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nahoa negative affirmations

theboymoana August 5th

am tired pretending matter 

know do not matter know never will 

am tired be hurt all time 

What point be hurt when everything they say about me true

not everyone in world important

nahoa proof that some just stupid useless trash  

Is time give up trying be someone that matter

is time just accept I deserve all bad stuff

deserve abuse

deserve trauma

deserve pain

deserve be hated

deserve all struggles

deserve all bad stuff happen 

deserve be lonely

deserve be sad

deserve be alone

deserve all names get call

deserve be bully by anyone

deserve have no one care

hurt lot more keep trying matter and always be told it don’t matter then just accept how suppose be

can’t hurt when know just how is not going change

will remind self over over over over until stop ever thing maybe matter

disgusting stupid useless trash don’t matter and that means Nahoa don’t matter

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

It’s not your fault. Bullying is NEVER your fault, and neither is abuse.

theboymoana OP August 23rd


think because im horrible worse kid whole world is why not welcome anywhere anyone allow hurt me because not matter and mods tell am wrong when say no one care but just because someone say they care if let there friends be mean me not say anything or help and defend people that mean then don’t care and mean sometimes to is just lie 

mytwistedsoul August 23rd

I'm glad you're taking screenshots. It's good to have proof. The thing I noticed is that they say you need to grow up but they're the ones that are acting the way they are. Where's the compassion and understanding? This has gone on for way too long. I'm so sorry 

This is supposed to be a safe space for everyone and you're being relentlessly b*llied. What about people with learning disabilities and people with autism? If you're having a hard time with the topic why not have a listener reach out to you? 
theboymoana OP August 23rd


they don’t care because most the people mean is ones been here know am deaf and intellectual disability and autism and more diagnosis but don’t care because before try explain things about disability and people not care say excuse or lot time say they disabled can talk right or whatever is be mean about and if Nahoa say disabilities not same they say stop compare and act like struggle more them 

nothing do or say right just turn my words in something bad don’t listen anything say and try say really what mean still turn around and even some mods do this and make so sad😭😭😭😭

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

Some people with autism are non-verbal. Some people with autism can talk but struggle with social situations. Some people with autism can pass easily as neurotypical. (I have autism too.) We’re all different and they have no place to judge.

theboymoana OP August 23rd


yes and always people say that me is same ones go normal school some already got job some already drive some date people go place there friends on own and say not same because I go part time developmental disability center not any school never going drive need help all things eat get dressed bath brush teeth everything need someone stay all time help not allow outside own can’t use oral speech and just all not autism only thing is because all my disabilities mix together and don’t mean other people not struggle there disabilities but we not same ! But all attack me say that 😭😭can’t do anything right ever ever ever don’t understand why am so so so so stupid nahoa biggest useless idiot😭😭😭😭

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

No. You know who the dumb ones are? People who won’t educate themselves on concurrent disabilities, and who bully other people. You have differences and disabilities. Medically acknowledged ones. These people refuse to learn and to accept and to love. THEY are the ignorant and cruel and stupid ones.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd



Can you guys please get in touch with Nahoa, or find another mod who can? See above posts. People on 7Cups are bullying him. Thank you! <3

Kristynsmama August 23rd

The best thing to do is to take screenshots and report the bullies to They can also block the bullies.

mytwistedsoul August 23rd

@Kristynsmama I can't say with 100% certainty but I think reports were made before and nothing came of it 

theboymoana OP August 23rd


yes report so much but still always people mean is not fair why have report report report all time just so can be here not get make fun of and bullied and stuff not fair 😭try 3 years almost be part community and still feel do not belong 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

I’ve noticed flagging posts doesn’t seem to do anything. Have you PMed any mods about it?

theboymoana OP August 23rd


Do report through form when do report and pm mods obs h tons people pm even glen when don’t know else get help email support everything can think do 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

We’ll do what we can. <3

In the meantime, soooo many people love and support you! Make it your mission to love other people, educate people about bullying, and help people <3 You’re here for a reason… Figure out what that reason is. We love you deeply <3

theboymoana OP August 23rd


Know why am only here be hurt be sad my mom don’t want me teachers don’t want me no one want me exist 

mytwistedsoul August 23rd

@theboymoana We want you to exist Nahoa. We're glad you exist. I know it's not the same as hanging out with your peers but you're always welcome to hang out with the oldies

mytwistedsoul August 23rd

@theboymoana You're right it's not fair and you should be able to be here and join in without being made fun of or b*llied. Three years is a long time to have that here for you and I'm sorry you e had to deal with this. There's a lot of good people standing here with you. Hopefully we can make it better for you

This is supposed to be a community. Well community,  one of our young members has been mistreated and b*llied here for 3 years. Reports made and nothing has changed for him. Nothing has been made better at all. This is disappointing. This makes me angry. This shouldn't be this way 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

