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in the wonders of my mind💗.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷

wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙

to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)


iloveyouxx OP June 29th

"woah woah woah- you made it to the bottom ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )i hope it was by reading through it all and not skipping through- hmmm👀 oh well ! now that you're here- have a cookie !  (づ• • )づ"

☠️ reading that kinda reminded me of my primary hoy 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

☠️I keep reading over it I was so childish. but it also reminded me to message someone brb :p

iloveyouxx OP June 30th


iloveyouxx OP July 1st

someone told me to go climb a tree

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I’ve been seeing some really sad videos all day and I’m so drained

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I just feel stuck

im out of my appartement but my dads coming back soon. 

I wish I could just run. I’ve had dreams of it

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I feel like there’s something crawling in me. 

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I’m not that far

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I’m just walking around but sat down now. and some people are running around my area. I used to go to my balcony every morning in year7 because it helped me on school days and I’d see some people running around really early with headphones and there was this one guy that would be there every morning and Id always cheer him on in my head  

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

my dad comes back around this time but there’re 3 ways to get to the front of my appartement and the second one he uses is from here 

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I just feel so stuck I already said it but I don’t wanna move 

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I’m at 4% :’)

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I thought I saw someone from my school but it’s not them

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

i remember seeing 3 girls from my class in a mall and it was so scary but they never saw me. I walked right past them and they were just looking at one of the girls phone 

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I don’t think they would’ve recognized me tho 

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

tw this is a random memory I just had. but in primary from year1 till now there was this one kid that would cause so much trouble. more than just any other kid I knew in primary :’) everyone knew him for it and idk if I can give examples of the things he’d done so I won’t. and in year3 he was 8 and we had pe and in primary there aren’t any sets and girls and boys had pe together. and the teacher wasn’t nice but we had a substitute and they let me go get my water bottle from my class. I don’t know why I left it there. and my lead teacher was there and the kid was standing against a wall kinda crying and she was yelling really loud. and she told me to go when I got my bottle so I left. and after lunch we had art and he was crying and hyperventilating so bad and he was fully red and everyone kept looking at him or trying to talk to him but I guess the teacher knew why so she made everyone stop and she was kinda mad about it :’) we weren’t even doing anything either way. he wasn’t hyperventilating really fast he was just taking really deep breaths idk how to explain it but it was like he’d gotten stuck underwater for a minute, not a great example sorry. and at some point the person that was sitting next to the kid started pushing him (lightly) and trying to talk or yell and the kid was just stuck. he wasn’t blinking or moving and he was still really red so the friend started yelling that he needs help and another teacher came in and picked him up fully and they got him to a hospital out of the school and cancelled the expulsion-

iloveyouxx OP July 1st
i felt bad but my friends just said that his mom probably told him if he got expelled she’d take away his playstation
iloveyouxx OP July 1st

he honestly was really bad, the things he did. and he’s gotten suspended before so many times and me and my friends used to count how many times he’d get detentions by different teachers in one day (we never said anything about him tho or maybe I just didn’t I don’t really remember). the things he did were just different. in a way I can’t put into words :’) and I feel like he would’ve gotten expelled earlier by any other school but idk if he deserved it. the next day he got worse brb 

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I’m still at 3%. and I feel like I can’t move and my dad might come back soon 

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

my dad did come back at the time :’) he locked himself in his room now tho. I think he’s on a call. I have a minute 

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

I thought I already posted that but it was just there and I didn’t actually click post. 

