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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

The Sun is shining, the Universe

Is singing through twinkling stars,

You'll hear its rhythm in chirping birds,

Chattering humans, and honking cars

And broken worlds

And healing scars

You'll find its rhythm

In what you are 

justmeeva January 24th


i like this :0

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@justmeeva thank youu <3 thats the 4th poem today wow :0

Imma sleep now~ 


justmeeva January 24th


goodnight 💕

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

I kinda feel better. Like myself? Even tho rn is a hard time so i probably shld be feeling worse lol

I think this diary thingy is working. The thoughts dont repeat too long? Like, it can be anything small as "Im going to do biology" that can repeat over and over again till 90% of my brain says "Im going to do biology" and i kinda need to tell smone but if i say it late then telling smone leaves me feeling empty and unsatisfied? Idk

But now I just type it out here when it starts and then get back to my life =D i think its helping. I kinda wanna play chess after an year of not wanting to aswell :0 

Some peice in this puzzle we call life is falling into place, I think :0

unassumingEyes OP January 25th


7 feb, flowers. The flight, i mean. Thanks for talking btw. 

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th


awwe :') *huggies if okay*

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *hugss*

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

The universe has a funny way of saying “I think you’re strong’

It makes you prove, that it isn’t wrong. 

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

I might have to take smth for the headache

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th


sending healing beams 💕 if okay 💕 

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers ofcourse. Thank you love <3

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th


mhm 💕 your welcome 💙

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

Sorry Im a bit low these days

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th


it’s okie to have our low days. 💜 life is hard :') and things can get messy. 💙 we’re here with you 💜 

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers I know 🥹 Thank you <3

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th


*huggie wuggies if okie*

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *hugs*

So many ppl on here offering me hugs today :0 people here so nice

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

I think i may hv tw OCD. Or just some symptoms? Idk. How do ppl know this stuff? How do u even get diagnosed? "Hey mom, i want to get tested for OCD"

...Who even makes the diagnosis-?

Tw for...ignorance- 

Besides, if OCD = neat then nvm-

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th


i think getting a diagnosis might begin with speaking to a doctor about it? :o and they can refer you to the right people. 💙 i’m not sure though 😅 

it’s okay to suspect some things 💜 and to look over symptoms and be like ‘hey i relate with this a bit’ 💙 that’s okay. your not alone.

it’s okay to take things slowly - one day at a time 💕

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

@unassumingEyes all online tests say i do, but i know those arent diagnosis so thats not a confirmation lol just food for thought

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

@unassumingEyes i dont even want to "treat" it or whatever. Just want to know if i hv it then proceed to live as before lol

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th


hehe, that’s okay, i understand that. oftentimes diagnoses can help us understand more about ourselves 💜 

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th


it depends on where the online test is from 💜 but there are some good sites out there who give… idk what they’re called - screenings (?) so you can check how likely you are to have X or Y. 💙 it helps people know whether they should see a professional or not 💜 

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers Yeah they’re screenings. Idk. I know I cant possibly get a diagnosis for it unless my parents suspect and decide to themselves— there’s no convincing them, I mean. They’ll think I’m copying others, or smth. So I’ll just, you know, keep researching and stuffs, and if I still hv these symptoms when Im an adult, I might get it checked.

i don’t know if there are, uh, therapists? Psychologists? In the country Im moving too. I mean, there must be, but expensive.

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th


awwe :') i understand that. would your parents allow you to speak to a doctor - at least? 💙

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers um, basically, according to my mom, people who hv any disorder or anything are valid and deserve love. But none of her children can have it becase shes their mother so ofcourse we dont :0

im honestly too scared to even ask-

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th

Oof. That’s tough T^T i’m so sorry. ): *offers gentle hugs* 

i get the being scared of asking part. your not alone in that 

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers thank you lovely <3 

unassumingEyes OP January 25th

Watch my poetry get worse the more upset i get

"You're worried about what the future holds,

I'm a paper trying to endure more than 7 folds" 

unassumingEyes OP January 26th

^ those two verses?



unassumingEyes OP January 26th

Im running on autopilot, where i basically tell myself to be upset after hard thing X is over, and when its over everyones so happy i feel like its a bad time to get upset, and dont lol

unassumingEyes OP January 26th

During packing

Mom : stay outta the way

Also Mom : glares at me for not helping


Im just gonna cups and study at this point


justmeeva January 26th


*cupses with you* 🩷

justmeeva January 26th


*but more in a few hours bc school :/*

unassumingEyes OP January 26th

@justmeeva oof school :0 

justmeeva January 26th


yeaah but at least it’s friday :D

unassumingEyes OP January 26th

@justmeeva hehe =D

Its gonna be our last week before exams so probably noones gonna cm to school :0 

unassumingEyes OP January 26th

@unassumingEyes they asked me to help and apparently I was holding the cling wrap "wrong" :0 

Then i pretended to fix it and they were satisfied

I literally changed nothing :0

justmeeva January 26th