I think part of the problem may be that he’s in the teen community. Teens are often very cruel to their peers, and cyber-bullying is even worse because they can be anonymous. I wish Nahoa were old enough to be on the adult side… They’re more likely to welcome him with open arms <3

mytwistedsoul August 24th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Definitely. You are right though about how vicious they can be especially since it anonymous 

communicativePond1728 August 23rd

am not tired pretending matter 

Don't know do not matter don't know never will 

am not tired be hurt all time 

What isn't point be hurt when everything they say about me true

not everyone in world not important

nahoa not proof that some just stupid useless trash  

Is not time give up trying be someone that matter

is not time just accept I deserve all bad stuff

Don't deserve abuse

Don't deserve trauma

Don't deserve pain

Don't deserve be hated

Don't deserve all struggles

Don't deserve all bad stuff happen 

Don't deserve be lonely

Don't deserve be sad

Don't deserve be alone

Don't deserve all names get call

Don't deserve be bully by anyone

Don't deserve have no one care

Doesn't hurt lot more keep trying matter and always be told it don’t matter then just accept how suppose be

can’t hurt when know just how is not going change

will remind self over over over over until stop ever thing maybe matter

disgusting stupid useless trash don’t matter and that means Nahoa don’t matter

mytwistedsoul August 23rd

@communicativePond1728 Ah! Took me a minute Pond,  but your challenging the bad,  correct? 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

I think so, but some of it sounds bad, like the last part. I’m confused…

mytwistedsoul August 24th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Autocorrect fubar? 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 24th


mytwistedsoul August 24th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Probably best if you Google it 😉

jesusredeemedme2425 August 24th

Ohhhhh THAT’S what that means XD lol

mytwistedsoul August 24th

@jesusredeemedme2425 😁😂 yep! 

communicativePond1728 August 24th

@jesusredeemedme2425 mhm I struggled with some of the English, grammar or something... 

communicativePond1728 August 24th


It doesn't hurt a lot more to keep trying. It does matter. I'll always be told it does matter then just accept how it's suppose to be

It doesn't hurt when I know just how it's not going to change.

I will remind myself over over over over until it starts and then everything will matter

I'm not disgusting stupid useless trash that doesn't matter. And that means I do matter

jesusredeemedme2425 August 24th

That kinda makes more sense. Sorta lol

I fee like the grammar is still off lol… But I get it <3

communicativePond1728 August 24th

@jesusredeemedme2425 I might have figured it out...posted again redone below.

communicativePond1728 August 24th

@mytwistedsoul yes! 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 24th

I get the spirit of it. Hehe :)

communicativePond1728 August 24th

I matter.

I know I matter and I always will.

I am energized from loved all the time.

There's every point to being loved because everything they say about me is true.

Everyone in the world is important.

I am proof that I am just some smart, useful being.

It is always time to be someone that matters.

It is time to just accept I deserve all good stuff.

I deserve respect.

I deserve health.

I deserve pleasure.

I deserve to be loved.

I deserve all understanding.

I deserve all the good stuff to happen to me.

I deserve to belong.

I deserve to be happy.

I deserve togetherness.

I deserve all the compliments I'm given.

I deserve to be safe around everyone.

I deserve to have caring people in my life.

It feels a lot better to keep matters. And I'll always be told it does matter rather then just have to accept how it's "supposed" to be.

It feels good when I know just how it is going to change.

I will remind myself over and over and over again until everything goes smoothly and matters.

Delicious, smart and useful gems do matter and that means I matter.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 24th

*everything they say about me is not true.

(I’m helping lol)

Delicious. Hehe

mytwistedsoul August 24th

@communicativePond1728 Perfect! ❤️ 

theboymoana OP August 27th

how I end up supporting people in sr when feel like am dying inside because so sad and broken and hurting 

People don’t ask me how am most time and when  do all get is someone reply



sry hugs ? 

But then give real kind support someone else instead 😭why I don’t deserve to ☹️ even keep my real real serious trauma and struggles out support room just want someone listen when need talk about get so overwhelmed or upset something happen at dd center 

Like today get triggered bad at therapy and try 4 times 5 time ? just talk about feelings not what trigger me and no one care no one notice 

finally someone do but instead let talk they turn into telling me get new therapist and tell them what topic trigger me and stuff when been see this therapist over year they really nice kind me and just sometimes get triggered at therapy when talk about serious trauma been through 😭😭 just wanted talk about how feeling don’t need people tell  how talk own therapist  

am tired all this so tired why life so horrible bad stupid 😭😭😭😭just want feel ok never get feel ok with out bad come back few minutes 

can’t do it anymore can’t 😭

Tinywhisper11 August 27th

@theboymoana huggggs you really tightly. It's harder to be kind to ourselves and our own needs. We understand pain, so automatically helping others comes naturally. But you do need to think about yourself first. You do matter, and you are loved here by so many ❤ this is your safe place, you can talk here. I understand you, I care about you, we all do ❤❤

theboymoana OP August 27th


just hate me so much ☹️😭try be happy because know all want me happy but can’t just end up spend half day my world away from all bad but they make me come back where hurts and don’t want to😭😭 do know maladaptive daydreaming ? Is not like normal daydream that is ok is like spend hours daydream whole world better then real world want stay there all day whole life but is bad because won’t even remember need drink or go places need to or use bathroom or anything just in world is why is bad but just hate this world hate they make me come back real world where am sad all time