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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

Not knowing majority of the people in the gc is so common now :p whered so many newbies c o m e from- 

iloveyouxx May 29th


omigod I relate so much :') but I think it’s different becos I went to rooms for the first time in months- and no one I knew was there :') everyone had that newbie badge and I’d check their profile and they all joined like may 26- may 29. I has so many wise one friends :p idk where everyone went-🩷

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

@iloveyouxx ive been going everyday :p theres barely anyone i know anymore :p without mods and one, two ppl everyone ]s gone :p ppl either leaving cups or aging up

iloveyouxx May 29th


yeah all the mods are the same. but everyone changed or left- also have you noticed all the friend groups :') maybe it’s just me.🩷but yeah it’s kinda sad. rooms honestly changed so much-

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

@iloveyouxx yeah i have ❤️ its just. So different. It doesnt feel like a mnetal health group chat. Ive seen ppl whove been here for yeaaaars~ and theyre not allowed to get support bcz of newbies. Its sad :p

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

@iloveyouxx ive been going everyday :p theres barely anyone i know anymore :p without mods and one, two ppl everyone ]s gone :p ppl either leaving cups or aging up

iloveyouxx May 29th


hehe eyes internet being eyes internet :pxD✨<33

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

@iloveyouxx my nets as slow as my brain :p



…eyes… the emperor left cups. 

i just… thought i should tell you… because he left me a note saying that and when i checked his account it said ‘on break’ but he said he’s leaving cups… 

unassumingEyes OP May 29th


...thank you for telling me ❤️ i dont know if uve been to gc...but the rooms havent been kind to our emperor...he deserved better. We'll miss him and we'll hope he gets all the good he deserves, yeah? ❤️  



he hasn’t exactly left, he’s still here. but he’s not doing okay 😞 

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

@LoveMyMoonflowers we'll be here for him ❤️ and hope for the best ❤️ 

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

I hate that i cant change a thing. Cant help anyone. Cant save anyone. All those kids being hurt. What am i doing? Nothing nothing nothing. How do adults sleep at night knowing theyre doing nothing? It keeps me up. It should keep me up. It should keep everyone up. We should all be guilty because kids are hurting and we're doing nothing! Atleast i have an excuse! Im too young to even know how to help! What are the adults doing? Nothing! 



i have a feeling you’ll become one of the adults to actually do something about it 💜 *offers hugs* and you turned these thoughts into a beautiful poem 🥺 i wish you could see how special you are eyes lovely 💜

@iloveyouxx @justmeeva you two are special in your own lovely ways too 💜 

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

@LoveMyMoonflowers i hope so flowers, i really really hope so 


Poems help me breathe through feelings tbh :p 



*hugs* yeah i get that… it used to be like that for me too, with poetry i mean 💜

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

@LoveMyMoonflowers it did? 🩷




unassumingEyes OP May 29th

Thinking of @justmeeva and missing her amazingness and hoping she is okay 🤍



missing her so freaking much and hoping she’s okay, too. 😔 we'll continue to keep her in our thoughts 💜

justmeeva May 30th

@unassumingEyes @LoveMyMoonflowers 

*drops off some warm hugs for the two of you* (*and nadia fren too if she happens to pass by <3*) @iloveyouxx

i love you so much friends 🩷 i’ll try to be more.. uh.. a proper friend hehe. thank you for being in my life ❤️



what 🥺 who said you weren’t a proper friend… :') your you 💜 eva friend 💜 and we love you and appreciate you just as you are friend… 🥺💜 

your a good friend 🩷 sometimes your not on cupsies, sometimes you might be away but your still our friend and that doesn’t change the fact that we wuv you 🥺 

justmeeva May 30th


thank you ni lovely 🩷covid-meme.gif





unassumingEyes OP May 31st

@justmeeva you are a proper friend ❤️ just a tired friend ❤️ and maybe a busy friend? ❤️ and thats okay and 100% normal ❤️ we just miss u ❤️ 


unassumingEyes OP May 29th

I exist and that is kind of ew right now 

iloveyouxx May 29th






unassumingEyes OP May 30th

@LoveMyMoonflowers @iloveyouxx Ily both <3



we love you too 💜 and wait… did your internet let you see those gifs? 🥺

unassumingEyes OP May 31st

@LoveMyMoonflowers yesterday yes they poofed (unloaded) again today

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

Le mom: how come ur not helping around the house? 

Le me: *entirely focused on my mental and physical health and not hearing a word shes rambling on about-* 


@unassumingEyes @iloveyouxx 

it's kinda homework time for ni friend right now :') i have to do some math (unfortunately) so im gonna go 💜 i’ll try to be back but idk - we’ll see. sending love and hugs to you both, if okay. thank you both for being you 💜 you made me smile and brought some sunshine to my evening :') so thank you 

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

@LoveMyMoonflowers hugss goodluck with hw! Sorry i poofed mom called xD love u frnd ❤️



i… kinda finished it. :') thanks for the luck friend 💜 i love you too 💜

unassumingEyes OP May 30th

@LoveMyMoonflowers yaaay good job ❤️💃🥳




unassumingEyes OP May 29th

Omg did u see guys see who posted on my poem?? And upvoted it?? 

I just recieved validation from an ADULT on a poem that my family would call dramatic and emo and its not just *any* adult either its this specific adult and im just like

Woah. Woah. Woah. 

unassumingEyes OP May 29th

@unassumingEyes @iloveyouxx nadia omggg nadiaaaaaa xDdd 

iloveyouxx May 29th


theyre not just an adult they’re one of the people that built cups eyes☠️😭