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nahoa negative affirmations

theboymoana August 5th

am tired pretending matter 

know do not matter know never will 

am tired be hurt all time 

What point be hurt when everything they say about me true

not everyone in world important

nahoa proof that some just stupid useless trash  

Is time give up trying be someone that matter

is time just accept I deserve all bad stuff

deserve abuse

deserve trauma

deserve pain

deserve be hated

deserve all struggles

deserve all bad stuff happen 

deserve be lonely

deserve be sad

deserve be alone

deserve all names get call

deserve be bully by anyone

deserve have no one care

hurt lot more keep trying matter and always be told it don’t matter then just accept how suppose be

can’t hurt when know just how is not going change

will remind self over over over over until stop ever thing maybe matter

disgusting stupid useless trash don’t matter and that means Nahoa don’t matter

jesusredeemedme2425 August 27th


We're listening here... Maybe take a break from the teen chatrooms for awhile? I think it's because they're so young... Talk to the adults instead <3

theboymoana OP August 27th


Am young to but they don’t want me there ☹️Wish im older go adult side 😭 i go back only chats for games and things just for distract not go support room not try get support or hope anyone care better this way is what do for while use only talk important stuff my best best friend here but he disappear now I got no one 😭😭😭he always tell me don’t bother with them others because don’t get it most them don’t go through anything like what me and him been through and he right so idk why still try 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 28th


About how much longer until you age up?

theboymoana OP August 28th


feel like so long million years am only 15 ☹️😭

theboymoana OP August 29th

have worse day

final get cast off yesterday means get surf finally

surfing only time feel ok

instead surf have bad seizures all night

feel so sick and hurting and tired

am so upset want vent about horrible brain

brain that make so upset

brain that give me seizures every day

instead get vent get tell how make life better

by someone got no idea Nahoa deal with every day

don’t need someone tell me life only bad because me

they not deal all i deal with every day my life

and try best think will be ok try best not cry

all time because so sad all time

but day like this feel an dying have so much seizures

and pain and can’t handle it can’t see anything good

and instead let vent then will feel better

get more upset because person not listen telling them

try explain but them not listen

say im upset because can’t do anything

means what ? Cant surf can’t go outside cant eat milkshake which normal all eat cant even sit up because body no energy

they say can do some things and tell them what can do ? i lay

couch all day because hurt so bad feel so sick

they say you talking on cups

like talk on cups make every thing else go away ??

if could get rid epilepsy by never come

cups again would do so fast

epilepsy worse thing world to me

all my struggles whole life epilepsy what get rid first

struggle so much just get tell my life bad only because

Nahoa say it am and Nahoa don’t say will have good long life

then get tell need be grateful someone give support me

tell me wrong say they not listen

get tell people try support me all time

but where see ? Is 3 people actual kind all time to me

other people not at all

or just give advice act like know Nahoa life better

get tell if don’t like cups why don’t go

dont have be here

there is few people mostly stay for and other

part me stay because got no one talk to

not even mean talk support stuff just don’t

got anyone talk to and sometimes so lonely hurts

and make so sad that instead cups be more kind

everyone just say why Nahoa don’t leave

PineTreeTree August 29th

@theboymoana I’m sorry that people aren’t listening to you. It must be so hard to deal with seizures. I hope you are able to get out and surf soon and that the waves are good. 

mytwistedsoul August 29th

@theboymoana I think you have every right to be upset right now. I think anyone in your position would be upset too. And you have every right to vent. It's better to vent than to hold everything inside

It's hard when there's things you want to do and your body and brain just don't want to cooperate
To look forward to getting back on the water and surfing after wearing a cast for a long time - only to get hit with seizures sucks. It's not fair that you have to deal with so many things 

I hope with some rest your pain eases and takes the sickness you feel and the seizures with it. And you're able to get out on the water so you can catch some tasty waves 🤙
theboymoana OP Monday

Part 7 ? part 6 ? Who cares not like matter not like anyone that able do anything help 

nahoa not important allow hurt me No One care and no one going change anything 

people don’t care they make impossible me be part conversations they ask what can do but don’t like answer do nothing 

instead make things better people just say why don’t leave cups 

why don’t cups be inclusive like say because NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT 


always want disabled people change stuff make easier to them 

oh you deaf ? Learn oral speech easier for hearing people oh you autistic ? Go therapy 5 days week can learn be more normal oh you got epilepsy ? Can try not have seizure here make me uncomfortable oh you got intellectual disability and brain injury ? Can you figure out how understand conversations with out ever ask questions 

am tired try so hard and not enough and won’t help me out to make possible

get it ok nahoa not important nahoa not matter nahoa not wanted 

don’t worry nahoa understand that 

  1. I didn't ask you
  2. are u dumb or something?
  3. I'm not rude just an opinion bruh
  4. Dude I had a literal stroke reading your sentence
  5. I'd be really upset if I was blind or deaf.
  6. sorry youre just not the clearest with words sometimes, ik its not your fault but yeah
  7. moana what are you on about?
  8. might be him and his imagination
  9. omg moana 💀💀💀💀💀
  10. bro i am not th stupid u dumb
amiableBunny4016 3 days ago


bro.. these people don't deserve the attention that is being given to them. your NOT the problem. When people have nothing kind to say, they just end up saying crap that doesn't even make sense. It frustrates me that they would say something like that to you. I've spoken to you and talked to you before in rooms and you are so kind, caring and welcoming. I don't know why anyone would say that to you :( bless you friend. *sends big hugs if okay* 

amiableBunny4016 3 days ago


there is nothing to understand in all the words they are saying lovely, its just all a bunch of ridiculous insecurities and problems they let out on you.  Like someone once said.... "sticks and stones can break my bones. but words can never hurt me". Its NOT true. Words hurt. They cut deeper and deeper. Its okay to feel hurt and feel upset. Those are valid emotions. <3 none of this is your fault!