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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

Im scared of my "friend"

Tbh smtimes im scared of my sister too.

iloveyouxx January 24th


D: why’re you scared of them ? what happened :< ( no pressure if you don feel like sharing) I don’t think friends are meant to be scary :’3🤍

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@iloveyouxx when my sis gets angry she gets this look in her eyes that makes me think she cld do anything and she wldnt be able to stop herself.

Smtimes i think smday she will do smth.

Ill talk about my frnd in another post cming up- 

iloveyouxx January 24th


too late- Tw :’3 wouldn’t read lol- :’3

oof- that sounds so scary 😥 I have a look like that tbh- :’3 I’m nice I promise tho 😭 I wouldn’t do anything ever- but I have it on when I’m just empty and feel like screaming and breaking down and everything too much but I can’t react :3 so I get that broken empty and possibly threatening look- I’ve been accidentally aggressively rolling my eyes at ppl :’3 but I don’t mean it :< I feel bad- it’s automatic and smiling at that time takes a lot of energy  :’3 I’ve literally been starting to do this⇒

hooman: * looks at me*

me: * aggressively rolls eyes and looks so annoyed” “ no sorry sorry !”


I used to always smile at people- even my bullies, like eveyroneeee, but now I just give them dirty looks and apologize right away as if it wasn’t in my control- well it feels like it’s not, I should stop talking😁 but lol if you ever saw a 14 year old girl that looks 11 aggressively staring at you for no reason 😌:’3 know she doesn’t mean it :’D

tag me in your post btw :0 if you want heh- imma stop talking :’3 also I’ll be back- byebye🩷

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@iloveyouxx i think theres a difference tho. No offense- i get what ur saying. But u u described.

My sisters eyes dont shine annoyance. 

They shine *tw* hatred

iloveyouxx January 24th


yeah I get it- :’3 does she say anything ? after giving that look-

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@iloveyouxx replying here cause of reply limit. 

She just ,uk, argues about whatever shes mad about. When she calms down the look is gone.

I never mention it

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

So my "friend" is like generally really really rude and stuffs.

She like jumps into everyones personal bubbles, disrupts class lectures not bcz of an issue but on purpose and yells in our ears etc but thats just *annoying* not *bad*

What she says is bad.

To me, its really, really bad.

I mention sm examples in replies. Tw for anyone going there.

We had a whatsapp grp of all friends with her init. After discussion with all my friends we sent a polite msg in the grp and removed her. All of us agreed on this decision. 

She didnt get the idea.

For a few days she kept her dustance frm us. Then she was back and back and back .


My friend (a diff on) diagnosed (not claiming, actually diagnosed!) With ADHD

And she? Argues with ny frnd that she doesnt hv it despite the diagnosis. 

Touches my hair when I say no.

A close frnd of ours, but specifically close to me, moved to UK. She thinks i dont keep contact with that frnd tho i do. She tells me about the frnd that moved while carefully watching me for a reaction 

And then what she says.

Makes my blood boil. Again, TW

See replies.

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@unassumingEyes Tw again. Idk it really bothers me what she says so i dont want anyone else to get upset. Be safe lovelies.

What my "frnd" says: (not exactly word to word)

  • "Honestly? You know how to solve over-population? (Unalive) the grandparents. Theyre old anyways. Like i get ur close to them and my grandparents are (unalive) so i never met them but seriously. Theyre old. Just flick em off" 
  • "I just want to put chlorine in the toilet. If any girl goes there and (unalives) its her fault for being dumb enough to enter a bathroom stall with yellow gas." 
  • Thinking smone in our class was racist (they werent) : "You're racist?! Yayy me too!!" 

That's of them...

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@unassumingEyes and she keeps making fun of me for being short but that happens at home anyways.

iloveyouxx January 24th


omg that’s so messed up-

i wouldn’t get too close to them :’3

but your choice ofc :’3🤍

iloveyouxx January 24th


just be careful :’3 and distance yourself just a little- at least :’)🩷

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@iloveyouxx me try 

unassumingEyes OP January 24th


I dont hv a choice nadia lovely. My other frnds are like family frnds to her. I cmt get away frm her until they do, and they cnt get away frm her until their parents do.

