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@amiableBunny4016 space

amiableBunny4016 November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone,

Im gonna be posting here every week. So.. you may or may not have seen my poems across 7cups or my writing. Anyways, if you have not then thats okay.

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Bunny/Violet/Bun Bun. I am from the UK and I am 13 years old. So I came here to inspire, to love, to show kindness and to be respected. The biggest power on this planet is love and kindness. Humanity is in a state of disaster. Panic. Hatred. But hate never beats love. Because love has more power than hate.

I was bullied for over 6 years. I learnt alot across the years. I learnt to overcome. Learnt to love. Learnt to forgive. I am human. I am not a robot. I am not a stranger anymore. I am me. And if people wanna judge me for who I am then I say.... I forgive them. And I know that they can change.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Humanity is changing. The world is awakening. And more and more people are realising the reality. The reality of social media. The reality of trauma. The reality of life. This is who we are. And together we form as 1.

We live in a big world. Scary. Isn't it? But its to beautiful. Its so beautiful how the sun rises. How then stars glimmer every night. How the wind howls. Isn't it? and we dont realise how beautiful it really is until..... we think about it. Think deeply about it and you will find how beautiful it is.

If your feeling alone right now. just know that.....

Your strong. Even if you dont believe it.

Your worthy. Even if you dont believe it.

You can get through this.

I am here for you.

We are here for you.

Thanks for reading, This is me, Bunny and this is my world.

Take care,


Heartsandrosesandpaws September 6th, 2023


amiableBunny4016 OP September 6th, 2023

@Waterfallsofnature36 @mytwistedsoul


mytwistedsoul September 6th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP September 6th, 2023



mytwistedsoul September 6th, 2023



It's a hug off lol 😊

RakyTacky September 6th, 2023


*sends huggies and luv if cool*
Don't starve yourself or do things that'll negatively affect your body, its never good. Instead, do the opposite, work on yourself and be the perfect person you are.
I wont act like i know what you're going through, i definitely dont, but from what ive seen in the past few days or weeks, you're the best. And this earth shouldnt lose your presence for the next hundred years lol.
You carry not only your burden but help others with theirs, i look up to that.
Thanks for doing all you do and being you.
Have a good day, take good care of yourself for ur frends kay? We love you :D

amiableBunny4016 OP September 6th, 2023


Awww thank you! Same goes to you! Thank you for being awesome! 💜 I appreciate you so much!

RakyTacky September 6th, 2023


*pats bun buns head*
..... and the strength of mike tyson.

amiableBunny4016 OP September 6th, 2023

Like . Uh. Hmmmm. What do I say. School was not great but I got 4 hours of sleep last night .

amiableBunny4016 OP September 6th, 2023

For any bullies:

I get it. You just like targeting me. Do it . Its good to let out your anger sometimes. I get it. I'm just someone to trample on and to drag around like a doll

School life is never easy.

Optimisticempath September 7th, 2023

wouldn't teachers help if you can talk to them about the bullying at school bunwee? you don't deserve to be treated this way 😔

amiableBunny4016 OP September 8th, 2023


Its fine. I've become used to torment.

Optimisticempath September 10th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 people who torment us want that bunwee they want us to get used to it so we forget that it isn't normal and it isn't what anyone deserves... ik its difficult standing up for yourself but you deserve to be treated better 🥺

amiableBunny4016 OP September 6th, 2023

Struggling is fun

mytwistedsoul September 8th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Just dropping off some good vibes and hugs for a certain little Bunny 💙

*no replies needed ok?*

amiableBunny4016 OP September 8th, 2023

Hey there,

Apologies for the sudden poofing of me. There is alot going on in my life right now like opening up and now that school is open there is alot of pressure at home and at schools this has lead to my small inactivity. Right now I'm going through a stage of reflection and a bit too much stress 💜 thanks for understanding. Love you all to the world and back 🥺

amiableBunny4016 OP September 8th, 2023

Oh summary:

I'm just not okay. That's all

amiableBunny4016 OP September 8th, 2023

Yk when the teacher asks why I'm so anxious and shakey . My eyes just fill up with tears. And I leave crying . And then the next day they ask again

amiableBunny4016 OP September 8th, 2023

I'm always on that point of giving up

amiableBunny4016 OP September 8th, 2023

To all those girls who stand behind me and talk about me on purpose so I hear it:

Maybe my tears are weak. Or maybe they just seem weak. But if you look into me. Step into my shoes. You might see so much in those tears.