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

my dad went to sleep

iloveyouxx OP July 1st

nvm he just came out and went back so I’m gonna go :’)

iloveyouxx OP July 3rd

js so no one gets mad or anything /lh 

iloveyouxx OP July 3rd

honestly this feels kinda really pointless

iloveyouxx OP July 3rd

but since I’m like whatever losing people because I tried to kll myself I’m gonna give you a goodbye post this time 

iloveyouxx OP July 3rd

hope this is good enough I guess

iloveyouxx OP July 3rd

I’m mad at how pointless this feels


unassumingEyes July 3rd


I love you 🩷 

Even now ill still wait  <3 

mytwistedsoul July 3rd

@iloveyouxx Hey what happened? I'm sorry you're feeling this way


too late ): I can’t find your pms I’m so sorry😞this happens too much I’m gonna wait for them to reappear🩷I won’t talk here if you don’t want me too but until then 


praying that you’re just on break I’m sorry love please be safe🩷I hope you know that I care, it’s vary hard not to care about you and some people are just fake (nd stupid I mean why just why-/j🩷) but I love you with no doubt and no denying🩷I don’t know how I’ll function until you come back ):🩷I’ll be worried, here for you <3 you’ll find me waiting❤️

mytwistedsoul July 3rd

@cathugsandharmony sorry but this is so cute. little paws making biscuits 😊




omg wait let me show you the story it was in my watch later hehe I know it’s so adorable❤️❤️

you don’t have to be sorry💙this is weird but I’ve only seen you a couple of times and I always wanted to be your friend😛which is weird because this is probably definitely the first time you’ve ever found out about my existence, I swear it’s not weird tho I just think you’re a good person💙maybe I’m just weird as a whole, anywho this was also in my watch later ❤️

mytwistedsoul July 3rd

@cathugsandharmony It's nice to meet you 😊 This is definitely the first time I've come across your name. Not that it's really so much as weird but more of a pleasant surprise 💙 

Aww thank you so much for sharing the videos. Kitty's name is Cotton 😊 So sweet! 


thankyou💜💜I don’t come to forums often so that makes sense💙awe that’s such a kind way to put it :p I still think I’m weird xD

hehe I know they take up so much space in my heart💖I have a cat named oreo. I think being around oreo has become toxic to me because the cute aggression is ugh so bad😭but I just love them so much

mytwistedsoul July 3rd

@cathugsandharmony Aww it's alright to be weird. We're probably all alittle weird tbh. I think weird is good 😊

Oreo! That's a cool name for a cat! I have a tuxedo cat here named Pita. He's a very cool guy but he would probably get upset if I tried to put a hat on him 😅 That stretch at the end! 😂 You can tell that's a good nap there


heey I’m sorry I was really busy today💜

aww that’s so sweet🥺💙weird can be good, it shows us we’re not npcs👍✨/lh thankyou❤️

shehjeeh eyehwhehegegwh tuxedo cats are so adorable💗I think all breeds are, have you seen the cat that was labeled as the ugliest cat in the world :’) I think it’s so cute tho, it just looks a little grumpy but if you’re gonna look him up search for the birthday photos hehe<3 the cats name is xherdan. isn’t pita a food🤪/lh oh😂probably😂sometimes cats are so similar to humans I mean I woke up like that today, have you seen the videos of them “talking in English”😛😁I put a link here but look at this


mytwistedsoul July 5th

@cathugsandharmony Nothing to be sorry for 💙 I figure we're all in different time zones anyway. Some of us are probably sleeping with others are working or at school

I have seen that cat lol and you're absolutely right it does look very grumpy. Probably because he sort of looks like a wrinkly potato 
Lol Pita is food. Bread. Actually his name is an acronym. He was a stray that just showed up one day and decided he lived here 
The ones where they talk are amazing! A little creepy at times NGL because it really does sound like they're talking 


maybe it's just for me but I don't think you'd be able to see past here ):💙

wrinkly potato is so cute😭you took a stray cat in???....*contains* I just woke up but like🥺🥺🥺💖💖I wish I could adopt all the cats without owners

I know and it fits the situation it's like they originated from humans/j I don't know if you'd see this but if you have a phone you can rotate it or to be able to see a reply you can copy paste and it somehow gets the bits behind the- whatever that is- when you get to the point where you can't see a reply🩵