Shes my "friend" bcz im stuck with her. Only good thing bout my moving is that im leaving her behind.

She talks about how she wants to (tw) do a school shooting just for fun.

I hope she doesnt hurt anyone.

God i hate her smtimes.

iloveyouxx January 24th


um ok she’s creepy :’D I’m glad you’re getting away from her soon- just the other things she said are kinda- :// Tw but I’ve known someone that planned to (un -alive) me and a lot of others, but they had serious mental problems so guess that’s different- 

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@iloveyouxx u and others okay? 

Yeah shes messed up. I kinda feel guilty fr being about to leave the others with her, but its not like i cn do anything bout that.

justmeeva January 24th


oml that’s terrible- i have no idea what she has going on in her life or if it’s some weird attention seeking thing but that’s actually psycho behaviour- someone needs to teach that kid how to be respectful and stay out of others’ personal spaces and keep her thoughts to herself and be a normal human being- no hate but i think i hate her and i would probably teach her some lessons myself if i had to. i’m impressed that you’ve managed to put up with her for so long

justmeeva January 24th

lol sorry if it’s a bit aggressive-

iloveyouxx January 24th


lolll dw it’s sensible heh :3

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@justmeeva nah i feel that

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@justmeeva eva she has atention problems.

(Tw) abusive mom and 3 siblings so she doesnt get much attention at home

But that doesnt excuse whatever this all is. Whatever she is

I out up with her because i hv to. 

The worst thing is she keeps saying she looks up to me. Shes "inspired" by me. Shes "so glad and unworthy to be my friend"

Just... ugh

iloveyouxx January 24th


oof that’s a tough situation- it’s just the part about the grandparents 😭 “they’re old anyway” like no :’3and the racist thing- and well all of them tbh :’3 I feel bad about what she goes through tho- i feel like I can connect them a bit but not an excuse really-

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@iloveyouxx yeah i feel the same way. Im in a messed up position, being stuck with her and feeling bad fr her and hating her at the same time

And she repeated the grandparents thing more than once. I use the "i inspire her" thing she claims to tw shut her up when it gets bad. Sorry. That was aggresive. 

justmeeva January 24th


it was nothing but valid eyes lovely dw, and i agree to it all

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

So many thoughts.

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

I feel awful

LoveMyMoonflowers January 24th


*sits with you* 💜

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@LoveMyMoonflowers hey flowers.

I wanna cry

LoveMyMoonflowers January 24th


*hugs you if okay* it’s okay to cry 💙 we’re here with you 💜

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *hugs* i didnt cry.

LoveMyMoonflowers January 24th


*keeps hugging* 💜

iloveyouxx January 24th


>: * sits w ni and eyes* :’3🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers January 24th


sending huggle wuggles for Nadia if okay 💜 we’re grateful for your supportive presence here 💙

unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@LoveMyMoonflowers @iloveyouxx

Yeah....thanks fr everything nadia lovely. And u too flowers <3

iloveyouxx January 24th


thank youuu for everything :0🩷 *gasps* :0 I think this is the part where I make another poem :0😁 

roses are red🌹

violets are blue🪻

shhh did you know.. :0

i appreciate you🩷

its amazing right ?😁 /sar but it’s the thought that counts yk😎😭


unassumingEyes OP January 24th

@iloveyouxx lovely pls i like ur poems lol

Roses are red

Violets are blue 

There's a million reasons

Why I love you <3

iloveyouxx January 24th


awwww;∀;)🩷🥹 you’re the sweetest🩷 thank you for always noticing me heh :’3🤍 I appreciate you vv much💜 and I’m grateful for your presence at all :0🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers January 24th



unassumingEyes OP January 24th


Sorry for disappearing a few hours earlier :0 

LoveMyMoonflowers January 25th


hehe, dw, it’s okie