th

though, i wouldn’t mind it if not.

justmeeva OP June 7th


“i believe i can fly

do you know why?

cause i’ve got a gun

and i’ve got a wish

and that is

to die”

justmeeva OP June 7th

the amount of times i’ve km$ in my head. 

justmeeva OP June 7th

white text is usually tw btw. 

justmeeva OP June 7th

and yes i’m safe. the physical me is at least. 

justmeeva OP June 7th

she draws suns but they’re hidden.

flowers but they’re wilted. 

hearts but they’re broken. 

justmeeva OP June 7th

that laughing crying cause life’s absurd sometimes

justmeeva OP June 7th

yeah that’s me right now, a little

justmeeva OP June 7th

i don’t know how it works in other schools or other countries, but in my school there are those student-teacher talks at the end (i think) of every semester that’s like reflection and *** and there’s always 2 days specifically for those meetups where you just go to school at a specific time and they last about an hour. start and end of school year are usually student-parent-teacher, middle of school year is student(s)-teacher. 

that’s just for context. 

we had those today and on monday. mine’s on monday. i already know it’s gonna go so ***. i’m gonna have to tell a bunch of lies and just make something up. i don’t know what or how much i’m gonna tell. how much truth. i don’t know. 

that same week, on 2 days, we’ll practice the talks for when you move to 10th grade, all those acceptance talks and whatever. i don’t know *** about anything after 9th.

i don’t even know my options. i don’t know any other schools besides mine. man i’m not even going to 9th what do i tell them about where i want to continue. do i make something up? just- pick a random school and say “oh yeah that’s my dream”? 


let’s be honest, i’m ***. 

and i’m probably gonna cry. 

i just love life <3.

justmeeva OP June 7th

oh, and we’re going to dad’s for the weekend. one weekend’s mom’s, the next dad’s, etc. he still has no idea about my, uh, situation. and it’s good. i don’t want our relationship to change in any way. he can’t know.

i hope we’re staying at his place. that would mean just me and siblings, and him. alternative choice is that we go to grandparents’, which means like, at least 4 more people. at least. i can’t do people right now. even if they’re nice, i can’t. if it were my choice, i’d stay home completely. but that wouldn’t be fair to dad. he wants to spend time with us, with me. 


justmeeva OP June 7th

oh, and..

they’re (they, not we) going to a spa/waterpark next week too. i skipped it last time aswell. i already know that one girl is gonna ask or confront me about it.

justmeeva OP June 7th

just *** life like genuinely 

justmeeva OP June 7th

oh wait, there’s more- 

i have to write an essay sometime next week, after classes. after the acceptance talks. so i also can’t pretend to be sick and not attend those, and then go to do that essay after school.

that essay. one that i could literally only write a headline to, which was given to us. 45 minutes. nothing. i’m not gonna be able to do that. i’m not. 

well too *** bad isn’t it.

justmeeva OP June 7th

i’m gonna go, gotta bring the mood down (more) and distract. 

justmeeva OP June 8th

i’m really, really uncomfortable now. thanks.

justmeeva OP June 8th

probably won’t show myself downstairs again. 

justmeeva OP June 8th

that’s why i don’t do people. 

justmeeva OP June 8th

“and i tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes”

justmeeva OP June 8th

why’s he coming upstairs so much. it’s not the most comfortable thing. he doesn’t even really do anything. i don’t understand. 

justmeeva OP June 8th

you couldn’t see the emotional, mental scars i had, until they became physical. you found out about them, and you still didn’t believe me. instead, you blamed me. invalidated anything i ever revealed to you. and you don’t see why i keep myself hidden from you? 

justmeeva OP June 8th

it’s funny to think sometimes, how strangers know you much better than the people you live with. how they understand you more than your own family does. how people who you have never even actually met, accept you more than your own mom. funny. 

justmeeva OP June 8th

constantly checking the door now, at every faint sound. 

justmeeva OP June 8th

she didn’t seem very happy now that i was upstairs this whole time, even though, which she doesn’t know, she made me stay there. away. 

also, not talking about mom for once. we’re at grandparents’ with dad. 

justmeeva OP June 9th

i love rain <3

justmeeva OP June 9th

not real. not alive. barely existing.

unassumingEyes June 9th

@justmeeva (still loved) 



i second this 💗

justmeeva OP June 9th

now she’s making arrangements behind my back. 

justmeeva OP June 9th

promising me to places i don’t want to go to. 

justmeeva OP June 9th

never *** agreed to go to.