amiableBunny4016 OP September 9th, 2023

Is anyone there?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 9th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Shining Bunnnyyy🤗

amiableBunny4016 OP September 9th, 2023


Hey Sun :') how you doing buddyy?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 9th, 2023


I'm doing okieee Bunn Bunn, how's youu doing today?❤

amiableBunny4016 OP September 9th, 2023


I'm fine. But glad your doing okay 🙃❤️

*Hugs if okay*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 9th, 2023


Hugs are always okay! *hugs backkk*🤗

How does "fine" look like for you, sweet bunny? How was your day?❤

amiableBunny4016 OP September 9th, 2023


Fine is fine. There isn't much left of the word. Struggling almost all the time . What can I say? *Hugs if okay* ❤️❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP September 9th, 2023


amiableBunny4016 OP September 9th, 2023

Its one of those nights where I lay down and stare at the ceiling because I have found comfort in emptiness and a blank space.

amiableBunny4016 OP September 9th, 2023

When you find comfort in overthinking:


mytwistedsoul September 10th, 2023

Overthinking drives me nuts - it's usually a short trip for me 💙

amiableBunny4016 OP September 10th, 2023


I'm so proud of you soul 🌈💜 your an inspiration to me. I hope you find a way through this rollercoaster 🙃❤️

mytwistedsoul September 10th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 I'm proud of YOU Bunny 💙 You're an inspiration to me. As much as you're hurting you still offer so much encouragement to others. You're so kind and compassionate towards everyone. You show alot of strength here - I know you probably don't feel very strong and how we are outwardly is often not the way we feel inside. I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to say 😅 I guess I just want you to know that there are people in the world that care about you and we send you strength and love every day *big hugs* 💙

amiableBunny4016 OP September 10th, 2023


Me understand beautiful soul ❤️🥺 *Sending good vibes and hugs if okay*


Emerbliss September 10th, 2023


Hello there , it's been such a long time. Seems like these day had been damn hard on you .How are you? How are you feeling? Are you doing okay? Taking care of yourself? I hope you can , but also , it's okay if you aren't . We know you always try to be strong. Maybe you have people depending on you to keep it all together. But I want to remind you: It’s okay to feel scared, sad, angry It's okay to give yourself a break from all those obligations and just be yourself- in whichever form you heart can be at the moment , without any cover or glorification. It's okay too , because your feelings are valid. Give yourself the space and grace you need to get through this.This too shall pass, but till then ,lets try to hold in there...I hope you will find it in your heart to remember that - even when the situation breaks you , it can never diminish your worth. I will pray that it would become a little bit easier to hold on to that fact when situation tries to question your self worth...there is an example I came across, just wanted to share ... a $100 bill ... I decide to crumple up the bill. If I take the same crumpled bill, and throw it on the ground, I will have a crumpled up $100 bill . If I decide to dig my heels into that same crumpled up bill, I will still have a $100 bill ready with dents and imprints from being stepped on.When I flattened out the bill and smooth it for use, the bill has all of the wrinkles of misuse but never loses its worth. It is still a 100-dollar bill. If you are reading this , please remember , sometimes bad things happen to good people. It doesn't happen because one deserves to be punished or be in pain . It's immensely hurtful and injust.. to say the least. But things would change. Please i promise , things would change and all of us would get tiny packets of joy as life goes on.There is an other side. A day past these gut wrenching nights .That tomorrow will come . I promise you that . There is healing for all of us . It’s Gods promise and it’s true

Please be kind to yourself, it is hard sometimes , but unlike what your mind tries to convince you at times , you deserve to be loved , you too deserve to be looked after and cared for. Please be kind to that beautiful girl in you , she deserves the best . You're an amazing person and even if you can't see that now.

amiableBunny4016 OP September 10th, 2023


Omgggg ❤️ your backkk you came into my mind a few times when I was reading back at my forums 🥺 I missed youuuu aagghgfjejjebfijrjfh mrjfjmfhfh sorry I get excited when I see someone after a long time 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I hope your doing okay. So lovely to see you! Me is fine! Things been up and down :') awww thank you so much 😭 me speechless for words what to say. 😶 me read every word and it means so much to me 💞🌈 how have you been doinggg?

amiableBunny4016 OP September 10th, 2023

The only thing I do when I want peace is stare out of a window 🥺

amiableBunny4016 OP September 10th, 2023

The colours of the world seem to have dimmed.

amiableBunny4016 OP September 10th, 2023

😶 I





Even if it was only for a day.

LoveMyMoonflowers September 10th, 2023



best bunwee you are so loved beyond words 🥺 i mean it. i can give you a whole list of so many wonderful people who love you so much. *sends gentle huggles if okie*